Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAt the end of Chapter 2 Paul began to shift away from his argument against nomianism, or righteousness by keeping law, to his fourth and final argument
That final argument is against the inherent righteousness of Judaism
The Jewish people hold a unique place in the world
They are the only nation of humanity to have a covenant relationship with the Living God
No other people group can make such a claim
Other religions may claim to have a special relationship with God
But only Judaism actually possesses such a relationship…and they know it
Therefore, it’s easy for the Jewish people to overplay their hand
They might assume their unique position in the world assures them a good judgment
That their Jewish identity by itself was enough
And so we saw Paul moving into a discussion of Jewish identity at the end of Chapter 2 when he raised the topic of circumcision
Jewish identity is typified by the act of male circumcision
Jewish men became a party to the covenant God gave Abraham by physical circumcision
And women in Israel shared in that identity through the headship of their circumcised Jewish fathers or husbands
The Bible says circumcision is a sign of the covenant God made with Abraham
But over the centuries Jews came to confuse the sign with the substance
This overemphasis of Jewish identity led to a fourth false view of righteousness, which I’m calling Judaism
I’m referring to the view among the Jewish people that Jewish identity alone is a means to righteousness
Though Jews are sinful like all humanity, nevertheless they believe that the Lord overlooks their sin based on their relationship with Him
That God’s favor for His people made accommodation for their sin
Those Jews holding this view called Gentiles dogs, and claimed that God created Gentiles merely to fuel the fires of Hell
They taught that Abraham guarded the gates to Hades, and that should a Jew find his way to the entrance, Father Abraham would turn him around and send him to Heaven
This is the lie that Jews tell themselves, so it’s unique to Judaism
Therefore, it’s not an issue outside of the Jewish people
But given the importance of the Jewish people to God, it’s still an issue that requires discussion
Furthermore, in the early church this was of special concern, since Judaizers were at work to convince Gentiles they must be Jewish to be saved
So even as Paul was wrapping up his argument against nomianism in Chapter 2, he’s already lining up his arguments against the fourth and final religious lie: Judaism
His first argument appears at the end of Chapter 2 and deals with the fallacy of trusting in circumcision (i.e., Jewish identity)
As we studied last week, Paul connected circumcision with law
He said that Jews couldn’t rely on the Law for righteousness unless they do the law
Merely having the right law isn’t enough
In fact, doing the law was so important that if someone who wasn’t circumcised did the law, they would be righteous
Meanwhile, a circumcised Jew who failed to do the Law wouldn’t gain the benefits of their identity
Or as Paul put it…
Circumcision was a sign of a covenant, but possessing a sign doesn’t automatically convey the substance of that covenant
For example, water baptism is the sign of the New Covenant in Christ
But going into the water doesn’t automatically confer salvation to a person
If their heart isn’t in agreement with the covenant, then the sign is meaningless
Likewise, a Jew who trusts in the Law and in their identity as a Jew, is missing the big picture
The identity God cares about is our spiritual identity, not our physical identity
What matters is our spiritual state before God
It’s keeping the Law that matters, not possessing it
It’s having a heart that belongs to the family of God, not a body that belongs to the nation of Israel
And with that, we now move into Paul’s treatment of the fourth spiritual lie: Judaism
Paul addresses the lie of trusting in Jewish identity by asking and answering five questions
This is a typical Pauline technique
He asks questions he believes his audience will be asking
And then he answers them one at a time
In the process, he refutes the lie
He begins with the question most Jews (and many Christians) ask when they learn that all men are treated the same by God at the judgment
What advantage was there to being Jew, then?
What was the benefit of being party to the covenant God gave Abraham?
The answer Paul gives is “great in every respect”
There were significant advantages to being Jewish
Their first and greatest advantage was to receive the oracles of God
Israel was the nation of people entrusted to receive the word of God on behalf of all humanity
No other people on earth received this blessing
Gentiles didn’t have the word
Most Gentiles lived and died having never heard it
The Greek word translated “first of all” means of first importance
Having the word of God was Israel’s chief advantage in the pursuit of righteousness
Of course, simply possessing the word of God wasn’t a means to righteousness any more than possessing the Law
Nevertheless, having the word of God gave them a distinct advantage in that pursuit
Because in the word of God, the people of Israel had all they required to find, know and follow God
This leads to the second question
So if God singled out Israel for special revelation yet not all of them demonstrated faith in God’s word, what do we conclude about God?
Does the fact that some within Israel didn’t follow the Lord faithfully suggest God was not faithful to His covenant people?
This is the chief flaw in the lie of Jewish identity
Jews assume that God deals with all Jews in a similar way
And that if God were to turn His back on one Jew, He has been unfaithful to Israel overall
So Paul asks that question…would an unfaithful member of Israel be proof that the Lord has not been faithful to His covenants with His people?
To prove the error in this logic, Paul quotes from a case study of one of the most famous Jews in history
This man received great promises from God
And yet this man was unfaithful to God at times
Here’s what that man, King David, wrote about his situation:
Paul quotes David’s confession of sin
And he declares that when the Lord judged David’s sin, the Lord was blameless
The Lord judged David by taking the life of his young child by Bathsheba
David mourned his child’s death but he acknowledged the Lord’s judgment was righteous
So here we have an answer to the very question Paul raises
Is the Lord unfair when He holds an unfaithful Jew accountable? Should God overlook the sin of a Jew simply because they are a Jew?
If that’s how it worked, then David (of all people) would have been excused for his sin
But David himself declares that the Lord was blameless when He judged David for his sin
That leads to the third question
The argument suggests that when God’s people are unrighteous and God judges them, their sin highlights God’s righteousness
We can understand this argument with a simple comparison
When you speed on the highway you are breaking the law
Because you were speeding, you gave opportunity for a policeman to chase you down and give you a ticket
In a sense, your sin gave the policeman opportunity to show his righteous judgment
Therefore, when you go to court, you tell the judge he should dismiss your ticket because you were doing your civic duty
You merely highlighted your city’s excellent justice system
So this argument suggests that the God who inflicts his wrath against those in Israel who sin, would be unrighteous
As crazy as it may seem to us, this is the argument coming from Jewish identity proponents
God can’t put Jews in Hell to suffer His wrath because it would make God appear unrighteous
Paul distances himself from this claim at the end of v.5
This is an ungodly “human” perspective, but it’s not the truth
Paul answers if God could overlook the sin of Jews merely because they were Jewish, then how could God justly judge the rest of the world?
God would be a hypocrite to hold a sinning Gentile accountable while ignoring the sin of a Jew
He would no longer be qualified to serve as humanity’s fair and impartial judge
Double standards are not just
This leads to the fourth question
The fourth question is a corollary to the third question
Speaking on a personal level, the question asks isn’t the unrighteousness of a Jew actually helping God?
When we sin don’t we give God more opportunity to show grace?
Shouldn’t He congratulate the sinning Jew rather than condemn him?
Paul answers their question with a sarcastic question of his own
If someone was going to suggest this, then shouldn’t they live according to this motto at all times?
Paul sums up this perspective simply as “Let us do evil that good may come.”
In other words, if you really believe this kind of absurd logic, then why are you endeavoring to do anything good at all?
Shouldn’t you do all evil all the time?
Paul says some have slanderously accused him of making this very claim elsewhere
But self-evidently, no godly person sincerely believed that this was true, as evidenced by the fact that no one was living that way
If they did, they would soon be in prison or dead!
And with that Paul leaves the argument unaddressed so as not to dignify it
He simply says those who hold to such a view are justly condemned
The fifth and final question returns to where Paul began…
So what do we conclude then concerning Jews vs. Gentiles? Are we better than they?
Paul uses the pronoun “we" to refer to Jews, because he was a Jew and so were the leaders in the Roman church
So he asks are we the Jews better than Gentiles when it comes to judgment and righteousness and heaven?
When all is said and done and we are facing our eternal judgment, will we be able to rest upon our Jewish heritage to save us?
Will that get us into Heaven, which is the essence of the lie of Jewish heritage?
To that Paul answers plainly, not at all. Jews are not better than Gentiles on the question of righteousness
Jews may have had advantages and received certain promises as a people
But individually no Jew stands in a better place than any Gentile
And to prove this point from scripture, Paul quotes from two Psalms (14 & 53) to close the door on any thought that we are righteous
This passage is one of the key passages of the New Testament
It addresses a number of theological issues, including original sin, total depravity, & mankind’s universality of guilt before God
First, notice in v.10 Paul quotes the word of God testifying that there is none among humanity who are righteous, not even one
This is a sweeping statement
The Bible says there is not a single human being descended from Adam who may stand before God without condemnation
None are righteous, that is without sin
And to be sure we understand, the Lord repeats “not one”
It matters not who we are, where we were born, who our parents were, how many sins we’ve committed, how much sorrow we’ve expressed
It matters not our age, whether an infant or an old man
It doesn’t matter if we are a genius or mentally incapacitated
It certainly doesn’t matter if we are a Jew or Gentile
Not a single person is righteous before God
And the reason for this universality of guilt is that our unrighteousness was present in us at birth
Adam’s fall in the Garden changed his spiritual nature irreparably
And when he reproduced, he created new life that shared in his spiritual nature
So because Adam’s spirit was fallen, he produced children with a fallen nature
So in turn do we, as David acknowledged about himself
Therefore, by nature the children of Adam are unrighteous
As some have observed, we aren’t called sinners because we sinned
Rather, we engage in sin because we were born sinners by nature
This is the doctrine of Original Sin, the concept that all humanity is born with a spiritual defect
Paul describes it this way in Ephesians
We come into the world with a spiritual deadness to God
We are pledged to Satan and we live in our flesh
As a result we are not children of God but children of His wrath, just as the rest of humanity, Paul says in v.3
There are important spiritual consequences of this spiritual deadness
The first of these consequences is given in the first half of Romans 3:11
Paul says there is no human being who understands [God]
As a result of our spiritual deadness from birth, mankind is incapable of understanding the truth about God, to know Him truly
Spiritual truth lies outside our grasp
Paul says it this way in 1 Corinthians:
The believer receives the Spirit of God so that the person may gain the ability to know the truth about God
To know the things we were given freely by God, by His grace
In turn, we speak spiritual truth not because we’ve been taught these things by other people but because we were taught by the Spirit
Because a natural man, an unbeliever, cannot accept the truth of God
They are foolishness to him
That’s what Paul means when he quotes the psalmist to say no one understands
No one reasons themselves into believing in the Gospel
By human reason, the Gospel is nonsense
The ability to understand God lies outside our grasp, and that spiritual blindness is a consequence of our spiritual birth defect
It takes a living spirit to understand spiritual truth from God, but we’re born with a dead spirit
Which leads to the third implication in the second half of v.11
There is no one in the human race who seeks for God
Paul isn’t saying no one seeks for religious experiences
Or that no one seeks for a god
The Bible’s saying no one seeks for the true living God
No one finds the path to God on their own
And of course, this makes sense when we remember that all have been born with a dead spirit
Spiritually dead things don’t seek for anything
As Paul said in Ephesians, we were dead in our sins, seeking only to serve our flesh
Even those who pursue religion in some form do so for fleshly reasons, ironically
Theologians call this principle total depravity, which means the deadness of man’s heart precludes him from ever rising above his nature
He does not know God
Nor will he ever seek to find him
And even if someone should share spiritual truth with this person, he couldn’t understand it
It’s the definition of being lost
Our sin nature is so corrosive that it only serves to drive
us further and further away from God
Like a rock dropped in the sea
It moves only downward, away from the light of the surface
And unless someone reaches down into the dark, the rock will continue to fall and can never rescue itself
Because we are blind and deaf to God and spiritually unable to find Him, we are useless to Him
Together, Paul says in v.12 that all humanity has become useless (or could be translated corrupt) to God
He gains nothing from unsaved humanity
We do not thank Him
We do not honor Him
We do not praise Him nor serve Him
And notice again, the psalmist clarifies that not even one exception exists
The name of a good person might come to our mind about now
Some civic or social leader, some heroic figure from history or a dear family member
Someone we supposed has done much good in life, even if they are a sinner
But the Bible testifies against such thinking, at least in a spiritual sense
War heroes may do good acts, but they don’t do “good”
Social leaders may accomplish good works for the poor, but they don’t do good
Your grandmother may have loved you dearly, but she didn’t do good
Because the Bible says that even our so-called good works amount to nothing to God
How can this be true? Because we measure good in ways different to God
We see good from a selfish perspective
If something pleases us, helps us, let’s us feel better about ourselves or others, if it seems good to us, then it’s “good”
But the true and only measure of good belongs to God, Who we already learned is alone good
And God’s definition of good is one of perfection
And a person who is operating in a dead and sinful spirit is incapable of doing good
And even if we should accomplish a good deed, it’s spoiled coming from a selfish sinful heart
Finally, Paul finishes in vs.13-18 with a summary of the sinful behaviors that exemplify fallen humanity
Our mouths are like open graves, in that the things that come out are like death itself
We speak in deceiving ways, hurtful ways
We use our tongues to further our selfish desires and to bring down those around us
If we took a careful inventory of the sin committed by just our tongue, we would run out of paper to write it all down
There is no better measure of the unrighteousness of humanity and the universal nature of our condition than the common sin of our tongues
But of course, we have much more than that
Our feet are quick to shed blood
And these feet beat a path of destruction for ourselves and others
This summary is an allusion to the fall itself
The sin that began all sin was the lie told by Satan in the Garden
It led to the feet of Adam and Woman leaving the garden
Which quickly led to Cain shedding Abel’s blood
And Cain walked a path of destruction away from his family
Eventually, we have a world filled with misery where no one has ever known true peace
So when you hear people asking why do bad things happen and why does suffering exist, the answer is v.18
No one born of Adam and living in the deadness of their spirit fears God or even knows Him
And without a fear of God, we have no reason to restrain our sin nature
Before moving ahead in Paul’s analysis, we need to ask how do we reach the Jew who relies on their family heritage to save them?
Perhaps take them to this account in the Gospels
The point in this passage is that Zaccheus is a Jewish man, albeit a man with significant sin
And for that reason, Jesus declared that his response to Jesus dictated His salvation
Notice the Lord declared that “today” this man became a son of Abraham
Sonship isn’t by physical birth but by spiritual birth
And if this Jew could be the “lost” then clearly Jews don’t have an inside track to heaven
Still, making this claim depends on their willingness to submit to the authority of scripture
Which reminds us that coming to faith is ultimately a matter for the Lord to decide
We may use His word and hope for His grace, but we cannot work without it
So Paul quotes these two Psalms as a capstone argument against all four religious lies: paganism, moralism, nomianism and Judaism
Every possible way men have imagined for how to get to Heaven has been shown to be corrupt
They don’t work, they can’t work and in the day of judgment all who follow them will be sorely disappointed
Moreover, if no one is righteous, than it raises the more fundamental and frightening question:
How can anyone get into Heaven?
Does anyone survive the judgment moment with God?
God sent His Law into the world principally for the purpose of educating mankind on the standard for heaven
It was not intended to be a recipe for meriting heaven
In fact, Paul says that whatever the Law may say about one thing or another, it’s saying it to those who are to be judged by it, so that we may be accountable to God
A more literal translation of v.19-20 reads this way
The ultimate effect of God revealing His Law to mankind was not redemption but condemnation
This is an inevitable conclusion, logically speaking
If every human being is born with sin…
This means we have already lost our race to heaven before we even start to run
Since this is true, what can be the purpose of God giving us the rules to the race, the Law?
The only thing those rules do now is remind us that we couldn’t have won the race even if we had tried
And so it shuts up any disagreement or debate
How ironic that someone would then try to follow those rules having already been disqualified?
Paul says in v.20 that because of mankind’s dilemma, no one will be successful in achieving a declaration of righteousness before God
You can’t do it by trusting in created things
You can’t do it by trusting in yourself
You can’t do it by trusting in laws or rules
And you can’t do it by trusting in your identity as a Jew
The Law of God reminds you that you were condemned long before you started to care about such things
So once again we have to ask, how does anyone get to heaven?
May I suggest that effective evangelism should include some aspect of this truth?
We must find the right way to inform a person that they are a sinner, that the standard for heaven is perfection, and they don’t meet it
Otherwise, they have good reason to question why they need what you’re “selling”
You’re selling the answer to THE great spiritual dilemma of mankind
You’re offering the way sinful people can meet the standard required for heaven
We all know we’re sinful, because our sin is self-evident even if we are reluctant to acknowledge it
And since sin is an imperfection, we know it means we are not righteous, not right before God
So if we enter God’s presence at our judgment in this condition, we have reason to expect to receive His judgment
So how does someone become good enough to get to Heaven? How can we be declared righteous?
This leads us to the turning point in Paul’s letter, the point where we return to the main thesis of the letter
Before we take this turn, go back briefly to Chapter 1
Remember how he set up his thesis to explore these four religious lies
The gospel message has the power of God to save everyone who believes, Jew and Gentile
And what is that power? How does it solve our dilemma?
It reveals how we may obtain the righteousness of God
It does not tell us how we may be righteous ourselves
It says how we may have the perfection we lack
And so now in Chapter 3, Paul is ready to summarize that message with the power to save
We’re beginning Paul’s most thorough summary of the Gospel from all his letters (second choice is 1 Corinthians 15)
Paul begins saying “apart from the Law”
He means that what he’s about to tell us has nothing to do with following law
Following law or rules of any kind will not bring you to the righteousness you need to enter Heaven
Remember, we were sinking to the bottom of the ocean long before we even knew we should have been swimming
Our sin began at birth, so how can doing law now help us arrive at our righteousness?
We know our past is filled with sin, but we can’t change our past
And the passing grade required for heaven is 100%, so why bother doing works of law now? What good will that do?
The solution MUST be found apart from law
So then, Paul says the righteousness we need is the righteousness of God
This conclusion is absolutely unavoidable
The only person who has the required righteousness to enter Heaven is God Himself
Remember Jesus said no one is good but God alone
If no one is good but God alone, then we’re stuck
We either need to become God
Or else I need to gain God’s righteousness
Well, the Gospel is NOT a story of how you become God (that’s the lie of Mormonism)
But the Gospel does tell you how you may obtain God’s righteousness for yourself
Paul says the righteousness of God has been manifested to us
The verb manifest means to be revealed, to be made known
God’s righteousness has been made known to us
The message of the Gospel is an explanation for how we can obtain God’s righteousness
The Greek verb tense is in the middle voice, so Paul is saying this revelation came to us by God, He revealed it to us
We didn’t discover it on our own, of course, because we weren’t seeking God in the first place
And even if we stumbled upon it, we couldn’t understand it because we were spiritually dead
Jesus refers to this situation as pearls before swine (Matt 7:6)
Instead, God had to make this truth known to us
He had to seek us out
And He had to give us the means to understand His revelation, otherwise we would have automatically rejected spiritual truth