Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe sixth day began with animals and ended with man
Notice a difference in how man is created?
By God’s hands, not by His voice
Could He have spoken men into existence? Yes
The use of His hands suggest much greater concern and personal involvement, even love
And what of the materials God used?
In all other cases, the things being made are formed from nothing, or out of the mass described in verse 2
In this case, man is made out of an existing material: the earth itself
This difference is critically, supremely important
In fact, this is so important, it determines the course of human history until the Kingdom arrives
We will see why in Chapter 3
When God begins to make man, He begins with a new statement
God says let “us” create
The word for God in Hebrew is Elohim, which is a plural word
The verb for create is also plural
God is shown as more than one Person even in the first chapter of Genesis
God then creates Man
The word for man is adam, which literally means earth or dirt in Hebrew
In Chapter 1, the story is telling us that God created mankind on Day 6 – male and female
We see this confirmed in Chapter 2
For now, the author is content to simply use “man” in the general sense so that mankind is accounted for in the story
He gives more detail on this event in Chapter 2
The text says Man is created in God’s image (or likeness), or according to His likeness (or His pattern)
This detail alone confirms that God intends to set man apart from the rest of creation
God chose to express His nature and character into a creature that has the capacity to appreciate it and worship it
Such a goal requires a creature with the capacity to know God in a manner similar to the way God knows Himself
This is what “in His image” ultimately means
So in what ways are we in God’s image or “like” God?
First, in our ability to exist as God exists
We have the capacity to share in many of the character attributes that God Himself embodies
God is the author of love, grace, mercy, charity
In a very real sense, God establishes these concepts by His very existence
God IS love, grace, etc.
Furthermore, we can exhibit them to one another as God demonstrates them to us
So we share in an existence that mirrors God’s own nature and character
Unlike the rest of Creation
Secondly, our ability to make moral choices or decisions
To obey or disobey authority
Finally, our capacity to know and relate to God
Our intellect, reasoning and our capacity to worship and glorify God
The rest of creation gives God glory by its mere existence
We can go beyond that and glorify God by our will
All of this adds up to a simple statement
God created us in His image so that we could have a meaningful relationship with Him
All these attributes result in the capacity for true relationship
A greater degree of relationship than even the angels enjoy
Christ was the perfect example of what a man, created in God’s image, could achieve in terms of relationship
Perfectly obedient, perfectly pleasing to the Father, perfectly giving Him glory, One with Him in relationship
By faith in Christ, when we become born again into the family of God, we are called God’s sons
And we come to share an even greater portion of His nature
We share in Christ’s perfect nature to the degree we set aside our old self and pursue the knowledge of Christ in His word
As we come to faith and walk in that faith through a growing knowledge of God in His word, we actually move closer to the state God intended when we were created
We become more like the image of God and less like our sinful selves
God tells man to fill earth, subdue it and rule over animals
Rule = nadah = dominion
Man initially had dominion over the earth – unearned
The world was created for man – a dominion prepared for man
God gives man plants to eat
No meat…why not?
Meat would require death…no death
With the introduction of chay nephesh, we have another huge problem with the Day Age theory and evolution
Day Age (evolution) requires death to advance creation
Bible says death came only after man sinned (Chap 3)
No death until then
So absent sin and death, there can be no opportunity to eat anything except plants
Sixth day – chart completion (create vs. fill)
Man is a part of Day 6 because we share much in common with the animal kingdom in a physical sense
But the text makes clear that we have an entirely different kind of spirit
And the world and everything in it was given to man as our dominion
The heavens and earth are complete (and everything in them)
Why do we have Chapter 2?
It compares & contrasts the events of Day 6
Some say Chapter 2 is a “second” story of Genesis
They see Chapter 2 as starting the story over
This is an ill-informed view
Chapter 2 is Day 6 expanded
Genesis is known for its “zoom in and zoom out” pattern
Chapters move from looking at short periods of time in detail, to looking at long periods of time at a glance
Chapter 1 is a longer period of time than Chapter 2
Chapter 2 is Day 6 in detail
Before we start the zoom in for Chapter 2, consider the interesting statement in verse 2
God rested
Was He tired?
The word for rest is shabath – brought to an end, ceased
God didn’t rest from tiredness…He ceased
We know He doesn’t need rest
We also know He doesn’t need 24 hours to cease
It seems a peculiar and pointed effort by God to make a statement
He is setting an example He will use later
Consider how God explains the Sabbath later in Scripture
According to Scripture, God’s rest was intended to set an example for the Jewish nation under the Law
We know that God doesn’t tell Adam to observe a rest
Adam does work, but he doesn’t get a command to rest
Also, God’s rest was NOT a physical rest
God is Spirit only and therefore He didn’t need physical rejuvenation
His rest was not physical in nature
By ceasing from His work, God was setting an example
Therefore, the Sabbath’s ultimate purpose was not to provide us with physical rest
In the same way that water baptism was not commanded to ensure we clean our bodies
Water baptism was a picture of a more important spiritual event
Similarly, physical rest on the Sabbath was always intended to be a picture of a greater spiritual rest
The weekly physical rest God commanded for the Jews was a picture of something even greater
What spiritual truth does the Sabbath picture then?
First, consider we have been saved and transformed by Christ
Second, Scripture says that our reconciliation with God is the result of a work that God Himself did on our behalf
God did the work of our salvation
We did nothing to accomplish our salvation
We were simply the beneficiary
After the work of redemption was complete, Christ sat down
He rested or ceased from His work once redemption was completed
Likewise, God did the same in the time of His creation
God did all the work of creation
We did nothing to assist in the creation of the world
Man was simply the beneficiary
Once God was done creating, He ceased and “rested”
So God did the work on the cross and we were the beneficiary (without doing any work of our own)
A man’s rest on the Sabbath is only temporary
After the Saturday Sabbath, each man’s work resumes on Sunday
The rest was not lasting
No man could rest securely and perpetually on the Sabbath
He always knew work would begin again the next day
The Sabbath was given to picture the rest we have in Christ.