Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThen, God spoke light into existence
He saw light was “good”
And God separated light from darkness
God named the light and dark
Light without an apparent source
These features are present in the universe before there are any celestial bodies
In fact, the Sun and Moon don’t arrive until Day 4 in Creation
Where does it come from? God
Also darkness is “created”
Not merely the absence of light
So God sets about to create the world with light and dark from the beginning
We discover an important pattern or code in the 6 days of Creation
In the first three days we will see God creating spaces
In the second three days, He will create the objects to fill those spaces
And by this pattern, we’ll come to understand His purpose in the creation itself
We will come to that answer when we arriva on Day 6
Let’s remember why God creates both light and darkness
We discovered that in the New Heavens and Earth, there won’t be darkness
So if God has determined that He doesn’t need darkness in the eternal order, why did He include it in the first Earth?
Well, consider how God has consistently linked light & dark with good & evil
God created the world with a built-in message about good and evil
We learn by experience how light and dark are opposites
How there is no mixing of the two
How one does away with the other
How one exposes sin and reveals glory, while the other provides opportunity for sin and produces despair
They serve as powerful metaphors for good and evil
Because God was already anticipating and planning for the entry of sin into His creation
Further proof is found in the way God “remakes” the earth in a future time
The New Heavens and Earth will lack a night…it only has day
To conclude Day 1, in what way was light and darkness separated?
From the first day, God has established the passage of time
Were it not for the alternative light/dark cycles of our world, there would be no passage of time
We would have no way to measure change
The separation was not in a physical way, but a temporal
Evening, morning, first day
Jewish culture count the beginning of each day at evening for this reason
So far, God has created matter, energy, light and time
And God says one day has passed
This opens an opportunity to examine another theory of creation
Day Age Theory
The theory suggests each day represents a long period of time, i.e., millions of years
Why did anyone ever think to suggest such an interpretation?
Does the text itself leads us to that conclusion?
No. The answer why is our love affair with the teaching of secular science
In the 19 century, scientific establishment proposed that the Earth wasn’t young
Rather it was very, very old…billions of years old
Christians were taught that this idea was certain because scientists proposed it…and we can trust scientists
Christians were taught they must understand their Bible in the light of science
What about God’s word?
In other words, if the world is billions of years old, then how do we understand Genesis 1?
What is the Biblical response?
In Hebrew, “day” = yom (appears 2,267 times)
Nearly 2,000 times it means a 24 period
Only 9 times is it used to mean age
Evening (ereb) and morning (boqer) are also literal terms that always mean a normal 12 hour period
Later in this same chapter we will use the terms “years” and “seasons”
The author could have used those words here if he intended to describe long periods of time
Golden Rule of interpretation demands we use the literal, ordinary and primary meaning of any word when there is no contextual basis to do otherwise
What cross references do we have in the Bible?
The rationale for a Sabbath would make no sense whatsoever if the days of Creation weren’t literal 24-hour periods
God says, “For in six days the Lord...”
Therefore, rest one day
If “day” really means millions of years, how long are we supposed to rest on the seventh “day?”
Christians who adhere to this view occasionally quote 2 Peter
If 2 Peter 3:8 were intended to teach that a day = 1,000 years, there still isn’t enough time to fit the millions of years into the story of Creation
Let’s move onto the next phase of Creation
Take this apart…
2 bodies of water: one above, one below.
An expanse between them, which God calls heaven (shamayim)
What heavens are we talking about? Clue: look at what fills these spaces…
Waters below the shamayim
Waters above the shamayim
But what about God’s heaven?
3 heavens – same word, different places
1st heaven – the one in view here (birds fly)
2nd heaven found in 1:15
3rd heaven is God’s home (2 Cor 12:2)
Need to note context to decipher which “heaven” is being referred to
When we compare the events on this day to the way God creates the New Heaven and Earth, we see another interesting distinction
Why did God choose to create the first world with a sea but He removes it in the second Earth?
Did He change His mind?
Consider the word often translated as sea in the Old Testament - tehom (deep/abyss)
It is often a synonym for going into death or going into the holding place of the dead, Sheol
So the sea becomes a metaphor or picture of the depths of death and the abyss, the holding place of the dead
In fact, the word for abyss and deep in Hebrew is the same word
But in the New Heavens and Earth, we’re told there is no more death
Which confirms that the presence of the sea is itself a feature God intended to picture the death and sorrow of sin
Evening, morning second day (fill in chart)
Onto the Third Day
One of the “waters” is gathered
This one is called seas
How is it gathered?
What does that say about the land? All the land started in one place.
What does he do on the land?
God brings up vegetation. Still part of the “space” that something else is supposed to fill
Not supposed to exist for itself
But what are they created for?
Vegetation appears instantly
Notably, the plants appear with seed, trees with fruit
What is the significance of producing the plants fully formed with all the seed and fruit present?
Appearance of age
In preparation for Adam’s arrival with food he can pull off the tree as soon as he needs
Negates ability for creation to date itself