Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn Chapter 10, God begins to prepare Peter’s heart to open the Gospel to the Gentiles
As we learned last week, the responsibility for the preaching of the Gospel to Gentiles rested primarily on Paul’s shoulders
Peter’s ministry was always a ministry to the Jew
And yet Peter’s willingness to reach out to the Gentiles was critically important to the outward movement of the Gospel
Peter holds the keys to the kingdom (Matthew 16:19)
So bringing Peter to an awareness of God’s plan for the Gentile Church was a necessity
And Chapters 10-11 tell the story of how Peter’s heart is opened to receiving Gentile converts
Cornelius as we learned last week was a Roman soldier
He is a devout man, but his religious devotion was directed toward the God of Israel
Cornelius is giving alms – religious donations – to the Jewish people
And he prayed to the Lord continually
This pattern of worshipping the true God but with a limited understanding is evidence of God’s handiwork
Paul himself teaches about this kind of spontaneous response to God in Romans 2
He describes a Gentile who knows nothing of God’s expectations for Law yet still strives to live in a way that pleases God
Where did such a person get the desire and understanding to live in a godly way?
Paul says the Law of God is written on their hearts
Remember the promise of the New Covenant?
The Lord reveals Himself to our hearts by His Spirit
It is a supernatural process, not one dependent on human agency
But once the Lord makes that change, it will drive us to seek God in a new and earnest way
For Cornelius, it was through alms and prayer
And then God transitioned from the supernatural revelation of Himself to a reliance on human agency to transfer that knowledge
Always under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
For us today, the process is still the same
Our faith moment is a supernatural work of God to write the Law upon our hearts
But then God moves us forward through the help of others who have gone before us in this process
Recent experience with Jewish convert
When the time was right, the Lord sent an angel to Cornelius so that he would come to know Peter and understand and receive the full testimony of the Gospel
He’s told to find Simon, not Peter
Probably because of Cornelius’ affinity for Jews and his identification of their God with His people
And based on the angel’s instructions, Cornelius moves quickly to comply
The trip from Caesarea was a two day walk
On the second day at noon (sixth hour) Peter goes to the rooftop to pray
The rooftop was a place of privacy
While he was praying, the text says he became hungry
The sentence construction in Greek indicates he was extremely hungry
God appears to have created this strong sensation of hunger in Peter
With the power suggestion, God then leads Peter into a trance
From Heaven a large sail or sheet (literally, linen cloth) held up by four corners begins to descend to earth
Inside the sheet are all kinds of four-footed animals and other creatures
Notably, the sheet held many types of animals that were not lawful for Jews to eat according to the Mosaic Law
Peter felt great hunger, but not enough to eat something he had been taught and trained never to eat
So Peter responds indignantly
He begins, “No, Lord…”
Those two words should never appear together in that order
They are self-contradictory
Peter is behaving in a pattern similar to days past
When he heard that Jesus would die, he declared, God forbid it Lord
He then says he has never eaten anything that wasn’t kosher and killed properly
The Jewish dietary laws require that only certain kinds of animals be eaten
And even those must be killed in a specific way that removes the blood
The animal can’t be killed in the common way, which was strangling – or any method that left the blood in the body
God’s response to Peter is that Peter shouldn’t consider something unclean if God has cleansed it
And in the case of the dietary restrictions of the Law, they were no longer in effect because the Law no longer held authority over those who had received the Messiah
Furthermore, God is teaching a principle to Peter
We follow God where God goes
And as God changes His expectations and purposes, we are obliged to change with Him
The dietary rules came at a point in time for a purpose
Once that purpose has been met, then God will remove those restrictions
This was Paul’s essential argument in Galatians
The previously unclean nations of pagans were about to become children of God by faith
Despite the clear message, Peter resists
The whole conversation is repeated twice more
Can you imagine denying God’s command in a personal conversation?
One commentator suggested that Peter may have heard Jesus’ voice in this conversation and probably recognized it from memory
If so, I wonder if Peter had thoughts of a previous conversation of threes?
Jesus asks Peter if he loved the Lord three times
Which followed Peter’s denial of the Lord three times
Which itself followed his refusal to believe he could ever forsake the Lord
Peter has a history of stubbornness when it comes to listening to the Lord
Nevertheless, the Lord has made his point and Peter didn’t miss it
Peter is troubled and puzzled by what he received in the vision
While still thinking about it, the men from Cornelius arrive
The fact that these two events are so closely associated in time is further evidence that the message Peter received is related to the arrival of these men
In fact, Peter gets a second vision from God
The Spirit tells Peter that these men are looking for him and he must go down immediately and follow them
Since these were Roman soldiers asking for Peter, his host may have tried to hide Peter or deny he was in the house
So Peter himself was directed to greet the men
Furthermore, the Spirit has sent these men to Peter, so don’t fear their intentions
Go with them without concerns
And you have to love the dedication to the mission of the Roman soldiers
They deliver the precise message Cornelius gave them
Peter receives them, and gives them lodging
They had arrived at the end of a second day’s walk, and it was too far to set out on a trip to Caesarea until morning
They left the next morning, and six other Christians in Joppa accompanied Peter
We learn the number in Acts 11
A total of seven Jews witnessed the first Gentile conversion
This point in the book of Acts is the turning point for Gentiles
Here the man with the keys to the Kingdom is about to turn the key for the sake of Gentiles
Beginning with this centurion
And to show how monumental this moment is for the Church, consider what it took to get here:
Peter, brought to Joppa through a series of circumstances
An angel sent to Cornelius, a delegation coming to Peter’s home, a voice from Heaven to Peter, and the Holy Spirit coaching Peter to respond
Cornelius’ first reaction is to worship the one sent to him
This is understandable
The centurion received his instructions from an angel and must have been waiting for this encounter with tremendous anticipation
But Peter corrects him and reminds Cornelius that Peter’s presence in his home is a risk for Peter
Because he’s violating the religious rules of the Jewish people
And Peter says he came without objection, so he’s done his part
So let’s get on with this
The tone and sense of Peter’s words suggest he’s not comfortable and he’s here somewhat reluctantly
Despite his words to the contrary
The Centurion responds…
By his own words, Cornelius describes how the Lord spoke to him and instructed him to find Peter
And he invites Peter to present the truth Cornelius has missed up to this point
He knew of God and he knew that the God of Israel was the only true God
But he lacked the fulfillment of what he sought
There was a piece missing, and he was ready for that piece
So Peter responds with another version of his Pentecost and Sanhedrin speeches
Peter begins reminding himself of what he’s always known
The language is Greek, but the phrase is a direct translation of the Hebrew in Deuteronomy
Then Peter gives the presentation of the Gospel to this Gentile
In his delivery of this message of hope, Peter uses his keys to open the Kingdom to the Gentiles according to God’s purpose and leading
Here’s the pattern we expected to see as a new category of believers receive the Gospel
Even as Peter was speaking, the Holy Spirit falls upon all who were listening
Notice that the effect extends beyond the Gentiles
Even those who were previously indwelled by the Spirit are responding in this moment
This fact means that the response is not a response of new faith
It is something altogether different
It is a special manifestation added to this moment by the Holy Spirit to mark the occasion in a unique way
The Jews understand the meaning of these signs
It’s been seen twice beforehand
First at Pentecost and then with the Samaritans
But now with Gentiles?
It’s something no Jew ever imagined would happen
And the moment comes complete with all the signs and wonders we’ve come to expect when the kingdom arrives for a new category of believers
Finally, the Jewish observers have no choice but to accept what they’ve seen
And they agree they can’t refuse baptism
This conversation at the end is important in the way it keeps baptism in its proper role
Cornelius and his household were made children of God by faith in the Gospel
And the arrival of the Holy Spirit gave proof of their acceptance by God
At that point, the Jewish observers could only acknowledge what was obvious
Then they agreed that since these Gentiles were believers, therefore they must be baptized
Their own reason for not withholding baptism was that they had already received the Holy Spirit
Water baptism pictures the baptism of the Holy Spirit
So if the Holy Spirit had arrived, then water baptism was the natural next step
But we see that baptism didn’t make them believers
It was a recognition of their faith
But it was important (Peter ordered…) and it was the means by which Cornelius joined into the Church and into fellowship with believers