Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday, we return to the Hall of Faith
In the first six verses of this chapter, the writer gave us an introduction to the nature and purpose and value of faith in the life of a believer
Faith is a perspective on the future – one rooted in reality and truth, not in speculation or fantasy – that trusts that things promised will come to pass
By our faith, we give a testimony to the world concerning those future events
And by the examples of saints who have gone before us in life, we can learn what faith lived-out looks like
We can see their confidence in God’s promises reflected in their choices and decisions
We can appreciate their testimony
And we understand that often, their faith leads to persecution and even martyrdom
We learn to accept that possibility, because the hope and confidence of the saints lies in eternal rewards, not earthly ones
The main feature of this great chapter of Scripture is its list of saints who exemplify faith in action
The writer is encouraging wavering believers to stay the course, to live in keeping with faith
Taylor was a man who lived-out his confidence in things unseen
Let’s continue in our study of these inspiring saints, so that we would have good reason not to shrink back to destruction
Not to let the threat of persecution, or even death, convince us to abandon our walk with Christ
Remembering that faith without works is useless, being by itself
Our next example, following chronologically, is Noah
We all remember the story of Noah, of course
He was a man who received God’s grace and a call to build a giant boat in preparation for a coming flood
As God revealed His plan to Noah, he made a promise to Noah concerning future events
The promise was that God would destroy the world with water, but if Noah built a boat, that would be sufficient to save him and his household from this coming judgment
In v.7, the writer says Noah was warned about things unseen
What was unseen in Noah’s day?
The Bible testifies in Genesis 2:5, that the earth did not know rain in those days
God’s plan to replenish the earth’s water supply was to use a mist that settled on the earth every morning, so rain wasn’t required
But since it had never rained, the world had never experienced a flood either
In fact, I imagine that the concept of a flood was literally unimaginable to a man like Noah
Still, God spoke to Noah promising to bring an event that Noah couldn’t fully appreciate or even understand, in response to which, Noah must begin a construction project of unimaginable proportions
Noah’s response was reverence, the writer says
The word “reverence” means a respectful, sober or cautious response
In other words, Noah took God’s promises seriously
He believed that what God said would happen would indeed happen
How do we know Noah took God’s Word seriously?
Because he spent 100 years building an enormous boat
Noah is arguably the Bible’s greatest example of sustained faith in action
There is no record that God spoke to Noah again during those 100 years of construction, until the very end when Noah was preparing to bring the animals into the ark
Do you wonder if Noah faced moments of doubt or discouragement along the way?
If he wondered if he had heard correctly from God or if all the sacrifice was truly worth it?
Nevertheless, Noah persevered, and no doubt he endured persecution along the way
He was building something that no one could have possibily found useful in his day
He was building the equivalent of a wooden Titanic in a landlocked location
But faith will cause us to live in ways that the world considers crazy
It’s our testimony to our faith in the promises of God
And in time, our faith will be rewarded
Notice the writer returns again to the concept of an inheritance, an eternal reward
He says by Noah’s life of works according to faith, he becomes an heir
He will receive a great inheritance in the Kingdom
I wonder if Noah’s inheritance will be on a coast or on a mountain?
Next, the writer moves forward into the patriarchal period with examples of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
But the writer focuses primarily on Abraham and his wife, Sarah
Abraham’s story is probably as well-known as Noah’s, at least among Bible students
Abraham was originally a pagan, named Abram, living in Mesopotamia
He was called by God into a life of faith, living in Canaan
The promise that God gave Abram was, that if he would leave behind the life he knew in Ur, including his family and livelihood, God would bless him with a great inheritance
That inheritance would be the Promised Land of Canaan and beyond
But as Abram first heard this promise, God didn’t reveal the location of that inheritance
As the writer reminds us in v.9, God required that Abram follow in faith without even an understanding of where God would take him
Abram had to make a choice to follow God’s Word, based on a confidence and hope of what God would do in the future
Imagine you are an unbeliever, with no prior experience in trusting and following the Living God (we were all there once in our life)
And then you hear God telling you to leave behind your home (don’t sell it, just abandon it)
And leave behind your family roots
And get in the car and go to the airport
And fly to another part of the earth, where you will live forever
He promises that if you do these things, you will receive a great inheritance from God
This is the test God placed in front of Abram
And Abram responded in faith
But this was merely the beginning of the test
When Abram arrived in the Promised Land, the Lord revealed to Abram that the land God promised wouldn’t be his in this lifetime
Instead, Abram would have an heir, and so his descendants would receive this land
Later, Abram himself would receive the promised land in full, but only in the Kingdom, after his resurrection
When Abram believed these promises, the Lord renamed Abram to Abraham, in recognition of Abraham’s willingness to accept this promise
So not only did Abraham sacrifice his comfort and security for faith in God’s promises, but he did so without the prospect of reward in this lifetime
The writer says in v.9, that Abraham chose to live as an alien and wanderer in the very land God had promised to him
Abraham did not grow up a nomad in Ur
He lived in a prosperous, major city
He had no prior experience living in tents
Yet, he adopted this unfamiliar lifestyle for all his days living in Canaan
He chose to live as an alien, as if he was in a foreign land, though the Lord had promised this land to Abraham
Why did he live this way? Because he believed God when he was told that he would not see his inheritance in this lifetime
He looked around Canaan and told himself, this will be mine one day, but not yet
Notice in v.10, the writer says Abraham was looking for a different city
The Greek word for “looking” is ekdechomai, which means to expect to receive in the future
Abraham was expecting to receive a city which has foundations built by God
Abraham could see many cities around him in Canaan
Cities like Sodom, Gomorrah, Zoar, Shechem, etc.
These were cities built by ungodly pagans
These were not what God had promised to give Abraham
So Abraham, continued living as a nomad, because to do otherwise would have been to forsake the promises of God
He would have been trading what God offered for what the world offered
And even though they looked very similar, they were not the same thing
Abraham knew that the city he would receive wasn’t found on earth
It will arrive in the future, so for now, it’s an unseen hope
Abraham’s example of faith is so powerful because it was so absolute, so encompassing and so sacrificial
If we can say that Noah’s example of faith was one of sustained obedience, then we can also say Abraham’s example of faith was a dramatic, life-changing decision
Abraham became an entirely new person, with a new name, new home, new lifestyle and new outlook
He came to that place based on the Word of God, on the promises of God
And he lived forever more in keeping with his faith
But all the while, the world was pressing in on Abraham from all sides, seeking to pull him back from the walk of faith
Sometimes Abraham stumbled
But he never retreated from trusting in God’s promises
Why? Because he knew a greater reward awaited him in the Kingdom than anything he might obtain for himself on earth
And so, his life was a testimony to the promises of God
And his example of faith is matched by his wife, Sarah
Sarah is cited by the writer as a fellow heir with Abraham, because she too demonstrated faith in God
But her example confuses Bible students, who see her behavior as less trusting in God’s promises
The writer refers to her confidence in God’s promise to bring a child to her and Abraham, even though she was well past childbearing years
In Genesis 18, Sarah is listening inside the tent to the conversation between the Lord and Abraham, as the Lord delivers the news that a child will be born within the year
Notice that Abraham’s visitors (the Lord and two angels) inquired of his wife Sarah
The point of raising Sarah was to emphasize which of Abraham’s two wives would be the one to bear the promised child
The promised decedents of Abraham were not going to arrive by Hagar, but by Abraham’s wife, Sarah
God’s provision would be supernatural and according to faith, not by the works of the flesh
There was probably a second reason the Lord mentioned Sarah by name as He talked with Abraham
He knew that mentioning Sarah’s name would catch her attention, leading her to listen more closely to what followed next in the conversation
And listen she did, as we’re told in Genesis 18:10
As Sarah hears the promise of a coming child, she laughs to herself in the tent
And the reason she laughs is found in v.11
She realizes she is past childbearing years, and to this point, she has been denied the very thing she most wanted, which was a child
And now at this point in her life, she learns that she will indeed bear a child
And so she laughs in response
And from her laugh and her thoughts and the Lord’s response, we see clearly she is in disbelief of what she hears
She asks incredulously shall she bear a child while so old?
Obviously, she’s expressing doubt at the prospect
And the Lord even issues her a mild rebuke for that doubt
So how can the writer of Hebrews now say she is an example of faith?
Well, let’s look more closely at the writer’s statement in v.11
He says, by faith she received the ability to conceive
In Greek, the writer literally says, by faith Sarah gained the power to receive or collect
In other words, she was granted the ability to hold or receive Abraham’s seed
We could say then, that Sarah’s ability to conceive awaited her faith in God’s promise
She is clearly lacking confidence in His Word at the time of the meeting at the tent
But based on the writer’s words, we must conclude that within a few months, Sarah had reached the point where she trusted in the Word of God
And by her faith, she considered Him faithful who had promised
Sarah’s example is an encouraging one for any believer who has struggled from time to time in accepting the truth of God’s promises and adopting a lifestyle of faith
Remember, Sarah had traveled with her husband when he received his call to go to Canaan
So she had already made huge sacrifices
She had no doubt heard her husband explaining his reasoning for their dramatic shift in lifestyle
Yet on the day the Lord visited the tent, she was still struggling with faith in His Word
Nevertheless, in the end, she believed and she was rewarded
Her example reminds us that we too can expect the Lord’s patience, as we strive to believe and live in our faith
Remember the disciples, when they were confronted with promises too difficult to accept in the moment?
The apostles found it unbelievable to forgive others in the way Jesus prescribed
And so they asked the Lord to increase their faith
Jesus’ response is unexpected
He tells them that faith is not measured in quantity, but in quality
Even the smallest amount of faith is sufficient to please God
What’s important is how it directs our life
Christ is the Author and Perfecter of our faith, and therefore, He gives everyone a measure of faith – the same measure
And like Sarah, He is patient to bring us along in our walk
But what distinguishes one believer from another is the willingness to act on our faith
The one who has faith in God’s plan to move a mountain into the sea can speak of these future events with absolutely certainty
It takes just a mustard seed worth of confidence to be aligned with God’s plan
And then the power to move that mountain is certainty of God’s promises
What God intends to do will come to pass, and if we place our trust in that future and live according to it, we will never be wrong
And we will provide a powerful testimony of faith lived-out
Noah, Abraham and Sarah were all people who heard the Word of God, faced a decision of what to believe, and ultimately conformed their lives to those promises
Noah heard in a moment, and then toiled diligently for a century to demonstrate his faith in a promise
Abraham received God’s promises over many years, then was called to demonstrate his faith in critical moments
Finally, Sarah heard God’s Word in a moment, but took time to accept its reality, ultimately leading her to faith and obedience
Whether you are a Noah, or an Abraham or even a Sarah, recognize that God is the One revealed in Scripture, and He is a rewarder of those who seek Him
Next week, we continue with the patriarchs in the Hall of Faith