Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThat story reminds me a little of Peter’s letter
Because sometimes I feel a little like those kittens
One minute I was playing church, and everything was easy and convenient
And then the next minute, the Lord got serious with me, and He began to show me the truth of His word in new ways
And the next thing I know, He began to get serious with me about my purpose in this faith He gave me
And His expectations for what I was to do in my walk as a Christian
And all of sudden, I felt like I had been dunked in cold water
Perhaps Peter’s letter is having that effect on you
This is a splash of cold water in the face of Christians who may have been unprepared for what their faith required
Chapter 2 begins with the word “therefore”
Because you were brought into faith by the word of God
Therefore, do two things
Put aside the characteristics that marked your life prior to your new birth
And long for the word of God
Earlier Peter had commanded the believers in these churches not to be conformed to their lusts
Now he gives specific direction to cease five sins
The first two are attitudes of the heart
The next three are actions that arise from those attitudes
As we look at this list, it’s interesting that we don’t see a broader spectrum of sin
There are many sins Peter could have listed, so why does he choose to focus on these five?
We don’t see sexual sins
We don’t see sins of greed
We don’t see sins of violence
Peter is writing to the church, and the church is generally vigilant against certain sins
For example, it rarely tolerates believers who openly engage in sexual impurity, or financial impropriety
It usually contends with members who open display hostility to one another in its various forms
But these five sins are sins that often live quite comfortably in the church
And yet they are serious impediments to the growth and maturity of believers
The first two attitudes are:
Malice, which is ill intent or evil thoughts and feelings
Deceit which is simply lying in all its forms
And these two sinful attitudes result in three general actions
Hypocrisy, which is a form of deception where we pass ourselves off to be something we’re not so as to look better than we really are
Envy is a form of malice in which we despise another for what we want for ourselves
And slander is the perfect intersection of malice and deceit
It is deception in order to cause harm to another
False defamatory statements designed to cause injury to another
We would all like to think that the church is a safe haven from these kinds of attitudes and behaviors
We’ve come to expect such behavior from the world
We all encounter deceit and malice almost everywhere we go
We see it on the freeway on the way to work
People who seem to take joy and delight in obstructing another car’s path or denying them entry into traffic
We see it in the office among coworkers
People willing to spread false statements about us
People who envy our success and try to turn it against us
We see it in our neighbors and even in those we count as friends
And we see it in family relationships from time to time
But then we come into the confines of a church building, and magically those traits disappear
Or do they?
Peter’s point here is that they don’t magically disappear
And yet in the church, we tend to act as if they have
We don’t often acknowledge them, much less demand that we contend with these attitudes and behaviors
In verse 1 Peter said put aside these things
The phrase in Greek literally means to lay aside a piece of clothing
The same word is used in Acts 7 when we hear the crowd laying aside their coats at the feet of Saul as they prepared to stone Stephen
Peter says Christians need to lay aside – take off – these traits
The reason we set these traits aside is because unless we make a conscience effort to set them aside, they can easily coexist with our Christian experience
We must not allow ourselves to slip back into these old comfortable clothes, these comfortable habits that defined our past existence
The second reason Peter says to set them aside, is because they stand in the way of Christian maturity
While there are no doubt many sins that lead a Christian to fail in their walk, I think malice and deceit are probably at the top of the list
Malice stands in the way of fellowship and an abiding relationship with other believers
And deceit stands in the way of transparency, and the conviction that transparency provokes
If we are willing to be honest with one another, we can’t help one another
And if we can’t help one another mature, we are sheep wandering by ourselves waiting for the enemy to pick us off
How do we leave these kinds of sins?
Verse 2: long for the word of God
Specifically, Peter says be like a newborn child that longs for milk
The picture is a perfect representation of how we are to view the word of God in our lives
The relationship is one of trust and dependence and necessity
The newborn doesn’t eat a variety of foods, but only milk
Milk is not only best, it is the only appropriate way to nurture a new born
And that newborn enthusiastically desires that milk
He/she longs for it
And the baby is completely trusting and dependent on that source
And by that milk, the child will grow strong
And by the milk of the Word of God, a believer will likewise grow strong
The Word of God isn’t just one source of growth for the Christian
It is the only source appointed by God
Like a newborn who can’t eat junk food and expect to prosper
A Christian can’t expect to mature properly on a diet of humanistic teaching, self-help, Christian psychobabble
We can’t improve on the Word of God
We can’t make it better – there’s no substitute for mother’s milk
Take a moment and look at the transition Peter made from the end of Chapter 1 to this beginning of Chapter 2
Peter said that we could prosper in our pursuit of holiness because we had been born of a new seed
And the seed was the Word of God
And now he says that it is this same word of God that will be the instrument to draw us toward maturity
The very same instrument by which God brought us into faith – the word of God
It’s the same means God has appointed to bring us to holiness
The solution hasn’t changed
What worked in the beginning is what continues to work
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
But inevitably, we try to fix it
And Peter says that the church must put off those obstacles that stand in the way of us being useful to Him
We must long for God’s word in our lives
Make it a priority
Learn to seek relief from our difficulties by what we find in the pages of Scripture – for that’s why God gave it to us
Stop seeking solutions in the junk food of the world
Including “Christian” junk food, which is spiritualized pop psychology dressed up with a few scripture verses and intended to sound wise but lacking the substance of God’s wisdom
Once we do these things, we may grow in respect to salvation
Now how is God going to put our obedience and holiness to use?
If we the church do devote ourselves to holiness and self control
If we do put aside those persistent sins associated with our former selves and grow in maturity by the Word of God
Now what?
Well Peter says that just as Christ Himself was called the chief cornerstone, choice and precious in the sight of God
Then we likewise are living stones
By the comparison Peter makes in these verses, he shows us how we are like Christ
Christian just means little Christ, and Peter begins to build a comparison here for how we are like Christ, the cornerstone
First, Jesus was a stone rejected by the builders
The picture is one of masons inspecting stones to select the one that would be the cornerstone for a building
The cornerstone was the most important stone in a building because it established the line for everything else
If the building was to run true and rise straight, the cornerstone must be perfect
Any defect would be magnified over the growth of the surrounding stones
When the leaders within the nation of Israel inspected Jesus, they rejected Him
They declared that He was unfit to be the one that could establish God’s kingdom
And yet He was the stone God chose
He was considered precious
What men rejected, God chose
Does this sound familiar?
Like 1 Corinthians, Isaiah’s prophecy tells us that God intended it to be this way
He planned it this way
God had chosen Christ to be the cornerstone of a new kingdom
Yet He had also appointed Him to suffer at the hands of men who refused to accept Jesus as that cornerstone
Instead, they rejected Him
And from that truth Peter makes the comparison to the church
The church is being built up today as living stones
And Christ is the cornerstone, the foundation of a new structure
We each represent additional stones used to construct the building
That building is the church, the Bride of Christ
Together with Old Testament Saints and the saints yet to come, we all form the kingdom of believers who will join Christ in His glory
And like the chief cornerstone, we are choice and precious
Chosen by God and precious to Him
Though like the cornerstone, we should expect to be despised and rejected by men at times
One of the things that should worry us if we are not experiencing any persecution, is that we are not showing any evidence to the outside world of who we are
The more we are a Christian in the world, the more we will be rejected
In verse 5, Peter says that the living stones are a holy priesthood
Priests under the Mosaic Law were the ones appointed to serve the Lord in the tabernacle
They performed the sacrificial ceremony before the altar on behalf of the people of Israel
Spiritual sacrifices were offered by priests on behalf of the nation of Israel, who relied on those sacrifices to be made acceptable before God
Peter says that we are now the royal priesthood serving God in His temple of the Church
The Church is not the building, but the people
We serve God in serving His people
We are also not advocating that the church is now Israel
There is a false doctrine that believes the church replaces Israel in God’s plan – that the promises given to Abraham are forfeited by Israel and now belong exclusively to the Church
But scripture is clear that the promises God made to Israel He will fulfill one day
In any case, in the current age we’re in, we as the Church now act as the priesthood performing sacrifice of service and interceded on behalf of the body of Christ
We now form the priesthood of believers, doing the general work of what the priests used to do for Israel
We provide spiritual service offering ourselves as a sacrifice with our time and money
We intercede through corporate prayer
We lead our members through worship
Peter uses a series of brief references to the Old Testament, as touchstone verses to prick the Jewish believer’s memory
Chosen race (Isaiah 43:20)
Royal Priesthood
Exodus 19:6 made all Israel priests
But their disobedience at Mt. Horeb resulted in the Levites becoming priests
Holy nation – set apart from sin
Set apart as a beacon among the nations
Placed at the cross roads of civilization
God’s possession
A people He could dwell with
But they played the harlot with the surrounding idols
Israel failed God in their day, and they were judged for it
God has not forsaken them (Romans 9-11)
But for a time they are hardened, and the church has become the one through which God will accomplish this work
God will still get the work done
One day the window of opportunity for the gentiles closes again and God will return to complete His promises in Israel
But in these days of the church, Peter reminds us that these expectations now fall on us
We are God’s chosen people for a time
We are the priesthood of believers
We are the holy nation set apart from the world to be a light
We are the people that God calls His own and He dwells with us through the Holy Spirit
We were once not a people, but now we are the people of God
If God has selected us to be the ones through whom He shows Himself to the world and works His purposes in the world
But then we don’t go out, we don’t shine, we don’t pursue holiness, or service to one another
We don’t uphold His word and proclaim how God’s word will be fulfilled…who will?