Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongPeter continues on his theme of living in the world as a foreigner
We started with honoring authority, which is the proper thing to do when you are a stranger
We honor government first because it’s God Who places men in authority, so we submit to government because we obey God Himself
Secondly, obedience to authority makes it more likely we will lead tranquil and peaceful lives
Finally, when we obey authority we possess a better witness for Christ
Well, these three ideas continue into today’s lesson
Only now Peter is going to make application to three walks of life we can all relate to
Servants – workers
But the principles we’ve been studying remain the same
We are foreigners, and we should act as one who represents heaven
We keep to the rules of our homeland, not the rules that drive this foreign world
When Peter says servants, he uses the word oiketes – house servant
This is a person who served in the household of a master
This person often faced considerable difficulty in their society
They had few rights and few protections and their master had almost unchecked authority over them
These people usually had significant restrictions placed on their personal liberty
Most of them placed themselves in this position of service, though once they were there they had few opportunities to leave the position
You could legitimately call them slaves, though the position of slave in Greek culture was more akin to indentured servant
Today, the closest parallel we might have is to our employer or boss
Or in the military, it would be our commanders and NCOs
Peter says the right behavior for a Christian servant was to be submissive and obedient
Not only to the good and gentle Masters
But also to those who are unreasonable (skolios – crooked) or perverse or cruel
This is an important Biblical principle that runs 180 degrees from the worldly perspective
What is the worldly rule for good behavior?
We are nice to those who are nice to us
We are opposed to those who oppose us
But what is the Biblical rule?
Look again at Peter’s comments in verse 20
Peter repeats the same lesson as Christ Himself taught
We submit to our bosses or to our employer not only when they are doing what we want or when they are treating us well
We submit to them even when they treat us harshly
We’re not talking about obeying to the point of carrying out sinful acts
If a master says go rob from that person or go murder someone, this is not an order we can obey because it violates God’s law
But when we are told to work long hours in difficult conditions or with inadequate compensation or under harsh treatment, we have no right to oppose that authority
As I search for a good example of this model, I think of Cinderella
The servant girl who did her best to serve her stepmother and showed her respect regardless of how she herself was treated
But if we expect God to give us some kind of heavenly credit for our suffering
We must be sure that our suffering is unjust
Peter says in verse 19 that if for the sake of conscience towards God we suffer unjustly, this finds favor with God
God credits our account in heaven when we represent Him well in the face of injustice
But in verse 20, Peter gives the other side of the coin
If we suffer due to our own sin, then we get no credit
So the appropriate witness for an ambassador or foreigner who is working under harsh conditions is to be a model obedient servant
Think about it
If you want to stand out for Christ in the world as a foreigner or a stranger in your place of employment, how could you do it?
Here’s how
When the world rebels against authority and shows no respect for their rule
You serve as if serving Christ Himself
That’s a radical witness
Because when the world is confronted with authority, it decides how to respond based on what’s in it for them
But when a Christian faces authority, we decide how to respond by remembering what God expects of us
And because we are His representative in this world
We are His ambassador
We remember we are acting in His place and on His behalf
And how would Jesus act under harsh and unfair circumstances
Well, Peter describes how in the next verses…
What a powerful example
The world’s standard is to be respectful when we are respected
The Biblical standard is to respect authority especially when they mistreat us
Because we are acting in the place of Christ as His ambassador
He is our shepherd and Guardian of our souls
And now Peter turns to the second example found within the common Christian experience – that of wives
Peter begins by saying likewise, in the same way
So before we even look at the specifics of how he instructs wives to respect authority
We already know that the principle remains the same
The basis for submission and the value of submission is exactly the same as it was for servants
And in fact, look ahead at verse 7 where we study husbands
The same Greek word homoios (likewise) is used again
So for husbands the principle is yet again the same
We submit to authority so that we can honor God, serving as his representative and drawing men to Him
For the wife, the Biblical command is to be submissive to her husband
The term submission in Greek is a military term (hupatasso)
To be under authority
I think it’s helpful to review briefly the Biblical basis for this command for submission and its real meaning
The basis for a man’s headship within the family was established in the garden as God pronounced a curse on the earth and on the enemy
And He changed the relationship between man and woman
He gave the man responsibility for spiritual leadership in the family
The man was to lead the family in its battle with Satan
A battle that had begun in the garden but was now going to rage throughout millennia of human history
Since Adam had been AWOL in the garden when the Enemy was at work deceiving woman
Now he was to be on the front lines taking the role of defender and taking leadership over the family in all matters so that he had the authority to battle effectively
In contrast, the woman was given a charge to desire her husband and support him from the protection of the rear ranks
Since she had been the one to try and defend the family in the first skirmish with Satan, and had fallen prey to deception
Now she was taken off the hot seat and the man was firmly placed in the line of fire on her behalf
And in this position, her duty is to be a loyal and obedient soldier
Are we saying that a woman is in an inferior position in the Christian experience?
Well, I want you to consider what Paul said in Galatians 3
Spiritually, God does not see gender within the Body of Christ
He sees only His children
There are no second class citizens in the church
We all have equal access to the Father
A woman has no need to approach Christ or the Father through a man
She is no less a part of the Body of Christ
But physically, we still must exist in a specific form for a time
And within that existence certain obligations and expectations attach
For a wife, the expectation is that she submit to her husband’s authority
Consider Christ Himself
He said in John 10:30 that I and the Father are One
They are co-equal and co-eternal
The Son is no less God than the Father
Yet, we also know that the He submitted to the Father in obedience
He did the Father’s will
He was obedient even to death on a cross
So though we know that within the Trinity, Christ is equal to the Father
Yet in function, He took a place of submission to the Father for the sake of creation
In the same way, the woman and the man are co-equal spiritually within the church
One is no more or less a part of the Body of Christ
But in the way God has designed the family and marriage, He asks the woman to take a place of submission
And now look at the benefit that Peter says will be derived from a wife’s obedience
As your husband is disobedient to God’s word, then the wife may have opportunity to win him over by her godly behavior
Notice not won over by a word, but by a deed
Remember the servant example earlier
Did we submit only when our employer did the right thing?
No, but rather even when they did the wrong thing
And what was the result of suffering under unjust treatment?
That we might find favor, both with God and men
Similarly, when does a wife submit to her husband?
When he does the right thing?
No, but at all times
And in fact, it’s when he’s doing the wrong thing that it’s especially important that the wife submits so that she might influence him by her obedience
Sometimes these verses are misused to emphasize the need for women to not adorn themselves
But consider the context
Peter isn’t saying don’t be externally beautiful
He’s saying that external beauty can’t be the mere extent of a woman’s beauty
True wifely beauty is found in her behavior
And specifically, in godliness, gentleness, and a quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of the Lord
The contrast here is between a woman who is outwardly the picture of wifely beauty, but inside she harbors resentment and rebellion and strife within her marriage
And by contrast, the truly beautiful woman may or may not adorn herself outwardly
But it won’t matter what she does outwardly, because she will recognize that her true beauty before God and her husband is found inwardly
In a quiet, peaceful, submitted spirit supporting her husband as he struggles daily to lead his family in the right way according to God’s word
And when he fails, she helps bring him back not by chastisement nor by condemnation
But rather by submission to his headship in the family
If you want an example to follow, look at the one Peter uses:
You may remember the story of Sarah and Abram from Genesis 12
A famine drove Abram to flee to Egypt, which was the wrong thing to do
Abraham did the wrong thing, repeatedly
Sarah didn’t object, she did what she was told
And she did so not because she trusted Abram
But she obeyed because she trusted that if she did the right thing, then God would be faithful to protect her against her husband’s mistakes
And as a result, she and Abram received riches, which became her adornment in a way
In the end, she was adorned by her faithful submission to her husband trusting in God
So like servants, the wife is called
To obey God in submitting to authority
To create harmony in the marriage
To honor God by being a witness to God’s word within the marriage
If a woman wants to make a radical statement in the world for Christ, there is no more radical thing that a woman can do than declare that she views her proper role is to be submitted to her husband’s authority
Then finally to the husband
Now it may seem odd that men only receive a single line
In our culture, we are quick to interpret this as a sign that men have less reason to submit in comparison to slaves and women
But you aren’t thinking with an eastern cultural point of view
If you were, then you would be stunned to find men coming at the end of the list and being given only one line of instruction
The truly remarkable thing about Peter’s section on submission is that men come last on the list and only receive a bare mention
This diminishes men in comparison to the other groups
It reflects the Biblical teaching that husbands place their wives ahead of themselves
The phrase in verse 7 is a bit awkward to translate properly
The most literal translation would be “Husbands likewise dwell with them according to knowledge”
My translation then interprets that to mean live with your wives with understanding
That’s not the best fit, I think
I think Peter is assuming that the man has got the picture by this point
He’s saying live with your wife according to the knowledge you now have
Your knowledge of God’s expectations how a servant submits even when the master is a dishonorable person
How a wife submits to an husband even when he’s an abusive man or careless absentee leader
Knowing these groups will be obedient in submission
Now you live according to this knowledge
And without ignorance about what’s expected of you as the master and husband
Remember Peter’s comments to the church in Chapter 1
They were conforming to the lusts of the flesh in an earlier day when they were ignorant of Christ and His expectations
Now they were no longer ignorant
They must act according to the knowledge they had
And in the concluding words of verse 7, Peter says to live with her as with a weaker vessel
The term for weaker is a common Greek word poieo – the verb to do, or to establish or to keep
This is the only time it’s translated weaker
Considering how the verse ends, I tend to think the better way to read Peter’s statement is that men are to live in understanding with their wife
To keep her, establish her, to honor her due to her vulnerable position in the relationship
And Peter says that position of honor is due her since she is a fellow heir in Christ
Here’s that equality again
For the husband who might decide to abuse his authority and take advantage of his wife’s submissiveness
Remember, that one day we will all inhabit eternity in equality without distinction
And we will be rewarded according to our obedience
And to the man who isn’t honoring to his wife, his prayers will be hindered
Clearly disharmony in the marriage can impede a man’s prayer life
But to really understand this verse, a man would have to be familiar with the practice of a husband and wife praying together
In a healthy marriage, prayer should be a corporate activity
Personal private prayer would take place as well
But the marriage couple would also have a commitment to praying together and for one another
But when the couple is living in conflict due to an abusive or inconsiderate husband
Then these prayers are the first to be set aside
And a man’s prayer life is most severely hindered
Men, let’s step up and rise to the Biblical expectation to lead our families in prayer, especially in our relationship with our wife