Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week, we began our study of Ezra with a review of the history that brought Israel into captivity at the hands of their Gentile enemy, Babylon
We noted that the Lord was disciplining the Southern Kingdom
Discipline was God’s response for the southern tribes, who God purposed to save
In contrast, judgment was the fate of the tribes in the north, who did not receive God’s mercy
We also saw the lengths that God went to while waiting patiently for their return
In how He sent prophets, time and time again, calling upon the nation to repent
But at a certain point, we’re told there was no longer a remedy for their sin
Finally, God began to act in deliberate ways to teach the nation of Israel a lesson of the importance to follow Him fully
When it was time to act, God began by removing the corrupt leadership
He used Nebuchadnezzar to exact punishment on the Southern Kingdom of Judah
Nebuchadnezzar’s army comes to Jerusalem three times
In the first visit, God takes the king, noblemen and educated class of Israel
Men like Daniel, who formed the highest levels of society
in Israel
And the replacement leaders were completely under Nebuchadnezzar’s control
In the second visit, Nebuchadnezzar removes every artisan and educator in the city
The only men he leaves behind are the poorest workers
Now, the city is left without leaders or teachers
God removed those in the nation responsible for leading the people into sinful practices
Then, after a final rebellion, Nebuchadnezzar sent a third army against the city and utterly destroyed it
Most notably, he removes the walls and the temple itself
Reducing the city to its foundations
God’s final step of discipline resulted in the loss of any opportunity to worship the Lord in His temple
The people were now separated from the Lord in every sense of the word
A powerful lesson that sin separates us from a holy God
So God’s discipline on the nation runs for 70 years, until the time for restoration
As we proceed through our studies of Ezra and Nehemiah, we will pay attention to a pattern of threes in the way the Lord carries out this discipline and restoration of Israel
The story of Israel’s fall and rise yields a pattern for how the Lord disciplines each of us individually
As with Israel, the Lord disciplines us, His children
And also like Israel, the Lord moves through a series of steps
First, He brings us His instructions through the prophets of Scripture
We are called to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ
As we devote ourselves to a study of the Bible, we are instructed into a life of godliness
But what if we ignore what’s written? What if we persist in our sin, despite the warnings of the Lord through His prophets?
Eventually, there will be no remedy for us as well
And then, discipline must begin
The Lord may use anything to bring us discipline, but often, it will follow the pattern that Israel experienced
We’re going to continue relating God’s pattern of discipline and restoration in Israel to the way the Lord acts to discipline us individually
As we may act-out our own version of the Prodigal Son, we’re likely to see the Lord moving in a similar three-step pattern
He’ll eliminate the poor influences in our life, the corrupt leaders and false teachers
The idols that carry us away from the Lord
And if all else fails, if there is no remedy, the Lord will tear down the fortresses in our lives
The walls we build to protect our selfish choices
Our supposed barriers against poverty, disappointment and transparency that we build to sustain our prideful self-image
Our economic vitality, our busy and self-important schedules
He’ll break us, so that He can rebuild us in His image
And just as that destruction process involves three steps, so often does the restoration process
God will bring us new leaders who will inspire us into seeking the Lord
He will bring us new teachers and healthy influences to guide our development
And He will restore true worship by drawing us close to Him
In short, He will bring us a King, Prophet and Priest
In the first two chapters of Ezra, we witnessed God opening the door for that restoration process in Israel to begin
Through Cyrus, the Lord decreed that Israel return to build the temple
Interesting, the king doesn’t order anyone to do anything specifically
He says let anyone go up to Jerusalem to build the temple
This is a free invitation
The decree seeks men and women stirred by God in the same way Cyrus himself was stirred
God’s work of restoration must begin with a heart that desires to hear and follow the Lord
When God begins to restore His people from a time of discipline, He opens doors, but He doesn’t shove
He is looking for faithful followers who are ready to follow Him
And when the time came to leave for Jerusalem and begin the work, did you notice that there was no obvious leader in the group?
The Lord isn’t rushing to place men in positions of leadership over the people
His first priority is to establish faithful men and women who will follow God before they ever think about following a man
This brings us to Chapter 3
We don’t know how long they had been living in the land, but when the seventh month arrived (Tishri), the sons of Israel all gathered in Jerusalem
This month is especially important on the Jewish calendar
Three of the annual feasts take place in this month
The Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Booths happen in this month
The Feast of Trumpets occurred on the first day of the month and marked the beginning of the Jewish New Year
This is the day the exiles re-established offerings on the temple mount
The worshippers had only the barest of implements with which to conduct the service
They build an altar from uncut stones
And they proceed to perform ritual sacrifices daily in that place
The gathering is led by Jeshua, and his brothers, and Zerubbabel, and his brothers, taking a position in leading the convocation
These men are mentioned prominently, but nevertheless, we’re still talking about a group
There is no clear leader yet
Even the order of these names will vary from time to time
And even as they worked, they were terrified of the peoples in the land
The group is small
It’s leaderless
It’s empty handed
It’s in fear
God has brought them to a place of worship that’s crude and completely stripped of anything that might offer support
The only things present in this moment are the people, a rough stone altar, and the sky above them
And God Himself
And so everything is just as God wanted it
Here, we see a worship service stripped clean of all the things that might have been mistaken for worship or for God Himself
They have been brought back to the heart of worship
They are at the place God appointed
They have come to sacrifice
They are without all the trappings of religious practice that men so often come to mistake for true worship
They have only a heart to approach Him and bless His name
And they are vulnerable in a way that reminds them they are completely dependent on God
In these circumstances, their dependence is utterly clear
In their case, this reboot is especially important, because during their time in Babylon, the people of Judah had invented Judaism
“Judaism” is a term that describes the system of Jewish tradition and worship commonly associated with all Jews
Without a temple or priesthood in Babylon, the people of Judah instituted new traditions and practices of worship
Those traditions persist today in various forms
But among these exiles, these practices are contrary to the Law and the requirements for worship at the temple
So the Lord begins to reset the people, according to His purposes and expectations
And we see clearly where the people go for their direction
In v.2, we see they consult the Word of God in the Torah
They are seeking God through a careful obedience to His Word
And as they apply what they read, they begin to worship in the manner God prescribed
The entire scene is a beautiful example of worshipping in Spirit and Truth
Of presenting their bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, and making it a spiritual service of worship
This is how all believers are to worship every day
Stripped of meaningless and contrived ritual
Recognizing our total dependence on God
Focused on making ourselves a sacrifice for the glory of God
Occasionally, I believe God needs to bring us back to these basics so we can understand that worship isn’t about what’s going on around us
It’s about what’s going on inside of us
I’ve felt this in my own life, as I’ve moved into smaller churches and away from the occasional excesses of a large church setting
It’s in that moment, that you come to grips with what true worship looks and feels like
It’s you and God
It’s not limited to a certain place or time
It’s not a certain musical style
It’s not even music at all
It’s about sacrifice – and it’s a daily, hourly thing, not a once-a-week thing
And where do we go to get our instructions on how to worship in this way?
God’s Word
We have been placed into a relationship with the Lord by faith for the purpose that our lives might become a living testimony to His glory
Simply put, we have been saved to worship Him
Moving forward, the people continue in their heart to praise the Lord
At the middle of the month, the Feast of Booths began
This feast commemorates the Lord tabernacling with His people in the desert
So they obey the Law’s command to observe it in this land
Ironically, they needed booths (or tents) in this setting
They were truly reliving the events memorialized in these feasts
From this point forward, the people persist in observing the Law on a continual basis
They are practicing the priestly requirements of the Law, without the benefit of a standing tabernacle
Notice in v.6, it says the foundations of the temple had not even been laid yet
This continuing of worship is itself an act of faith
They are demonstrating faith that the Lord will be pleased by their obedience, in spite of their inability to perform everything as required in the absence of a temple
They are demonstrating faith and courage by remaining in this city without walls to perform the temple service, despite the threats of other peoples
They feared the people, but they had the courage to act in faith, despite their fear
A few months later, they are ready to begin building the temple
During the period between when they began the worship to the point they begin construction, they are busy purchasing supplies
They use the wealth given to them by the people and by Cyrus to finance purchases of cedar wood from Lebanon
This is the same source Solomon used when he constructed the first temple
They likely purchased a few other raw materials
The rest of the materials came from the goods in the treasury
The building of the first structure in Jerusalem finally began in the second month of the second year
This delay in the construction of the temple is significant
This month marks 70 since the people were attacked by Nebuchadnezzar in 605BC
Precisely as God had promised, the land would rest 70 years
And once again, we see the group of leaders named, though in a different order this time
Levites were told to oversee the work
But still, we have no clear leader over Israel, even after a year of living as exiles
After a period of time, the foundations of the temple were constructed
And to celebrate this important moment, the priests call the people with trumpets
They begin a celebration, in keeping with King David’s precedent
When David returned the Ark to the city of David, he did so with great gladness
He danced with all his might, he sang and instruments played as the people shouted
The whole of Israel rejoiced
Likewise, the exiles rejoiced, singing and praising and giving thanks to the Lord
The foundations represented a milestone of God’s faithfulness
He had promised a return in 70 years and that His house would be rebuilt
And here was proof of that faithfulness
Against all odds, the people were staring at a foundation laid in Jerusalem
Meanwhile, the older men in the crowd who had seen Solomon’s temple, were weeping loudly at the sight of such a pitiful beginning
No doubt, they were happy that a temple of any size was returning to Jerusalem
But Solomon’s temple was a wonder of the ancient world
The most elaborate structure built by the world’s richest man
Now they stare at something far less elaborate and wonder if the glory of the new temple will ever equal the old
What a strange and wonderful and bittersweet moment!
The restoration of Israel is underway
They rebelled, they disobeyed and they rejected the Lord
They were instructed
They were warned
They were disciplined
And now, the Lord is restoring fellowship, and He always begins the same way: He starts with worship
Whenever the Lord calls a people to know Him and follow Him, that call begins with a call to worship
Moved by His faithfulness and His mercy, we come before Him, seeking nothing more than to please Him
We come empty handed, we assemble according to His call, and we come with thankful hearts
The Lord may call us to build great things in His name, just as Israel is called to rebuild the temple
But before we can accomplish anything of significance for the Lord, we must be content with enjoying Who He is
The Lord began His restoration with worship
And the call has gone out for worshippers, and these exiles have answered that call
Of course, whenever the Lord attracts true worshippers, the enemy won’t be far behind
As news spreads that Israel has returned and is rebuilding their temple, the exiles attract attention
Men living north of Jerusalem travel up to Jerusalem to meet with the men building the temple
They approach Zerubbabel
“Zerubbabel” means “born in Babylon”
He begins to take a leading role at this point
We know he’s a younger man, relative to some of the other exiles
Perhaps his youth made him a natural leader among the work party
He is a descendent of David and he is in the genealogy of Joseph
These visitors seek to join with Judah in the work of the temple
They came from Samaria, the region north of Jerusalem
They claim to have a common interest in sacrificing in the temple
But as Ezra said, they were Judah’s and Benjamin’s enemies
When the Northern Kingdom was taken away by the Assyrians, the policy of the Assyrian government was to encourage Assyrians to move into the conquered lands
So, Assyrians moved into the land of the Northern Kingdom
Over time, the arriving Assyrians began to intermarry with the few Jews that escaped the Assyrian army and remained in the land
The descendants of these marriages were the people later called “Samaritans” by the Jews
At this point in history, they had not yet become known as Samaritans, but they were already considered enemies of Judah and Benjamin
First, they were enemies because the Northern Kingdom was the enemy of the Southern Kingdom tribes
Secondly, because they hadn’t remained purely Jewish
Nevertheless, as they approach Zerubbabel, they see themselves as Jewish and deserving of inclusion in this work project
Zerubbabel isn’t fooled
He responds, clearly stating they have nothing in common with the Jews building the temple
He is saying they are not Jewish
They are Gentiles now, and as such, they have no relationship to the work God has appointed through Israel
Furthermore, these people didn’t worship the Lord God of Israel according to His Word
The Assyrians who arrived in Israel were pagan worshippers
The Jews whom they married emphasized the need to worship YHWH
The resulting families combined worship of YHWH with the worship of Assyrian gods
They were not worshipping in Spirit and in Truth
Zerubbabel’s rebuke offends the people of the land, leading them to intimidate and frighten the Jews
And as a result, the people are discouraged from going ahead with building the temple
It becomes clear that they never had a sincere interest in building the temple
And now, they are doing everything they can to stop it
And for a time, they succeed
Through intimidation and by bribing Persian officials in Cyrus’ government, they halt construction for 15 years
During this period, the Jews became complacent and selfish
They turned their attention to the building of their own homes
They even stole some of the building materials for their own homes
Haggai the prophet wrote to Israel during this 15 year period
At one point, he rebukes Israel for using the fine wood paneling reserved for the temple for their own homes
The intervention of Israel’s enemies is no surprise to anyone familiar with Satan’s pattern of deception
First, Satan tried to corrupt from within
He sent the Samaritans to corrupt the people
Had Zerubbabel allowed them to join the work, eventually they would have joined themselves to the people of Judah and Benjamin
Putting an end to the Jewish race in Jerusalem
This was the same starting point Satan used with Christ
Tempting Him to trade God’s Kingdom for Satan’s rewards
When that failed, Satan moved to tactics of intimidation and fear
God’s people will always be subject to attacks from the enemy when we step out in obedience and worship
Fear of the consequences will always follow when we can’t be corrupted
In fact, if you’re not being attacked, it may mean you already fell for step 1 and corruption has taken hold somewhere in your walk
Finally, after fear and intimidation, the enemy moves to riches, pleasures and distractions
Leading the people to become self-satisfied and more interested in building their own lives than building the Kingdom of God
One way or the other, the enemy will work to interrupt the Lord’s work in His people
As we look at the rest of the chapter, we find an interesting and potentially confusing chronology
Perhaps the mention of opposition to the temple jogged Ezra’s memory about later events
Because at this point, Ezra decides to record other moments of opposition that happened years later, during the building of the city wall
When Nehemiah arrives to lead the reconstruction of the city wall, there is yet more opposition
And Ezra records the details of that opposition in this chapter
We know this passage is unrelated to the ceasing of the temple construction, because the kings named ruled many years after the temple was finished
The first king mentioned, Ahasuerus, followed Darius I
He is also known by his Greek name, Xerxes
He was the Persian king that Esther married
He came to power 30 years after the temple was finished
Nevertheless, the people in the land were still writing to complain about Israel 30 years after the temple was finished
Then again, in the days of Artaxerxes, who succeeded Xerxes, a group of men from the land wrote in Aramaic to the king to complain about Israel
Ezra emphasizes that the letter was written in Aramaic, because he recorded the letter in Aramaic in the original text
In the oldest Hebrew scrolls, Chapters 4:8-6:18 of Ezra are written in Aramaic
Aramaic was a common language of the Persian empire, but not the language of the Persian king, who spoke Persian
So Ezra says the letter was translated for the king
The letter itself begins in v.11 and it says
The men make false accusations against the people of Israel who have returned to the city
Keep in mind that the group they are describing is not Zerubbabel, who is likely dead by now
This letter is complaining about Ezra and Nehemiah
Their claims against Israel and Jerusalem center on three charges
First, they claim that if the city is restored, the people would stop paying taxes to Persia, especially if the walls were finished
A city with strong walls could withstand attack and ignore the threats of armies
Secondly, they claimed that the people were historically rebellious
They suggested the king search the historical records of Babylon and Assyria, which the Persian Empire now controlled
In their search, they would find that Jerusalem had a history of rebelling against foreign kings, which was true
Finally, in v.16, they claimed that if the city were allowed to be rebuilt, it would encourage others to rebel and the kingdom would lose control of everything past the Euphrates
One bad seed allowed to go unpunished will give incentive for other conquered kingdoms to rise up
So by these three charges, they encourage the king to act against the Jews
The ploy works, at least for a time
The king reads the letter and commands a search take place in the historical archives
And of course, the archives reflect the history of Israel
And because that history is so checkered, he agrees to halt work on the city, temporarily
This is king Artaxerxes, who is the same king that permits Nehemiah to go rebuild the walls barely two years later
So apparently, he has a change of heart a short time after writing his response
Notice, he says the suspension was only until another decree was issued by him
We’ll see what causes that change of heart when we study Nehemiah
Meanwhile, his letter is sent and naturally, the people in the land rush in with armed escort to stop the building process
What do they have to gain in the opposition?
Perhaps they want to control the land for themselves
No matter the earthly purpose in the opposition, we know the real power behind the hatred in their hearts was Satan
Remember once more, this order suspended work on the walls of the city, not the temple
Ezra has simply chosen to record a later event at this point in his narrative to emphasize that Judah faced opposition throughout the course of their work
The people didn’t approach with sincere desire to be a part of worshipping God in His temple
They had selfish motives, manipulated by Satan’s schemes, and when it failed, they retaliated in pure hatred
So we read in v.24
The work has stopped for more than 15 years
It will only resume once a new king is in power, Darius I
In Chapter 5, we see the work resume as the first step of restoration continues
Israel must persevere in step 1 before the Lord will begin step two of the restoration
They must come with pure hearts to obey and worship
And they must be prepared to face the enemy’s opposition
But in due time, the Lord will bring an answer to the opposition
The timing guiding these starts and stops is a timing the Lord Himself is orchestrating
According to a timetable He spoke through Daniel centuries earlier…