Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongValentines day is right around the corner (heads up men!)
That day reminds us that when we care about someone and we want to show it, we often bring them gifts
A gift is a sign of our affection
It can’t begin to equal our feelings for the person, but a nicely chosen gift can be a wonderful representation of how we feel
And almost everyone loves to receive a nice gift…like the teacher in the small town who received gifts from her class on Valentines Day
Gifts are a good thing, but only if we understand them properly
And this is true for both kindergarten teachers and for those of us in the body of Christ
For we all receive gifts from Christ
Last week in Ephesians, Paul implored the church to see itself as one body rather than as individuals or even as two groups of Jew and Gentile
He reminded the church that they were united by the same Spirit Who brought them into a common baptism of faith
They entered that faith by the same calling from the same Father
And therefore, they had no spiritual reasons to consider themselves separate
As we’ve discussed before, it’s likely the church was dealing with false teachers
They were Judiazers, who were trying to drive a wedge between Jew and Gentile in the church
While there used to be such a separation, it was removed in the New Covenant
Now the Jewish follower and Gentile follower of Christ were on equal footing
So this morning Paul moves his argument forward one more step, to explaining that everyone in the body was equally empowered by Christ for service
As further proof the church body has been united by our common faith, Paul adds that each of us has received a measure of God’s grace in the form of a gift
The gift Paul’s talking about is the spiritual gift that Christ’s Spirit assigns to every believer
Spiritual gifts are specific assigned abilities to serve in the body of Christ
You may remember our study on spiritual gifts a few years ago in our study of 1 Corinthians
We learned then that spiritual gifts are assigned to us at the moment of faith by the Spirit according to the will of God
He determines what gift we each get
And our ability to serve in that gift remains under the control of the Holy Spirit so that as we serve, the Lord gains the glory
That’s the very purpose of a spiritual gift: to glorify Christ through service to His body
Paul raises the topic of spiritual gifts in this chapter as further proof of the spiritual unity of the church body
All believers receive a gift from Christ, not just Jews or Gentiles
This experience is common to all believers
But Paul’s argument goes deeper than simply common experience
Paul’s making a reference to marriage
When a man and a woman entered into a marriage covenant (called the betrothal), the bride received gifts to seal the covenant
Typically she received a ring or other symbol as a gift
You may remember how Isaac and Rebecca were betrothed
The societal rules of engagement and marriage have changed over the years
But men still give women an engagement ring today
Paul’s referring to this practice, because Christ is our Groom and we are His Bride
So because we have entered in a covenant with Him through our faith, we have received a betrothal gift
Notice in v.7 the word “gift” is singular, which I believe indicates that we are given a single spiritual gift, not multiple gifts
We may use our gift in a variety of ways, but our supernatural gift is singular
For example, a person may have a gift of service, but they put that gift to work in teaching or counseling or praying for others
Or someone may have a gift of teaching, but they use that gift while serving as a pastor or evangelist
In the end, we all have a supernatural gift given to us by Christ to empower us in service
Paul says this was God’s grace
Every gift is by definition an act of grace
When I give you a gift, I’m bestowing something upon you that you didn’t earn and had no right to demand
It comes to you only as a matter of grace, undeserved favor
Furthermore, it was a measure of his grace
The word measure in Greek suggests some gifts represent a greater share of grace because they are more important to the body
For example, the gift of apostleship or prophet is a greater measure of God’s grace than lessor gifts
So some got “more” grace than others did, but everyone got exactly what the Lord desired for them
It’s this common experience of receiving spiritual gifts that argues for our equality before God
If all believers are gifted by the same Spirit, then it must be that God intended for all members of the body to be equal participants in the life of the body
That’s Paul’s argument
The Lord has made His desire for unity clear by gifting all believers in the body
He expects all to work together arm-in-arm without prejudice or haughtiness
And therefore, any teaching to the contrary – any teaching that seeks to erect new barriers between believers – must be rejected
Furthermore, if everyone in the body has been given a gift, then it must be that all of us are called to put our gift to work for the sake of unity
Have you ever considered that your spiritual gift plays a role in ensuring the proper unity of this body?
That if you withhold your spiritual gift from the body of Christ you may be contributing to our instability and even disunity?
Paul will elaborate more later in this chapter on how spiritual gifts work to unite the body
But first, Paul is going to insert a brief sidebar from the Old Testament
In his sidebar Paul wants us to understand what the Messiah had to do in order to grants us these gifts
Gifts that some of us may be taking for granted or leaving dormant
Paul explains in vs.8-10
In v.8 Paul quotes Psalm 68:18, though he paraphrases the verse to reveal its prophetic meaning more clearly
Back in Psalm 68, v.18 reads like this:
In the English translation I use (NASB), the translators phrased line two of the verse to say Christ received gifts from men
But Paul rephrases the verse in Ephesians to read that Christ gave gifts to men
We can see that Paul’s view is correct when we look at the Septuagint, the Jewish translation of their scriptures into Greek
From this translation we see Paul’s interpretation is correct
The psalmist wrote that Christ received gifts for men
Which is to say the Father gave His Son gifts to be given to men
These are the spiritual gifts that Paul is talking about, which the Father bestows on His children in faith by means of Christ’s Spirit
So the Father is the One determining our gifts, and His Son has received all glory and power from the Father, which He gives to men
The rest of Psalm 68:18 explains the occasion when these gifts will be made available to men
The psalmist says the Messiah gives gifts to men when He ascends on high
This is a reference to Christ’s ascension into the throne room of God following His resurrection
The book of Acts records that after Jesus’ resurrection from the tomb, He spent 40 days on earth making appearances to His disciples
Those appearances proved Jesus’ claims to live again
Then in Acts 1 we reach the moment when Jesus departed the earth and returned to the right hand of the Father
We call this moment the ascension because Jesus ascended, He was raised up, into Heaven
But Paul seizes on this word in the Psalm to explain its full meaning
In v.9 Paul says that Jesus’ ascent was from a place in the lower parts of the earth
The lower place Paul is talking about is a place that the Old Testament scriptures call Sheol
To understand what Paul is saying and how it relates to the giving of gifts, we need to learn about Sheol
The Bible teaches that no one can approach the holiness of God because of our sin
God is holy and perfect and just in all ways
So if sin enters into His presence, His perfect nature will lead Him to bring proper judgment against sin
Perfect justice requires that sin be judged
He cannot do otherwise, because if God were to permit sin to abide in His presence, He would be imperfect and unjust
Under the Law of Moses, the Lord gave Israel a sacrificial system to demonstrate these principles
God’s glory dwelled with Israel in the tabernacle but only behind walls and curtains out of view
God’s glory occupied the Holy of Holies above the mercy seat
His glory was hidden away from sinful men behind tents and curtains
For sinful men can’t survive an encounter with the Living God, as God Himself declared to Moses
In the Law, the Lord did make a way for the High Priest to enter the Holy of Holies one time each year to make atonement for the people
At the feast of Yom Kippur, the high priest would make sacrifices of animals as atonement for his own sin
And then he would fill the Holy of Holies with smoke to obscure the glory of God
And then he could enter to perform his priestly duties without risk of death
Hebrews tells us that the tabernacle was merely a picture of heavenly things
The tabernacle taught Israel that a blood sacrifice was necessary before sinful men could enter into the presence of the Lord
First, it taught that sin had to be judged
And the only judgment God accepts for sin is death
But it also taught that the death of an animal is not a sufficient payment for the sin of men
Every year the high priest had to repeat the sacrifice of animals before he could re-enter the Holy of Holies
That sent a message to Israel that the problem of our sin cannot be solved by the blood of animals
Something better would be needed to satisfy the wrath of God
And that something better was the sacrificial death of God Himself on our behalf
So the Messiah was God’s provision to sinful man
When Jesus died on the cross, He shed His blood to make the one and only payment for the sin of mankind
Anyone covered by His sacrifice need never make any other sacrifice for their sin
The Father accepts the sacrifice of His Son as full payment for all sin, whether past, present or future
So because of Christ’s sacrifice and our faith in that sacrifice, when we die our spirit can enter into the presence of the Father without fear of judgment
The judgment we had coming for our sin was already poured out on Christ on the cross
Leaving us without condemnation
But what about those saints who died prior to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross?
For example, what happened to Abraham when he died?
The Bible says he was a man of faith in God’s promises
And because of his faith, God credited Abraham with righteousness
The Bible declares Abraham was a righteous man by faith
Which means Abraham was assured by God that he would be protected from God’s wrath for his sin
When God declares a person to be righteous by faith, it means they will be acquitted of their sin on judgment day
God’s wrath for Abraham’s sin was poured out on Christ instead
But hold on…Abraham lived long before Christ died on the cross
When Abraham died, Christ’s sacrifice for sins had not yet happened
His soul couldn’t have entered into the presence of God when he died because his sin debt was unpaid
So when Abraham breathed his last, and his body was buried in the tomb, where did his soul go?
For that matter, what did God do for the souls of all Old Testament saints?
Even John the Baptist faced the same dilemma, since he died while Jesus was still alive on earth
Scripture says God provided a place of comfort for these people until the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection
The Bible calls this place Sheol
You’ll see occasional references to Sheol in the Old Testament
For example, when Jacob learns that his favorite son, Joseph, has been killed by wild animals, Jacob says this in his distress
Jacob declares his sorrow will cause him to “go down to Sheol”
Jacob was an Old Testament saint like his father and grandfather
He was righteous by faith, so like Abraham knew he would be saved from the penalty of his sin at his death
As we would say today, Jacob was a saved man, and yet here he declares he expects to go “down to Sheol” after he died
Why isn’t Jacob talking about going “up” to Heaven as we would say today?
Because Old Testament saints understood that they would go to Sheol at death
So what is Sheol exactly?
It’s a place where God held the souls of all those who died prior to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross
And Sheol is two places, actually
One part of Sheol held the souls of the Old Testament saints like Abraham or Jacob
They were held in Sheol in a place of comfort awaiting the sacrifice of Messiah as payment for their sins
As we just explained, until Jesus paid the price for sin, no one could enter into God’s presence so this temporary home was necessary
Since the place of comfort was Abraham’s home for a time, it came to be called “Abraham’s Bosom,” meaning the place of Abraham’s comfort
But Sheol was more than just Abraham’s Bosom
Sheol had a second part that held the souls of all those who died without faith
This part of Sheol goes by a different name: Hades
Hades is the Greek word for the place we call Hell
And as the name suggests, this side of Sheol is not a place of comfort
Jesus describes the difference between Abraham’s Bosom and Hades in a short account about two men who descend to Sheol after death in Luke 16
By the time of Jesus’ first coming, both sides of Sheol were packed
Abraham’s Bosom held the souls of every Old Testament saint since Adam and Abel
While Hades held the souls of every unbeliever since Cain
We can safely assume that the population of Hades was much larger than that of Abraham’s Bosom
As Jesus said
We know from scripture that Jesus’s body lay in the tomb for three days
During that time, Jesus’ spirit descended into Sheol to spend three days in Abraham’s Bosom
While He was there, Jesus must have preached to the Old Testament saints
Remember the Lord only revealed bits and pieces of His plan of redemption to the Old Testament saints
They all had faith in a promised provision for sin, but they didn’t necessarily know exactly how or when God would provide it
Now they were learning the full the story…from the Messiah Himself
Best of all they learned that Jesus had just paid the price for their sins by dying on a cross
And so now they would accompany Him into God’s presence without fear
What a joyous celebration must have followed that news!
But Jesus also preached to another crowd in Sheol
Peter says Jesus also preached to the souls of the condemned suffering in Hades, which Peter calls a “prison”
At first, we wonder why would Jesus preach to these souls?
Was He giving them a second chance to believe?
The answer is no, because Hebrews 9:27 teaches there is no second chance following death
We are appointed to die once and then comes judgment
Instead, Jesus witnessed to their just condemnation
Remember, sometimes the Lord uses our witness to bring others to faith and salvation
But other times He uses our witness to bring just condemnation against their hard hearts
The Bible teaches that eventually every tongue will confess and every knee will bow at the name of Christ…eventually
Confessing Christ only yields salvation if we make that confession on faith, before we die
I’m sure the spirits in prison confessed Christ as Lord when they saw Him arrived in Sheol
But their confession was not a confession of faith, since they could see Jesus was the Messiah
Therefore, their confession could not save them
What terrible mourning must have followed that news!
Now that brings us back to Paul’s explanation in Ephesians 4
Paul says Christ’s soul descended into the lower parts of the earth
Paul came to that conclusion because Psalm 68 said the Messiah would take with Him a host of captives when He ascended
The captives Jesus took were the souls of all the Old Testament saints who were waiting patiently for Him in Abraham’s Bosom
So Jesus’ ascent started from below the earth in Sheol
Remember, Jacob said he would go into the earth when he died, so too did Jesus
Then after three days, Jesus ascended with the souls of the Old Testament saints
And at that time, the Messiah gave gifts to men, that is those followers He left behind on Earth…to the church saints
The spiritual gifts He gave to the church at Pentecost following His ascension ten days earlier were our proof that we are His bride
While the Old Testament saints are already enjoying the full presence of Christ, the saints on earth receive a measure of His grace
This measure of grace unifies all of us, confirming that we are His even as we wait to join the rest
That’s why Paul says in v.10 that the same Christ Who descended into the earth for our sins is the same Christ Who ascended into Heaven
He is Lord of both those of the Old Testament (Jews) and those of the New Testament (Gentiles)
Christ did this to fill (or it should read fulfill) all things
Jesus accomplished all this to fulfill scripture and to fill us with His spirit