Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOverview of the Book
Two parts
Beginning of all things (Chap 1-11)
Beginning of the Jewish race and nation (12-50)
Genesis may be the most important book of the Bible
Some consider it a book of stories (Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel, Noah, etc.)
Most important written work in history
Foundation of all things
Matter, energy, life, marriage, family, society, morality, Law, even the 7-day week
Book of firsts
First human beings, marriage, birth, death, lie, trial, murder, first self-defense, ownership of property, natural death, rainfall, boat, nations formed, cities built, calendar established, first example of God’s grace, first covenant, on and on
Most quoted by other Bible authors, except Psalms and Isaiah
Quoted as literal text by Jesus Himself
By itself, Genesis reveals virtually everything we need to know about the person of God and man’s relationship to God
Reveals His character, nature and person
His purpose for the creation
Genesis also explains much about man
Reveals the source of our character
Reveals our purpose for existence and the reason for our condition
And it reveals God’s intentions for our relationship with Him
Genesis makes sense of everything in life
Author & Time
Moses wrote the Torah (around 1445-1405 while wandering in the desert)
Originally 1 work – not split into 5 books (Mark 12:26)
Covers human history from about 4,000 BC – 1800 BC
Must go from Exodus to Revelation to cover an equal amount of time
Name Genesis
Taken from the Hebrew word toldot, which means the generations
The Greek translation of the OT (Septuagint) translated this word into geneseos, from which we get Genesis
The heavens and earth refers to the physical earth and the atmosphere
Not the heaven where God dwells
We will examine why a little later
From the first verse, “In the beginning, God…” we learn four important things
First, our world and everything in it had a beginning
There was a point before this existed
Every man has contemplated the question of where did everything begin
Even atheists pursue the question of the beginning of all things
The theory of the Big Bang is the secular answer
But it still begs a question of where did the material for the Big Bang come from?
The reason the unbelieving world has no answer for what came before everything, is that they limit their sources of information
They will only accept answers taken from what can be observed
But since we can only observe what already exists, we can never hope to learn what came before things existed
We must seek our answers from a source that existed before the creation of all things
We must be willing to acknowledge that there was a source of all things, which implies an authority, a judge
It also implies that if everything had a beginning, then it likely has an end as well
There will also be a point when it has ceased to exist
The unwillingness to acknowledge the Biblical account of creation begins with an unwillingness to acknowledge a higher authority Who holds us accountable
Revelation tells us that this world does indeed have an end
The irony: we are eternal but this world has an end
This is the opposite of the world’s viewpoint
The world teaches we are temporary but the world is billions of years old and will never cease
Secondly, Gen 1:1 teaches that God existed before all else
“In the beginning, God”…He was already there
God was around before the physical creation
Therefore nothing in the creation is equal to, or as powerful as, God
Nothing in the creation can outlast God
Nothing in the creation can contend with God
Third, time itself is measured according to the origin of the Creation, not by the origin of God’s existence
Time is a part of creation itself, so the passage of time did not exist until the creation itself existed
More importantly, the very existence of time is a feature of Creation to help us understand the beginning from the end
Once the end comes, then time will take on a new meaning
Or perhaps it will disappear as well
Finally, the opening line of Gen 1:1 single-handedly contradicts six popular philosophies in our world today
Atheism—God does exist.
Pantheism—God is distinct from His creation.
Polytheism—"Created" is singular in the text.
Radical materialism (matter is eternal)—Matter had a supernatural origin (emphasis on origin).
Naturalism (evolutionism)—Creation took place when someone outside nature intervened (emphasis on process).
Fatalism—A personal God freely chose to create.
Among Christians, the opening two verses of Genesis give rise to a fair amount of controversy
First, the Traditional view
Verse 1 & 2 are a summary of the entire chapter
Verse two describes an early starting point for God’s work
Verse 3 and later describe the successive steps of creation as the world increases in order and complexity
Second, the Gap Theory (Recreation Theory)
Stems out of the language in verses 1 & 2
Gap theory says that verse 1 is the initial formation of the earth
Verse 2 is God’s judgment on the earth (due to Satan’s Fall)
Verse 3 begins God’s reforming of the earth
Support for Gap Theory
Erets hayah tohu bohu (Earth was formless and void)
Disjunctive Conjunction Subject Verb
In other places where a similar construct is used, the verb is translated “became”
The formless and void phrase can be read as a phrase used in Isaiah 34:11 and Jer 4:23 to describe a state of judgment
Satan’s description in Ezek 28 suggests a Creation with Satan prior to His fall
Against Gap Theory
Similar structure to the beginning of Chapter 2
Hebrew grammar would expect a different verb construct if it were describing items in a sequential order
Earth and heavens are described as beginning in verses 6-10
All Biblical cross references say the earth was created in 6 days, leaving no time for the earlier creation
Strange interpretation of the text – not the natural reading
Some try to use the Gap Theory to find room to place the dinosaurs in between
We will address this later (end of Chapter 1)
Looking at the start of the creation process
God begins creation with an initial stage where everything is formless and void with the Spirit hovering (rachaph - fluttering)
God is already shown as present in two Persons here
John 1 adds the third Person
The earth was formless and void, meaning it was chaos
The Hebrew words are tohu and bohu
Tohu means confusion or without meaning
Bohu means empty, a vacuum
And there was darkness over the deep
The deep here is literally tehom, which is abyss
It can also refer to deep water
But deep water came to be called tehom because it resembled a dark abyss
So shouldn’t imagine water at this point
We should understand that Moses is describing the creation as completely without physical form, utterly dark and completely without order
The only thing that matches that description is matter, absent any form or order
Then, the Spirit is seen to be moving or hovering over the deep
The Spirit seems to be introducing energy into the matter
This understanding would seem to match our understanding of how matter and energy are intimately connected
The only thing missing is light
The basic equation explaining all matter and energy in all the universe, is consistent with the Bible’s description of creation
Before anything existed God created all matter, formless and dark
God created everything ex nihilo or from nothing
God then introduced all energy
Then, God spoke light into existence
Here we see confirmation of the Third Person of the Trinity
The Word was Jesus acting to bring Light into existence
He saw light was “good”
Saw – raah – reflected upon, concluded
Good – tob – good as in best, beneficial
Good (vs. bad) implies a purpose
God can only do good
So why make the statement?
It implies this light is good or beneficial for something
And God separated light from darkness
God named the light and dark
Naming means one has authority (sovereignty) over something
What two things are most curious about this description of creation?
Light without an apparent source
Where does it come from? God
Darkness is “created”
Not merely the absence of light
So God sets about to create the world with light and dark from the beginning
And these features are present in the universe before there are any celestial bodies
In fact, the Sun and Moon don’t arrive until Day 4 in Creation
This fact leads us to discover an important pattern or code in the first 6 days of Creation
In the first three days we will see God creating spaces
In the second three days, He will create the objects to fill those spaces
And by this pattern, we’ll come to understand His purpose in the creation itself
That answer awaits our arrival to study Day 6
For now, let’s go back to examining the purpose of God creating light and darkness
This dichotomy is even more interesting when you discover that in the new Heavens and Earth, there won’t be darkness
Rev 21:25 tells us that the NH&E have no darkness
So if God has determined that He doesn’t need darkness in the eternal order, why did He include it in the first Earth?
Well, consider how God has consistently linked light & dark with good & evil
It would seem God has created the world with two sides, light and dark, so they could serve as powerful metaphors for good and evil
Which also suggests that God was already anticipating and planning for the entry of sin into His creation
Which would also explain why the future New Heavens and Earth will lack a night
So as we continue studying through Genesis 1, we have two puzzles to solve
Why does God describe his work as “good?”
And why is God embedding creation in ways different than the way He eventually creates the eternal order?
In particular, with metaphors or symbols of evil