Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAt the start of Chapter 12, Abram, the man of faith, was called by God and given a covenant
We studied the basic framework of that covenant last week in vs. 1-3
We saw God give Abram a promise for land, a posterity, and a blessing that would reach the whole world
There is still a lot more to learn about God’s promises to Abram
God restates the terms of the covenant again in future conversations
So we’ll wait for those future moments to continue our own discovery of all that the Abrahamic Covenant offers
Meanwhile, let’s study today what Abram does in response to God’s call and to the promises of the covenant
In response to God’s instructions to depart, Abram leaves Ur and then Haran
The evangelist Stephen told us in Acts 7 that Abram waited until his father died before leaving Haran and continuing to Canaan
We might hesitate at this moment and ask whether Abram was fully obedient to God’s call to leave his relatives and his father’s house
First, we know he took his father with him from Ur to Haran
And he took his nephew Lot all the way to Canaan
Was Abram wrong to bring these men along?
The short answer is no
In the case of Terah, Abram could not have stopped Terah if he tried
Terah was the patriarch, and Abram would have had no authority over Terah
More importantly, Abram was following God’s call in escorting Terah back to his ancestral home
Remember what Stephen said:
God directed to Abram to move on to Canaan only after his father died
God was permitting Abram to fulfill his duties as a son to his father, caring for Terah until he died
In the case of Lot, the answer is less clear
Abram had likely become Lot’s provider when Lot’s father, Haran, died
If so, Abram could no more leave Lot behind than he could leave Sarai
So we would expect Abram to bring Lot to Haran
On the other hand, Lot would have been an adult by the time Terah died and Abram resumed his travel to Canaan
So we might assume that Lot decided to tag along and Abram allowed him to do so in disobedience to God’s instructions
We’re going to see in a few chapters that Abram’s decision to allow Lot to accompany him to Canaan has long lasting consequences
In v.4, we’re told that Abram is 75 years old when he leaves Haran after his father died
But we also know from Chapter 11 that Terah was 205 years old when he died
If we subtract 75 (Abram’s age when Terah died) from Terah’s age, we get 130 years
But in 11:26 we’re told that Terah was 70 when he became the father of Abram, Nahor and Haran
This has led many to ponder whether this is a contradiction in Scripture
It’s not a contradiction, but rather a matter of making a bad assumption
In 11:26, we’re told that Terah becomes the father of three sons when he’s 70
But we know that Terah didn’t have triplets…these boys were born over a period of time
Abram is listed first leading many to assume he was first born, thus the contradiction in ages
But in reality, Moses lists the names in order of importance, not birth order
Abram is first, Nahor is second and Haran is last, because Haran dies young
Since Haran is the first to have a child, it’s likely that he was oldest and Abram was second or even third
Therefore, we know that Abram was born when Terah was 130 years old
So in v.5, Abram and his entourage enter Canaan
Abram has obeyed in leaving behind his father’s house
This was his father’s ancestral home in Haran, but God’s command carried a deeper significance for Abram
God was asking Abram to leave behind his father’s inheritance
Inherited wealth was essentially land, animals and servants
God had told Abram to leave that inheritance behind and trust in God for a better inheritance
And here we see Abram taking an affirmative step of faith
God continues to ask men and women of faith to serve Him by walking away from things we value in this world
For the hope of something better in eternity
He calls missionaries to leave the comforts of their culture
He calls pastors, teachers, elders and others to sacrifice free time or sleep to serve the body of Christ
He calls His children to sacrifice dignity and personal safety to preach the gospel and live as witnesses
He calls all of us to sacrifice financially at times to support the work of ministry
But notice how Abram entered Canaan
He had a family, he had possessions, he had servants
Abram walked away from his father’s estate but still God ensured they had accumulated a provision in Haran
God isn’t unconcerned with our needs or unwilling to bless us materially
But our prosperity in this world is not the Lord’s first priority
And He wants to make sure it’s not our first priority either
His priority is our dedicated service to Him, as Abram did
As Abram entered into Canaan, he walked through the land taking stock of it
How strange this assessment must have felt and looked to an outsider
Here’s Abram, the head of a single family, walking into Canaan, a land occupied for generations by powerful tribes descended from Ham’s grandson
And he’s surveying the land as its new owner, yet without any visible means of forcing its occupants out
To the world Abram appeared as the stranger, the one with no claim to the land
And yet in truth, Abram was the rightful heir of the land and the current occupants were the strangers…strangers to the promises of God
What’s more, Abram pitches his tent by the oak of Moreh near Shechem
This is an important place in the history of Israel
The Hebrew phrase translated “oak of Moreh” can be translated the terebinth of the teacher, which is a reference to a center of pagan teaching
The same place appears frequently in Scripture and is always associated with Israel invading Canaanite idolatry
It’s here that Abram chooses to first pitch his tents
Abram invades Canaan and by his arrival announces that this land will one day become Israel’s and the Messiah’s
Symbolically shining God’s light, penetrating the lostness and darkness of that pagan world
Here’s the power of faith and obedience at work
Our faith has the power to save us, as only faith can do
But as James taught us, if that faith isn’t put to work, it is useless
But when our faith is put into action through obedience to God’s call, it becomes a mighty thing
It holds the power to penetrate lostness and deliver the light of hope in Christ
Abram was just one family with no hope to take control of that land
He knew his day to own the land would come long after he died
But in the meantime, he served God’s purpose by entering the land and confronting the Canaan culture head on
In a sense, we have the same mission given to Abram
We have faith and a call to serve God
God has told us to leave our dependence on this world
To walk away from what holds us, binds us to the world
And then we’ve been made to share in the promises of Abram
We have the hope of a future inheritance, one we receive after our death
And while we wait, we are being led in our walk of faith to a place God will show us
And the Lord has told us that He is sending us into lostness and darkness to bring the light and the truth
And we’re not to shrink back from that call
We walk confidently and pitch our tents in the heart of paganism and idolatry because that’s what ambassadors do
You and I are new creatures, made new by faith in Christ’s death and resurrection
And the old things of our nature and lifestyle have passed away
Like Abram’s idol-worshipping traditions and life in Ur
It’s history for us
And God has given us a ministry, the ministry of reconciliation, the gospel that reconciles men to God
So Paul tells us we are to be ambassadors for Christ, as if God were speaking to the world through us
Recently our team went to Juarez, Mexico, and experienced first-hand what it means to step into the hart of lostness and darkness
But they also saw the power of God working through His people in the midst of that situation
God is a God of new beginnings, and He seems to do His best work in the worst places
But you don’t have to travel to Juarez to be an ambassador for Christ
Austin is filled with terebinths of paganism and darkness
And we are appointed to break into those places as well
And when we obey, God will go with us
He doesn’t ask us to preach necessarily
Abram just walked and lived in the land, but it was enough to get people’s attention and make God’s presence known
As Abram obeys and pitches his tent in the land, God appears for the second time
He reaffirms to Abram that he is in the right place
But now God reveals a new detail concerning the inheritance
God will give this land to Abram’s descendants
Now Abram begins to understand that the land won’t be fully possessed until Abram’s descendants receive it
This is likely the point when Abram came to understand that the land was not to be his in his own lifetime
Many have assumed that Abram and his family were always nomadic by tradition
So they don’t think anything of Abram living in tents throughout his time in Canaan
But that thinking ignores Abram’s history
He grew up living in a prosperous city, Ur
Even after he and his father moved back to Haran, they lived in the city we’re told
But since he arrived in Canaan, Abram is seen living in tents
In fact, he will live in tents his entire life in the land, which the writer of Hebrews explains as an act of faith
Abram wasn’t a nomad by tradition…he lived in tents as a matter of faith
He lived his faith in God’s promise to deliver the land at a later point, to Abram’s descendants
And ultimately, a faith that the real inheritance he looked forward to receiving was the eternal one
As Abram sees the Lord appear to him in the Land, he responds with an altar
Altar building will become an increasingly important tradition among the patriarchs
As we discussed when Noah built his altar, altars are places of worship
But more specifically, they are places of sacrifice
An altar is the table upon which an animal is placed so that its blood may be poured out
It’s also the place where an offering is made to God
Patriarchs will build altars when they wish to express worship to God for His faithfulness and his blessing
And it’s here on the occasion of God’s reiteration of His promise to Abram that Abram worships with an altar
Which means he also made sacrifices
Standing in the heart of the Canaanite culture and pagan teaching, Abram invades the darkness and sets up a testimony to God’s forgiveness
And he worships
And notice that Abram repeated this practice as he moved southward through the land
He stops again between Bethel and Ai
Notice Abram purposely camps outside two cities, remaining between them rather than moving into the cities
Clearly, he is going out of his way not to become a part of the Canaanite culture
And again he builds an altar to the Lord, calling upon the name of the Lord
Today, we don’t build altars
In fact, there’s a reason you don’t see an altar in this church
Nor should you see an altar in a Christian church, because an altar is a place of sacrifice
But Christ’s sacrifice of Himself is the one sufficient death for atonement of sin
No other sacrifice is required nor should we even imply that one is needed
Instead, the word of God tells us how to set up altars in our world as Abram did
We repeat Abram’s example not by presenting animal sacrifices on stone tables
But by presenting ourselves as holy sacrifice, living unto God
This is our spiritual worship
And while Abram proved God’s will for his life and the Canaanite lands by hearing from the Lord while living among the Canaanite people
We prove God’s will to a lost and dying world by listening to God’s word, allowing it to transform our mind and life
Making us Christ-like, so that we may represent Christ to the pagan culture around us
Abram’s testimony begins long before the story on the mountain in Chapter 2
Look at how he starts his walk with God, through faith