Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week we officially ended our study of Noah
And this week we begin the next toldat or genealogy in the story of redemption
Chapter 10 and 11 work together as a single unity
Chapter 10 is a “zoom out” view of the beginning of all nations on earth
Chapter 11 is a “zoom in” on a part of Chapter 10
In fact, the events of Chapter 11 actually explain the events of Chapter 10
Together they finish the story of ancient man and ancient civilization
What will follow is a narrowing of the focus of Genesis to examine the beginning of a new nation, called by God
So we leave the generations of Noah and move to the generations of Noah’s three sons
Noah had only three sons, according to Scripture
So all people on earth today trace their origins to one of these three men
The next time you sit in a sports stadium or watch a crowd at the mall, consider that everyone is related
Every 1 in 3 people came from the same grandfather
And now we’re reminded that all the children from these boys were born after the Flood
Since only 8 were on the Ark
The names of the boys in this list are in order of age, from oldest to youngest
But in the genealogy to follow, Moses reverses the list
This makes sense when we understand that Genesis focuses on the seed line of the promise
Since we know that Shem is the seed line, then he is saved for last
Moses gets the other two sons out of the way first
Before we look at the genealogy, let’s take notes of two important qualities of this chapter
First, we can’t help but notice that God is making deliberate and purposeful decisions concerning where His promise will rest
For example, Noah had three sons but only one was able to give fulfillment to the promise of God
Japeth and Ham are excluded from the honor to carry the promise forward
Only Shem is permitted this honor and blessing
Similarly, only one of Shem’s children will carry the promise forward
On and on this pattern will continue until we reach Jesus Himself
Both Matthew and Luke give us genealogies, precisely so that we could trace the birth of Jesus back to Abraham and to Adam
These genealogies proved that Jesus was qualified to lay claim to being the promised seed
Secondly, Chapter 10 is unparalleled among ancient texts in explaining the origins of all mankind
There is simply no other document from antiquity that comes close to explaining the origins of modern nations and cultures
In fact, many later documents refer to Genesis 10 as an authoritative record of how the Earth was settled
This is why Chapter 10 is often called the table of nations
The genealogy is horizontal rather than vertical like Chapter 5
The list isn’t a descending list of people through time
Instead it’s a description of how the family immediately after Noah moved out over the Earth
We get the next vertical list in Chapter 11, when we focus again on the seed line of Seth
I have found a map to help you visualize the dispersion of the people groups
Many of the names of Noah’s grandsons can be directly traced to nations of people still existing today
In other cases, the names are supposed to relate to present-day people
Finally, other names have lost their meaning and their people groups are a mystery today
So as we read through the list of names and places, reflect on how the world we see today was settled by a few families moving outward
And all this took place about 4,500 years ago
Moses starts with Japeth, the son who would eventually give rise to most of the people and wealth of the world
Japeth had seven sons in total, who move NE and NW from Mesopotamia
As a general rule, the farther a people group move from Israel, the less important they are in the Bible
Gomer settled south of the Black Sea and became the Cimmerians of the ancient world
Magog settled in southern Russia and became the Scythians
The people who descend from Magog combine with the descendants of Meschech and Tubal to fight Israel in a future war described in Ezek. 38
The third son is Madai, who becomes the Medes and later settle India
In fact, a tribe of India still refer to an ancient ancestral father as Iyapeti, which comes from Yapeth, the Hebrew name for Japeth
The fourth son was Javan, who was the father of Greece
Interestingly, Greek legend names the father of Greeks as Iapetos, which is the Greek form of Yapeth, or Japeth again
The fifth son was Tubal, who settled parts of Russia
They get the Russian word Tobolsk in Siberia from the name Tubal
The sixth son was Meshech, who was also in southern Russia
Meshech, Tubal and Magog lived near each other in modern Russia and Iran
Which is why the coming war from Ezek. 38 – in which Magog and Tubal and Meshech attack Israel – is thought to be a war lead by Russia and Iran
Finally, Japeth’s seventh son was Tiras who went to modern day Italy
Moses then list the grandsons for two of the sons of Japeth
And he ends with the statement that from these the coastlands were separated
Japeth’s family move toward the coasts and later move into Europe and Asia, moving by the sea in many cases
Since Japeth’s family move away from Israel, they are given minimal treatment in this chapter
Notice in v.5 we’re told that this outward movement led to a separation in lands
For the first time, we see land ownership
Previously, men used land, but there is no indication that people thought of themselves as separate tribes or groups
Now, people separate and think of themselves as different
Then we’re told that the separation is according to each person’s language
This reference raises the point of different languages
This reference is the clue to tell us that Chapter 11 is a zoom in on the events of Chapter 10
Finally, v.5 confirms that this separation produces nations of people; distinct groups with different cultures and identities
Ham has four children and numerous grandchildren
Ham settled northern Africa and later the rest of the continent
His first son is Cush, which has become synonymous with Ethiopia
The second is Mizraim, which is the Hebrew name for Egypt
Third is Put, which is Libya
Finally, Canaan, who we know settles in the Land to be occupied by Israel
His descendants become the various “ites” of the land Israel later occupies
Interestingly, Moses gives the borders of the people of Canaan according to location names we can still identify today
Based on this description, Canaan’s territory roughly equals the land that God promised to Abraham
Israel was given the land first occupied by Canaan, in keeping with Noah’s prophetic curse on Canaan
Of all the grandsons of Ham, one gets an extended treatment here, and again in Chapter 11
Nimrod was born to Cush
His name means “to rebel” and this gives us the key to appreciating his spotlight in this list
We’ll learn more about him in Chapter 11 but there’s some detail here
He is a “mighty one” on the earth
This title suggests he was a leader among men, perhaps the first conquerer or leader post-flood
In v.9 we hear he was also a mighty hunter
Men had been given the right to eat meat a few decades or centuries earlier, but now Nimrod raises hunting to an art
But the important phrase is “before the Lord”
In fact, a proverbial saying developed from Nimrod’s example
What is the full meaning of this phrase?
In ancient thinking, to be “before” someone meant to be in opposition to them
Being before them meant to be antagonistic or to be standing in defiance before them
And then knowing Nimrod was a mighty man on earth and a hunter, we can put all this together to arrive at a clearer picture of Nimrod
He was a man who commanded obedience and used the threat of force to compel followers
He was skilled in implements of battle and in taking life
He stood opposed to God and brought others with him against God
So the phrase came to mean an evil person who tries to provoke God by his rebellion
Look at the parallels to Chapter 4 of Genesis
Each of the 8 on the Ark were believers
And here we have a grandson of one of the eight leading the rebellion against the same God Who saved his grandfather
It never takes long for the evil heart of man to take over and bring him back into rebellion
Only God’s saving grace can rescue us from this never-ending cycle
Nimrod becomes a type or picture for the antichrist, the ultimate empire builder who stood opposed to God
In fact, look at Nimrod’s empire in v.10
It stretches from Babel to Calneh
It’s called the land of Shinar
These are all terms for Mesopotamia or Babylon
This is the same region as the original Garden of Eden
This is also the land that will later become the headquarters for the Antichrist
Here we find the familiar East-West theme of Scripture
Scripture is filled with pictures or themes to reinforce basic truths
These themes help us learn and remember the message of Scripture
One such theme or picture is the difference between East and West
East is the direction associated with Satan and evil and sin
Conversely, West is associated with God’s promises and faith
Furthermore, in keeping with the East-West motif, Babylon is always associated with Satan
It’s his “home field”
And the land of Israel, the Promised Land, is associated with faith and salvation
This is the home field for God and His people
We saw this pattern in the story of the Garden
Adam and Eve are sent out of the Garden to the East
Abel and Cain repeat the motif
Cain is sent East to wander after he is banished for killing Abel
Now we see the rise of an evil world leader who claims his home in Mesopotamia
We should remember what Paul taught concerning the real forces at work around us
The story of Genesis reinforces this truth at every turn
The work of men is set on a backdrop of Satan’s work to undermine God
And each unbeliever is merely a pawn of the enemy
As we study this pattern, it’s important that we take this learning outside the pages of the Bible and apply it in our everyday lives
We need to learn to see the people around us as either brothers and sisters, or potential brothers and sisters
But in the meantime, we should also be wise to understand that they are people who are tools of the enemy
Even as they fight and oppose us from time to time, we don’t war with them
We war with the enemy who manipulates them behind the scenes
Finally, we reach the most important line; the line of Shem who carries forward the seed promise
Shem’s line begins with the distinction that he is the father of all the children of Eber
Eber, as we saw, was a grandchild of Shem
Why make that point here at the top of the list?
The answer is to remember why genealogies are even included in Scripture
Moses wants us to know where the promise of God given in the garden lands in each generation
In this case, Eber will carry the promise forward
In fact, Eber is the name from which we get the word Hebrew
So Shem was the father of the Hebrews to come later
Shem had five sons
The first son was Elam, who settled in Persia, modern-day Iran
The second son was Asshur, who founded Assyria
The third son was Arpachshad
He became the father of the Chaldeans, the people of Abraham
He carries the seed promise forward
The fourth son was Lud, who lived in the region of Lydia of Asia Minor
The fifth son was Aram, who settled Syria
Eber has only two sons
The first is called Peleg, which means to divide
He was born when the earth was divided
Since we know that Chapter 10 is a zoom out that includes the events of Chapter 11, we can safely assume the division here refers to the division of languages
Peleg was born when the languages of the earth were divided up
He is the seed son of Eber
Peleg’s brother was Joktan, who founded the Arabian tribes by his thirteen sons
At the end of this list, we have seventy families coming from Noah
Do we think that it’s a coincidence that the number of families in this list equals seventy?
The number 70 is commonly associated with God ruling through a representation of men
There were 70 elders in Israel and 70 men on the committee who translated the Hebrew scriptures into Greek
This is a clear sign that God is at work in dividing up the families of the earth to ensure His purpose is done
God is at work dispensing grace by ruling over men’s sinful hearts
As we’ll study next week in Chapter 11, God will disperse men to mitigate against their sin gaining traction too fast, and leading them in the ever great acts of sin
Just as the chapter ends...