Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week we turned the corner into part two of Genesis
Part one of Genesis was a trilogy of sorts
A three-part story of the never-ending, all-consuming destructive power of sin
It began with the sin of the garden
And God responded by denying man fellowship with Himself
It continued with the depravity of ancient men with the cohabitation of demons
God responded by denying man their land, drowning mankind, separating continents, moving mountains
And leaving a small family to restart humanity
Finally, it progressed to a united rebellious people worshipping false gods, seeking a name for themselves
And so God responded by scattering them, denying man fellowship with the other families of the earth
Causing men to separate and live in isolation from one another
Fellowship with God, peace in the land, and a family of descendants
Three things taken from mankind because of the destructive effects of sin
At this rate, sinful man will bring himself to nothing if something isn’t done to correct the problem of sin
Enter God’s promise to Abram
At the end of Chapter 11, we were told that Abram’s father took Abram and Abram’s family and traveled back to Haran, Terah’s home town
Moses told us in Chapter 11 that the purpose of the travel was for Abram to enter into Canaan
Now Moses explains why the family made such an unusual move
They were obeying God’s command to move according to His direction
Chapter 11 also told us that Terah died while they were in Haran
But now Abram begins to move again, and makes his way directly into Canaan
And Moses gives us the detail in Chapter 12 for what prompted Abram to make this journey
He receives this astonishing revelation from God
Remember, Abram and his father knew nothing of the one true God before this moment
One day Abram is just minding his own business, worshipping pagan gods like everyone else
Then God appeared in some manner and reveals Himself to Abram
He tells Abram to leave his own country and relatives and his father’s house and enter a strange land that God will reveal
And God declares that He will bring Abram to glory, with a great name, a great nation of people, a man of strength
And a man who will bless all the families or nations of the earth
That’s quite a promise, the first of seven times God will appear to Abram (later Abraham)
But notice it begins with a command
God tells Abram that he must begin this chain by an obedient step of leaving his home
More specifically, Abram must leave his country, Ur
He must leave his relatives, his extended family
Finally, he must leave his father’s house, that is his father’s ancestral home in Haran
God’s plan to use Abram depends on Abram leaving everything in the world in which Abram finds his identity and security
Instead, he must obey God’s voice, depend on God’s promises and rely on His provision
We might stop and wonder at this point what might have happened had Abram never obeyed, but such speculation is pointless
Abram did obey, and scripture tells us why Abram felt compelled to take that step
Abram had no idea where he was going, but he had faith in God’s word
And that faith compelled him forward, overcame his doubts and objections and brought him into God’s blessing
In the first three verses, God begins to reveal His covenant with Abram
This isn’t the moment the covenant is officially inaugurated…that comes in a later chapter
But it’s no less sure at this point
God is merely revealing His promises to Abram in stages
And at this early point, God has told Abram everything he needs to know
Hebrews 11:8 makes clear that Abram is acting in faith of God’s promises
However God made it happen, He revealed Himself to Abram in such a manner that Abram came to know God truly
And in hearing God’s word in these promises, Abram believed
And at this moment, Abram has begun his walk of faith
In a later chapter of Genesis, we see God declaring Abram righteous in recognition of His faith
But Hebrews 11 tells us that Abram’s faith began as he departed Ur
In fact, it was because of Abram’s faith that he left the East and journeyed to the West
It’s easy to see why Abram has become the classic Biblical picture of walking in faith
God reveals Himself today through His Son Jesus Christ
Hebrews tells us that by all the past revelation, God was building toward the full measure of Christ
And by that revelation, we have the same opportunity to obey like Abram did
And we are asked to do the same things Abram did
In spiritual terms, we are asked to leave behind the world we knew, our pursuit of self and pride and seek God’s kingdom
Like Abram, we are asked to forsake family connections if necessary to obey God completely
Following Jesus means we turn our back on the world
And in place of what the world offers, we trust that what Jesus holds in store for us is so much better
And like Abram didn’t know what God was prepared to offer Abram as an inheritance, we too are in the dark
We understand we’ve been rescued from the penalty of our sin on the basis of our faith
But that’s just our starting point, like Abram hearing God in Ur and coming to know God in the face of Jesus
But then our walk begins, and we walk faithfully because we trust God’s promise of an inheritance
And we look forward to something greater that can’t be found in this world
Just like Abram did
So it’s easy to see why so many generations of God’s children have looked back at Abram’s call and recognized God’s fingerprints in their own lives
And as we begin a detailed examination of the man and his life of faith, we’ll have plenty of opportunity to draw comparisons to our own walk of faith
For example, let’s look at the promises Abram heard while in Ur
It came in three parts
God will elaborate on these three parts during His six additional appearances
But we see the framework established here
First, Abram is told that he is being sent to a new land, a land God will reveal
Abram will begin a long walk to a strange land without a clear idea of what he will find there
You might compare Abram’s walk of faith to a husband who has been blindfolded and is taken by the hand by his wife, who has a surprise waiting in the next room
The husband follows the wife trusting that something good is coming, but he doesn’t know where’s he’s going or what he will find
Once he arrives, the wife removes the blindfold and reveals a new HDTV
So first, Abram is given a promise of land, an inheritance God appoints
Secondly, God says in v.2 that Abram will be granted a nation (or family) and he will obtain a name that will be great
This promise is especially interesting since we know Abram’s wife is barren
Yet somehow Abram is told to expect that a new nation will come from him
In Chapter 10 we heard that God created 70 nations from Noah
Now we hear that God is prepared to create a 71st nation from Abram
And to be sure the world knows it was a nation birthed by God, the wife of Abram starts the story barren
So Abram will receive a new family and this posterity will result in Abram’s name becoming great
Finally, Abram will be a blessing to the world
He will see those who bless him be blessed
And those who curse him will be cursed by God
Each of these promises have a specific fulfillment in the life of Abram and family of people that come from him
For example, Abram’s promise of a nation and a name is fulfilled in the rise of Israel and the reverence they have for their father Abraham
He receives a new name when he becomes Abraham
And he will obtain fame that extends even today and to Jews, Arabs and Christians
The promise of land is eventually fulfilled by the twelve tribes of Israel receiving the land of Canaan
And Abram will eventually receive this land in the future kingdom when Christ returns to Earth
Finally, the promise of blessing and cursing can be seen in Abram’s life and in Israel generally
Both find God protecting them from adversaries and blessing their allies
But these promises also have greater fulfillment in a spiritual sense
Looking at the promise in reverse order, for example…
Abram was told that through him the families of the Earth will be blessed
The ultimate fulfillment of this promise is understood to be Jesus Himself
We’ll see this more clearly in future chapters as God reveals it to Abram
We’ll see that the blessing God intends to deliver to the world through Abram will be fully realized in the Messiah
Furthermore, God says that those who bless and curse Abram will receive the same in return
Remember, we’ve said before that “curse” in the Bible means eternal damnation
A sentence of hell that can’t be reversed
So blessing and curses are juxtaposed here to suggest a contrast between heaven and hell
Those who align themselves with Abram’s example of faith in God’s word will see the same spiritual outcome that Abram sees: salvation and eternal blessing
But those who oppose Abram’s example, those who remain aligned with the world, will receive the wages of their sin and eternal judgment
And in this way, God’s promise to Abram will become the means for bringing blessing to the families (or tribes) of the earth
Next, Abram is told he will receive a name for himself, and so will those who follow in his footsteps
Jesus says to believers that as we arrive in His presence we receive new names that only Jesus knows
Names that reflect our honor and service to Him
Finally, Abram was promised an inheritance in the land
And we who have followed Abram’s example of trusting in God’s word also have an eternal inheritance awaiting
Like Abram and his descendants, we will have a place in the kingdom to call our own
And we will receive rewards that follow us into that world as a reflection of our service and faithfulness to Christ in these days of waiting
Just as Abram’s blessing was contingent on his willingness to walk and follow God, so does our inheritance turn on our obedience
Our faith and therefore our salvation is by God’s grace and isn’t in question
But to receive the full measure of our inheritance, we must be willing to let God lead us by the hand and show us a better place and a new life
These three promises are the gateway into all that follows in the entire Bible
They represent not only God’s kindness and mercy to a man named Abram
But they are God’s grace and love to a fallen world
In fact, I want you to remember the trilogy of Chapters 1-11 again
We saw sinful men lose fellowship in God’s presence and in God’s kingdom in the Garden
We watched sinful men wiped off their land and lose their lives in the flood
We witnessed idol worshipping men seeking a name for themselves only to be separated from their families and scattered
Now in Chapter 12, God sets the terms for correcting all three sad episodes
By these promises to Abram, God provides the means by which He will restore our fellowship with Him
And He sets us firmly in our inheritance in the future land of the Kingdom without fear of ever suffering loss again
And He gives us new names that glorifies God, and He grants us adoption into the family of God, calling us sons and daughters,
And gives us one voice by which we may speak with Him, that is the voice of the Spirit
The Apostle John was privileged to see this fulfillment in advance in his revelation, where he recorded the scene this way:
In considering God’s plan in all its intricate detail, it brings to mind Paul’s exclamation at the end of Romans 11, and I can think of no more fitting way to close our lesson: