Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJude wants to stir up his readers
The fight was on
Men had arrived, false teachers
Men teaching heresy, promoting licentiousness
But the church hadn’t heeded earlier warnings to watch for these coming wolves
And now they were prowling within the congregation, wearing sheep’s attire
So they were even harder to spot
Consequently Jude felt compelled to write to awaken the sleeping believers, calling them to arms
Last week we studied vs.4-8 as Jude presented his third and fourth triads
In the third triad Jude described the enemy
They were men called out for condemnation in earlier days
Unbelievers who twist grace into an excuse to sin
Men who deny Jesus as Lord
In his fourth triad, Jude gave three examples from Israel’s history to remind the church how God responds to such men
The rebels in Israel were destroyed over their lusts, despite having been joined to the chosen people for a time
And angels who witnessed God’s majesty still rebelled against Heaven to pursue forbidden things in the days of Noah
And they experienced judgment in the end
And the sexual perversions of Sodom and Gomorrah warranted fire from the sky to remind us of the coming judgment for such sin
• History taught the church God knows these men; He sees their hearts and He will judge him
And the Lord will do the same for all false teachers and any who come to destroy the work of God among His people
But Jude’s history lesson was also a reminder to the church itself
An incentive for them to steer clear from these men and their influence
Once the false teachers have been identified, it’s our responsibility to remove them from the church
But at the very least, we are obliged to shield ourselves from their negative influence
Paul told Timothy in 1 Tim 6:11 to flee from the practices and influence of ungodly men seeking earthly gain rather than righteousness
This is the Bible’s command to the church
It’s fight or flight
Jude is asking this church to fight these men and their ungodly influence
And to flee their immorality and ignore their example, knowing the judgment that awaits
There is nothing more disheartening - especially for a teacher - to expose a false teacher to his audience, only to find the audience shrugging off the news and returning for more of the same
Perhaps it’s pride and an unwillingness to admit they’ve been seduced by the wrong leader
Perhaps it’s inertia; they can’t get up the energy to change their circumstances and seek a new teacher
Usually it’s an ignorance for why the problem is so serious
They underestimate the impact on their walk
I’ve known some to dismiss concerns over their choice to remain under bad teaching claiming all is well
Even as their marriage crumbles, the kids rebel, and their spiritual walk comes to a dead stop
And they never consider that one may be connected to the other
There is a reason we’re told to seek for the pure milk of the word
It’s the source for life and godliness God has provided so we will mature
Sitting under great teaching doesn’t guarantee our marriages won’t have difficulty
Or that our kids will turn out perfect
Or that we won’t suffer even as Job did
But it does assure us we will have the maturity and understanding to face it in a godly way, as Job did
But when we go after false substitutes, when we ignore our spiritual development
We will see consequences in our life eventually
So we shouldn’t play with fire...we flee
Revisiting v.8, Jude transitions from his history lesson to describing the deeds of these men
What were these men doing? Jude uses his fifth triad to give us a character sketch of who they were - and who they always are to a degree
First, we hear how they came to their false views: by dreaming
Dreaming refers to prophetic dreams
These men used the time honored practice of claiming wisdom from a heavenly source through a special revelation
Notice Jude says these teachers came in the same way
Also by dreaming
The starting point for these false teachers is always a special revelation which they claim as their authority
This is such a classic and insidious trick of Satan, it’s worth a few minutes to consider
The enemy’s favorite trick according to scripture, is to dress up his lies as revelation from Heaven
The Bible says in 2 Cor 11:14 that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light
It’s no coincidence that many false religions begin with a similar story
A man who was visited by an angel of light
The angel then delivered new information, new revelation
This new information supersedes anything provided before
The story of many false religions start this way
The beginning of the Mormon religion involves an angel of light delivering new revelation to supersede orthodox Christianity
The story of the beginning of the Islamic religion involves an angel of light delivering new revelation to supersede all other Biblical revelation
There are plenty of others
We can know these new revelations are always wrong because Scripture itself tells us so
Jude earlier told us that the faith was once delivered and has been handed down
It was all delivered by Christ and the Apostles
It was handed down...nothing has been lost
Then Hebrews tells us
God has saved the best revelation for last, that is the revelation provided through His Son
We already have the best God has for us, revealed in the life and words of Jesus Christ
No lessor angel is going to come along after Jesus’ appearing and gives us something better than He gave us
Finally, the word of God ends with this warning:
Jesus’ words are not only about the book of Revelation
God is the author of all scripture
He knew Revelation would be the last book of the canon
And so He knew these words would appear at the very end of the canon
And therefore, He wasn’t merely speaking about Revelation, He was summing up all scripture
He was saying in effect that if anyone tries to add to scripture they are showing themselves accursed and a disciple of the devil
So we are to turn our backs on anyone who tries to tell us of their special revelations
Because of their dreaming, these false teachers were inspired to commit three kinds of sin
First, they defiled the flesh
This is a reference to their licentiousness and sexual immorality
Just like the angels of Noah’s day and the men in Sodom, these men used their teaching as a cover for their lusts
Immorality is always the calling card of the ungodly
Paul makes the connection between those who hold to false teaching and a lifestyle of depravity in one form or another
Notice the list of things Paul says go hand-in-hand with advocating teaching that conflicts with Christ’s instructions
They create disputes, they provoke envy and strife
They use abusive language and encourage evil suspicions
And there is constant friction among themselves
We don’t need to look too hard today to find false teachers who fit these descriptions
Watch religious TV or attend some of the more prominent mega churches and you’ll see showmen and women performing in front of tens of thousands
They preach false messages on prosperity, provoking envy among the faithful
Or they preach messages of inclusion or acceptance on controversial social questions, instead of preaching the Gospel
Or they work to pander to the unbelieving world, even resorting to foul language from the pulpit
These men are constantly competing with one another for a chance to fleece the biggest audiences, seeing godliness as a means to personal gain
Secondly, these men reject legitimate church authority
In Jude’s day, the false teachers arrived with heretical, unorthodox teachings
Naturally, they immediately found themselves at odds with legitimate church leaders trying to protect their flocks
But they rejected that authority
This is what Paul meant when he said such men create disputes over various questions or words
They create a smoke screen by twisting scripture and contending with church leaders over proper interpretation
If the church respected and listened to its elders, it can be protected from the influence of such men
But too often the pastors and others leaders are the youngest and most impressionable within the church
They are spiritually immature, or at least inexperienced and ill equipped to recognize and contend with false teachers
We need to follow mature and knowledgable leaders who stand by God’s word and lead the church away from such nonsense
And then we need congregations trained to follow their godly leaders when they issue warnings about the latest unbiblical fads, no matter how popular
Finally, these leaders revile angelic majesties
When we looked at this verse briefly last week, we noted that the word translated angelic majesties is the Greek word doxa
The word means glories, and in Heavenly glories
And the word revile means to slander, to profane sacred things, to blaspheme
These men think nothing of slandering God, His word, His Son and the Spirit
They are shameless and show no fear of God
I’m sure if we’ve watched even a few minutes of the worst false teachers of our day, you’ve probably witnessed them saying something that caused you to gasp
You may have wondered how they could be so impetuous, so fearless of God
Let me give you an example of everything Jude describes, evident in a false teacher today
I won’t name the teacher, because his name doesn’t matter
False teachers come and go, names change, but it’s the pattern we need to learn well
This false teacher is a prosperity preacher featured frequently on national TV, flies the world in his private jet and has a huge following
First, here’s his story of how an angel gave him his ministry
And here are three quotes the man made during preaching
You can see all that Jude taught is exhibited in this man
His authority comes from dreaming and angels of light
He is lustful and uses God’s grace to cover his sin of greed
He rejects church doctrine and teaching when they criticize his teaching
And he clearly reviles glories of Heaven, mocking God and Jesus
Peter warned the church of such men
And now Jude backs that up with a clear description of their methods
So now we can’t say we didn’t know
On that final point of reviling God’s glory, Jude has more to say
Jude uses an example taken from an apocryphal book called The Assumption of Moses
This book is not scripture
Therefore, the content of the book rests entirely on the wisdom and integrity of the man who wrote it
But that doesn’t mean that everything in the book is automatically false
When we say something is scripture, we mean the author was writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
As a result, every word is perfectly placed, entirely accurate and without a single error
It is true in fact, accurate in perspective, timeless in application and not subject to a man’s interpretation
It is also intended by God to serve a certain purpose in His plan of redemption
It supports His plan to bring glory to Christ
And it serves to lead men to Him
So the difference between scripture and any other writing is its degree of accuracy and the purpose in its existence
But other kinds of writing can hold truth and have merit too
For example, I can pick up a book written on the history of the Vietnam War and find some truth
The book is not inspired scripture, and so it may be filled with false information, misconceptions, and biased perspectives
But it’s also likely to hold some true information
Facts about the war and the events of those days
Names and places that are accurate
So it falls short of scripture because it’s not written by the Spirit, it lacks perfect accuracy, and it exists to serve a different purpose
Nevertheless it still has some value
In this case, Jude found a fact in The Assumption of Moses that had value
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Jude includes this detail in his letter, thereby making it a part of scripture
So we can say that the Lord has endorsed this one fact
But that doesn’t mean the entire work from which it was taken is accurate
Knowing this, let’s consider this strange account
Jude reports that the archangel Michael disputed with Satan concerning the body of Moses
Jude doesn’t give us the back story on this moment, because he knew his Jewish readers knew what he was talking about
The Jewish apocryphal literature was widely read in Jewish society
And everyone knew this account like we know the story that George Washington chopped down a cherry tree
Is it true...maybe so, maybe not, but everyone knows the story
This story is one of those fables in Jewish literature
Only in this case, it’s a true story
But we have to look elsewhere to understand what Jude’s readers already knew
Interestingly, there is only one surviving copy of The Assumption of Moses
And that copy is missing over a third of the original content
And the part that does survive doesn’t include the reference to this moment
So you might wonder how do we know it was ever in the book?
Because other ancient writers and historians remark that this event was recorded in The Assumption of Moses
And so we can consult these other ancient records to learn what The Assumption of Moses originally said
What we learn is a story that makes the false teachers’ gall at mocking God’s glory all the more shocking
Moses died in the desert on the East side of the Jordan river
We can read about it at the end of Deuteronomy
Moses died before the nation entered into the Promised Land
He was barred from entering because he disobeyed the Lord’s instructions
He struck the rock of water more than once, which displeased the Lord
We studied why this was so offensive in our study of Exodus
When Moses died in the wilderness, no man was given the privilege of knowing where he was buried
The Lord Himself buries Moses’ body, we’re told
The purpose in the odd arrangement was in keeping with what we learned in our Exodus study
Moses represents the Law
And the Promised Land represents Heaven and eternal life
God wanted to make clear that we do not enter the Promised Land by means of the Law
Instead, God asked Joshua to lead the people into the Land
Joshua is the same name as Jesus
We enter by following Jesus, not by following the Law
Furthermore, God buried the body Himself so that no man could dig it up later or make it into an idol
Once Joshua was appointed to lead the nation, no one was to follow Moses again
Likewise, once Jesus comes and fulfills the Law, no man is to resurrect Moses, so to speak
We don’t try to bring back the Law
Now we learn that when Deuteronomy says God buried Moses, it means that the actual process of burial was carried out by angels, specifically by the archangel Michael
Michael was appointed by God to bury Moses body
Other ancient Jewish texts refer to Michael as the burier of the dead
Probably because he performed this task for the Lord
But as Michael was burying Moses, the enemy demanded the body of Moses from Michael
The Assumption of Moses says that Satan argued that Moses belonged to him because Moses was a murderer
Moses killed the Egyptian taskmaster
So for that reason, Moses was Satan’s follower
Satan was lying as usual
Moses wasn’t a murderer
He killed the taskmaster to protect the life of another, which is a form of self-defense
Furthermore, Moses was saved by faith according to Hebrews 11, so his sin was forgiven
So why did Satan want the body?
We can imagine a simple reason
The enemy knew that Moses was a powerful symbol to the Jewish people
If Satan had been able to use Moses body, perhaps to resurrect it by indwelling it, he could have perpetrated a great fraud
He could have shown Moses resurrected by the enemy’s power, and drawn Israel away from God to worship Moses and Satan
And in that way, Satan corrupts the people destined to bring the Messiah
Clearly, the Lord wasn’t going to allow this to happen, and Michael knew he couldn’t give the body to Satan, but Michael fought Satan with a degree of respect
Jude says Michael didn’t dare to rail against Satan
Remember that railing means to slander or blaspheme or speak in an abusive way to someone
Even though Satan is the great enemy and a fallen creature, nevertheless Michael treated him with respect...why?
Michael is the archangel, but Satan was a cherub, according to Ezekiel 28
Cherubs are the highest form of angelic being
Angels are a lessor form
Michael is the chief angel
But he’s still a lower creature than a cherub
So despite Satan’s fallen place, Michael defers to Satan’s position of honor without daring to revile his position
So how did Michael contend with Satan and prevent Moses’ body from falling into the wrong hands?
Jude says Michael appealed to the Lord
In the story, Michael turns to the Lord for his support in the battle, and the Lord turns Satan away
In that sense, Michael tells Satan that the Lord rebuked him
But Michael didn’t make the rebuke himself
Contrast that with these false teachers
They are mere men, not archangels
They revile the majesties of Heaven, even the Father and Son, not Satan
If Michael knew enough not to challenge an angelic majesty, what does it say about the ignorance of these men?
Michael must have had real fear for the consequences of such an action
He must have had good reason to think twice before challenging Satan
He knew something about God’s wrath and justice and judgment that these men lack
We’ll look at Jude’s application next time, but for now think about how this lesson changes your perspective of those who teach us to rebuke the devil
False teachers dramatically teach us to rebuke the devil
Cast him out, and he will leave
They will even quote James 4:7 were we’re told to resist the devil and he will flee
But the key is how we resist
We don’t resist by reviling angelic majesties
We don’t resist in our own power
We appeal to the Lord and ask Him to protect us, and the Lord will rebuke Satan according to His desires
We know Satan has real power, but we know the Lord has greater power
So we turn to Him, while giving proper respect to the angelic majesties