Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAbraham and Sarah have led remarkable lives
When we first came to know them in Chapter 12, they were living as pagan worshippers
Then God visited them in Ur interrupting their lives and setting them on a new course, westward
They walked hundreds of miles to an unknown country, where they were told they would receive an inheritance in a future life
Meanwhile, they are left to wander in a country that was not their own
They’ve visited Egypt, fought battles with foreign kings
Watched judgment fall from Heaven against cities
Been separated twice as Sarah was taken by two different kings
They’ve gained a son by a concubine, but still long for one of their own
And they’ve both received promises from God on multiple occasions that a son would eventually come
It’s been a busy twenty five years
A year ago they were promised that the child would arrive shortly
And now Sarah’s pregnant and the time has come
Chapter 21 opens with our focus squarely on the Lord and His word
In vs.1-2, we’re told three times that the Lord had spoken or said or promised that Sarah would have a son
And in v.2 we’re told that she conceived and bore the son she was promised
And Abraham produced this child when he was in his old age
And Sarah was likewise beyond her years to bear
But nevertheless here they were with a child…literally a miracle birth
And the entire tone of these first verses is one of faithfulness on the part of the Lord
He said it and it happened
There were only two things that might have caused Sarah and Abraham to doubt
There was time between when God spoke and when He acted
And during that time, things looked hopeless
Those are the circumstances when the Lord works best and does His most effective at building our faith in Him and His word
The first promise came twenty five years earlier
And God had always planned for the birth to take place at this time and in this place
Isaac has arrived right on time
But twenty five years is a long time to wait
And even the most patient person begins to wonder and doubt after twenty five years
Abraham and Sarah let their impatience get the better of them at least once, when they tried to produce the child by their own flesh
And while they waited, they took note of each passing year and their weakening bodies
And their eyes told them everywhere they looked that childbearing was simply not a possibility
But what the body cannot do in weakness and what the eyes cannot see, faith can accomplish
And Abraham and Sarah’s faith in the Lord’s word brought them to this point
And so we’re told that the Lord’s word was fulfilled after 25 years
Much like the promise we received that our faith has saved us
And in the moment our bodies fail, we will stand before Jesus for our rewards in our next life
And now that Abraham and Sarah’s joy is complete, they respond in obedience to the Lord’s instructions
Abraham names the child Isaac as he was told
And Abraham circumcises Isaac on the eighth day as the Lord commanded
Isaac becomes the first child under God’s covenant to be circumcised on the eighth day
He is the first born since the covenant was established
And Sarah is astonished at watching God fulfill His promise
She remembers the Lord’s words at the tent opening when He caught Sarah laughing at the promise
Isaac means laughing, and now Sarah exclaims that the name has become a source of joy for her
Now others will laugh with her when they learn she bore a child at such an advanced age
She is incredulous at watching the Lord’s work
Isn’t this how we all reaction to the Lord’s grace in our lives?
So often we find ourselves in a difficult or even desperate situation
Though we know the Lord will be faithful to pull us through somehow, still we doubt at times
We may grow depressed and despondent fearing the worst
And then the Lord comes through and saves the day in some way, and we sit back and laugh to ourselves
We wonder how we ever doubted the Lord in the first place
If you’ve been there with me, then you can sympathize with Sarah here
At somewhere between age 2 and age 3, a child would be weaned
And weaning was cause for a celebration
So Abraham holds a party for his son Isaac, but there is a problem on the weaning day
Sarah caught Ishmael mocking Isaac
The word for mocking is similar to the word for Isaac, making it a play on words
Ishmael’s name isn’t used here, but rather his identify
Moses emphasizes that he is the son of an Egyptian
And remember he’s probably in his late teens by now, making fun of a toddler
And so Sarah reacts angrily demanding that Abraham put this episode behind them by expelling the child and his mother from the household
The issue comes down to inheritance
Sarah does not want this child to share in the inheritance of the family wealth
Ishmael was the first born in the family and Sarah wanted to be sure there was no challenge to Isaac for the position of honor in the family
So she demands that Abraham send Hagar away with her son
She was asking Abraham to divorce the woman that Sarah had given to him in the first place
In effect, Sarah was insisting that Abraham could only be a parent to one son, not both
Obviously, this pained Abraham greatly
Sarah was asking him to send away a son he undoubtedly loved greatly
Abraham knew that Isaac was the promised son, not Ishmael, but that didn’t lead Abraham to love Ishmael any less
And now he was hearing from his wife that he must send his son away forever
Since Ishmael was already a young man, this wasn’t as cruel as we might have assumed
We’re not talking about a woman and her toddler leaving the home
Nevertheless, it’s still a very hard thing for Abraham to consider
What should Abraham do here? Should he divorce his wife and lose his son?
At this point, Abraham would have almost certainly tried to seek a compromise
He probably wanted to find a way that both boys could grow up together
One child would be the one that Abraham created in his flesh through the Egyptian woman
The other child would be the one God made possible by grace through a promise that Abraham received in faith
But certainly there must be a way the two can co-exist
But God agreed with Sarah and directed Abraham accordingly
God appears to Abraham again and makes clear that separation is actually the right thing to do
He tells Abraham to put aside his feelings of distress over Ishmael and Hagar
Instead, do as your wife has told you
This is the only time in all the Bible God tells a husband to do as his wife instructs
I’m surprised that Abraham didn’t respond saying she’s not my wife, she’s my sister
God gives Abraham the reason for the separation: Isaac is to be the one through whom God’s promise will be carried
God made a promise to Abraham concerning not only himself but also his descendants
And now God reiterates that Isaac was given to Abraham specifically to carry that promise forward
Ishmael would have nothing to do with the promise
Furthermore, God doesn’t want Abraham’s descendants to be numbered through Ishmael
Everything that is Abraham’s must also be Isaac’s
But God knew that this separation would be difficult for Abraham, and so God comforts Abraham with the news that Ishmael is still one of Abraham’s offspring
And therefore God is obliged to bless this offspring and make him into a nation
Since that was the promise God gave to Abraham and his descendants
Though Ishmael will not become a part of Israel, nevertheless he will father all the Arab nations
And we can see how God used Abraham’s mistake to chastise the nation of Israel
In fact, these two people groups will become enemies for most of human history
So Abraham sends Hagar and Ishmael away
The manner of the send off carries significant symbolic meaning
The bread and water were basic rations and they signified no inheritance
She was receiving nothing of Abraham’s estate
Then he placed the water and bread on her shoulder
This indicated that she would receive no further support in the future
She must bear her own needs now
Abraham was making clear that he was cutting her and Ishmael off from any portion in His family wealth now and in the future
Knowing Abraham had a heart for his child, we must assume that Abraham was trusting in God’s promise when he cut them off so completely
He heard God say He would care for them and bless Ishmael, and so Abraham acted in faith to God’s word
Then Abraham gave her his son, indicating he was no longer under Abraham’s authority
The boy was now under Hagar’s authority
Abraham was disowning his son
Finally, he sent her away
She was required to separate herself physically from Abraham and his encampment
The effect of all these steps was to signify that Abraham saw Hagar and Ismael as dead to him
This kind of separation was as close to a separation from death as was possible
It mirrors the way the Prodigal Son asked his father for his portion of the inheritance
His request was a way of saying that the son felt his father was as good as dead to him
We know Abraham is merely following God’s instructions in all that he is doing
But that leaves us questioning why God is doing this?
We might ask why God is permitting much less ordering a divorce?
And why must Abraham separate so completely from the son he loves?
Is this fair to Hagar and Ishmael?
The answers come to us from Paul in the New Testament
And he shows us that the real life account of Isaac and Ishmael are also a story designed by God to teach a greater truth concerning His Son
Paul gives us the framework for understanding God’s intentions here in Galatians 4
Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia is our most powerful letter for placing the Law of Moses and the grace of the New Testament in their proper perspective
Unfortunately, the church in Galatia had been taught by Judaizers that living according to the Law was still a requirement for the Christian
This teaching was wrong, but it was attractive to a group of Christians who felt satisfaction in pursuing the rigors of the Law
But for Paul it presented a clear and present danger to the Gospel
Teaching Christians that following the Law was God’s expectation, created the impression that both God’s grace and the Law were intended to work together for our righteousness
And nothing could be farther from the truth
As Hebrews 7:19 says, the Law made nothing perfect
So in Paul’s fourth chapter, he begins to draw an example from our story of Isaac and Ishmael here in Chapter 21 of Genesis
Remember, the Jewish people understood the Law to mean the five books of Moses, including the book of Genesis
So Paul asks to those who are interested in following the Law, do they not read the Law?
Meaning haven’t they read Chapter 21 of Genesis?
Then Paul begins to remind them of our story this morning, of Abraham’s order to set loose Hagar and Ismael
Abraham had two sons, one was the product of a bondwoman
A bondwoman means a concubine, a type of slave
Abraham’s first son was born to a slave woman, the product of slavery
His second son was born to Sarah, a free woman
Therefore, Isaac would be born free from the beginning
Furthermore, the son born to the slave woman came by way of the flesh
Abraham produced this child by his own efforts in his body, not according to God’s spirit
But the son born to the free woman came by way of God’s word, a miracle birth by God’s spirit
Then Paul gives us the connection to Law and grace: he says there is a picture formed between these women, their children and two covenants
The covenant that came at Mt. Sinai is pictured in Hagar
Mt. Sinai was the place that God delivered the Old Covenant, the covenant of Law in which Moses received the Law
Those who are under that covenant, the covenant of Law, are in bondage to the flesh
They are bound by a Law that exposes their sinfulness and leaves them condemned
They are a slave because the Law’s demands are never ceasing and the possibility of escape from its condemnation is nil
The Law places demands on the flesh and the flesh is weak
Even when men tried to keep the law, it was an act of the flesh, of human will
And as such, it can never bring us to righteousness
The Law is holy and good, but it is powerless to turn sinful flesh into righteousness
Instead, it produces slavery
Also, Hagar is the Egyptian, and this reinforces the idea of slavery
Egypt of course will be the nation to enslave Israel before they received their covenant of Law
What’s more, Egypt is the picture of the world, of the principles of the world
Paul uses present day Jerusalem as a picture of all people.
They are in slavery with Hagar too, since they are her children
Paul meant that the Jerusalem that is on Earth today is a reflection of the world
It is part of the world today, filled with sinful people like every other city
And all people are in slavery held under condemnation by the Law
Our sinful nature is condemned by the Law, since the Law tells us we don’t measure up to God’s standard
But there is another Jerusalem waiting for us
This one exists in the Heavenly realm and one day it descends to replace the one that we have today
It also has a population of people who will occupy its borders
Those who are of faith in Christ are citizens in that future Jerusalem, and we will live there set free from sin
And we will not be under condemnation by the Law, since we will have been made perfect by the work of Christ
For Sarah who had no prospect for children, became a mother to far more children than did the fertile Hagar
Then Paul reaches the main point of the allegory
Paul says we who have believed in the Gospel are like Isaac, children of the promise
God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah was to produce a physical heir
And they believed in that promise and it brought them the son they desired
Likewise, we were “produced” as a result of that promise
Because that promise included the promise of a Messiah who would save a people
Since we have been saved by that Messiah, we are the products of God’s promise to Abraham, just as Isaac was a product of the same promise
But then Paul calls us to consider what happened between the slave child and the free child?
The slave child persecuted the free child
This is always the way it will be
The children of the world, of the flesh, of sin and the enemy will always have enmity for the children of God
Just as God placed enmity between the serpent’s seed and the woman’s seed
And so God commanded Abraham to cast out the slave woman and her son because the two simply cannot coexist
These two have nothing in common and one must leave when the other arrives
There is no compatibility
Paul finishes with the exhortation
Having come to faith, we are children of the promise, of the New Covenant given by faith in Christ
We are no longer children of the slave woman, children who are under condemnation of Law
Christ set us free by completing the works of the Law on our behalf
And therefore, Paul tells us not to subject ourselves again to the yoke of slavery
Paul tells us in Romans that we have been released from the Law by way of a death
That’s what we see here in the story of Abraham and Hagar
Abraham isn’t divorcing this woman as much as he is declaring her dead
He is declaring Hagar and Ismael to be dead to him
And by that death, Abraham is freed from that relationship
And now he moves forward with only the child of promise
And this is the lesson to us today
Our faith in Christ brought us into a new and better covenant
And through Christ’s death, we are said to die to the Law and are freed from its requirements
And now we are free to serve Christ by the Spirit
But the two are not designed to coexist…one replaces the other