Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs you read the New Testament gospels and epistles, you can’t help but admire the men who wrote them
John, Peter, Matthew and Paul were exceptional men who endured great trials and became examples for believers throughout the age
They gave us wise counsel and provided steady leadership during the years when the church was forming and growing
But they weren’t always so steady and wise
Like every believer, those men had to grow spiritually over time until they become godly examples of Christ
And the Lord was kind and gracious to allow us to see their progression from sinner to saint to servant
Beginning with their stumbling in the Gospels, moving to their growing years in Acts
And ultimately best exemplified by their instruction to the church in their letters…
We can chart their growth as men and leaders in the church and followers of Jesus Christ
Seeing that progression should be encouraging for all of us
Because it reminds us that spiritual growth takes time for everyone
In a sense we all start as Simon before we become Peter
We all transform from a Saul to a Paul, from Abram to Abraham, from Jacob to Israel
And that progress depends entirely on the Lord working inside us to produce the necessary change
But in the beginning of that journey (and even for many years after), it’s natural for us to struggle at times in our walk, to revert back to our old nature
Sometimes we succumb to selfishness and pride, sometimes we’re confused by things Jesus says, sometimes we disappoint Jesus
But in time, as we continue following Him, we do better
And that’s perhaps the most encouraging thing about reading stories of these men in their early days following Jesus
Everyone who follows Jesus – even the greatest disciples of Jesus – started the same way we did…poorly
And today we get another opportunity to be reminded of that lesson
Last week these guys were arguing over who would be the greatest in the kingdom, which earned a rebuke from Jesus
They were measuring their greatness in terms of worldly achievement or status, but Jesus said God rewards humility
The one who served his brothers the most would receive the most honor in the Kingdom, Jesus said
And Jesus compared the proper attitude of a believer to that of a child, because as we learned last week, children are models of humility
Young children don’t rank as first in the home, they rank last
They serve others, wait for others, obey others
They have the least power, make the fewest decisions, have the least freedom
And their attitude in life reflects that reality, so Jesus says that’s the attitude a believer should adopt in seeking to please the Lord…
Remain humble while serving others
And if you do that well, you will be well-rewarded in the Kingdom
The disciples no doubt felt the sting of Jesus’ rebuke, but rather than learn from it, they sought to change the subject
And that’s where we pick up today, back in v.4
After Jesus told the disciples that humility will mark the greatest in the Kingdom, He moves to how we should treat those who serve in this way
When someone humbles themselves to serve us, like a child, Jesus says we are receiving Jesus in that moment
For example, if Jesus came to serve you (as when He washed the disciples’ feet), how would you respond to Him?
You would be astonished at His humility, wouldn’t you?
In fact, you would probably feel a bit embarrassed at the prospect of Jesus serving you knowing it should be the other way around
Jesus says that’s how we should respond to those who serve us
We receive that child (a reference to a believer in Jesus’ metaphor) as we would Jesus
We receive them in thanks, appreciative of their humility, seeing them as a representative of Christ to us
That’s not how the world looks upon the humble who serve them
Servants are barely acknowledged and even abused
They are perceived as weak, insignificant, and useless even as they make possible the lives of the rich and powerful
People look down on servants thinking if they had more intelligence or strength, they could do better for themselves
That’s how the world looked at Jesus when He became their servant on the cross
Little did they understand that the Son of God had placed Himself on that cross voluntarily for their sake
It was Jesus’ strength that made it possible for Him to be such a humble servant
That’s what Jesus is saying here to His disciples…it takes strength to be a servant to others sacrificially
So when someone comes to us serving self-sacrificially, we need to receive their service with gratitude and honor them in return
Celebrate them, and remember you may be looking at the person who will be your superior in the Kingdom
Because as they serve you with child-like humility, they are auditioning for a better place in the Kingdom, Jesus says
So Jesus tells His disciples to adopt a humble attitude and to honor others who do as well, so what do you think the disciples said in response to that?
Well, once again, it’s hard to see what’s happening here by looking only at Matthew’s account
Matthew jumps into the next part of Jesus’ teaching in v.6 without noting what the disciples said in between
I can’t help but wonder if Matthew moved on so quickly to avoid exposing what happened next
But thankfully, Luke (who wasn’t there at the time) was faithful to include the background on the moment
Earlier, the disciples were debating which one them within Jesus’ inner circle would be greatest in the Kingdom
Now after Jesus’ rebuke, John moves to comparing Jesus’ disciples to those outside the inner group
Apart from the twelve men Jesus selected to be His apostles, Jesus had many more disciples by this point in His ministry
But these twelve men who became Jesus’ inner circle were set apart from the rest
They were appointed to a higher station, because the Lord intended to use them in a greater capacity as apostles
Earlier in Luke 9 they got their first taste of the power that would accompany their new position, when they cast out demons
Performing miracles similar to Jesus truly set them apart from the rest of Jesus’ followers
But now we see that this distinction has gone to their heads a little
That’s why the apostles were concerned when they saw a “regular” disciple presuming to do the same miracle Jesus had assigned to His twelve apostles
They felt this person was presuming too much authority or privilege by doing the ministry they believed was reserved to them alone
So when they saw a disciple casting out demons in Jesus’ name, John says they tried to stop him in the act
But in Luke 9:50 Jesus tells John that wasn’t the right response, because someone who is not against you is for you
Why did they oppose that person…they weren’t concerned with what he was doing…they were concerned with who was doing it
They were bothered by the idea of an “ordinary” disciple trying to accomplish miracles they believed were reserved for apostles
They didn’t like someone else gaining the attention they thought they alone deserved
But Jesus says that too was a wrong comparison
When it comes to serving the Lord in ministry, there are only two teams
There is Team Jesus and Team Satan, and the goals of each team are easy to tell apart because they are polar opposites
So if a person is doing the same things you would do for Jesus, then that person is on your team – accept them as a partner
Moreover, we all get an assigned role on this team according to how Jesus decides we should serve Him and according to the gift of His Spirit
Later in Luke 10 Jesus sends out 70 disciples with the power to cast out demons
I suspect Jesus did so in part to show the twelve that He can equip anyone He desires to serve Him
And since Jesus is the One making those decisions for all of us, none of us can claim to be a privileged member of the team
We can’t expect to reserve certain ministry for just some people
Another person’s ministry success doesn’t come at our expense, and another church’s growth is not a bad thing
If we go about making those comparisons, as the apostles did here, we inevitably invite feelings of jealousy or pride
And in the end, those emotions don’t make ministry better…it gets in the way of ministry
There’s an old saying that there is no limit to what we can do if we don’t care who gets the credit
But when we care who gets the credit, we stop ministry and become a stumbling block to others
And that leads Jesus into a new section of teaching on stumbling blocks
Before we look at this section, it’s important to understand how Jesus is developing the metaphor He began at the outset of this chapter
As I mentioned last week, when Jesus began this lesson He pulled a child close to Himself to serve as an object lesson for his disciples
Jesus then made several comparisons between His followers and that child
First, in v.3 Jesus said that the way we enter into faith is like becoming a child, entering the world humbly
Next, in v.4 Jesus moves a step further comparing the way we must serve Jesus in faith to the way a child serves humbly
Then in v.5 Jesus said we must receive those who serve us humbly like children as if Jesus Himself were serving us
And now Jesus moves to discussing His view of the person who should cause one of Jesus’ followers (His children) to stumble in their walk of faith
Jesus’ use of the child metaphor to represent every believer has remained consistent throughout this passage
So we need to interpret everything Jesus says in light of the metaphor
In other words, Jesus isn’t speaking about the fate of children
He’s using the child to stand for all of us, so Jesus is talking about all believers
People who teach this passage often miss the fact that Jesus has been using a metaphor and so they incorrectly limit the teaching to children
And when we do that we miss Jesus’ larger point, which is that Jesus gets really upset when we cause any believer to stumble
Causing a believer to stumble means leading a Christian away from obedience and service to Jesus, and toward sin and worldliness
All of us have been guilty of causing others to stumble from time to time
In v.7 Jesus acknowledges that stumbling blocks will be inevitable
Many times, we don’t even know we’re causing others to disobey the Lord
Being the cause of someone else’s stumbling is never what we want, of course, but Jesus isn’t concerned as much with being a bad influence
He’s concerned with something more sinister, more deliberate
He’s concerned about behavior like that demonstrated by His apostles
He’s concerned about organized efforts – whether done out of spite or resentment or jealousy – to inhibit the walk of another believer
Jesus says woe to that person, meaning they will be judged for doing so
And in fact, Jesus says it would be better for that person to be drowned in the sea than to continue stumbling believers
That statement is classic biblical hyperbole…Jesus is speaking in exaggerated terms to emphasize how seriously He views this offense
Jesus isn’t literally advocating for suicide nor is He suggesting the believer could be condemned for stumbling others
A believer will never be condemned for sin, but we will be judged for our service
And if our service includes working against others to stumble them, Jesus is saying we will not like the reward we receive
It would be better that we cut our life short than to continue piling up more demerits, so to speak
Continuing with the hyperbole, Jesus says if we have become a stumbling block, we should take serious corrective action to address it
Even if it should require we cut off a foot or a hand or pluck out an eye, that is preferable to stumbling a believer and offending Jesus
Clearly, Jesus is not literally advocating self-mutilation
Remember, in this whole discourse, Jesus has relied extensively on metaphors and figures of speech to make His points
And now He uses another one to emphasize His serious displeasure for anyone who stumbles believers
Jesus says there is no earthly sacrifice too great if it will prevent an eternal loss
In Jesus’ exaggerated example, He says if you could arrange an escape from Hell by cutting off your foot, it would be worth it
And in real terms, He’s saying take whatever steps are necessary to avoid stumbling others and thereby preserving your reward
At hearing Jesus’ words, can you imagine the look on the faces of the apostles when they realize they had been stumbling a believer?
They were trying to stop a man from healing someone infested with a demon
And not only were they wrong in how they treated that believer, they were risking their own eternal reward
In short, they were doing the opposite of ministry
The word ministry is diakoneo in Greek, which literally means to serve
The English word deacon comes from this Greek word, and in a sense, all of us are deacons or servants of Jesus and of each other
So when we serve someone, we minister to that person, and in our ministering to one another, we make more service possible
As I minster to you, I encourage you to walk more closely with Jesus, to think more carefully about your duty as a disciple
I teach you, train you, pray for you, direct you and in time as you grow you do the same for others
That’s the culture Jesus wants in His church…serving one another, praying for one another, forgiving one another, etc.
But when I stop operating in humility and stop serving others, ministry stops too
And in its place comes selfish pursuits of one kind or another, including selfish pursuits inside the church body
I may do things that look very spiritual, but because I do them for myself and not others, they are not true ministry
Maybe I do things to get noticed or to make money or to compete with someone else
In time, I no longer see humility as my goal nor others in the body as those I serve
Instead, I expect to be served and recognized for what I accomplish
And I become prideful and boastful of my position in the church
And at worst I may work to undermine others in their ministry (as the apostles were doing) so that I look better by comparison
In short, we become a stumbling block to others both by setting a bad example and by inhibiting others from serving well
And in v.10 Jesus says being a stumbling block to other believers is despising Jesus’ little ones
To despise a person means to think very little of someone, and that’s the opposite of being humble and a servant of all
If we ever become inclined to think too little of a fellow believer, you should remember this…Jesus said in v.10 that person’s angels are before the Father
To understand that statement, we first must recognize that angels are assigned to individual believers
In Hebrews 1:14 we’re told that angels were created by God to be ministering spirits
Remember, the word minister is the Greek word meaning service, so angels are serving spirits
And Hebrews goes on to say that these angels render their service for the sake of those who will receive salvation in Jesus
So the angelic realm was created by God expressly for the purpose of serving the elect, those who believe in Jesus Christ
And as such, Jesus says angels are assigned to specific believers
You and I have angels in Heaven assigned to serve us, and that’s something remarkable to contemplate
We don’t know exactly what kind of service they offer us spiritually, but I suspect it’s far more important than we imagine
And if our Creator thought enough of every single believer to create and assign angels to serve us, then how ought we look upon each other?
Is there is any reason or cause for us to despite one another? To look down on one another? To lead each other to stumble?
How do you think God feels when He has died to save a person and given them angels to guard over them, only to see you come along and lead that person into sin?
Or maybe we despise the person and judge them as unworthy to serve Jesus, or at least not as worthy as we are?
Notice in v.11 Matthew says that the Son of Man has come to save and seek that which is lost
In your English Bible, this verse may be bracketed, which is an indication that the earliest manuscripts of Matthew lack this verse
Generally, earlier copies of a book are considered more trustworthy
So it’s likely that this verse was added later by copyists who felt it offered a good summary of Jesus’ point here
The statement is actually from Luke’s Gospel, and even if the line wasn’t originally written by Matthew, I agree it’s a good summary
The point is that Jesus came to save all who believe, and so who are we to think less of any of Jesus’ children
In fact, we can understand the Lord’s heart for His children by comparing it to the way a shepherd seeks after a lost sheep
In v.12 Jesus says as a shepherd guards a flock of 100 sheep, he can’t let his responsibility for the flock overshadow His concern for the individual
Even if just one sheep should go astray, he will leave the 99 for a time to search for the one
There is a risk in leaving the 99 because while he’s gone looking, something could happen to the flock
But still he goes, and before we make the application we should ask why does the shepherd take this risk?
Because individual sheep are always going astray
I doubt there are many days in which shepherds don’t have to search for lost sheep at some point
So if a shepherd wasn’t willing to go after a lost sheep, soon he would have no flock at all
And that’s the point…a key responsibility of the shepherd is keeping the flock together and unharmed
Jesus says the Father’s heart is to rejoice over the return of the one, more than the remaining of the 99
That should be the heart of the shepherd too…that we make our ministry about restoration, recovery and return of sheep
Not the unhealthy control, containment and condemnation of sheep who get in the way or compete with our work
Next week we pick up here again and move ahead in a conversation of how to restore stray sheep
But as I leave you today, let me suggest a few takeaways I’d like you to consider from today’s text
First, you’re not competing with other Christians, so don’t make comparisons
Not everyone has the same gift or calling, not everyone will use the same methods, not everyone will gain the same results
Leave judgment to the Master
Secondly, serve one another in humility and receive service from others in joy as if from Christ
Let’s value sacrificial service, not look down at those who serve us
And if you are not seeking ways to serve your brothers and sisters in the body of Christ, you should make that a priority
Because serving others humbly is the path to eternal honor
Finally, become aware of how your words and actions may lead to stumbling, either in your own walk or in their influence over others
And when you discover it, Jesus says do anything necessary to curtail that negative influence
Because there are eternal consequences