Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongMany scholars have observed that the book of Genesis can be divided neatly into two parts
The first part of the book runs from Chapter 1-11
It covers the origins of the universe, the earth, mankind and all the nations
It explains the origins of sin, the origins of nations, languages and government
It establishes the problem: man’s rebellion against God
The second part of the book runs from Chapters 12-50
It covers the origins of the nation of Israel, beginning with Abraham
It explains the outworking of God to fulfill His promise to bring a Messiah
And it shows how Israel as a people become the mechanism for God to deliver His Redeemer
In the first part of Genesis, men are seen to be losing ground
They receive curses, are displaced from their land, lose privileges, are expelled from God’s presence
In the second part of Genesis, men are receiving blessing
Visitations from God, promises to receive land, promises to be in God’s kingdom
Today we stand at the juncture of these two parts
We are finishing the first half
Having just seen the development of nations and the languages
And now to conclude, we examine the toldat or genealogy of the line of the seed promise: Shem
Shem’s line will connect us from Noah’s family to the next major character in the story of God’s plan of redemption: Abram
Even as God confused language and scattered mankind, His promise was still intact and working through the families of Noah
Specifically, the family of Shem carries the promise forward and into the next installment of the story
In looking at this list of names, we have three observations to consider
First, we find ten generations between Shem and Abram
Like all genealogy lists in Genesis, the point of the list is to trace the seed line
In this case the line between Shem and Abram, since Abram becomes the next character in the line of the promise
But curiously, the previous genealogy in Chapter 5 also included ten generations between Adam and Noah
This similarity isn’t coincidence
God has purposed to place ten names between these men to emphasize His hand and authority over all these outcomes
The number 10 in Scripture is the number of testimony, as in a testimony to God’s faithfulness to His promises
So how appropriate that God waits ten generations before beginning the next step in His plan of redemption
The next time you wonder if God is still at work in your life, remember that He waited hundreds of years before acting anew just to ensure He could communicate through a “10”
God’s patience exceeds our own, and yet we can find patience by understanding and recognizing God’s patterns from His word
He moves in deliberate and purposeful ways, all the while remaining in control and bringing all things to good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose
Secondly, the overlapping lives of these men assures us that the history recorded in Genesis was easily passed along to later generations and preserved for Moses to record
The lives of only four men link the beginning of time to Jacob’s life
Adam, Lamech, Shem and Jacob
Each man in the list was still alive when the next man was an adult
In fact, Noah lived until Abram’s father, Terah, was alive
Shem and Eber outlived Terah
Eber outlived Abraham
Finally, the list emphasizes the separating effect of God’s seed promise
As we discussed last week, God is in the business of selecting who will receive His grace
And God’s seed promise is a grace He elects to bring to certain lines of men, but not to others
And that choice is evident in the outworking of the events of their lives
And it’s reflected in the genealogies of Genesis
For example, we taught back in Chapter 10 that the genealogy in that chapter accounts for the names that were not to receive the promise
These are the families that disappear from the pages of Scripture, since they don’t matter to the ultimate story of the fulfillment of God’s promise
But in particular take note of the families of Eber, the man who gave his name to the Hebrews
He had two sons: Peleg and Joktan
And in Chapter 10 we’re told that Peleg was born in the days when the earth was divided, referring to the dividing of men at the tower of Babel
The narrative of Genesis gives a higher meaning to that reference of division
The descendants of Noah are traced twice: in Chapters 10 & 11
In Chapter 10 we see Eber’s family dividing into two people, Peleg and Joktan
For the remainder of Chapter 10, the line of Joktan is told
Culminating in the rebellion at the Tower of Babel
In Chapter 11 the line is traced a second time, but this time we focus on the line of Peleg
And his line ends in Abram
The message of the genealogies of 10 & 11 seems clear
God divided the earth in more ways than one
While He divided the nations by confusing the languages, He was also dividing Eber’s family
Joktan’s line leads to the story of the Tower and away from the promises of God
Peleg’s line in Chapter 11 moves away from the story of the Tower and toward the promised seed, realized in the line of Hebrews through Abraham
Let’s be clear on the purposes of God in Genesis
God created, man polluted and God cleansed
And since God is the One fixing man’s mistake, God may take any route He chooses
The story of Genesis is the tracing of that route through certain men, and apart from others
Today, God continues to work in exactly the same way
The outworking of God’s promise to redeem men from sin has reached its fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ
And as Jesus Himself said, He didn’t come to unify mankind:
The only question worth asking is, which side are we on?
Are we with the line of the seed promise: Seth, Noah, Shem, Eber, Peleg and Abram all the way to Jesus?
Or are we with the rebels? Are we like Cain, Lamech, Canaan, Nimrod, Joktan?
We only get two options, because there is no third category
And our family tree divides on the question of who we say Jesus is
As Jesus said Himself:
Now we turn the corner of part 1 in Genesis and start part 2
This is the central toldat of the book of Genesis
There are five toldats before it, and five after it
It serves as the turning point, the moment when God begins to move the course of human history back toward Himself
This toldat introduces the first of the patriarchs of Israel
Each of these men – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – will receive greater and greater revelation concerning the promise to bring a redeemer
And each man will receive a small portion of the promise in their earthly life
Yet as we will study, each man died looking forward to the fulfillment of God’s promises in a future life
The first of these patriarchs is Abram, the son of Terah
He has two brothers, Nahor and Haran
His brother Nahor seems to have been named after his grandfather
While Haran is named after his father’s home town
By the time Abram is born, his father had moved from Haran to Ur, a city in Mesopotamia
Ur was a significant city historically
Moses calls it Ur of the Chaldeans, but the Chaldeans didn’t occupy this area until over 1,000 years later
Moses probably included the reference to the Chaldeans to help identify the location of Ur for his readers
Ur had a population of roughly 34,000 and occupied about 4 square miles at the time of Terah
The city had walls 35 feet thick, which tells us that the fear and confusion created at the Tower has now led to violence and wars
There is archeological evidence that the city had harbors on the Euphrates and traded with other people in the north, and in Africa
But in BC 2180, everything changes for the prosperous town
War-like barbarians called Guti descended from the Eastern mountains and conquer Ur
They make life miserable for the inhabitants of Ur for nearly a century
In BC 2166, 14 years after the invasion, Terah begins to have children, including Abram
Abram and his brothers grow up in an occupied city
Terah and his son Abram were appointed to the line of the seed promise, but this doesn’t mean they were always faithful followers of God
In fact, there is no evidence that Terah ever knew the true God
Joshua tells us:
In Genesis 11 we also learn that Haran has a son, Lot
But the very next verse tells us that Haran died young leaving his son an orphan
And this detail becomes important in the next chapter, as we learn that Lot became a member of Abram’s family as a result of Haran’s death
Haran dies while the family is still living in Ur, away from the ancestral home in Haran
Both the remaining boys take wives
But curiously, we learn that Abram’s wife is barren and cannot have children
Sarai’s inability is the first of 12 obstacles that Abram will confront in his life story in Genesis
Moses expects his readers to understand from the beginning that Abram is the man through whom God will work the next stage of His redemption plan
But then immediately Moses presents us with something that stops the story in its tracks
How can Abram continue the line of the seed if his wife is barren and can’t give birth?
We’re intrigued to see how Abram overcomes this obstacle
Looking ahead, we’ll also wonder how Abram will receive land in a place occupied by other people?
How will Abram rescue his son from God’s instructions to sacrifice him?
What we come to find for each of these obstacles is that Abram’s success is provided by God Himself
God gives Abram the means to overcome each of these challenges
And that, in the end, even the obstacles themselves find their source in God, as tests of Abram’s character and faith
Abram doesn’t always pass these tests
But he always stands in the end because God remains true to His promises
Such is the God we serve, that even when we are faithless, He remains faithful
Finally, let’s end the chapter
We’re told that Terah takes his son Abram, Lot and Sarai out of Ur and heads to the land of Canaan
But they get only about half way when they reach Haran and then Terah settles there
While in Haran, Terah dies
Moses doesn’t address in Chapter 11 why the family leaves or what happened to the other brother Nahor
But he deals with both loose ends in the coming chapters
In particular Moses quickly comes to answer the question of why the family departs their home in Ur
And even before we venture into Chapter 12, we can look at the New Testament for the answer
Stephen gives us the answer in his discourse in Acts:
The order of events begins with a revelation from God while in Ur, which directed Abram’s family in their movement westward
After Terah’s passing, God appears again and directs them into the land of Canaan
Moving from east to west, Abram sets out for the promised land, bringing his wife, nephew and father with him
The family of the seed promise moves as God directs
The details of this call and the movement of the family will begin to emerge next week and in the coming chapters
But how exciting is it to know that we serve a God Who has made it His practice to call men out of obscurity to serve Him?
He brings men and women from east and sends them west
He rescues us from idol worship and spiritual ignorance and He grants us the privilege of knowing the Creator personally
He loves us while we are yet still a part of the world, His enemy and He adopts us into His family
He redeems us from our own sin and sets us on a journey to learn and serve and proclaim His Name and glory to the world
And He started with one man, Abram