Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongContinuing in Chapter 2 with a “zoom in”, focused on Day 6 of Creation
Moses is telling the story of Adam
In Chapter 1, the earth has been formed in perfection with a man and woman
But how did we get to our imperfect state with a decaying world?
To tell that story, Moses will begin to tell the point at which things begin to change
Which was immediately after man arrived
So Moses begins the next part of the story by going back to right before man arrived
The world is nearing completion
But the business of planting and harvesting had yet to begin
And man had yet to arrive to care for the garden
In setting up the story of Chapter 2, Moses gives us an interesting detail worth noting
There has been no rain on the earth…only a mist to rise up and water the surface of the earth
Indicates that rain was not part of God’s original design
When did rain begin?
We’ll see in Chapter 9 that rain began with the flood event
We’ll look more at that when we get there, but there are two interesting details from the flood story to corroborate the theory of no rain
Gen 7:11 says the flood gates of the sky are opened
During the flood these gates were freed, loosed for the first time
Gen 9:12-14, God “set” (nathan = added) His bow to the sky
Which means a rainbow had never been there before
God held back rain until the flood so that He could reserve the rainbow as a sign of His mercy to the earth in the generations following the flood
This description is more detail of the way God formed man in Chapter 1
Compare to 1:27
This corresponds to the first part of that verse
Man was created from the material of the earth
Everything else was created ex nihilo or out of nothing
But Man was created out of dust
Formed – yatsar, means pottery
Why does God create man from the dirt?
If Man is God’s greatest creation and the reason God made the rest of the world…
Then why make Man from the dirt? That seems lowly
We get the answer for why in Chapter 3
For now just know that God was making decisions here, including how to create Man, with full knowledge of what the future holds
God breathed life into man
This is a completely different experience than was applied earlier
God gives a physical life and then a spiritual life
The removal of the spirit God gave us results in the body dying
Remember the parable Jesus told that ended this way:
It was God’s Spirit that gave man his own soul or spirit
God created Man as a perfect sinless body and an innocent spirit
And in this state, men lived eternally
The body never experienced decay
But now we inherit a disobedient spirit in a corrupted, sinful body
As God is at work to correct this problem, He begins by giving every believer a new spirit (we’re born again by faith)
Later a new body (1 Cor 15:51)
In summary, we have a different kind of life from any other creature
Plants are biologically alive, but don’t have chay nephesh (life blood)
Animals have chay nephesh, but don’t have the spirit that comes from God’s breath
Animals can die – made them a suitable sacrifice
But they can’t be murdered
Man has chay nephesh and a living spirit, and since they are created in God’s image, they can be murdered
God draws this very distinction when He institutes the eating of meat in Genesis 9
The penalty of taking a man’s life is that a man lose his life
The stiffest penalty possible
Reflects an important principle of scripture virtually lost in modern culture
We have a spiritual obligation to treat other men with love and respect regardless of how they treat us because they are made in the image of God
Given these injunctions, can we ever take the life of another man?
God Himself says yes, and He even says we must under certain situations
The difference is lawful vs. unlawful taking of life
Death penalty is a legal remedy
Begin with a summary statement for verses 9-14
What are the rest of the verses covering?
This is a detailed description of the first half of v8 – the start of the garden
Perhaps God sets up this garden in a separate act apart from the earlier day
But it’s meant in the sense of cultivating a new garden to grow from existing material rather than creating something all new
The garden was “East” – from man’s perspective
If the garden is East of man, then Man already exists at this point
And the garden is created a distance away from the Man
All this implies that God intended Man to be an audience for this separate act
Furthermore, Man is “placed” in the garden (sum = assigned, set)
He must have been moved to the Garden…how we wonder?
Why does God want man to witness this process in this way?
The process communicates God’s loving intention to provide for Man
He witnesses God’s care and preparation
Remember Man is less than a day old
Adam is the only human being who couldn’t say “I wasn’t born yesterday.”
This is part of how God trains Adam to understand who and what he is
Then the garden was filled with trees (every tree that was pleasing to look at and good for food))
Remember, this is not the moment trees were created (that happened on Day 3
This is a separate moment on Day 6 when God causes a garden to appear for Adam
There were already trees and plants on the Earth, just as today we might create a garden in our backyard
In the garden were two unique trees (also with fruit)
What do we know of the first tree, the Tree of Life?
It’s mentioned in Gen 3:22
It appears again in Rev 22
Is this tree the source of man’s life?
Can’t be the source of life because Man’s life came before the tree
Furthermore, God is the source of all life
He doesn’t need a tree to keep us alive
Yet God may have chosen to make it the means by which He sustains life
It might be the means to ensure immortality in physical terms
A better question would be why create a tree to provide eternal life? Why not just do it without a tree?
The question is even more profound when you remember that it exists again in the eternal state in the New Heavens and Earth
The answer is likely the same for both the garden and the future state
A tree we must visit regularly to sustain life becomes a powerful reminder that our life has a sustainer
When you have an immortal body, it’s important to have a physical reminder that life has been made possible by God
That brings us to the other tree…the Tree of Knowledge
It’s a real tree – Eve eats from it
It also had pleasing food
Therefore, it probably didn’t look much different from any other tree
What does it mean that this is a tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
What does good and evil mean? (Address in a minute)
Let’s look at the remaining description of the garden
The rest of the description deals with rivers
Interesting details, especially because the verb tense changes mid-description
In verse 10, the description from within the Garden is in past tense
In the following verses, the rivers are described in present tense
The other rivers are modern (to Moses’ Day)
The place name references are post-flood
Maybe the initial description was handed down to Moses from Adam (or God)
But only God, Adam and Woman knew what it looked like
Adam lived the rest of his life with that memory
The garden was destroyed in the flood, so no other man could have ever seen it
Interestingly, the garden stood for 700 years after Adam’s death (aged 930)
The word for cultivate (abad) actually means to “serve”
Adam is told to serve God by keeping the garden, or securing it, preserving it
Basically, Adam gets his first job
Like most young men, his first job was taking care of the yard for Dad
Turns out the oldest profession is actually gardening
We were created to serve God – even from the beginning
Adam’s work differed from ours
In a perfect setting, without difficulty
In fact, it’s hard to imagine what tending a perfect garden really looked like
Maybe the bushes were trimmed to look like Gabriel and Michael
Scripture teaches that we will work in farming and building in the Millennial kingdom
And again we will serve God before His throne in the new heaven and earth
In fact, you could make the argument that a retirement (in the way we see it) is not Biblical
No man of God is ever portrayed in the Bible as retiring, ceasing from working to serve God
We aren’t supposed to cease work and serve only ourselves
We may cease a full time occupation, but then we just transition to serving God in a new way
Paul warns about this kind of lifestyle:
Paul says the testimony of a Christian life is not what God has done for us, but ultimately is the testimony that we are His.
The nature of our existence from here into eternity should be to serve God
And Adam wasn’t exempt from that