Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongStudying a New Testament letter can feel a little like taking a college course
The epistles are usually stuffed with deep, theological explanations of Christ and our salvation
They are like onions that have to be unpeeled one layer at a time
We encounter challenging words that require explanation, words like propitiation, predestination, grace
We may find references to obscure Old Testament passages or some new spiritual mystery
So if you’ve ever found yourself reading a single verse from one of Paul’s letters over and over again trying to make sense of it, you’re not alone
But other times studying an epistle can feel like you’ve intercepted someone else’s mail
Paul, Peter, John, James addressed believers from long ago and in unfamiliar circumstances
Sometimes the situations they cover will be familiar to us, like marriage or children
Other times we’re left scratching our heads trying to find relevance in eating meat sacrificed to idols or slaves returning to their masters
But apart from the unique subject matter and style of each epistle, we generally find a common pattern in most every New Testament letter
You will find teaching on doctrine followed by exhortation for practical application of that doctrine
The writer tells us something about the Person of Christ or the work of Christ or the future of the Church
And then the writer turns to his readers and urges us to act in accordance with that knowledge
And of course this makes perfect sense, that we should first need to understand God’s ways and expectations before we can seek to please Him
Moreover, if we appreciate what God has in store for us, we’re less likely to live in a shortsighted fashion
And we certainly find this pattern in Paul’s letters
Perhaps more than anyone else, Paul uses teaching on Christian doctrine as a springboard into exhortation for how to live
He gives us the “what” so he can then give us the “so what”
Near the end of his life Paul declared he was innocent before men for having declared the whole counsel of God
He understood that believers need both doctrine and exhortation to achieve their full measure of spiritual maturity
I once heard someone foolishly suggest that the church needed less teaching on doctrine and more calls to action
That’s a clear denial of what we find in the New Testament letters
That’s like the captain of a cruise ship ordering more propeller but less rudder
It merely results in going nowhere faster
But we can see in the epistles themselves evidence that the Lord expected us to understand the doctrines of our faith so we may live by them, as Jesus said:
Jesus wants followers to hear His word (which means to understand it) and then to put into action what we’ve learned
It’s possible for a person to understand God’s word yet fail to put it into action
Sadly, believers do this all the time
But it’s impossible to act on something you’ve never taken time to understand
Therefore, the Church must endeavor to know the mind of God as revealed in scripture as a prerequisite to living according to the word
We study epistles to learn doctrine
Then we dare to put into action what we learn, even against the rebellion of our flesh and the resistance of the world
That’s why the Lord gave us the epistles and that’s why we study them
Today we begin our study in a letter written to a major city of the Roman Province of Asia Minor, called Ephesus
But we aren’t starting in the letter Paul wrote to that city
Instead, we begin this morning in a letter Jesus wrote to Ephesus some 30 years later
From Revelation 2:
Obviously, we’re not starting a study of Revelation, but we’re looking at Revelation 2 today because Jesus’ letter to Ephesus directly relates to Paul’s letter
The Apostle John records Jesus’ commendation to the church in Ephesus for standing strong against false teachers
Certainly, standing up to false teachers is a commendable thing
Other churches in their day were not so diligent
False teachers, particularly Judiazers, were making inroads into churches in the empire at that time
But Ephesus remained devoted to proclaiming and preserving the true doctrines of the apostles
Ephesus’ resistance to false teaching probably came from their close association with early church leaders
Paul lived and taught in Ephesus for about three years during his second missionary journey
The Apostle John himself ministered inside the city for some years
And Paul’s protege Timothy ministered there as well
There are even some who suggest Peter may have spent time in Ephesus after fleeing Jerusalem
With so many strong teachers guarding the flock in Ephesus, it’s not surprising that the church held the high ground on doctrine
But what is a little surprising, however, is that this church failed to put that doctrine into action
Jesus told this church that He had one thing against them: they had left their first love
What is the “first love” of the church?
One possible answer (and perhaps the first one that comes to our minds) would be Christ Himself
But I don’t think that’s what Jesus is talking about here
I don’t think Jesus is saying the church abandoned Him personally, as if to suggest they were no longer believing in Jesus
The word in Greek for “first" is protos, which means most prominence, before all else
He’s not speaking of chronological order, that is the first kind of love
He’s speaking of most important, the highest priority
Notice in v.5 the Lord gave the church the recipe for returning to their first love
He told the church to do the deeds they did at first
Once again, the word is protos meaning most important
So apparently, the first or highest priority love of the church is serving the Lord through our deeds
We’re talking about worship, study, prayer, meeting the needs in the body
Witnessing concerning their new-found faith to the citizens of Ephesus
Enduring persecution even as they rejoiced in miracles of the Spirit
In short, living by the Spirit in light of the salvation they have received
Ephesus had great respect for doctrine, great intolerance for false teaching, and at one point they did deeds in keeping with the doctrine they knew
But at some point, things changed in Ephesus
They left their first love, Jesus said
They set aside the more important work of the Church, of serving Christ and God’s people
Instead, they returned to the lower priority of pursuing worldly things, earthly accomplishments, earthly wealth, earthly recognition
Because they knew so much and did so little, Jesus declared it was to their condemnation in the end
Jesus warned the church in Ephesus they could lose their lampstand
In other words, if they would not fulfill their mission to be light in the world, then they forfeit their place as a church
This is a sobering thought we shouldn’t run past too quickly
Jesus says that putting our faith and our knowledge of doctrine into action is so important to Him, that if we fail in that mission, we no longer have reason to exist as a church
James famously says that faith without works is dead, is useless, because it exists by itself (James 2:17)
In other words, the Lord never intended for our faith to exist “by itself”
Faith was always intended to lead to action
We should ask what distracted the church in Ephesus away from the deeds they did at first?
False teaching is often the cause for a church wandering, but we know it wasn’t false teaching in the case of Ephesus
Jesus praised them for their adherence to sound doctrine
No, in this case it must have been something else
The most likely cause was the culture of Ephesus itself
Ephesus was a very wealthy, very exciting, metropolis but it was also a very corrupting place to do ministry
It was the capital city of the Roman province of Asia Minor, famous for its temple to the goddess Diana and for its Roman stadium
The temple drew worshippers from around the empire and featured thousands of prostitutes who participated in the pagan ceremonies
The city’s stadium was the largest of its kind in the world, seating 50,000 people for gladiator games
And the city was alive with commerce and food and drink, fueled historically by its major port, but also by trade, banking and temple visitors
In short, Ephesus was a “happening” place
So if you wanted to chase the world’s riches or perhaps obtain a name for yourself or power in an earthly institution, Ephesus was a good place to do it
And it seemed the church in Ephesus began doing just that
History records that Jesus did, in fact, follow through on his warning to remove the church’s lampstand
He withdrew His hand of blessing causing the church to disappear
By the second century, the city was in decline, the port having silted up over the years, and the church having died out
Eventually, the city itself became a ruin
This sad outcome is even more surprising when you remember the church’s beginnings
Not only did Paul and other apostles live and teach in the city for several years
But Paul made special effort to meet with the church elders and exhort them concerning this very threat while on his way to Jerusalem for the final time
Listen to Paul’s words of advice to the church leadership
These were Paul’s parting words to the elders at Ephesus
For our purposes this morning, I want us to focus on the last part of that passage
Paul ends his comments by asking the leaders to remember Paul’s example as he lived among them for several years
Specifically, he says in Acts 20:31 that he admonished them day and night with tears while he lived in Ephesus
Paul speaks like a man who was burdened by what he experienced in Ephesus and he dearly wanted better things for the church
What burdened Paul?
We get a clue by what Paul says next in v.32
Paul commends them to the word of God, which he says can build them up and deliver an inheritance to the sanctified
Paul’s mention of an “inheritance” is key here, because it turns out that the church’s key weakness was pursuit of riches in all forms
As I said, this was a wealthy city, a city that not only possessed great wealth but also inspired its citizens to seek for more of it
We all know this feeling to some extent, the feeling that we wish we could have what others around us possess
It’s human nature to see wealth on display and to covet for it
If we are dishonest, then we will seek to obtain it in illegitimate ways
But even if we are upright and honest, we may still become distracted working for it at the expense of serving God
Next, Paul exhorts the church to remember his example while he lived among them
In v.33 Paul says, remember that he coveted no one’s silver and gold
Paul was not defending himself against accusations that he was a thief
He was pointing out by way of example that he never set his sights on obtaining the wealth of Ephesus
He didn’t desire their silver and gold, it didn’t distract him and he didn’t work to obtain it from them
Instead, Paul says he worked to support his basic needs, enough to ensure he wasn’t a burden on others, but that’s where it ended
Paul says in v.35 that he did this so that he had time remaining to work on more important matters, on spiritual concerns
Specifically, he says he worked to help the weak in the church
Paul meant he spent time working to assist the poor financially, perhaps those too sick or old to work themselves
But I think Paul also meant he invested time in the spiritual needs of the church, teaching and praying and encouraging
These things Paul told the church to remember, as a model for their own behavior, because back in v.32 he told them they had an eternal inheritance
Paul is talking about riches in Heaven, riches awaiting those who are sanctified
Which explains his concluding comment in v.35 where Paul says it is more blessed to give than receive
When we give (e.g., time, talent, treasure) to the needs of the body, we are investing in our own spiritual future
We are serving Christ sacrificially, and by doing so we are storing up treasure in Heaven, as Jesus said
Our giving will be blessed later in Heaven, and the result will be far greater riches than anything we could have obtained here
On the other hand, when we structure our earthly lives to “receive,” that is to receive wealth or spend time on ourselves or gain attention for ourselves instead of for Christ, we may be forgoing heavenly things
Certainly, we can say we are blessed by what we obtain here
A rich man on earth is blessed
A man who received great power or honor on earth might say he’s blessed
But those blessings are always less than the heavenly one reserved for those who serve Christ
Paul said he made sacrifices to model what serving Christ looks like to a church that lived in a rich city with many distractions
And as Paul lived among them, he was burdened by the sight of their struggles with temptation
And he must have pleaded them with tears to not get caught up in chasing the world
Paul maintained his first love and he admonished the church in Ephesus to do the same
To seek for the inheritance found by hearing and doing the word of God
And not to covet the gold and silver that will perish
So you might be asking how this background relates to our study of the book of Ephesians?
First, it’s clear that Paul and Jesus had concerns for this church
In Paul’s final instructions in Acts, he was concerned the church might succumb to the temptations of the city to serve self instead of Christ
And just a few decades later, we hear Jesus telling this church they did, indeed, leave the highest priority, which suggests they went after other things
Secondly, it’s safe to say Ephesus was a church whose affections were divided
On the one hand, they knew and respected the doctrines of their faith
On the other hand, they desired the wealth and prominence their city offered to those willing to chase after it
The Church had known a period of success, early in their walk, when their faith prompted a love for serving God and His people
They served the mission of the church, setting aside the pursuit of earthly things and setting their eyes on Jesus and His concerns
But eventually, they fell to the temptations of earthly things, they left their first love and they lost their way and eventually their place
This is how the story of Ephesus ended
It’s an unhappy ending
But it didn’t have to be this way
The circumstances surrounding the Church of Ephesus have much in common with the Church today in many places in the world
We are blessed to be living in the wealthiest time in all human history
Most developed nations enjoy a standard of living far beyond what was possible in past generations
While we still have places of poverty and war and disease, in general those things impact less people to a lessor degree than in times past
In many places today the church is surrounded by a culture of materialistic, attention hogging, power grabbing, experience seeking pagans
Just like the church in Ephesus
So the question arises, are we in danger of leaving our first love?
Are we all doctrine and no action?
Do we guard the teaching yet allow our hearts to be tempted by the world around us?
Do we acknowledge we have been approved by God through our faith in Christ yet still covet the praises of men?
Are we all hat and no cattle, as the phrase goes?
I’d like to suggest that the story of Ephesus we studied this morning is like the Ghost of Christmas Future from Dickens’ Christmas Carol
It’s a story of how one Church ended, and it could be the story of how other churches will go too…but it doesn’t have to be our story
We may live in a similar materialistic, pagan culture as the church in Ephesus did
But we don’t have to succumb to the same temptations
Because we have Paul’s letter written to Ephesus
Paul’s letter is one of the notable ironies of the New Testament
He wrote the letter precisely to encourage the church not to fall to the very temptations that eventually did them in
Having lived among them for years, he knew the culture well
And naturally he worried for the church’s future, as we heard in his parting comments in Acts
So Paul wrote a letter that is 50% doctrine, 50% exhortation hoping to prevent the church’s downfall
He will explain the true riches that accompany salvation and sanctification for every believer
So that the church might have reason to set aside their desires for Ephesus to pursue Christ instead
And he calls for the church to live a sanctified life, one that witnesses to Christ in a daily way
History records that the church didn’t heed the instruction they received
They may have guarded the letter, they may even have understood it
But they certainly didn’t put it into action
Their faith stood by itself, being useless, dead
And ultimately that became the fate of the church itself
That doesn’t have to be our future, if only we would hear the word of God and do it
Starting next week, we dive into Paul’s letter seeking to hear it and do it…