Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLuke has temporarily suspended his account of Peter’s ministry to describe three men who contributed to the movement of the Gospel outward from Jerusalem
First we saw Stephen, whose death created the environment for the Gospel to spread
Then we read about Philip, who became the first evangelist of the church
And now we learn about Saul, the man God selected to lead the spread of the Gospel to the Gentiles
And in perhaps the greatest irony of the New Testament, the strongest persecutor of the early Church becomes its most important minister
Because Saul (Paul) is so central to the spread of the Church and to the story of Acts, we should take a few moments to consider Saul’s background, based on what we find in Scripture and tradition
We know from Paul’s own testimony in Acts and later in his letters, that he was raised in Tarsus
Tarsus was an important Greek city, containing one of three known medical schools in his day
Jews were forced to move to Tarsus after Alexander the Great conquered the area
It was featured at times in the history of Cicero, Augustus Caesar, Mark Anthony and Cleopatra
Tradition says he was raised by parents who fled the upper Galilee after the Roman invasion in the first century BC
Paul tells us he was raised as a Pharisee, which means his parents would have followed strict Jewish practices in this regard
He began studying scripture at age 5
At age ten, he moved to studying rabbinical teachings (tradition)
At 13, he had a bar mitzvah
During his teen years, he would have lived in Jerusalem where he studied under Gamaliel
He may have lived with a sister, who Paul says in Acts 23:16 resided in the city
Paul also tells us that he was a Roman by birth, which means either his father or perhaps his grandfather had been granted citizenship by the Emperor
Usually, citizenship was granted by political favor or as a reward for loyal service to the Emperor
It brought significant benefits in Rome, including protection from degrading punishment
The child of a citizen was granted citizenship if the child was registered within 30 days
Registered infants received a certificate as legal evidence of citizenship
Paul apparently possessed one of these documents, and he may have carried it with him as he traveled in his missionary journeys
Roman citizens assumed three Greek names
We only know one of Saul’s three Roman names: Paullus (or Paul)
Saul was his given Jewish name
Saul was well educated, obviously very intelligent and trained in critical thinking and argument
He also spoke at least four and perhaps more languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Latin
Though his intellect was impressive, his physical stature left something to be desired
By Paul’s own testimony, he was a poor speaker and suffered physical illnesses and frailties
He must have been rather short, since the Greeks assumed him to be the short god, Mercury, rather than the more important (and taller) god Jupiter
As he completed his missionary journeys, he suffered persecution to the point of marking his body with wounds, according to Galatians 6:17
As we move now to Acts 9, we witness perhaps the greatest conversion in the history of Christianity
Even Paul himself made his testimony of the events portrayed in this chapter multiple times, both in Acts and in his letters
We can safely assume that Paul gave his testimony on many occasions
The scene is set for Saul’s conversion in the first two verses of the chapter
Luke reminds us of Saul’s hatred for Christians
We remember how Saul was ravaging the church as Luke describes it in Chapter 8
Saul has became focused on persecuting Christians after his experience at the stoning of Stephen
He thinks he can find and destroy every single believer in the process
Now we see the extent to which Saul went to accomplish his self-appointed role of chief persecutor
He follows the pattern of the Sanhedrin
First giving threats followed by taking action (murder)
But now he has taken to involving the Roman authorities
The Romans had granted to the Jewish leadership by treaty the right to issue letters of extradition in cases involving violations of Jewish law outside the jurisdiction of the Sanhedrin
The Caesar extended this right over all Jews in the Roman empire
With these letters, a Jew like Saul could enlist Roman authorities to arrest Jews and bring them back to the Sanhedrin for trial
In fact, this step was necessary since Jewish Christians had fled Jerusalem precisely to avoid the reach of the Sanhedrin after the death of Stephen
Saul went looking for members of the “Way”
This was the term for the early Jewish believers, because they were said to follow the “way” of Jesus
Just as in the Old Testament the prophets talked about Israel following the way of Jehovah or the unbelievers following the way of the wicked
When Saul found them he brought them back to Jerusalem bound, which led to beatings, imprisonment and even death
Paul himself says he was responsible for the deaths of Christians
It makes me wonder if Paul’s future in heaven will include a glorious reward
What kind of reward awaited those who were killed by Saul?
And what kind of reconciliation took place when Paul entered the Lord’s presence and met those he had killed earlier?
This trip to Damascus appears to be Saul’s first attempt to track down and retrieve Christians from outside the Land
Saul was approaching Damascus, we’re told, which means Saul had almost made it to his destination
But God intervened in the last moment to redirect him
As Paul tells this story later in Acts, he mentions that the event happened at midday
This tells us that the sun was at its brightest in the sky
And yet another light even brighter appeared to blind Saul
With the light was a voice, the voice of Christ Himself
The voice asks Saul, Saul why are you persecuting Me?
The repeating of Saul’s name reminds us of how God typically addresses men in a critical moment
Like Abraham, Abraham
And the name Saul is written in its Hebrew form in the text, indicating that the voice spoke in Hebrew
Though Saul never met Jesus personally in His earthly ministry, here he has a personal encounter with the Lord
This encounter and all that follows later become Paul’s validation for his claims to be an apostle
Jesus’ first words to Saul ask an interesting question
Why was Saul persecuting “Me”, Jesus asks?
The statement is understandable in at least two ways
First, as Saul persecutes Christians, he persecutes the Body of Christ, of which Jesus is the Head
We can take comfort in knowing that as we suffer persecution for our faith, Jesus feels it with us
Secondly, it reflects that persecution of the Church is suppression of the message of the Gospel, which is the Word
Again, when the Gospel is attacked, it becomes an attack against Jesus Who is the Word made flesh
The question is also interesting precisely because it is phrased as a question
Why not simply say “Saul stop persecuting me”
Yet Jesus asks Saul why does he persecute the Lord?
It seems the question was calculated to shock Saul all the more
Saul was zealous for the Lord and for what Saul thought was truth
By asking the question, the Lord shocked Saul to consider that he had been fighting against God all this time rather than for Him
Saul’s answer can be confusing without proper perspective
He answers, “Who are you, Lord?”
Saul’s use of the term “Lord” could be confusing, because it suggests that Saul immediately came to know Jesus as Lord
In reality, the word is commonly used as a respectful term, like “sir”
In this context, it seems likely that Saul is using it in that way
After all, if Saul didn’t know who this voice belonged to, how would he have known to call it Lord except in the generic sense?
The fact that the voice originated in the heavens gave Saul an immediate clue he was hearing from a heavenly source, perhaps God Himself
As a Pharisee, Saul would have been intimately familiar with the Old Testament accounts of patriarchs or prophets hearing from God in such a manner
He must have been terrified and prostrate as men of the Old Testament often were in these circumstances
Still Saul asks who was speaking, because he couldn’t make sense of the question itself
But then Saul gets a specific answer
The voice is the very person Saul has been disparaging and persecuting – Jesus
Without waiting for Saul to respond (for what could Saul say at this point…sorry?), Jesus gives him instructions
Saul was to continue to Damascus but wait for instructions from Jesus
Meanwhile, Saul’s traveling companions were speechless
They heard a voice but saw nothing
Actually, later in Acts 22 Paul clarifies that they heard something, but they couldn’t understand the words
Only Saul understood what was spoken by Jesus
This fact tells us something important
Saul DID see something, perhaps even Jesus Himself
In contrast to Saul, these men see no one, we’re told
God’s sovereignty is firmly on display here
First, the Lord is seen to be sympathizing with His people in persecution
To the point that He Himself feels the persecution
Secondly, He interrupts the plans of men to preserve (and later grow) His Church
And He does so by turning the chief persecutor into the chief builder
Third, He takes action without the involvement of another human agent
God Himself appears to Saul on the road
No ambassador or intermediary is required for God to intervene and change the course of man’s plans
Fourth, God will immediately guide Saul into a new walk of life according to God’s purpose
God lays out a new plan for the man from the start
Fifth, Saul is never given a choice
Saul is never asked if he would like to “give his life to Jesus?” or “invited” to welcome Jesus into his heart
The only question Saul is ever asked is, why are you persecuting Me?
Saul’s life had been committed to God’s purposes even before Saul knew who the voice belonged to
Finally, God has purposely selected Saul to hear the words while not permitting his companions to have the same experience
God’s plan of salvation operates according to His sovereign will and purpose
This experience impacted Saul both spiritually and physically
So his companions must lead him by the hand into Damascus
And while in the city, he ate and drank nothing for three days
God’s purpose of the blindness was to reinforce the reality of what happened to Saul
As Saul sits in complete darkness, he is alone with his thoughts
And his last visual memory will be that encounter on the road
Ironically, Saul had been blind spiritually though he could see physically
Now his situation was reversed at least for a time
Later the restoration of Saul’s sight also becomes an opportunity for the Lord to build Saul’s relationship with the wounded church that fears him
When his eyes are opened, Saul will see the church in a new way
And the church will see Saul in a new way as well
Spiritually, Paul referred back to this event numerous times
Both in defense of his commission as apostle
But also in contrition to give evidence that he was the least of all apostles
Undoubtedly, Paul’s memory of his days before his conversion gave him an inexhaustible supply of motivation to reach the world for the Lord
Clearly, the church had made its way as far north as Damascus
And in that city was a man named Ananias
God gives Ananias a vision with instructions
He would find Straight street
It was named straight because in ancient cities, streets were usually crooked
This street was straight and that made it unusual and gave it its name
Then he would walk down the street asking for Judas’ house
When he found the house, he would meet Saul of Tarsus
And this Saul will be praying
And through his prayer, he will be given an answer that his blindness will be removed by a Christian named Ananias
Isn’t it amazing to watch God at work here?
Saul is praying for a miracle to regain his sight
Meanwhile, God selects a man and directs him to Saul
Even the names of each man are revealed to the other, so that when they meet, they will recognize God’s work in their lives
Remember this story as you share your concerns with God and ask His forgiveness and intervention
And then remember that the reason Saul is in this situation was because God made him blind
But then remember that his blindness was a part of the way the Lord saved Saul from his sin
Finally, take note that the answer to Saul’s prayer includes a new mission and a revelation that his mission will include much suffering for God’s glory
As you reach out to God in prayer, remember that even your needs were produced by God
And therefore the solutions are at his disposal as well
And consider that whatever answer God brings may leave you all the more needing prayer and intervention
But always to God’s glory and ultimately to our blessing
Finally, Ananias responds in the way you might expect
In fact, he says what I would have said
In a word, no way!
Ananias points out that Saul isn’t one of the good guys
He has been persecuting the church
He has letters to arrest and take them away to Jerusalem
Despite Ananias' effort to “help” the Lord, Jesus corrects Ananias
Saul is a chosen instrument of God
Notice, again, the lack of choice or free will in any of this
Never is Saul asked or recruited by God
Scripture never describes our relationship with Christ as a personal choice
It only describes it as God’s choice
Saul’s future has been set and it will include suffering, as Jesus indicates
Specifically, Saul will be the Apostle to the Gentiles
Secondly, he will testify before kings
Finally, he will testify to the Gospel before the Jewish people
Though they are not the focus of his ministry, Paul always gave the Jews opportunity to believe first
He never stopped looking for the remnant
Luke’s account in the second half of this book is his exposé of Jesus’ promise that Saul would suffer for His sake
Did you notice that Jesus doesn’t expect much form Ananias in this transaction
Ananias isn’t supposed to convert Saul or change his mind on anything
Ananias will simply lay on hands
Jesus will do all the talking
With these words, Jesus persuades Ananias to go and attend to Saul
Ananias finds Saul, and his words and actions display supreme faith
First, to even enter Saul’s presence must have taken great courage
It would be the equivalent of walking across a battle field and stepping into the bunker of the enemy without fear of being shot
Ananias must have been terrified of Saul, yet he goes none the less
Secondly, he addresses Saul as “brother” from the beginning
Ananias isn’t waiting for Saul to prove himself
The Lord has declared he is converted, and therefore Ananias operates from that presumption
Jesus’ use of the man Ananias to confer this new calling upon Saul is notable for who Ananias is NOT
Specifically, Ananias is not an Apostle himself
Jesus converted Saul without the direct involvement of any other Apostle so to make clear that Jesus didn’t intend to work exclusively through the 12 to build His church
He could and would raise up other disciples and even apostles by His own hand
Also notice that Saul’s conversion – easily the most important conversion of the book of Acts – occurs without signs of the Spirit
No speaking in tongues, no miracles
Saul is converted without any of those manifestations, because the Apostles were not present and there was no purpose in such signs in this situation
Still, God did show Himself through miracles nonetheless, so that He could demonstrate to Saul and others that a real change was taking place
The same reason for signs and wonders in every case within Acts
As Paul regained his sight, his first instinct and desire was to be baptized, even before he broke his three day fast
Here’s another reminder that the first responsibility of a believer is to submit to water baptism at the first opportunity
If they pass up the earliest opportunity for water baptism, they enter into a state of disobedience that must be dealt with eventually
Having been baptized, Saul then eats and gains back his strength
He spends a few days with the disciples
And then he immediately begins to preach in the synagogues
His preaching has two effects
First, it amazes the church as they try to reconcile what they see with what they had heard about Saul
God was already using Saul to edify the church by building their confidence that the Lord will build His church against all odds
Secondly, his preaching confounds the Jews in their arguments over the claims of Christianity
The greatest threat to the church has become its greatest defender overnight
But naturally, this stirs up the Jews yet again against the Church
And now they have a new target in Paul, formerly Saul