Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWhen the Apostle Paul was commissioned by Jesus to become an apostle to the Gentiles, Jesus spoke these words
Paul’s time serving Christ as an apostle included the burden of knowing his life would end in martyrdom
As Paul’s death approached, he faced his end with the same resolute faith he displayed in his life
He testified without fear, he traveled without regard for his personal safety and he taught as boldly as ever
Shortly before he died at the hands of Nero in Rome, Paul penned his final letter to enter the canon of scripture
It was his second letter to a young man ministering in Ephesus
We recently finished Paul’s first letter to Timothy, so it’s natural to pick up with the next letter
But in many ways, the two letters are very different
Paul wrote his first letter to Timothy following Paul’s trial and acquittal by Caesar in AD 62
Paul resumed his travels in Asia Minor, having left Timothy behind in Ephesus
So as Paul penned 1 Timothy, he was concerned for the church’s continued steadfastness in the face of influence from the pagan city and false teachers
As we noted in that study, Paul’s first letter to Timothy is similar to his letter to Titus, another pastor dealing with similar issues in Crete
His letter provided doctrinal instruction combined with exhortation on proper leadership
They were pastoral letters intended to shore up faltering groups of immature Christians led by inexperienced pastors
But 2 Timothy comes under very different circumstances for Paul and Timothy
The year is AD 67 and Emperor Nero has gone crazy
The burning of Rome in AD 64 prompted Nero to blame the Christians leading to persecution
Ever since, it had been dangerous to be identified as a Christian or have contact with the leaders of the movement...like Paul
As a result, Paul had been re-imprisoned in Rome and after his preliminary hearing, Paul knew his death was imminent
So under a deadline and with concerns for the church’s response to the coming persecution, Paul writes his last letter to Timothy
It tell us how special this young man and the church in Ephesus was to Paul that his final act of writing was to them
Paul’s final words are evocative of Moses’ or Joshua’s final instructions to the people of Israel
All three call upon God’s people to hold firmly to the Lord by faith
And to look forward to the Lord’s fulfillment of His promises despite the earthly difficulties that lie ahead
In the few years since Paul wrote 1 Timothy, conditions in Ephesus had worsened considerably
Worldliness continued to invade the life of the body, and false teachers were growing
Now the church was under persecution from the Roman Empire
And the apostles were fast disappearing
So leadership over the church was quickly transitioning to a second generation
This trend, combined with Paul’s impending death, leads him to adopt an urgent tone and offer a very personal appeal
No letter in the New Testament is more personal than 2 Timothy
Paul draws upon his personal example and makes multiple appeals
The four chapters of Paul’s letter move between two central ideas
First, encouraging Timothy to follow Paul’s example of courage in the face of persecution
Courage means facing persecution without changing the message, which pleases Christ
And it may mean chains or martyrdom, but God gives grace to face such things
And ultimately, these things bring reward
Even in the best of circumstances, ministry is difficult and hard
But the temptation to walk away is especially strong when the penalty includes your life or freedom
So Paul gives strong argument to Timothy to stick with the plan
Secondly, Paul puts their circumstances and times in perspective with a lesson on the end times
Paul will compare the situation the church will face in the last days, to the situation he faced in his day
And then Paul explains how the church must face both times in similar ways
We may not live in Paul’s day, but we are living in the last days he described
So obviously, it’s important we give attention to his instructions
Paul’s salutation is similar to the one he wrote in his first letter to Timothy, though Paul reverses the lens
As usual, Paul identifies himself as an apostle by the will of God, a man called into leadership by a personal appearing of Christ
He was called according to the promise of life in Jesus
He means his calling was part of a plan to bring salvation to men
Paul wasn’t suggesting he was personally essential to God’s plan
Rather, he’s reminding Timothy that God appoints men in ministry to accomplish something
God needs no one, but by His grace He calls many to serve Him, which is our honor and blessing
But when a man is called to serve, especially in evangelistic or pastoral ministry, that man becomes a part of the plan of God for the salvation of men
As such, each minister must approach his role with a sober and faithful dedication to the task at hand
This was Paul’s attitude and he calls Timothy to adopt a similar mindset
Paul says in v.3 that he served with a clear conscience as did the forefathers
What a powerful statement and one bound to prompt jealousy in any minister
Having a clear conscience doesn’t mean we didn’t sin
It means our motivation, approach and effort in serving Christ was never compromised
Still, who won’t have regrets over the way we served Christ?
Hopefully, our regrets will not be our strongest memories of serving Christ, but to have none would be truly remarkable
Obviously, Paul was a man of exceptional faithfulness
He was in a line of special men God called to serve Him in key moments of history
Men like Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David
And now Paul
Paul extends a customary greeting of grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus
Then Paul thanks the Lord for Timothy’s salvation and ministry
In 1 Timothy Paul thanked the Lord for his own salvation and ministry
This switch is a not-so-subtle acknowledgement that Paul’s time leading the church was ending and Timothy’s was taking hold
Paul prayed for Timothy constantly, he says, night and day
He longed to see Timothy
And when they separated, they came to tears
It’s easy to imagine that Timothy was like a son to Paul who had no natural-born children
And I’m sure the feeling was mutual
Notice that Paul adds his seeing Timothy allowed him to be filled him with joy
Elsewhere Paul wrote that he rejoiced in all circumstances
But clearly, Paul wasn’t always “joyful” and there is no contradiction here
To rejoice in all situations doesn’t mean to feel joy
It means understanding that God is working to produce something good through suffering
Therefore, we seek to feel joy even as we rejoice in whatever God brings our way
Timothy’s enduring faith in the midst of difficult circumstances was a continuation of his family’s testimony, Paul says in v.5
Timothy’s mother was a Jewish woman named Eunice
Her name means good victory
She was a woman of faith raising Timothy to know Christ, though married to a pagan, Greek father
Her mother was Lois, also a believer
Paul isn’t necessarily crediting the mother or grandmother for Timothy’s faith, since faith is a gift from God
Parenting isn’t the determinant factor in a person’s life
But God commonly works through good parenting to raise up godly men and women
It’s no surprise that believing children are far more likely to come out of believing families who live their faith out in genuine ways
After this brief greeting, Paul moves directly into his exhortation to Timothy
Because Timothy was a man of sincere faith, from a family of faithful servants, Paul calls Timothy to kindle afresh the gift of pastoral ministry the Lord deposited in him
The Greek verb translated kindle afresh is made from two words
One word means a living creature
The second means a fire
Together, they describe something living in danger of dying, of being extinguished
In this case, that thing is the spiritual gift given to Timothy
In 1 Timothy we learned that the gift Timothy received by the laying on of hands was a gift of pastoral care
Timothy was a young man with a nervous stomach of some kind
But he was called by God’s Spirit into a place of leadership and authority
That gift was from the Lord, so it anticipated Timothy assuming the role even if he didn’t look the part
But Paul’s choice of words suggests a worrisome development in Timothy’s walk as a minister
Only a few years after Paul’s first letter, the apostle is fearing that the spiritual fire driving Timothy in pastoral ministry was in danger of dying
We can’t know how far Timothy had moved away from his calling but we do get an indication of what was responsible for Timothy’s slipping
Paul tells Timothy in v.7 that God didn’t give him a spirit of timidity
Paul’s observation seems specifically directed at Timothy’s chief failing – that of a timid, fearful nature
Timothy was leading a pagan church in a major city within the Roman Empire, one closely associated with Paul
Now that Nero was actively pressing for the persecution of Christians, serving as a leader of the church in Ephesus was a dangerous role
It would be no surprise to hear that a pastor like Timothy might shrink back from serving publicly out of fear for Nero’s persecution
Nero was especially hard on those in leadership, so the temptation would have been great for Timothy to lower his profile
He might have declined to preach or lead the church
He may have denied his association with Paul
Or even renounced Paul’s teaching
We have no indication Timothy took any of these steps
But Paul’s exhortation suggests Timothy was in jeopardy of such things
The enemy, who is behind all such persecution, never lowers his profile, never takes a day off
So when a man of God like Timothy takes a day off, the enemy gains ground
Both in his life and in the life of those he guards
Paul says that the Spirit Timothy received was not one that experienced timidity
The Greek word is literally the word for cowardice
God did not put a coward inside us
So when we act cowardly in our faith, we are operating in the flesh
The flesh’s desire to preserve itself is driving our thinking, rather than the fearless spirit God gave us at our rebirth
So indirectly Paul is telling Timothy that should he be feeling like hiding or repudiating his ministry, he can know he’s acting in his flesh
Because such a response would never come by a prompting of the spirit
Timothy would be guilty of making the very mistake Jesus described when He said
When Jesus says “save a life”, He’s referring to our fleshly instinct to save our physical lives
To avoid the threats, persecution, and even martyrdom that come against those who follow Jesus
If the thought of these possibilities scares us out of following or serving Christ, we will lose far more than we gain
At most, we gain a few more years living on earth, only to die in the end anyway
But an unbeliever loses his or her soul
And even a believer has the potential to lose if he shrinks back from serving God
Salvation isn’t in question, but eternal blessings lie in the balance perhaps
So the better trade is to be willing to lose one’s earthly life should God require it
For in doing so, we gain eternal things
So the Lord gives believers a spirit of power, love and discipline
Once again, we’re talking about the nature of the spirit given to every new believer at the moment of faith
As we believe in Christ as Messiah, our spirit is born again in the likeness of Christ
That new spirit possesses power and ability that we never had before
Specifically, Paul says our spirit possesses power
Spiritual power refers to a bold character that recognizes the authority we have when serving in a calling from God
A spirit of power is not a promise of supernatural power nor does it imply we can exercise power over demons or even other people
It’s describing a strength to serve God without concern for the consequences, operating boldly in confidence that we serve the Living God
The power of our spirit won’t allow us to be frightened away from our duties merely because men threaten our earthly life
A spirit of power understands Jesus’ orders:
A good example of a man operating in the power of his spirit was the prophet Amos
He was a goat herder in Judah when the Lord sent him to prophesy judgment against the king of the Northern Kingdom
That calling put him in great jeopardy, but nevertheless he served in the power of the spirit
That’s a man walking the spirit and seeing the power of the spirit at work
That’s the power Paul was reminding Timothy had within him
Secondly, Paul says we received a spirit of love
The love we receive by the spirit is very different than the love we show in the flesh
Basically, the flesh knows how to love only one thing: itself
Though we show emotional love or sexual love to others in the flesh, that love is entirely self-centered
And when the flesh feels threatened, as in the case of persecution, it will take steps to preserve itself
This kind of love is not God’s kind of love
His love is agape love
That’s the Greek word for love Paul uses in v.7
It’s selfless, sacrificial love
It’s the kind of love we show to God and to others when we are living in the spirit
We sacrifice ourself to serve God
And we sacrifice our own needs for the sake of someone else
When we walk in the love of our spirit we will think nothing of self but only of God, and those God wants to reach through our hands and feet
That’s the love Paul wanted Timothy to feel, rather than a selfish love of self-preservation
Finally, the spirit gives us discipline
The Greek word for discipline is better translated self-control (or we would say self-discipline)
Once more, this is very different to what we find in our flesh
Our flesh has no self-control
Instead, the flesh feeds itself constantly and insatiably
The Bible calls the flesh’s appetite a “lust”
Our flesh lusts after many things and at all times
In the face of persecution and deprivation, our flesh will seek ease and comfort and the approval of men
We may retreat from our testimony or from assembling with other believers
In Timothy’s case, he may have neglected to act as an evangelist, which Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy was part of his job
Better to remain on good terms with the Roman authorities than to risk losing friends, home and freedom
Instead, Paul says the spirit in us will exert the necessary self-discipline so we can say no to the flesh
We can ignore the world’s threats, forgo the comforts of concession if necessary and press on with the mission we’ve been given
Timothy may have been meek, timid and fearful, but those were qualities of his flesh, not his spirit
So if he was living that way, it meant he was walking by the flesh and not in the spirit
From that reminder, Paul moves to a call to action
Obviously, Paul says “therefore” because this is the natural response to the truth of v.7
Since we have a spirit capable of moving in strength, love and self control, let’s take steps in keeping with that spirit nature
Specifically, Paul asks Timothy not to be ashamed of the Gospel or of Paul himself
Paul’s request certainly lends weight to our assumptions concerning Timothy
He seems to have struggled with maintaining a public testimony before those who might persecute the church
And he distanced himself from Paul’s ministry
Paul calls himself a prisoner of Jesus Christ
It’s an intentionally ironic statement given that as Paul wrote these words he sat in chains in a Roman prison
As Timothy receives this letter, he would have also heard from the courier of Paul’s predicament, which would have only added to Timothy’s worries
So Paul describes himself not as a prisoner of Rome but of Jesus, because long before Rome imprisoned Paul, he had been enlisted to serve Jesus
Jesus has taken hold of us, will use our lives to glorify Himself, and then He brings us home for a glory in eternity
If we see ourselves in that way, then nothing this world does to us can trouble us in the end
In fact, Paul says he was made to suffer for the sake of the Gospel by the power of God
In other words, the Lord by His power brought suffering upon Paul, as we read in the book of Acts
That suffering was purposeful
It furthered the cause of the church, by giving a strong testimony to the truth of his message
It’s often been said that man doesn’t generally suffer the way the early church martyrs suffered, merely to defend a lie or conspiracy
Especially not when they stand to gain nothing for it
Paul’s suffering validated his confidence in his message
And as a result of his sacrifices, many more were brought into the church and strengthened through his example
So once more Paul tells Timothy not to be ashamed of him and of Timothy’s own testimony
When Paul tells Timothy not to be ashamed of him, Paul isn’t concerned with his own reputation in Ephesus
Nor is Paul concerned for Timothy’s personal testimony, per se
Paul is concerned for the strength and persistence of the church in that city
Should the church’s shepherd in that city back down from a public, courageous stand for Christ, what would become of the sheep?
And if the pastor repudiates Paul’s ministry before the authorities, then how would they defend the truth against the false teachers who sought to undermine Paul’s teaching?
There was a lot on the line in Ephesus, and it hinged on the leader of the church standing firm despite growing resistance
To help Timothy face this challenge, Paul reminds Timothy of his own example at the end of v.8
And in the process, Paul launches into one of the clearest summations of the true Gospel in all the Bible in vs.8-11
In v.9 Paul says that the Lord called each of us into a saving faith by His grace
It was a holy calling, that is a calling to live out the faith we’ve been given
And that calling had no relationship to our works
Our place in Heaven is neither obtained, nor secured, by our good works
We bring nothing to our salvation, and contribute nothing to our glory
We are servants, slaves enlisted to glorify the Lord according to His power and by His grace
And that saving grace was granted us from all eternity
As Paul says in another letter written to this same city, the letter of Ephesians
The supreme evidence of God’s unmerited favor for His children is His predetermined plan to adopt us, a plan He initiated before the world began
How can we fail to serve a God who singled us out from all eternity to receive His grace for that purpose?
And the church has an especially privileged place in God’s plan, having been the ones to whom the revelation of the Messiah came
God’s grace for His children was granted from before time, but that plan centered on the arrival of His Son to redeem the world
And of all people in all times of history, we are especially blessed to have the revelation of Christ’s appearing
The saints of old longed to see the things we know in detail through the word of God, and with the benefit of the hindsight of history
Here again, to whom much is given, much is expected
By His appearing, Christ abolished death for His people
It’s hard for us to appreciate this truth this side of the grave, because our physical body still must return to dust
But the death Paul is speaking about is not the physical death of our body
For that is a death we welcome, knowing it leads to a new incorruptible body
Paul’s talking about the Second Death, the eternal death, the separation from God that comes upon every soul that perishes without God’s grace
The word death is ironic because the Second Death is separation from God is an eternal state of suffering, a state worse than death
That death is so severe that it weighs on the subconscious of every unbeliever
To see an unbeliever as they face the final moments of their life, is to witness true fear of death
But Christ’s appearing brought Him to His own unjustified death, which abolished the Second Death for any who are covered by His sacrifice
And with the abolishing of the Second Death comes entry into immortality
Rather than darkness and fear and separation, we enter into eternal light in an age of glory with God
This is the future promised for all believers, and nothing can invalidate the promises of God
So if that is our future, one that is only a heartbeat away, how can we act in fear or trepidation in the face of earthly threats?
What is the real cost of faithful discipleship?
Merely a willingness to sacrifice something we want to lose and can’t keep anyway
Paul reminds Timothy that they serve a God Who saved them before they knew Him
Paul ends saying he was appointed a preacher, apostle and teacher
God called Paul to this life as a part of God’s predestined plan
And this call was to further the administration of the Gospel of glory by which Paul and all men are saved
A preacher is a herald, someone who brings news that needs to be heard
Paul was one of God’s heralds and the principle preacher to Gentiles, of which Timothy was a beneficiary
The implication of Paul being a preacher was clearly that Timothy owed his own salvation to Paul’s obedience
So that raises the question of who would not hear should Timothy be disobedient to his call to preach?
Paul was also an apostle, which is one sent with a message
Apostles were called to begin a work of the church in new places
Heralds speak and move on, but apostles put down roots to ensure the planting of something permanent
Paul was an important part of planting most Gentile churches of the first century, including the church of Ephesus
Here again, the implication is that Timothy would have no church in Ephesus had Paul not been obedient to his call
And Paul obeyed even in the face of threats and persecution from the Jews in the city
So how could Timothy put that city at risk by shrinking back from shepherding what Paul helped start?
Finally, Paul was a teacher, one who perpetuated the spiritual growth and maturity of what was established
Even after Paul helped establish the church in Ephesus, he returned on multiple occasions during his journeys
Each time he returned, he took a chance with his freedom
Nevertheless, he returned to continue the work begun there, because that was his call as a teacher
Likewise, Timothy was called to continue growing that church, not to decimate it by running in fear or denying Paul’s teaching in the face of opposition
As opposition grew in Ephesus, these pressures only grew
No amount of hype or earthly logic could withstand the temptation to shrink back in the face of torture and death
Only the confidence in the spirit that this life is fleeting, regardless of what it brings
And the call on our lives is to live well for Christ
Not necessarily live long
As I said earlier, our days are moving in the direction Paul warns Timothy, into the later days of persecution
We may not see it yet in our own backyard, but it’s coming the Bible says
And when it comes, we need to remember these words to Timothy
We will need to rest in the power, love and self-control available to us in our spirit so we may give a good testimony no matter what comes