Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe rejoin Jonah having come up from the fish at the end of Chapter 2
As we studied last week, Jonah hadn’t prayed for release from the fish
Rather he assumed he had died, expelled from God’s presence, as he says in verse 4
And in the midst of his uncomfortable circumstances he praises God and commits to faithfulness
Had Jonah actually been in the after-life, outside God’s presence, then this kind of petition would have had no effect
Jonah’s opportunity would have been lost
But now, he has been deposited on the shores of Israel
Can you imagine what must have gone through his mind in the moment
Again, I am reminded of the scene from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, where Ebenezer Scrooge awakens to discover that he hadn’t died after all
And upon his resurrection from his final vision, he is a new man
He excitedly sets about making amends for his callous and uncaring life
I wonder did Jonah lie there for a while trying to make sense of it all?
Did he immediately rejoice over his return from the dead?
Did he run excitedly toward home in Gath-Hepher to tell everyone of what had happened?
Well, if he had made it home, I suspect Jonah wouldn’t have received quite the welcome he expected
Remember, he’s spent 72 hours in the stomach of a fish
And though we understand that Jonah was protected supernaturally in that situation, don’t assume it was a consequence-free experience
If you subject a person to that kind of environment for that length of time, it’s likely certain things happen
For example, his body was exposed to the chemicals of the fish’s stomach
Those chemicals are designed to dissolve organic matter and digest it
Like any acid, they would likely have begun to dissolve body hair first
And bleached the skin white
Given the violent nature of the storm, it’s also possible that Jonah may have lost some or all of his clothing in the waves
And what was left probably wasn’t in good shape after leaving the fish
So imagine if you can, a hairless, bleached white, stark naked man walking up from the beach
Except this isn’t California
This was ancient Israel
Not only will Jonah likely not be well-received at home
He will present a striking image to the city of Nineveh
Speaking of Nineveh, God hasn’t forgotten that this is why He gave Jonah the reprieve
Very pointedly, the author says the word of the Lord came a second time
This is the second time God has given Jonah instructions, and you can’t help but get the point
In light of what has just transpired in the previous chapters, we’re reminded that this is the second time Jonah has been given to get it right
The first time the word came to Jonah, he fled and all the misery of Chapters 1 and 2 were the result
Even the symmetry with 1:1 reinforces the picture…
The instructions this time were substantially the same as what God gave Jonah the first time
Arise and go to Nineveh and proclaim what I tell you
Specifically, that judgment would come upon the city unless they repented
The way Chapter 3 begins reminds me of a practical Biblical principle for godly obedience
If you want to be obedient to God’s will in your decision-making, but you don’t know what God’s will is in a particular situation
Do the last thing God told you to do, until He gives you new instructions
Jonah heard God tell him to go to Nineveh
And now after traveling a long distance by foot over land and then spending days tossed on a sea and in a fish
Then back on the land
Jonah might have asked the question what does God want me to do now?
And the answer is clearly to do the last thing God told him
Although I wouldn’t call this a law or Biblical certainty, I do believe that God generally doesn’t give you new direction until you first obey the direction you’ve already received
God seeks obedience more than anything
Until He has our obedience, I don’t believe He’s inclined to move us forward in His plan
Jonah knew everything he needed to know from God’s original command
God just gives Jonah the courtesy of repeating it here
And with the experience of the fish fresh on Jonah’s mind, he obeys and leaves for Nineveh
The end of verse 3 raises a bit of a puzzle for us though
At first reading, we might conclude that Nineveh was three days walk from where Jonah found himself
But that interpretation doesn’t fit for at least two reasons
First, Nineveh was much farther than three-days walk away from anywhere in Israel
Secondly, the description was included at the end of verse 3 as a way of explaining the “greatness” of Nineveh
And telling us Nineveh was 3-days walk away doesn’t say anything about how great it was
It’s a description of how big it was
The answer is found in the verse where we first hear of Nineveh in Genesis
When Nineveh was founded by Nimrod in the years after the flood, it was actually a large city called Nineveh and three smaller surrounding cities or suburbs
Taken together they are called the great city
And it was so great, it took three days to walk from one end to the other
And since the average man could walk 20 or more miles in a day, it was a very large city
Almost the distance between San Antonio and Austin
This is a huge area
Think about your challenge to convert such a city, if you were Jonah
No radio, no phone, no cars, no bull horns
How could we hope to accomplish what God demanded?
If you thought that, though, then you were already on the wrong track
Because you’re already thinking that your success or failure is dependent on your human physical abilities
But declaring God’s truth to men is not a function of men’s ability – it happens by God’s power whether on foot, by car, with a satellite or just one man’s voice
Jonah sets out in this city and makes it one days’ walk
And he cries out with the words that God gave Him
What Jonah says is that in 40 days the city would be overthrown
The Hebrew word for overthrown in haphak
In the days since Moses wrote the Torah, the word haphak gained a new unique meaning
Think of it like the phrase “9-11"
Before September 11, 2001, the phrase 9-11 probably had little or no special meaning to anyone
But since that date, the phrase 9-11 is loaded with meaning
If a person were to walk into an airport today and announce to the guards at the security checkpoint that before today was over, there would be another 9-11, what do you think would happen?
Well this word, haphak, was the word God used repeatedly in His conversation with Abraham in Chapter 19 of Genesis, as He disclosed his plans for Sodom and Gomorrah
And ever since Moses recorded those words, they had become synonymous with the destruction of those two cities
So what Jonah had actually declared to the inhabitants of Nineveh was that in 40 days, your city is going to experience the same judgment as Sodom and Gomorrah
If you don’t know much about that story, you should know that S&G were utterly destroyed by God for their wickedness
Nothing was left
They were wiped off the face of the earth
And their destruction was so complete and so obviously supernatural, that they became legend
Think about it?
We’re still talking about them today
Even people who have never read the Bible know about Sodom and Gomorrah
We even have a term - sodomy - to remind us of the depravity of that city
And just like today, Gentiles like the Ninevites knew of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and knew that a powerful God had been responsible for their destruction
And Jonah said that in 40 days they were going to be recipients of a similar outcome
It’s also interesting to note that Jonah walked just one day’s walk
It’s not clear whether that means he only walked one day because the city responded so quickly that he didn’t need to walk farther
Or perhaps it’s a sign of his half-hearted effort at his ministry to that city
We’ve said before that Jonah had little interest in seeing the city repent, principally because of their longstanding conflict with Israel
But as I alluded to on the first night, there is more to Jonah’s opposition than first meets the eye
Jonah’s ministry took place during the reign of King Jeroboam II of the northern kingdom of Israel, around the years of 780-770 BC
There was another prophet in Israel at the same time, a man called Amos
Amos was a farmer called by God to pronounce God’s word to a wicked nation and many of the surrounding countries
As a contemporary of Amos, Jonah would have been well aware of Amos’ prophetic words to the nation
And what Amos told the nation of Israel was quite disturbing
It declared that God had lost patience with the Northern Kingdom and hope was lost
They were going to be judged harshly and there was no reprieve
No amount of appeals nor requests for mercy were going to stop the judgment
In fact in Amos says:
And at one point in Amos’ book, he tells the nation that they will be taken into captivity to a place called Kir
Kir is an ancient name for the region of Mesopotamia, the land of Assyria, whose capital was Nineveh
So here’s Jonah, walking through the capital city of the nation he knows God said will be the country He will use to destroy Israel
In fact, Amos’ prophecy included references to Sodom and Gomorrah
And now here’s Jonah given word to proclaim the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah upon Nineveh
What a paradox for Jonah
On the one hand, his own beloved people stand in jeopardy to God’s wrath with no hope of a reprieve
And on the other hand, God brings a similar message of judgment upon a nation designated as Israel’s destroyer, but this time the opportunity for repentance is included
And to add insult to injury, A prophet to the nation of Israel has been designated as the one to deliver the message to Israel’s enemy
Now we have an even better understanding of why Jonah worked so hard to avoid obeying God’s call
It seems to me there is a clear message about the nature of our ministry in service to God, hidden in the story of Jonah and Amos
God calls men to serve Him and His call is unqualified
It is unqualified in that he may call a trained religious servant like Jonah or a farmer like Amos
He may call us to minister to our own people in our own neighborhood, or a foreign people thousands of miles away
He may call us to deliver a message that people want to hear, or a message they refuse to hear
He may call us to a ministry that agrees with our personal desires and goals, or to a ministry that offends our pride and frustrates our plans
He may call us to witness for people, or to witness against them
But above all and regardless of which place we find ourselves, God calls us to obey Him and trust Him for whatever purpose He has in mind
Though they were contemporaries serving the same God, Amos and Jonah had very different ministries
And though we are of one Body and united in one Spirit, we will have different ministries with different purposes and different results
Our ministries will often intersect
And at least for a time may align to work together toward a common purpose
But ultimately we must all be true to our own calling
Or be prepared to suffer “the fish”
Finally, the people of Nineveh responded, we’re told in verse 5
Jonah didn’t ask them to repent
He didn’t even offer the option
The message was strictly one of coming judgment
And the people react by believing God, calling a fast, and putting on sackcloth
The statement about belief speaks for itself, and it’s a dramatic turn of events
First, Jonah hasn’t exactly been a persuasive speaker in this ministry
Think about it
He’s not exactly the most motivated guy when it comes to seeing his message embraced
He hasn’t even reached the majority of the city
Yet his proclamation is a big hit
The people are professing belief and showing obvious signs of repentance
How did they know to show repentance?
Or why did they think it would work?
Well, if there’s an answer for that (beyond the obvious answer that God brought about repentance) it’s the fact that they received a warning at all
One of the notable aspects of the Sodom and Gomorrah story was the suddenness of the cities’ destruction
There was no warning, no prophet sent to spare the city
Only the righteous Lot and his immediate family received mercy on the basis that they were already righteous by faith
Those cities were destroyed in a moment without prior warning
And they became an example in that way
So when a prophet strolls into town with this message, it leaves hope that the end is not pre-determined
And they respond with acts of repentance obviously hoping to forestall the destruction
Ultimately the real answer for why the people do what they do, is that God purposed to save the city and His Spirit brought this response to God’s word
And if there were any doubts, we can know this from two details in the description
First it was all people in the city, not just some or just those who heard Jonah
Secondly, it was the least to the greatest
It wasn’t limited to a certain group, or a certain age
This was universal acceptance
Take a comparison with Billy Graham, about to step into Yankee Stadium, full of people
And beforehand I asked you to predict how many would respond
How many would you guess?
What about the entire stadium?
And then the entire City of New York?
But instead of Billy Graham it’s a very irritated and impatient New York cabbie giving the invitation
Now when you get that response, who do you credit
It’s a supernatural response
It’s time we in the church lived what we say we believe – faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ
We think too small when we say people will not listen to us unless we can sit down and talk with them in a certain way, on a certain level
Jonah was about as unlikely an evangelist as you can imagine, and not even Pentecost can compare with the response he received to God’s word
Having reached everyone else in the kingdom, naturally it also reached the king
And like the people, the king displayed repentance in response to the message
This was probably King Adad Nirari III, who according to ancient Assyrian records was monotheistic – a rarity in that culture
He did three things to demonstrate humility before this God
He left his throne, signifying that God was the authority in this matter
He took off his robe and put on sackcloth like the people
A rough cheap material identified with mourning
Finally, he sat in ashes, another sign of public mourning and repentance
Then he ordered that all men and cattle should be in sackcloth as well
The reason for including the livestock was not because they needed, much less felt, repentance
It was an expression of what the owner felt and a sign of the entire nation joining in a common response
The king also decrees that no one eat or drink anything
Though this seems harsh, it’s probably the clearest example of how surely the King believed Jonah
He was so sure that the entire city was going to be destroyed in 40 days, that he was willing to risk leading the city to death by dehydration if it could alter God’s plans
It seems a sure sign that he was convinced that the death was coming one way or another unless God relented due to their earnest appeals
It was an all or nothing strategy that could only make sense if it was based on a true faith in God’s prophetic word
Finally, the king orders everyone to turn from their evil deeds
It’s important to note that repentance isn’t true repentance if it isn’t accompanied by a turning away from the sin that prompted the repentance
And now the King says perhaps we will have persuaded this God to turn away from His anger
And in verse 10 we read
God relented or changed His mind regarding His plans
This kind of summary statement always carries with it confusion over how it is that God could essentially change His mind
The language suggests that kind of outcome, and yet the reality in scripture is that God doesn’t change His mind
His purposes are known and set before the foundation of the world
And in fact, the conversion of Nineveh could have only happened by God’s hand in the first place
And even before that, it was God who worked so hard to bring Jonah to Nineveh
Clearly God intended Nineveh to respond in the way they did, and therefore God relented as He planned
But in the normal ordinary language of the author, the best way to characterize God’s response is to say He relented or changed His plan
It’s a natural way to present the narrative, but it isn’t meant to be a theological thesis on the nature of God’s mind or His ability to plan for the future
But from the perspective of the men of Nineveh, their repentance had the effect of appeasing God and causing Him to spare the city, which it did, as He intended