Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongContinuing in Chapter 2 examining God’s work to create man and woman
We left off watching Adam in the Garden, assigned the work of serving God by tending the garden
We learned that man’ s original purpose in life was to serve God
And once we come to faith and return to relationship with God, we are supposed to resume this mission
No matter what our station in life, we seek to serve God, as Paul said:
Having been assigned his responsibilities, Adam now receives God’s instructions – God’s word
God says the garden is filled with trees that will provide Adam with food
But there is also one tree in the garden that has edible fruit, but this tree is off limits
This tree is not available for Adam to eat
It is called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
What does its name mean?
First, notice that it is the tree of knowledge
The tree is not a tree of good and evil
It is likely just another ordinary tree
The tree does not possess either good nor evil
But the tree holds the knowledge of those things
Therefore, what does it mean to know good and evil?
First, only by contrast can you know them
If you lived in a world where there was only good, then you can’t know what evil is
Conversely, if all you know is evil, then you have no understanding of good
One is defined by the other in the same way that light defines dark and sound defines silence
If you only have one, you can’t understand the other
Adam and Woman were good, because God created them that way
And now they have been given a commandment which explains that they have an option to know evil if they choose
By His word, God forbids a behavior (eating from the tree)
And now by their disobedience, they can come to know evil should they choose to disobey God’s word
It wasn’t the tree that provided them with the knowledge of evil
It would be their own disobedience to God’s word that would lead them to experience (and thus know) evil
This possibility was a part of a covenant God has made with Adam
Hosea mentions this covenant in passing when discussing the plight of Israel
We call Adam’s first covenant the Edenic covenant, after the name of the Garden
Like all Bible covenants, it was a binding agreement based on a word from God
The first part of the covenant was actually provided in Chapter 1
In 1:28 God blesses Adam, which is the beginning of the covenant making process
Then God told Adam to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth
Then Adam is told to exercise dominion over the Earth and all living things
Now in Chapter 2 God continues the instructions of the covenant
Man is to keep the garden
The Hebrew word for “keep” implies obey God in service
Next, God instructs Adam to eat from the trees of the Garden
God gives Adam tremendous freedom in the Garden
Though we focus on the one restriction, the truth is Adam had tremendous freedom and only one restriction as far as we know
Why put such a tree in the garden as part of this covenant?
First, consider that God has created man with both the ability to choose sin and the opportunity to choose sin
This is more than God Himself can do
God’s character and nature are such that He cannot choose sin, even when it is available to Him
The Father is without sin and without the capacity to lie or sin, the Bible tells us in multiple places
So God’s creation of man included an ability to choose sin
In fact, it required the Son to take the form of man so that He would be able to experience temptation to sin, though He never gave in to temptation
This is why the Bible says that Christ was the second Adam
He was God in the flesh, which means for the first time God was able to choose sin yet didn’t follow after Adam’s lead
Men born today are not like the original Adam nor like Christ
As we come into this world, we are born in a state of sin, already fallen and unable to obey God
We are slaves to the state of disobedience that Adam established by his sinful choice
So the first point to understand in answering the question of why was this tree in the garden, is that men were given an ability to choose sin
Secondly, consider that our eternal state is one in which we can no longer choose to sin
The body we are given after resurrection is “incorruptible” according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15
Meaning it cannot rebel against God
This is similar to the process God followed with the angels
Initially after the angels were created, Satan and a third of the angels sinned by rebelling against God
Now the remaining two thirds of the angels, the chosen or elect angels as Paul calls them in 1 Timothy 5:21, are no longer able to rebel
And while God made no provision to redeem the fallen angels, He has made provision to rescue some of the fallen men
So God created men with the power to choose to rebel against His authority
But later He will remove that ability to assure perfect obedience
Therefore, we must conclude that the purpose for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is to ensure that man would have the opportunity to fall by his own choice
Obviously, God could have left the tree out of the garden, no?
He could have made it so tall, Adam could never reach it’s branches
So the very fact that there was a tree and it was available to Adam is evidence that God was placing a test before Adam that would result in Adam’s failure
This reminds us of the parable of the Prodigal Son
The father in that story had a choice when the young son demanded his inheritance early
The father could have denied the son’s request and demanded he remain in the household or suffer a penalty of death
And had the son remained under those circumstances though, it wouldn’t have been a relationship of love
Furthermore, without the opportunity to run away and then eventually return, the son would never have known the father’s mercy and grace and forgiveness and love
If the son was to fully know the father, the father had to be willing to let the son sin, and leave and return
And then upon the return, the father and his son had a true, abiding relationship
Thus it was for God and man in the garden
God intended that man experience sin
Remember the creation pattern we saw in Chapter 1?
There was dark and light (because God knew there would be sin)
But only light in the new Heaven and Earth
Dark is a picture of sin
There is sea (because God knew there would be judgment for sin)
But no sea in the new Heaven and Earth
Sea is a picture of the abyss, hell
There is a sun and moon now to provide light (because God knew He would not be able to fellowship in the presence of sin on the earth)
But not in the new Heaven and Earth because God will be present and we will be without the ability to sin
Clearly, God created the world knowing that sin would come
And then in Chapter 3, He was the One Who made it possible for Adam to choose sin
Why does God permit, even invite, Adam’s sin?
God’s purpose in the creation was to express His nature and character to a creation that can know Him and worship Him fully
But before the creation can fully know and worship Him, we must have opportunity to see God’s full personality
We must know God’s love, compassion, provision and wisdom
These attributes are knowable in a world without sin
But to know God fully, we must also know His wrath, judgment, mercy, and grace
And these attributes are only knowable in a world of sin
Without the possibility of Adam knowing evil, mankind couldn’t hope to understand God’s full nature
And the very purpose of the creation could not be fulfilled
And without Adam’s choice to fall, mankind would never have known the depths of God’s love when He sent His son to death, to save us from that sin
God the father chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world
Before this creation story started, He had a plan to redeem men through the death of His Son
Why did He do this? Verse 4 says because of God’s love
God predetermined that He would adopt sons to Himself…
Notice that God’s plan required that from before the world began, our adoption would be made through His Son
Implying that we were chosen to believe in the sacrificial death of His Son
Again, why? Verse 6 says to elicit praise to the glory of His grace
What Paul is saying is that God created the world and man and the garden and the tree knowing that it would lead to His Son’s death on the cross
And when you remember that the Son was the One creating everything, it stuns us to consider that the Son made all things come into being knowing it would require Him to go to the cross
Am I suggesting that this tree is somehow a big trap for Adam?
Far from it. Look at vs.16-17…God warns Adam in no uncertain terms – don’t eat
There is no subterfuge here, no attempt to bait Adam
Adam fell because he chose to sin
And even if Adam had not fallen, then perhaps Cain or Abel would have fallen
Or perhaps Abraham, or perhaps you or I
Sooner or later a man with the choice to sin will fall
Better that it happened to the first man
Lastly, in examining vs.16-17 we need to consider that this tree came with a promise
Adam received God’s word
In God’s word, Adam received a promise
The promise was that should Adam choose to eat from this tree, Adam would surely die
When God says to Adam that Adam will surely die, what does God mean?
We know that the Bible talks of two kinds of death
First, there is a physical death
Our physical body will cease to exist at some point, and when it stops functioning, we call that death
But the Bible also talks about a spiritual death, which is a state of existence in which our physical body is alive but our spirit is corrupted by sin
Paul reminds believers of who they were prior to having faith in Christ
We were dead in our sin
This state of deadness is characterized by a separation from God, an inability to know God or to fellowship with God
And a complete inability to seek God truly
This is why the Bible says that no man will seek for God unless it is granted by the Father
Spiritual deadness has no cure except that God Himself cures us
This is what Paul means when he says that even while we were dead, God made us alive in Christ
God did the work to bring us back into a state of spiritual life where we were capable of knowing and following God
And He did this on the basis of our faith in Christ
Notice that our two states of being – being dead in sin and then alive in Christ – both happened while our physical body remained unchanged
So a dead spirit living in a state of sin can coexist with an otherwise normal physical body
God promised Adam that in the day he ate of the tree, he would surely die
But Adam lived 930 years after he fell into sin
So then we know that the death God is promising in v.17 is not physical death
It must refer to spiritual death
The very same day of Adam’s disobedience was the day of his spiritual death
Finally, let’s consider the relationship between Adam’s spiritual death and our spiritual renewal by faith in Jesus Christ
In vs.16-17 God’s word gave Adam a promise
Adam had to believe in God’s word, in God’s promise concerning the tree, or else it would result in spiritual death
The promise was that spiritual death was the consequence for eating the fruit
There was nothing to prove that God’s word was trustworthy
Adam had no understanding of evil prior to eating from the tree
And therefore he had no way to appreciate what God meant when He said that Adam would “die”
What did die mean, Adam must have thought
Still, Adam didn’t have to understand all that God meant
He only had to believe in God’s word and Adam would have stayed away from the tree and lived
Instead, Adam failed to believe in God’s promise, and so Adam died
And by his sinful choice, Adam brought the rest of mankind with him
So how does God choose to offer redemption to mankind in light of Adam’s sin
The Bible says that salvation is made possible for the descendants of Adam by grace through faith in Jesus Christ
Have you ever wondered why God chose this method to save men?
Well, consider how it mirrors Adam’s own choice?
Adam was given God’s word in which God made a promise
The promise offered blessing and a path to life
But it also required faith in that promise
Adam couldn’t have known what was at stake
He could only believe in what he was told
Adam had to show faith in God’s promise to have a relationship with God and avoid spiritual death
Now today, men are fallen in the likeness of Adam
And today God makes a new promise
The promise is that Christ’s death on the cross is payment for our sin, and if we accept that payment, we will receive eternal life
And we can avoid the penalty of eternal death for our sin
But this promise also requires faith
And without faith to believe in God’s promise, we cannot have a relationship with God
But unlike Adam, we are not expected to hold to this promise by our own power
God does all the work of our salvation
He provides a sacrifice for our sin
He gives us the gift of faith to believe in the promise
And He gives us His Spirit so that we can never retreat from that faith nor suffer loss again
And in our new relationship, we can fully know this God of love, and mercy and grace