Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOur final verse from last week was one of the climatic moments of this brief book
Last week we explored how God might have accomplished this act
And it came down to a supernatural preservation of Jonah
But in the midst of trying circumstances
Basically, it was better than death, but only barely
And as such, it became a convenient way to hold Jonah safe while at the same time placing him in a situation where he could contemplate his circumstances
And this week, I’ll add one additional consideration
God’s choice for how to save Jonah included a bonus advantage
Fish can swim
And a swimming fish can cover significant ground
Some species of whale are known to traverse half-way around the globe when migrating
So about the time Jonah is ready to leave his fish prison, he will find himself returned back to the shores of Israel
A one way ticket to obedience
What an awesome display of God’s power over His creation to accomplish His will
And a sober reminder that when God is determined to accomplish His will through us
He can do it the easy way or the hard way
Verse 17 may have reminded you of a verse we studied from Luke’s gospel, which is also in Matthew’s gospel
There comes a moment in both gospels where Jesus is rebuking the Pharisees
And Jesus draws a comparison between Himself and Jonah
Specifically, here’s what Jesus says:
So what is the comparison Jesus is making here in Matthew?
First, let’s understand the circumstances in which Jesus made this statement
He is under assault from the Pharisees
They considered Jesus to be a fraud and a threat to their authority among the people
Jesus had just healed a demon-possessed man who was mute
This gets the crowd asking if Jesus could in fact be the real Messiah
So at this point, the Pharisees ask Jesus for a sign
Asking for a sign meant seeking tangible evidence that the word of the prophet could be trusted
It was a test born out of disbelief
They needed a sign in order to believe
Different from a sign to bolster faith ie. Gideon
Jesus responds that eagerly seeking (or craving) for a sign was characteristic of an evil and unbelieving generation
And to that kind of unbelief, the only sign given would be the sign of Jonah
Jesus goes on to quote Jonah 1:17 and then makes a comparison to His own coming death and resurrection
So immediately I’m struck by the fact that Jonah’s experience in the fish was orchestrated by God so that it could be useful as a picture of Christ
So again, how is Jonah’s experience similar to the sign Jesus would give through His death and resurrection?
Let’s start with the obvious part of the comparison – the part that Jesus Himself gives us
When Jonah comes out of the fish, his return is as if from the grave
Having been buried in the sea for three days and nights
And the picture of death is magnified even further when we remember that the Jews saw the deep of the ocean as a picture of the abyss
The word for abyss is often used to describe the deep sea in the New Testament
So for any Jew, Jonah’s return from the fish would be an obvious picture of death and resurrection
And Jesus’ comparison makes that connection all the more obvious for us
Jonah’s experience in the fish was to be a picture of Jesus’ time in the grave
Of how Jesus went down into the depths of death and returned again
But in what way is this a sign to this evil generation facing Jesus in Matt. 12?
Well consider Jonah’s experience a little more in detail, even knowing just what we’ve learned in Chapter 1
Like Jesus in His day, Jonah lived during an evil and unbelieving generation within the northern kingdom of Israel
In fact, in Jonah’s day, there was another prophet who declared God’s word to the rebellious nation of Israel
Hosea declared God’s coming judgment on Israel
So we have this interesting situation in Jonah’s day
Where on the one hand we have Hosea sent to the nation of Israel with a message of judgment
And on the other hand, we have Jonah sent through Israel
He will be deposited on the Israeli shores and will then proceed to walk through the nation toward Nineveh
So in literal terms, Jonah passes by Israel in order to declare mercy to a foreign people – people who were enemies of Israel
And though Jonah was a prophet to that kingdom, there is no record of Jonah’s ministry produced converts in His own nation
Certainly not on the scale as those in Nineveh
Though there is no evidence that God ever used Jonah on a large scale to bring the nation of Israel back to Himself
Yet here we are watching God go to tremendous effort to bring a Gentile nation to repentance
My point here is that God could have done all the same things for His people had He desired to do so
But instead, God sent Jonah to a foreign people in order that they might be saved
So now we have another piece of the puzzle for how Jonah is a sign to the evil generation in Jesus’ day
Jonah was a man brought back from the grave having been buried for three days at sea
And when he returns, he passes over Israel to bring a message of repentance to a foreign people
Likewise Jesus, after spending three days in the grave, will bring a message of repentance that passes over the nation of Israel and is received by a foreign people
In Jonah’s day, the jealousy would be provoked by God’s relationship with the Assryrian nation
In the days following Jesus’ coming, the jealousy is provoked because of the Church
We are the Gentiles that have received what Israel has rejected
We are the ones being received like those Ninevites while the nation of Israel stands temporarily outside, looking in
But there is still one more piece to this puzzle
The sign of Jonah is not just a sign that Jesus is God’s prophet sent to save Gentiles
Look at the last verse in that passage we read out of Matthew
From Jesus’ statement, it’s clear that the sign of Jonah is ultimately a sign of judgment
God is prepared to save Gentiles
But He is also going to bring judgment to Israel
Consider the parallels between Jonah and Jesus again
In Jonah’s day, the judgment against Israel was declared by Hosea
In an fascinating twist, God is preparing to bring judgment against Israel for its unbelief by using the very same people who received His mercy as Israel’s conquerors
Hosea says the Assyrians will become Israel’s king, Israel’s dominator and oppressor
These Assyrians are the Ninevites
The same people Jonah has been sent to save, albeit a couple of generations later
Because one greater than Jonah has come
Jesus will send His apostles to the Gentiles of the Roman empire
These Gentiles will receive mercy while the nation of Israel persecutes the church
Later it would be this very same nation of Gentiles who God will use to destroy the nation and the temple in AD 70
A judgment God declared beforehand through Jesus as a consequence for their rejection of the Messiah
Therefore, the unbelieving generation in Jesus’ day will receive a sign – the sign of Jonah
And the sign of Jonah is that of a prophet brought back from the dead to declare mercy to a foreign people
Even while that prophet’s own people reject the message, it is delivered to a foreign people who receive it joyously
And when this happens, it is a sure sign that God is preparing to judge His people for their unbelief
So, Jesus tells the unbelieving generation before Him that the only sign they are deserving is a sign of judgment
Now back to Jonah in the fish
For the first time in the book, we see Jonah praying
More than even the content of the prayer, just the fact that Jonah prays is significant
Finally, Jonah has been brought low enough, his pride diminished enough, that he’s ready to turn to God
We all know how Jonah feels, at least a little
When everything else fails, then we turn to God
When our own efforts fail, we look to God
He’s the safety net rather than the our first option
What’s even more significant is that Jonah waited three days to pray
We don’t know how long Jonah tossed in the sea before being swallowed, but it probably wasn’t long, since Jews usually couldn’t swim
But it must have taken some time for Jonah to realize that he wasn’t going to drown
Instead he was going to be slowly digested by a fish
This wasn’t what he planned.
I think of everything in this amazing story, perhaps this is the most striking detail of the story
Jonah tosses and turns in a pitch black slimy, stomach of a fish for three days before resorting to prayer
I think I would be praying about the time I passed by the fish’s tonsils
But then we consider the content of the prayer
The first thing to notice is it is expressed in the past tense
Which suggests that the author – who is likely Jonah himself – is recounting what he prayed looking back on the moment
This is Jonah’s memory of what he prayed while he was in the fish
But as we consider the content of the prayer, it becomes clear that at the time Jonah was suffering in the fish, he didn’t know that he was in a fish
And the past tense viewpoint helps make clear to the reader what was going on in Jonah’s mind at the time, as he did not yet understand where he truly was – in a fish
Look at the content of the prayer – it’s not a prayer to be rescued from a fish
Scan the prayer
First, there are no direct or even indirect references to a fish
No promises to go to Nineveh
If you let me out of this fish I will be good
Like a child locked in a room
Instead, there are only repeated references to Sheol, to the place of the dead
Coupled with statements of how God is our salvation from the judgment of death
Now place yourself in Jonah’s mind for a moment as he prays this prayer
Verse 2
Jonah fell into the water and expected to experience death
Now he’s been alive for some period of time, probably not realizing that three days had passed until he emerged from the fish
So he calls out from the depths of Sheol
And God heard his voice Jonah says
Verse 3
He was in the deep or depths
He was engulfed by the water
Verse 4 & 5
Water engulfed him, seaweed entangled him
He expressed how he had been expelled from God’s sight
Presumably having died and now being held in Sheol awaiting the day of his resurrection with the Messiah, to be with God in His temple
Verse 6
As he was at the root of the mountains, a reference to the supposed location of Sheol in the depths of the earth below the mountains
He was in a prison with bars holding him
The pit of the fish’s stomach acting in that way
Verse 7
And as he was fainting away in that terrible environment, he credits the Lord with bringing him his prayer
And he knew God heard it
Verse 8 & 9
While the unrighteous worship idols and forsake God
Jonah says he will sacrifice to God, give thanks, and give gifts (that which I vowed I will pay)
These are the classic signs of repentance and a renewed commitment to walk with God
For salvation is from the Lord
Jonah assumes he has died and is suffering for his unfaithfulness in Sheol
And in his distress he feels God’s presence and sends up a prayer of repentance
And he trusts God to hear it
And as God hears it, Jonah feels certain that God receives it
What has happened, in a sense, is God has allowed Jonah to experience the world that awaits unbelievers
And in that horrible experience, Jonah has come face to face with what it means to experience God’s judgment
He’s allowed Jonah to walk in the shoes of the unbeliever
This scene is so reminiscent of the story of Scrooge in A Christmas Carol
A man on the road to ruin is given a chance to see what his hard heart could provoke from God
And though Jonah was never in jeopardy because he was saved by his faith
He has been disobedient in his unwillingness to go to a people God has determined to save
And his disobedience is born out of a lack of compassion for what these people could experience if they were to go to their graves as unbelievers.
God not only showed Jonah what the Ninevites needed, but used the experience on the boat to draw a comparison to what he put those men through.
Parallels in Chapter 1 and 2
Crisis on the sea/Crisis in the fish
Sailors praying to Yahweh/Jonah praying to God
Sailors delivered from the storm/Jonah delivered from drowning
Sailors/Jonah made sacrifices and vows to God
God’s pattern for sin seems to be that the way in which we prefer to sin, He will turn around on us, such that the same kind of sin becomes the punishment by which he will discipline us
Where you choose to fall the most, you may see the most consequence coming back in like manner
Shows us our own faults by letting us look in a mirror
So are we thinking that Jonah is past the bad point? Well let’s keep reading and studying next week …