Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIt’s been two weeks since we last met to study Jonah, so it’s probably good that we take a moment and review what we were covering when we ended Chapter 3
Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria, underwent a miraculous response to the tepid preaching of Jonah
A reluctant prophet to this Gentile nation, the enemy of Israel
When presented with the opportunity to bring this country a message of repentance, Jonah had first run away, then attempted suicide
Finally, relenting in the stomach of the fish, Jonah went to Nineveh
And He preached God’s word, though without much enthusiasm, knowing that God is faithful to save those who repent and seek His mercy
As we learned last time, Jonah’s lack of enthusiasm was due – at least in part – to his awareness that Assyria was the nation Amos said would eventually destroy the nation of Israel
Yet despite Jonah’s lack of enthusiasm, we find at the end of Chapter 3, this giant city repenting
A city that spanned a distance equal to the distance between San Antonio and Austin
From the text, it appeared that only a fraction of the city actually heard Jonah’s voice, yet his message spreads like wildfire
Clearly, it was a supernatural result
A Gentile city responding to the true living God seeking mercy, hoping to avoid His fierce judgment
That brings us to the beginning of Chapter 4
And before we even read the verses for tonight, let me just prepare you
If you had assumed that our stubborn Jewish prophet had learned his lesson in the stomach of that fish…
Well, I’m sorry to say that though Jonah may have become obedient to God’s word, he has yet to accept it
To prove my point, I want to begin Chapter 4 by reading the last verse of Chapter 3 and moving forward
Jonah is upset at God, clearly
The Hebrew in verse 1, if translated perfectly literally, would say
“It was evil to Jonah with great evil.”
And why?
Well, consider the facts
Jonah, the evangelist, just witnessed the largest single conversion moment the world has yet seen
Somewhere around 120K people came to faith in the span of a day or so
All on the basis of one man’s preaching
Their conversion was most unlikely
A group of committed pagan worshippers, enemies of Israel
They hear a hard, threatening message spoken by a citizen of that hated nation
And the result is the entire nation agreeing with the prophet and choosing to seek mercy from this foreign nation’s God
So, in response to this miracle, Jonah gets upset at God
There’s a phrase we can use to describe what’s going on with Jonah here
It’s a pity party
Jonah is feeling self-pity over his circumstances
He feels like the one who has single-handedly destroyed Israel by rescuing their enemy
And when he expresses his anger to God, he does so with remarkable honesty, nevermind hubris
Jonah says didn’t I tell you this would happen?
That’s why I fled to Tarshish, to forestall this, to prevent it
Now what does this tell us about Jonah?
He says what he says almost as if to justify running away
He feels that since he was correct in guessing that God intended to save these people
Now that it has happened as he predicted, he feels it justifies his previous behavior
Which simply tells us that Jonah’s willingness to go to Nineveh may have been the form of obedience, but it wasn’t the substance
The body obeyed, but the heart was still in rebellion to God’s plan to save the Ninevites
Even more telling is the way Jonah lists God’s character traits as if they were negatives
In verse 2, Jonah says that I knew you were a kind and good God
I knew you were patient and I knew you were forgiving and I knew you would receive those who repent
That’s why I had to run…it’s all your fault
Where do you begin with someone who thinks like that?
I want to spend a moment examining the consequences of Jonah’s statement
There’s so much irony in his statements, that it’s difficult to know where to begin
And actually, God Himself gives us the big picture in his single, simple response in verse 4
God’s response nails the issue
God asks, Do you have good reason to be angry?
Another way to express it is “Are you right to be angry?”
It’s a rhetorical question
He’s really saying two things at once
First, let’s start with the most obvious observation
We can’t fault God for being Who He is
His nature and character defines good in the absolute sense
Nothing God does nor what He refrains from doing is bad
Nothing He commands nor anything He permits is wrong
Nothing He upholds nor anything He brings low is unjustified
Nothing He speaks is in error and nothing He purposes is other than as it should be
For any man, God’s creation, to stand before the Creator and to make accusations that God’s perfect nature is somehow imperfect is the definition of blasphemy
Jonah tells God that His graciousness and mercy were reasonable justification for Jonah to oppose Him and to work to thwart that plan
If you’ve ever had one of your children react with anger because you dared show mercy and grace to a sibling because of some offense, then you know a little of what God felt in this moment here
But the irony deepens
If Jonah could have his way, God wouldn’t have shown Nineveh grace
Based on Jonah’s comments, the only way he would have been happy would have been if God turned a deaf ear to the Ninevites’ repentance
Jonah’s preferred God was a god that turned a deaf ear to cries for mercy and forgiveness, at least in the case of these people
Now, there is probably not another a person on earth in this moment who was less qualified than Jonah to make such a demand of God
Jonah was the man who prayed to God from the belly of the great fish, seeking God’s mercy
Praising God because He was a God who heard his prayer
The God Who Jonah declared was the one responsible for salvation
It’s this same Jonah who is now complaining because God is doing the very same thing for others that He had done for Jonah just a few weeks earlier
How quickly he forgets
The irony is that the only reason Jonah was able to stand before God in this moment and make these complaints was because God has been willing to hear him earlier and respond to him in mercy
And how ironic that Jonah would criticize God for doing the same thing for the Ninevites
And then the final irony
Why is Jonah so angry that God saved the Ninevites after they repented?
Well, principally because the Ninevites were one day destined to destroy the northern kingdom of Israel
But why did God assign Israel that terrible future?
Because the nation hadn’t repented of their sin before Him
Yet Jonah is angry at God because God is orchestrating the destruction of his country and his people by sparing the Ninevites
You can see Jonah’s emphasis even in his language in verse 2 – own country
So Jonah’s demand that God not show mercy, is designed to save Israel from destruction
But if God were the kind of God to overlook the Ninevites’ pleas for mercy, then how would He have responded to an Israel that wouldn’t repent?
Remember the prophet Amos, Jonah’s contemporary who prophesied to the nation of Israel about their coming destruction while Jonah preached repentance to Nineveh
Here’s what Amos had to say about what would happen to Israel in the end
Ultimately, God was showing Israel mercy by bringing the nation of Assyria against them
Preventing worst outcome which would be their ultimate demise
Were God the kind of God Jonah wanted, it would have not only meant the end of a repentant Nineveh but also of Israel
Compassion, graciousness, slowness to anger, abundant lovingkindness
They were the very same traits that God ultimately plans to draw upon in saving Jonah’s beloved Israel
In verse 3, Jonah asks to die again
This guy has a real death wish doesn’t he?
First he asks to be thrown overboard in the storm
And now he asks God directly to kill him
If you’ve ever wanted an example in scripture of why it’s good that sometimes God answers our prayers with a no instead of a yes, here’s one
God graciously ignores Jonah’s request for death
And Jonah’s reason for asking is more of the pity party
He’s playing the martyr
He says I would rather die than live
Which refers to the prospect of seeing these heathens saved only to live long enough to destroy Israel
Then God gives His response, which we have already discussed
And then watch Jonah’s reaction
So what’s Jonah doing?
Well, at first glance it seems as though Jonah’s just sitting up on the hill pouting over his circumstances
And there’s probably some resentment mixed in here, to be sure
But the text itself suggests another motive as well
In verse 5 we’re told that Jonah went up to a hill so he could see what would come of the city
This verse can only make sense if there was still some doubt in Jonah’s mind about whether God would show mercy to the city?
Only if he has reason to hope that God will yet destroy the city would he take this step
It’s clear that Jonah has picked a seat from which to watch the fireworks when the Sodom and Gomorrah judgment comes
What gave him that kind of hope?
I think it may have started with God’s comment in verse 4
God asks do you have a good reason to be angry?
Maybe Jonah heard those words and thought God was suggesting that the end wasn’t decided yet
That Jonah didn’t yet have reason to be angry
So, Jonah regains a little hope that the end isn’t certain, that perhaps the Ninevites’ repentance wasn’t sincere or maybe they will revert to their old ways
And considering how often the nation of Israel did exactly the same thing over their history, it seems logical to assume that he would expect that
He builds himself a little booth on this hill
The name for shelter here is the same Hebrew word for booth, so it’s reminiscent of the booths built by the Jews in the desert
Despite the fact that Jonah had built a little shelter for himself, God gives Jonah even more shade
The temperature in the desert probably reached 120 degrees or more, so every little bit of shade was important
And now for the first time in the story Jonah was happy
The Hebrew says greatly happy, ecstatically happy
For a guy who’s pretty hard to please, why is he so excited about a little shade?
In fact, he already had some shade, so it makes his excitement all the more puzzling
Now the text doesn’t tell us this specifically, but I think there’s more to his excitement than the fact that a little shade has come up
First, how often do you see a huge plant large enough to shade a man grow out of the desert in a matter of minutes or hours
Without rain, without seed, out of nowhere?
Obviously, it was supernatural
The text even tells us that God made the plant grow
So, from Jonah’s perspective, what did he see and what did it make him think?
Well, he’s already heard God say that he doesn’t have a reason to be upset
Then as he sits on this hill to see what God plans to do with this city, he witnesses this amazing sight of a huge plant appear out of nowhere next to him
He immediately recognizes it to be a miracle sent by God
And God didn’t send a lion or bear, he didn’t send a plague or hail storm
In other words, God sent something comforting, something that seemed to be an encouragement to wait and watch
So if we put all these things together, from Jonah’s perspective it seemed as if God was affirming Jonah’s hope that something is going to happen
Something as in something Jonah will like to see
So when Jonah sees the plant, he grows very excited because he believes it’s a sign that perhaps God is preparing to destroy the Ninevites after all
After all, why send Jonah a comforting plant in such a miraculous way unless it was a sign that his waiting was going to lead to a satisfying conclusion?
But there is another reason to send this plant
To teach a lesson that Jonah dearly needs to learn
So exactly one day after receiving the plant and enjoying its company, God brings the second half of the lesson
On the very next day, God appoints a worm
The word for appoint means destined or ordained
We’ve seen good appoint a fish, then a plant, now a worm and soon a scorching wind
And in the preceding verse there was an important switch in the name given to God in this story
In verse 6 there is an occurrence of the term Lord God
Yahweh Elohim
The term is a formal term, reserved for times when scripture is emphasizing God’s supreme authority and divine sovereignty over all His creation
You see it commonly in the first four chapters of Genesis
Or when God is making covenants or showing His power in Exodus
Why is it being introduced here?
Well, you get the sense that the narrative is building toward a point where God’s sovereignty and Jonah’s selfishness are going to collide
So it’s time to begin reminding Jonah and the reader of whose perspective matters most
Just as quickly as God brings the plant up, He takes it down
It’s just as supernatural to see a large plant like this one brought down entirely in a single day, as it was to see it rise up
In other words, everything about these circumstances has been orchestrated by God to make clear to Jonah that it’s God behind the scenes making it all happen
Jonah is not the least bit confused by it
He’s not thinking that it’s bad luck, or coincidence that these things are happening
He is fully aware of how God is working here
And as the plant withers, God takes yet another step to communicate with Jonah
He sends a scorching wind, we’re told
This hot east wind is a well known phenomenon in the Middle East even today
It’s called the sirocco
Here’s a description I found of that wind and its effects on those who experience it
There are days in my home when I think we’re experiencing a sirocco
This was the experience that Jonah had in the hill that day
And then Jonah reverts to his natural state – anger and disappointment
First, he’s just upset over the uncomfortable conditions
But it’s probably also apparent to him that what he had hoped to see happen in Nineveh wasn’t going to happen after all
The plant hadn’t been a hopeful sign but rather it seemed to mock him
As the plant withers and the hot wind blows, Jonah realizes that God wasn’t planning to destroy the city
And now he’s not only mad, he’s miserable
And again, Jonah’s death wish re-emerges
God, just kill me
Why does this keep coming up for Jonah?
Who wishes to die but someone who believes that death leads to something better than what’s on earth
Those who believe that death leads to something scary don’t generally wish to die
They fear death
But Jonah keeps asking to die because it’s better than living under these circumstances
Why is it that Jonah can feel comfortable asking God to kill him?
Only his trust and dependence on God’s mercy
Were God not merciful, then Jonah could never have asked for death with positive expectations
God’s response mirrors perfectly His earlier statement
He asks again if Jonah had good reason to be angry
And now the question just frustrates Jonah
Jonah didn’t answer God the first time, but now he answers back sharply that He was right to be angry to the point of desiring death
In other words, he was right to seek death rather than live through the consequences of seeing the city saved
And then God turns the tables
God makes a comparison designed to get Jonah to see things from His perspective
First, God says Jonah had compassion on the plant, but really the word doesn’t communicate well what God intended here
Rather than compassion, God is reminding Jonah that he felt justified to be angry in the face of the plant’s destruction
First, because the plant was useful
It served a useful purpose, so Jonah had compassion upon it
Second, it was a sign to Jonah of hopeful things to come
To Jonah it meant that he could expect a positive outcome in his waiting and watching over a sinful culture in the city before him
Then when the plant died, hope was lost
All that remained was disappointment and the discomfort of the hot wind
But Jonah had no investment in that plant
He never asked for it, he didn’t plant it, he didn’t water it
And it was just a dumb plant God gave him as a matter of pure grace
Then God asks Jonah to see the world with the same eyes – the way God sees the world
Why doesn’t Jonah have the same anger over the destruction of Nineveh?
A city with 120,000 people who didn’t know the truth
The phrase about left and right refers to their ignorance about God
They weren’t innocents, but they were without hope apart from God’s message through Jonah
Shouldn’t Jonah be equally angry over their demise?
After all, Jonah did have something to do with their new (spiritual) birth
As God gave Jonah opportunity through the preaching of the Word
So in contrast to the plant, Jonah should feel some investment in that city’s future
Secondly, Jonah found hope in the emergence of the plant – life from nothing
But yet he found nothing but despair in the emergence of the new life within the city
Yet the fact that God could bring a people back to life in this way should have been the foundation of hope in Jonah for his own people
He knew what God was saying to them through Amos
And though it was a hard message, ultimately it arrived as a renewed Israel brought back to life by God’s hand
Because of God’s mercy and willingness to respond to repentance
So rather than anger at the loss of the plant, God demands that Jonah understand where his compassion should reside
There are two dominant themes in this book, and the first has been clearly reinforced in this final chapter
First, the unlimited Sovereignty of God over His creation
Consider all that God has done in this short book
He has set a plan before men for the salvation of a people
So God is the author and perfecter of our faith
He gave His word to men through a prophet to carry out this plan
So God is actively communicating to His creation
He commanded the sea and wind to obey His purpose
So the weather and physical elements respond exactly to His desires to suit His purposes
He controlled the outcome of lots (dice) on the ship
Even the smallest events will play out according to His will to ensure the outcomes He determines
He commanded the fish to swallow Jonah
So even the animals obey God’s will
Yet Jonah survived the experience
So our physical life is under God’s control
Our eventual death is merely a part of God’s larger plan for the creation and it happens at a time and in a manner prescribed by Him
The city of Nineveh responds supernaturally to a simple phrase spoken by Jonah
So even the response by men in faith to God is a supernatural act of grace under God’s control
Finally, many of these same displays of sovereignty come together in the end as God uses plants, animals and weather to reinforce a point to Jonah
If you come away from Jonah with nothing else, let it be a renewed respect for God’s sovereignty over the world and everything in it
And we can’t allow our limited understanding of God’s purpose in a given situation define what is right or good
The second theme is the compassion of God upon the undeserving should bring us cause for hope, not anger or resentment
First, it was the reason we can look forward to heaven as Jonah obviously did
Secondly, it was the compassion of God that even allowed us to be witnesses and perhaps participants in His divine plan of redemption
How can we take that privilege and turn it into a liability by complaining over who God may show His mercy to?