Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWhen you are in a new place meeting new people, we’re always mindful of the importance of making a good first impression, aren’t we?
This is never more true than when we are traveling to a foreign country
That’s not the kind of first impression you want to make
Especially when you’re representing your country
In fact, countries usually rely on professional diplomats to make good impressions on behalf of their nation
Like our ambassador to the United Nations
Well, except for the day…
Again, probably not the best impression for an ambassador to make
It’s important that we make a good impression, especially when we are representing our home country to a foreign people
Do you remember at the very beginning of this letter, Peter called his readers two things:
First, he called us chosen people
And he called us resident aliens, foreigners
We’ve already studied what Peter meant by chosen
In Chapter 1 and then the first part of Chapter 2, Peter said it meant we are to be holy
Set apart
A priesthood serving God’s temple, the Body of Christ
Peter ‘s expectation was that we would live in a manner worthy of that call
Living our whole live as chosen people should
Well, today, we move into a new section of Peter’s letter
In this new section, Peter describes what it means to be an alien, a foreigner living on earth
About how our Lord expects us to conduct ourselves while we remain here awaiting the arrival of Christ’s kingdom
Peter begins this section by saying again, we are aliens
As aliens, there are certain things we don’t do and certain things we should do
If you are traveling overseas, and if you want to make a good impression
There are certain things you don’t do and certain things you should do
Example: If you are in England, one thing you don’t do is drive on the right side of the road
Another thing you don’t do is eat English breakfast food, like blood sausage
On the other hand, you should bow to the queen and you should have tea at 4:00pm in the afternoon
Now here again, Peter calls us aliens
In other words, we are living in a strange land
We may have been born here physically
And for a time we thought of earth as our home
And we had no idea there was anything more
But now, as Christians, we have been born again by the Spirit into a living hope, into a heavenly citizenship
So now we belong elsewhere, even though for a time we still live here
While we may understand and even agree with this principle
It’s another thing entirely to live according to it
In verse 11 Peter begins by speaking from the negative point of view
In other words, Peter is going to begin by telling us what an alien living in a foreign land should NOT do
In verses 12 and onward, he will describe the positive perspective of what an alien should do
In fact, the positive runs all the way into Chapter 4
So let’s first look at what Peter says believers should not do if we are going to live properly as aliens
Peter says abstain from the lusts of the flesh for they wage war with the soul
Here again, another warning against sinning by allowing our flesh to rule over us
This is similar to his earlier warnings
But this time Peter is going to use the point to go a new direction
He uses the Greek word apecho for abstain
Which means “to hold back”
We need to hold back these lusts
Restrain ourselves
I picture a traveler who is about to say something rude, and then suddenly remembers his manners, and holds back
Since this is at least the second time Peter has mentioned lusts, maybe we should define what lusts of the flesh look like
Paul gives us the list in Galatians 5
I don’t need to take time to define each one of these
Some of your translations will use slightly different words, which might be helpful in understanding them better
But I think it’s sufficient to note that all of these are desires that arise out of our flesh nature
And they are the antithesis of love – agape
What do I mean by antithesis?
Well, these are actions that cannot coexist with love
They are like fire and water
One cancels out the other
We cannot indulge in these desires and simultaneously show agape love
For example, I cannot show my wife love if at the same time I harbor jealousy, anger, envy
I cannot simultaneously show love for my Christian brothers and sisters and also stir up disputes, enmities, or dissensions
I cannot simultaneously show love to the unbelievers I meet if I also promote sensuality (lewdness), sorcery, drunkenness, carousing
These are desires that arise from our flesh, not from the Holy Spirit living in us
Remember Christ’s commands?
Love your God
Love your neighbor
If we indulge in these behaviors, then we have by necessity put aside love
We have become the world in our behavior
Paul says those who practice these things will be judged for them
To practice means to live according to them, to make them a way of life
That’s what the unbeliever does
When we succumb to these lusts, we are living like the unbelieving world
This is why Peter says that these lusts wage a war for our souls
He’s referring to the way our flesh is naturally opposed to holiness and to God in general
And for as long as you occupy your earthly body, you will experience this war
Your flesh fighting with your spirit for control
In that battle, your flesh is like a man being drowned slowly
It will continue fighting for air until the day God puts it to rest
In the meantime, God has called us to wage that war and to win so that we might represent Him to this lost and dying world
If you think about it, Peter is just asking the church to live in a manner that’s consistent with the customs and traditions of our home country
And our home country is heaven now
For example, imagine if you were an explorer who travels to some deep jungle or forest and comes upon an undiscovered tribe
And in this foreign culture you observe many unfamiliar customs
Perhaps they eat strange things
Perhaps they wear strange clothing
Perhaps they practice strange family rituals
Bizarre things, like the teenagers picked up their rooms
Family members fought over who got to do the dishes
Regardless of what you found, you would continue to follow your own culture
You would still prefer to eat meals like those you had at home
You would continue to wear dress that was familiar and appropriate to your culture
You would continue to conduct your family life according to your customs and beliefs
In other words, you would live in their world, but you would not be of that world
We would remain distinct; you would remain who you are
That’s all Peter is asking for from his Christian readers
Peter says we are aliens and strangers, so we should live according to the customs of our home rather than of this strange place we find ourselves
Now there is a difference between our situation and the example I gave
We didn’t leave our home and travel somewhere new
The new came to us
In fact, we have yet to visit our home
So the temptation to return is very strong
That’s the war being waged for our souls
But because we are still residing temporarily in the old world, we have a job to do here
We are here to represent our kingdom to this world and do it properly
We are now the ambassadors for Christ
So how should an ambassador act?
In verse 12 Peter begins with a long discourse on how an ambassador should act
First, he says keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles
What does Peter mean by Gentiles?
Peter could have simply meant that Jewish believers who received this letter should carry themselves in an upright way among the Gentile nations in which they found themselves
But I think Peter is making a much broader point here
Peter is talking about how the church is viewed by the surrounding pagan culture of Rome
Peter says in verse 12 that his readers were being slandered by this group of Gentiles
The Gentiles were calling the readers “evildoers”
The Greek word for evildoer is kakopoios, which is a common word for criminal
Christians were being slandered – unjustly called criminals
And Peter suggests that this slander was the basis for the persecution
That the persecution came because the populace believed the reports that these Christians were criminals
We can assume that many of these reports were false or were exaggerations
But Peter is begging the church here in verse 12 to keep to excellent (or commendable) behavior so as to give no credibility to these accusations
For they were living in dangerous times
At about the time of Peter’s letter, about AD 64, the Roman emperor Nero had begun to persecute Christians
The persecution was brought about by a fire that broke out in the early morning of July 19, AD 64 in a small shop by the Circus Maximus
It spread rapidly to other regions of Rome, where it raged for nine days, destroying much of the city
The fire was the worst in a series of fires that ravaged the crowded city of more than a million people
Living in tightly packed apartment blocks of wooden construction, set along narrow streets and alleyways
Only two areas remained intact;
One of them was the "Transtiberum" region, the region across the Tiber River, called today "Trastevere"
It had a large Jewish population, including Jewish Christians
Nero was at his seaside villa in Anzio when the fire began and delayed returning to the city
Legend said that at the news of the fire, he began composing an ode comparing Rome to the burning city of Troy
His indifference to the suffering caused by the tragedy turned people against him;
Rumors began that the emperor himself set the fire in order to rebuild the city from his own plans
It was well known that Nero disliked much of Rome
He thought the city was squalid and needed re-building
To stop the rumors of his complicity in the fire, Nero decided to blame someone else:
He chose a group of renegade Jews called Christians
They had caused trouble before and they already had a bad reputation in the city
About the year AD 49, the Emperor Claudius had banished some of them from Rome for causing upheavals in the Jewish synagogues of the city with their disputes about Christ
The ancient Roman historian, Tacitus describes the persecution of Christians this way:
We’ll probably never know what trouble these Jewish Christians may have caused in Rome
And almost certainly, many of the accusations were false
But it is also likely that there was some basis for truth
Especially with regard to the conflict that often arose between Jews and Christians
Rumors are always most effective when there is some credibility or basis for the accusation
In the face of this persecution, what does Peter ask from the Christians?
Excellent behavior:
Live in such a way that we do not give support to their slanderous accusations
Be good neighbors
Don’t do the very things they claim Christians do
And this will glorify God in the day of their visitation
It’s interesting that Peter doesn’t promise they will escape persecution by living in an excellent way
Doing the right thing is no guarantee of bliss, but it certainly helps
Instead, he points forward in time, saying they will glorify God in a day when God visits their enemies
This can happen in one of two ways
Either these Gentiles will be converted by witnessing the faithfulness of Christians and Christian martyrs
And if so, they will give glory to God in the day of resurrection when the faithful will be gathered to Christ
They will glory in how God used the Christians to bring conversion
Or these Gentiles will not become believers and yet they will give God glory the day they stand before God in judgment
At the Great White Throne judgment
When every knee will bow
There is no such thing as an unbeliever
There are believers and not-yet-believers
Peter goes on in verse 13-17 to define excellent behavior in specific ways
It means submitting for the Lord’s sake to every human institution
Whether king, or governors
Meaning you submit to the man in charge or to his representatives
To all forms of human government, in other words
This was a challenging expectation
Peter is essentially demanding that Christians who were experiencing persecution or who were about to experience it should submit to it
There is no qualification here
Peter doesn’t say submit as long as the government is doing the right thing or is doing what we want it to do
I often think back to the Alabama judge who defied the law in keeping the monument to the 10 commandments in the court house
If I understand Peter’s message here, we should submit to these authorities under virtually all circumstances
Even when the decisions of the government seem to go against God’s heart
Consider Peter’s own letter
He’s saying, support the Roman government
The one killing Christians
The one worshipping pagan gods
The only exception I can find in scripture for when a Christian can oppose a government is when that government directs us to violate God’s commands to us in His word
Peter himself disobeyed authority when it conflicted with God’s direction
Peter and John could defy this government order because it was an order attempting to silence their faith
But Peter’s readers are in trouble because they are disturbing the peace and acting as criminals in the eyes of the public
This is a problem with their witness
It’s clear in reading these verses that the church in Peter’s day had been abusing its freedom in Christ
Look at verses 16 & 17
He tells them not to use their liberty in Christ as a covering – an excuse – for their evil
They understood they had certain liberties in Christ
They no longer had to live under the law of the day
But they had taken that to mean nor did they have to submit to a pagan government
They misused this freedom as an excuse to disobey civil authorities
They appealed to a higher authority and claimed they didn’t have to obey Caesar
Peter says this was wrong
This is why I say that the judge in Alabama was wrong
God’s word doesn’t demand that we post the 10 commandments in our court house
God’s word only demands that we keep His commandments
His witness for Christ was not made better by his defying of the courts, it was made worse
Rather than abuse our freedom in Christ, we must be on our best behavior and submit to governments
And Peter gives us three reasons why
First, because in verse 15 it is the will of God that these men rule over us
We are submitting ourselves to these authorities for the Lord’s sake, because it is the will of God
These institutions exist by the will of God
They rule because he placed them in power
When we rebel against government, we actually rebel against God in the sense that we rebel against his will
This isn’t to say that we should never oppose governments in a legal manner
The second reason we honor these authorities is that we silence the attacks of foolish men (verse 15)
If the church displays excellent behavior as a group, then it will give no credibility to the accusations of those intending to tear it down
Remember how Nero and his supporters used accusations of civil disobedience as a pretense to persecute Christians
And if a false accusation is going to be believed, it usually needs to be based in some kind of truth
Peter says don’t give them a basis for making their accusations
Just remember, we won’t necessarily prevent our own persecution
But if every individual in the church kept their behavior excellent and submitted to authority
The effect overall would be to undermine the accusations and silence these critics
Finally, we obey governments and act in an excellent way because by our witness we may bring some men to know the truth
We already noted in verse 12 where Peter says that they might give God glory over our witness
But I also want to close today with an additional thought on how our obedience to authority is important to God’s plan for salvation
In 1 Timothy 2, Paul tells Timothy that God is not partial in bringing men to salvation:
When Paul says pray for all men, he defines more specifically what he means by all men in verse 2
For kings and all who are in authority
And look at Paul’s reasons for why we do such things
First, like Peter’s advice, Paul says it will help us lead tranquil lives
Because we won’t run afoul of the government and bring persecution upon ourselves
Secondly, and here’s the main point, because God is not a respecter of persons
He includes in His plan of salvation the potential for all kinds of men to be saved, including kings and authorities
Since we do not know who God intends to call into faith, we can’t rule out the possibility that God may use us to convert a king or governmental official
We must not waste an opportunity to witness to these men just as we take care to witness to the lowest in society
And witnessing to a man in authority means showing obedience to authority
Try witnessing for Christ to your boss after you have failed to follow his direction
Try witnessing to a police officer as he writes you a speeding ticket
Try witnessing to a judge as he pronounces sentence for your crime
Try witnessing to the IRS agent when he finds you cheating on your taxes
So we are to be excellent in our behavior, obeying authorities over us so that we might be free from accusation, we might witness to Christ effectively, and so that we might obey the will of God
Next week we will cover significant ground, looking at Peter’s specific recommendations for how servants, wives and husbands should demonstrate excellence in their behavior
Bring your spouse and your servant
And if they are one and the same, then be prepared to stay late for some counseling