Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday we begin the story of Stephen
Commonly known as the first martyr of the Church
He was also the first deacon
And deacons have traditionally played the role of martyr ever since
The story has two parts or divisions, which follow neatly in two chapters
Chapter 6 tells the story of why and how Stephen received his appointment as well as Stephen’s witnessing of the Gospel
Chapter 7 covers Stephen’s martyrdom, including his famous monologue summarizing God’s plan for redemption
At the end of Chapter 7 we also see a hint of Luke’s second main character in the book of Acts
Stephen’s story becomes the link between Luke’s protagonist in the first part of Acts (Peter) and his protagonist in the second half of the story (Paul)
To start, we need to finish the final two verses of Chapter 5, which set the stage for the events of Chapter 6
They had been beaten and threatened with more severe punishment
Yet they left rejoicing
The reason for rejoicing was the way the Lord had counted them worthy to suffer shame for His Name
Jesus Himself had told the disciples that they would be blessed when persecuted
Truly, it was an honor
The honor comes from how God is using our life to mirror His Son’s life, in particular mirroring His sacrificial death
Not every Christian is granted this honor
And the apostles rejoiced at having been counted worthy for that honor
God purposes in granting it now and in this way it seems to be preparation for what will follow in Chapter 6
The leaders of the early Church were the Apostles
But the Apostles were hardly the only ones who would suffer persecution
And God has determined not to bring the Apostles to death too quickly, since they were needed to build this early church
So it stands to reason that other disciples would be appointed to be among the first to die
That leads us into Chapter 6, where we encounter Stephen
So the Apostles gladly ignored the command of the council and kept teaching and preaching, which kept growing the church
So at this time the church is growing
And with growth comes growing pains
Christians are people, and anytime people gather, relationship difficulties can develop
And the solution to disunity is strong leadership
Here we’re witnessing the second example of internal threats to unity within the early church (the first being Ananias and Sapphira)
A complaint arose – the term in Greek is goggusmos, which means to murmur or secretly complain
It tells us that discontent was percolating and threatening to erupt into something more serious
The two groups involved were Jews from different origins
The first group are Hellenistic or Greek-speaking Jews
They came from outside the land of Israel and have returned to settle in Jerusalem
The second group are Hebrews
Which means they are Jews from within the land who speak Hebrew and Aramaic
There was long history of tension between these groups
Hebrews were more conservative and a bit haughty
Hellenistic Jews were more liberal and less likely to following the Law
Both of these groups had their respective widows
Widows were especially vulnerable members of society, and the church placed an emphasis on showing respect for widows
This may have been one reason why the church stood out positively in the culture
Especially against the backdrop of the Pharisees, who showed no regard for widows despite requirements in the Law to do so
The church supported widows by taking collections and distribution money and food to the widows to support them
Somewhere along the way, this process began to fail
The widows of the local Hebrew Jews were receiving a disproportionate share of the support
The text says that the widows of the Hellenistic Jews were being overlooked or shortchanged
How would something like this arise? Who would have instigated it or permitted it?
Today, we would assume it was the fault of a church leader who was biased or incompetent
But at this point in the church’s history, there are only the apostles in leadership
And we know the Apostles weren’t the kind of men to condone this type of favoritism
So we can rule out the possibility that they were the cause of the favoritism
That means that the unfair distribution of food was the result of the congregation itself conducting the distribution in a biased fashion in favor of the Hebrew widows
It’s likely that the greater number of Jews in the Jerusalem Church were Hebrew
So the majority of the church body probably favored the Hebrew widows, naturally resulting in the unfair distribution
And when the Hellenistic widows raised a complaint, a dispute arose
We can see a pattern emerging here in Luke’s account
The enemy works to divide the church over temptations of money, possessions and honor or pride
Think Ananias and Sapphira
Or he works to intimidate the brethren through persecution
Which forms the second half of Stephen’s story
This incident highlighted to the Apostles the need for additional leadership in the church to watch over the flock
So in response to the argument, the Apostles act
They bring the entire church together and announce the need for additional leaders
The reason for additional leaders is obvious
The needs of the church had grown beyond the capability of 12 men to handle everything
The Apostles express the need by saying it is not desirable (or pleasing) for them to neglect the word of God in order to serve tables
Let’s consider what the apostles are proposing
First, the word pleasing suggests that the apostles know there is an audience watching their actions
The audience is the Lord, of course
Secondly, the thing that will displease the Lord is neglecting the word of God for lessor
The highest levels of leadership in the church were to be primarily – if not exclusively – devoted to teaching God’s word
To do otherwise would not be pleasing to God’s word
Even something as important and loving as feeding helpless widows was not as important as teaching God’s word
Obviously, the need still had to be met, which is why the Apostles move to appoint deacons
But it’s worth remembering that the model presented here is that the role of a congregational leader – pastor –is to teach God’s word
And nothing should come before that duty (they were to be “devoted” to prayer and the word)
Other duties should be performed by other leaders
In my opinion, the pastor’s weekly schedule should be dominated by teaching and preparation for teaching
So the apostle bring the congregation together and announce the decision
The announcement makes clear three things to the congregation
Teaching God’s word is preeminent in the church
Other needs will be met by other (lessor) leaders
These leaders have the backing of the apostles
The selection process was also placed in the hands of the congregation
Though we remember that Acts was not written as a manual for church operation, nevertheless this practice is consistent with Paul’s instruction in 1 Timothy and Titus
Suggesting that this practice for identifying leaders is intended to be a model
Here’s the model:
The pastoral leadership of a church is a plurality of teachers with manifest authority to conduct the church’s affairs
They are not beholden to the congregation
The sheep do not lead the shepherd
Since we do not have apostles today, we refer to these leaders as elders
Paul told Titus to appoint elders
The congregation selects deacons
Leadership from among themselves to minister to the other needs of the body
These lessor leaders also have qualifications, as Paul outlines in 1 Timothy and Titus
Here the qualifications are good reputation, the anointing of the Spirit
Reputation is martureo or witness or testimony
They must have a life and walk in faith that bears witness to godliness
It wraps up all that Paul outlines later in his letters
Then they must be full of the Spirit, which means having a life obviously under the control and direction of the Spirit
One thing (Spirit-led life) leads to the other (good reputation)
The seven men selected are an interesting group
First, Stephen gets the most attention, because of his later focus in the chapter
Phillip is listed second because of his role in Chapter 8
The rest have no further mention in the Bible
All the names are Greek, indicating they were Hellenistic Jews
And one of them, Nicolas, was a Greek who converted to Judaism
This shows that the election of the deacons was clearly under the Spirit’s direction
We might have expected at least an even distribution of Hebrew and Hellenistic Jews
Or even a predominantly Hebrew selection
But it was all Hellenistic Jews, showing that the Spirit was working to correct for the biases in the group
Finally, they were confirmed in their ministry with a laying on of hands
This is an important step
The men are nominated by the congregation but appointed by the apostles (elders)
And the laying on of hands symbolically represents the anointing work of the Spirit
All authority and power for ministry comes from the Spirit
Now look at the result of this step
The word of God kept spreading because the apostles were freed from other responsibilities
This in turn led to the further increase of the church – and exceeding numbers
And now a new element
Priests, one after another, were coming into the faith
This is a remarkable footnote, because the priests of that day would have been Sadducees, since the Sadducees were in power during this time
And we see God adding to the church from among the ranks of their enemy in the city
And this revelation is likely the cause of the next episode of external threat to the church
Stephen is working in the full power of the Spirit
And he has evidently received supernatural power to perform miracles and teach with authority
We know in Chapter 8 that Phillip has been given similar powers, so apparently the seven deacons were equipped in a similar fashion
Stephen and Phillip are clearly not capable of these things prior to their appointment, so the power traces to the Apostles
This is an example of how the Apostles were able to appoint others to perform miracles
But these seven are never shown transferring those same powers further
It stopped with them because it had to originate with Apostles
Secondly, notice that Stephen is not depicted waiting tables
No doubt he did his fair share of table waiting, but it’s also likely that he and the other seven appointed others to that task
They were deacons, leaders
This meant they had responsibilities to lead and run the congregation
Stephen encounters a group of Hellenistic Jews and proceeds to present the truth of the Gospel to them from Scripture while in a synagogue
This is the first example of the disciples preaching inside synagogues
Paul later made this his usual practice in every new city he visited
He brought the gospel to the Jew first, seeking the remnant, but then quickly moved to the Gentiles, his primary calling
Luke identifies these men as members of the Synagogue of Freedmen
Jewish records indicate there were somewhere between 390-480 different synagogues in the city of Jerusalem
This synagogue was founded by formerly enslaved Jews, who returned to the city
Other groups involved were
Cyrenians, which were Jews from North Africa
Alexandrians which were Jews from Egypt
Cilicia, which were Jews from Turkey
This last group included Tarsus, which was Saul’s (Paul) hometown
Perhaps Saul was in this group unable to argue against Stephen’s wisdom
Since the men couldn’t win the argument, their pride was injured and their anger turned to conspiracy
So they stirred up others to spread rumors and lies
They accused Stephen of blasphemy
The literal blasphemy under Jewish law was speaking the name of God, which Stephen had not done
Instead they said he spoke against Moses and God, probably because he proclaimed the end of the Law
This led to the Elders dragging Stephen away and bringing him to the Council for yet another inquest
Stephen is accused before the council of two offenses:
Declaring the end of the Temple
Likely a repetition of Jesus’ own words, referring to the replacing of the house of stone with the Temple of the Body of Christ
This charge would have been an offense to the Sadducees who operated and protected the Temple grounds
Secondly, he is accused of destroying the customs of the Law from Moses
Certainly, this refers to the end of the Law now that grace has come in Jesus Christ
This charge would have incited the minority party on the council, the Pharisees
So the charges against Stephen are designed to make everyone mad at him