Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLast week we started into a new section of 2 Samuel where the writer details David’s failings as king of Israel
Our new section runs from Chapter 9-20 and chronicles David’s failures, which is considerably longer than the first section on David’s successes
But that’s not because David failed more often than he succeeded or even that his failures were more prominent
Rather, a deeper examination of David’s failings are more instructive for us spiritually
David’s successes are a reminder of the Lord’s faithfulness to His children
But a study of David’s failures gives opportunity to learn from David’s mistakes so we can improve our own faithfulness
Last week we began this new section in Chapter 9 as David extended grace to Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son
The story is a heartwarming picture of God’s grace to us
Just as Mephibosheth was crippled by a fall, so are we crippled spiritually by a fall into sin
Just as Mephibosheth couldn’t stand in David’s presence, neither can we stand in the presence of God by our own efforts
So when David showed Mephibosheth grace because of a covenant made with Jonathan, it pictures God showing us grace because of Jesus
When David looked at Mephibosheth, he saw his friend, Jonathan, and when the Father looks upon us, He sees Jesus
God shows us mercy because of a covenant made in Jesus’ blood, and we receive it because the Father granted it to us
So David’s decision to seek this man out was not a problem in itself, but the problem was in how David used this man to appease the Benjamites
David gave Mephibosheth his grandfather’s inheritance of land in the tribe of Benjamin, and this set the stage for future conflict
David was mixing his desire to keep his word to Jonathan with his personal desire to be popular and accepted by his enemies
Later a man from Mephibosheth’s household, Sheba, will rebel against David’s dynasty
And that rebellion was made possible because of David’s desire to placate the Benjamites
This leads us into a three chapter section that centers on David’s defeat of the Ammonites and David’s fall into adultery
Back in Chapter 8 we heard a summary of David’s successes on the battlefield at the end of his reign
And his victory over the Ammonites was mentioned only briefly
But now the writer goes back to that time to explain the circumstances that surrounded their defeat, which includes David’s greatest personal failing
There are several details in this chapter that tell us this event happened relatively early in David’s rule
First, the king of Ammon who dies is King Nahash, who ruled during Saul’s entire reign as king
We read about Saul’s conflict with this man in 1 Samuel 11, when Nahash tried to take Jabesh-gilead from Saul
Saul responded with a stunning victory over the Ammonites, which led to Saul’s anointing as king over Israel
Now the king of the Ammonites has died, which means this must have been early in David’s reign because Nahash couldn’t reign much longer
And now his son Hanun is ready to assume power in his father’s place, and he is ready to challenge David probably for revenge
And that leads to our second reason to know this must be earlier in David’s reign
Certainly, no one would have thought to challenge David at the end of his reign after his power was well known and respected
But David is willing to seek some kind of peace with the new king, so he sends representatives to Hanun
The new king decides to respond in spite by challenging David’s rule
Jews didn’t shave their beards or heads because the Law prohibited such things
The Ammonite king probably knew this, so he has their heads and beards shaved to humiliate them among their people
He also cuts their garments to the point that they are barely clothed, another embarrassment
Clearly the new Ammonite king wants to send David a message that he will not be afraid of David, but again this is early in David’s reign
In time, men like Hanun learned not to challenge David and instead they sought peace agreements and paid tribute
But those lessons had to be learned through experience, and Hanun was one of those early examples
So these men return to David humiliated and David reassures them
David deals sensitively with his men telling them they can stay out of sight at Jericho until their beards grow back, which would be some months
Jericho had never been rebuilt since Joshua’s day, so it was the perfect hiding place for these men
Meanwhile, the word gets back to Ammon that David is none too pleased with their treatment of his men
So the Ammonites prepare for the inevitable war that their king invited by seeking allies from the surrounding nations
Primarily, the Ammonites seek help from the Arameans along with Zobah, Tob and others
These are the men that we heard David defeated in Chapter 8’s summary of David’s victories
So now we learn that these nations were targeted by David because they had become allies against Israel
The king’s actions were a clear provocation intended to test David’s new leadership and Israel’s strength
So David has little choice except to respond
David orders his forces into battle against the Ammonites
David’s commander Joab and “all the army” are sent to fight the Ammonites
But notice that we don’t see David consulting the Lord before going to war as he once did, and that’s a bad sign
So often when we’re new in our walk with the Lord or weak in the face of our challenges, we turn to Him and ask Him for help
But as we mature and strengthen or as our battles lessen, we ease off that dependency
When our maturity should be driving us deeper into a relationship, it can lead us to say to God, “I’ve got this…”
So, David has committed his entire army to this battle and in the first engagement they meet at Medeba (1 Chronicles 19)
The first encounter was led by Joab and his brother Abishai, who move Jewish forces across the Jordan from Judah
The Arameans have agreed to fight with Ammon and have joined the battle coming down from the north
While the Ammonites have come from the east and south to form a pincer movement against Joab’s forces
So in v.9 Joab sees that he will have to fight on two fronts simultaneously, so he divides his forces and gives half to his brother
Abishai will take the Ammonite front and Joab will take the Aramean front
And then they agree that whoever falters first will receive help from the other force
In this initial conflict David has not joined in the battle himself
Finally, Joab commendably encourages his men to be courageous knowing the Lord is in control and trusting Him
The battle isn’t described in much detail, but it’s clear enough that the Lord brings Israel the victory
Joab and Abishai engaged on two fronts against two greater forces and yet both run fleeing from the battle with hardly a fight
After seeing his adversaries run off so easily, Joab declines to chase them down
Instead, he returns to Jerusalem which means the battle isn’t over
The Arameans retreated into a city stronghold called Rabbah, while the Arameans fall back across the Euphrates river in the north
Nearby was the king of Zobah, Hadadezer, who sees opportunity to strengthen his own rivalry with David
So he offers his commander and army to join with the Arameans against David
This conflict is widening and sucking in more of Israel’s enemies
David sees Joab return with the job unfinished against the Ammonites and hears that the Arameans are regathering, and he takes charge
David brings all of Israel’s army and heads north to put down the Arameans and Hadadezer’s army
With the Lord’s help, David destroys the army of Shobach, and destroys their ability to wage war
And now the king of Zobah has no choice but to become a vessel of David and pay tribute to Israel
This was the victory that we heard about briefly in Chapter 8
Now the Ammonites have lost a powerful ally, which makes them a much less powerful threat to David, but he’s not done fighting them
Having shown his commander how to vanquish an enemy, David returns to Jerusalem and allows his commander to take charge again
This verse has a measure of foreshadowing by suggesting that David was wrong to remain in Jerusalem
When he commands the army, his wisdom leads the people and the Lord blesses the outcome
But when David sits back and allows others like Joab and Abishai to fight these battles, the results are less conclusive
The sense we get is that the Lord intended David to lead, which is why the Lord anointed him and gave him the role of king
David wasn’t a figurehead or an administrator behind a desk
David was to be a hands-on leader who set an example for the people
So when David steps away from this role, bad things happen
And that’s the sense we get from the opening verse of the chapter, as David sends others to lead and fight his battles
God raises up leaders for a spiritual purpose, and that purpose can’t be delegated
A man or woman raised up and gifted to lead can’t delegate that leadership to others
No more than a prophet or teacher can delegate the giving or prophecy or the teaching of God’s word
Obviously, a leader can delegate the performance of many tasks to others, for that is part of being a good leader
But the essence of a person’s call from God cannot be delegated to another
A man who has the gift to lead or pastor must remain in a position to oversee all the leadership or pastoring duties
Or a woman with a gift to teach or encourage others shouldn’t step back from teaching to managing a staff of teachers
Let someone with the gift to lead manage while those with the gift to teach continue in the study and teaching of God’s word
Remember what the apostles said when someone suggested that they should “move up” to a management position?
We remember they said “it is not desirable” to neglect teaching
Who wouldn’t desire it? God, the One Who gifted them to teach
And if they had moved to other duties, they would have been neglecting what God called them to do, they said
When we delegate our role to others, we are neglecting our gift and abdicating our responsibility to serve God in our calling
And those God intended to serve through us receive less than the Lord intended
David delegated his God-given role as the leader of Israel in battle which was abdicating his responsibility
And it resulted in Israel receiving less than God intended
God does not desire we hand off our area of ministry to someone else so we can climb a ladder of personal success
It never feels that way in the moment because we tell ourselves we've taken on other responsibilities that are more important
And a man or woman raised up to a certain purpose shouldn’t turn that responsibility over to another
And ministry shouldn’t be viewed as a career nor is serving God a means to climbing a ladder
We receive a gift and a calling, and the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable
So because David delegates his battlefield leadership again and stays in Jerusalem, it opens opportunity for the idle king to get into trouble
The story of David and Bathsheba is one of the best known from the Old Testament and it is certainly his weakest moment
What starts as lust becomes adultery and eventually leads to murder
It may be the second most notorious sin in the whole Bible after the Fall of the Garden
It’s a classic example of how sin works in a person’s heart when it’s allowed to mature and progress
Augustine once wrote that David’s fall with Bathsheba was a warning to all who haven’t fallen that they should be on guard
And it’s an encouragement to save from despair all those who have fallen
The story spans Chapters 11 and 12, and it’s organized in a chiastic structure with the turning point of the chiasm between chapters
It starts with David sending Joab to Rabbah and it ends with Joab sending David to Rabbah
It starts with David sleeping with Bathsheba, Bathsheba getting pregnant, and then her husband dying
It ends with David’s son dying, followed by David sleeping with Bathsheba and Bathsheba getting pregnant with Solomon
This chiastic structure reminds us these events happen according to a plan of God to accomplish a good purpose in David and Israel
And like most stories of this kind, it starts innocently enough with David taking a nighttime stroll on the roof of his palace
The roofs of homes in that day were a living space where families gathered in the evenings
Daytime heat was absorbed by the clay and stone walls of homes, so families cooled off on the roof at night
David is having trouble sleeping one night, perhaps because it was hot, and he ends up on his roof overlooking the city
And from that vantage point, he sees a young woman bathing, perhaps through a window or in the courtyard around her home
At seeing Bathsheba bathing, David is instantly taken by her beauty, and he has servants inquire about the woman
David is told her name is Bathsheba, which means “maiden of an oath”
After learning her name, David sends for her, and of course she must respond to the king’s request for an audience
And in v.4 the text simply says David lay with her and after she purified herself ritually and returned home
And just like that, David commits adultery as does Bathsheba
David has committed adultery through additional marriages, which was culturally acceptable in that day
But now he has take the step of adultery without even the pretense of a marriage because the woman was already married
So what do we make of what David and Bathsheba did? For example, is this just David’s sin?
Most assume Bathsheba never intended to be seen bathing, yet Jerusalem was not a very large place and she lived very near the palace
So she must have known she was in sight of David’s roof while she bathed, which suggests she was toying with the king
That doesn’t mean she was seeking to sleep with David, of course, and the text never explicitly blames Bathsheba
But there is also no evidence that she ever tried to resist David’s advances in the way Joseph resisted Potiphar’s wife
So Bathsheba seems to have played with fire and been burned
Nevertheless, David deserves the bulk of blame, both because he was king, but also because he knew the importance of keeping a covenant
His problems began in the way that sin often starts: with the lust of the eyes
Humanity’s sin began when the Woman saw that the fruit was good, and her lustful sight led her down a self-destructive path
James describes that path this way
We are carried away and enticed (or lured) into sin by a lust or fleshly desire
The flesh is programmed from birth to want for the wrong things, and that desire can carry us away
We are carried away from sanity, from sensibility, from reasonable thinking, from what we know to be true
And as we’re carried away, it’s like a magnet…the closer we get to that thing we desire, the stronger the pull
That lustful desire just keeps growing until it conceives and gives birth to a sinful act
And when that sinful act is accomplished it will bring forth death, James says
Ultimately, he’s talking about the death that we all experience because we all have sin
But it’s also an allusion to the small deaths that we die every time we sin
The sins we commit in chasing after lust kill relationships, ruin fortunes, destroy peace, and wreck families and careers
In David’s case the pattern fits literally, as David sees a naked woman, is drawn in by his lust, conceives a child and that leads to two deaths
And it all starts with eyes lusting for something
Spying a naked woman naturally incites lust in any man’s heart, and the same is true for women of course
David knew that he was experiencing lust, and it should have caused him to avert his eyes to stop lust from carrying him away
Then David could have sent messengers to Bathsheba ordering her to bathe inside out of sight in the future
Instead David allowed his gaze to linger, and once aroused he felt compelled to act on his lust by ordering her to his side
Scriptures’ command to all of us is to guard our eyes, erect barriers against things that entrap us and lead us away from godliness
These “fork in the road” moments exist in every journey toward sin and we need to learn how to recognize them
Sight leads to lust leads to conceiving plans to sin leads to birth of sin and the resulting death of something we love
It’s also interesting that Bathsheba makes a point of engaging in a ritual cleansing in one of David’s mikvahs (or ritual baths)
She was concerned about keeping the law’s requirements for ritual purity, but she appears willing to violate the Law’s demand for purity
This is a classic example of how God’s people live in rebellion
We sin on Saturday, we go to church on Sunday
It’s not fooling anyone, especially not God
God wanted her to observe the Laws on ritual cleansing and to observe the Law concerning marital purity
But she used one against the other…she committed adultery but then used ritual cleansing to “offset” the sin
It’s like when we choose to sin but then excuse it to ourselves by giving more to the church or saying additional prayers
You can’t ignore one of God’s commands and then offset it by doubling down on another of His commands
God doesn’t play those games and He doesn’t credit us when we try to do it
He wants us to obey without exception, and the fact that we are forgiven for all sin shouldn’t give us comfort when we sin
In this case, the mention of ritual washing is also a clue of the consequences that were soon to follow, because it means she was menstruating
And that can only mean one thing…there are consequences for sin, and in David’s case, the Lord visits severe consequences on David
Bathsheba informs David that she is pregnant…she knows the baby belongs to David since her husband is away fighting the war with the Ammonites
This is the consequence that the Lord has brought to David, and the question is how did the Lord expect David to respond at this point?
The Law in Leviticus 20:10 demanded death both for David and Bathsheba, which is probably why she came to David
Her pregnancy would become known soon, and when it was people would know she had committed adultery
And although David’s role in the matter might be concealed, she knew she would surely be put to death
So the proper thing for David to do would have been to confess his sin to Bathsheba’s husband and ask his forgiveness
And in addition David could have thrown himself on the mercy of God, asking the Lord to spare his life and Bathsheba’s life
We can logically assume the Lord would have granted David mercy especially since his heir hadn’t yet been born
Perhaps the Lord would have spared Bathsheba too
But David never considers that option it seems…he proves James true by following the path of sin that James described
David is carried away by sin going deeper and deeper into the trap he set for himself
David hatches a plan to conceal his sin by bringing Bathsheba’s husband back from the front
David sends word to Joab to return Uriah from the battlefield
When Uriah arrives, David plays his request off as nothing more than a desire to receive a report from the battlefield
Uriah reports as required, and then David sends Uriah home on a bit of R&R from the war
David also sends Uriah with extra food and drink rations as a gift to encourage a celebration at home that evening
Of course, David’s intended purpose was to ensure Uriah spent a night with his wife, which would then explain her baby
But Uriah is a man of honor and integrity, so much so that he declines the opportunity to have relations with his wife that night
Instead, the man chooses to sleep with the servants in David’s house, frustrating David’s plan
When David hears, he confronts Uriah:
Incredulously, David asks Uriah why he didn’t go to his wife?
Uriah answers that he couldn’t bring himself to enjoy things that others couldn’t enjoy under the circumstances
He says if the ark isn’t in a proper home, and his commander and comrades are living in a field, then he can’t do better for himself
He wants solidarity with those making sacrifices for God, so Uriah swears he won’t enjoy an advantage
Nothing convicts a person living in sin more than another person refusing to join them in sin for righteous reasons
Those moments either become opportunity to repent or they harden hearts
David chose the latter and doubled down on his path of sin
In v.12 David tells Uriah to stay in Jerusalem a little longer, because David has another plan to get the man to sleep with his wife before leaving
David calls Uriah to a feast and gets the man to drink so much he becomes drunk
Of course, David hopes that as he drinks too much he will lose his inhibition and succumb to a desire for his wife
This is such classic sin behavior it should be a law of the universe
When we sin, we expect others to join us in that sin, and in fact we encourage others to do so
It’s an instinctive response and we see it at work even in the very first sin of the Garden
What did Woman do immediately after she ate the fruit and sinned?
The instinct to share our sin with others is universal, and in this case David invites Uriah into the sin of drunkenness to cover his own sin
But Uriah’s integrity can’t be taken from him that easily, so we’re told in v.13 that Uriah still refuses to see his wife
A drunk Uriah had more integrity than a sober David, as Wiersbe once observed
You get the sense at this point that the Lord has prevented David from getting what he wants because He’s working to expose him
And this is another classic pattern of sin…when we try to hide it, we may succeed for a time or even forever
But the Lord is always capable of exposing our sin when it suits Him, and sometimes He does, and other times He waits
But just because we get away with something for a time doesn’t mean He doesn’t care
And if you test Him long enough, He will eventually let our mistakes come to light to encourage us to repent
When you have the king of Israel and a man in the line of the Messiah engaging in adultery and fathering illegitimate children, the stakes couldn’t be higher
So the Lord will not turn a blind eye to this situation, and so as David tries to make it go away, the Lord stops his plans at every turn
You wonder when David was going to wake up and recognize that the Lord was trying to tell him something
But it takes one more sin and one more consequence before David gets the point
David knew he could depend on his commander to do as he ordered and to do it discreetly, so David devises a plan to have Uriah killed in battle
Once Uriah was dead, David could quickly marry Bathsheba and then the child could be his and no one would be the wiser
So David sends Joab a letter with Uriah asking that Uriah be placed at the front so he can die in battle
In fact, to ensure his death, Joab was to order that the rest of the men retreat during the fight leaving Uriah alone to die
This is a plot to murder Uriah, pure and simple, yet to have it happen it in such a way that no one would know David’s part
Joab places Uriah in the place of strongest resistance at Rabbah, and when the battle ensued, as expected, Uriah was killed
But did you notice that others also died unnecessarily as part of Joab’s plot, which means David is also guilty of their murder
All this bloodshed is on David’s head
Then Joab finishes the conspiracy by informing his messenger how to break the news to David about Uriah’s death
If Joab had sent a messenger with a word saying Uriah is dead, it would have been obvious that David had ordered his death
For there would have been no other reason why a king would have taken interest in an ordinary soldier’s death
So Joab creatively decides to send a report of a bad loss on the battlefield, knowing that it would incite David’s legitimate anger
So when David reacted as expected by second guessing the commander’s choice to attack so foolishly, he could sneak in the news
The messenger would respond that Uriah was also dead, and Joab knew this would accomplish two purposes
It would calm David’s anger because David would instantly understand why Joab pursued such a foolish maneuver
Secondly, it would make the announcement of Uriah’s death seem natural and unassociated from David
So Joab is complicit in the death of Uriah and the messenger goes to report as ordered
The messenger reports what Joab said, more or less, and that Uriah is dead
David is clearly pleased and tells the messenger to report back to Joab that the message has been received
And David encourages Joab by saying he will not hold Joab accountable for the stinging loss in battle
He says don’t let this “displease” you, but in Hebrew it literally means don’t see this as evil
David is telling Joab that what is clearly evil is not actually evil
David tries to explain it away to soften his own guilt and Joab’s guilt
This is a first-rate conspiracy and corruption of leadership resulting in many deaths to conceal an act of adultery
David’s actions have gone from bad to worse at each step and it’s a warning sign for anyone who would play with sin
If you think you can keep it under control, then you are a bigger fool than you even know
With David’s plan having succeeded, all that remains is to marry Bathsheba
Soon Bathsheba hears that her husband has died in battle, and we can only assume she wasn’t stupid, so she knows David had a part in it
And so she mourns for her husband, which seems to be a genuine response on her part
Obviously, when she elected to bath outdoors that night, she never imagined how that moment would impact her life
Few if anyone imagines the ramifications of a single poor decision, much less a series of such decisions
But the chain of events unfolds eventually and sin has the power to carry us away into places we never imagined we would go
Had someone asked Bathsheba if she was willing to participate in the murder of her husband, she would have said no instantly
If someone had asked her if she wanted to commit adultery on her husband, she no doubt would have sworn “never”
But when she thought it might be fun to give the king a thrill on bath night, she started down that path
And when David looked down on a naked woman and allowed his eyes to take it in, he never considered that one day he would commit murder
Had someone suggested the king would get another man’s wife pregnant, he would have had that person killed for slander
And had David’s commander suggested they kill a righteous man to protect David’s reputation, David would remove him
Yet here David was at the end of a chain of events, because that’s always how sin works…one link at a time
Never give the devil a ride…he’ll want to drive…and that’s what’s happened to our good king, a man after God’s own heart
In these chapters, David has left that heart behind for a time and followed after his own corrupt heart
After Bathsheba’s appointed time of mourning, David takes her as his wife, which must have raised a few eyebrows
And certainly when Solomon was born so soon after, it may have raised suspicions
Regardless of what people thought, the Lord knew the whole story and in v.27 we’re told the Lord saw it as evil in His sight
That verse uses language similar to David with Joab, saying the Lord saw this as evil even if David thought they shouldn’t
And this verse is the turning point in the chiasm and therefore it’s the point of the chiasm
The Lord knew this was evil from front to back, and though He gave David opportunity to repent and cease in the sin, David persisted
And now that lust has given birth to sin and to death, the Lord will respond to David in the strongest possible terms
He does so to discipline David and to ensure we don’t see God as complicit in David’s actions
And it’s a reminder that God disciplines those He loves…but we would do better not to give reason for such discipline