
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe end of Chapter 2 and the beginning of Chapter 3 are closely connected, so we study them together tonight
At the end of last week, we were in the streets of Jerusalem after the Spirit descended upon the Church
And Peter preached to the multitude gathered resulting in 3,000 Jews baptized that day
Through baptism they entered the Church
And as Jews, they also became part of the believing Remnant of Israel
This is the same remnant Paul describes in Romans 11:5-7
Then at the end of this scene, we find a summary statement of what followed for this group
Those who came from Pentecost were continuously devoted to two activities, and to a lessor extent two other activities, Luke says
The Greek word for continuously devoted (proskartereo) means adopting a lifestyle
You can see it used in Acts later:
So those who experienced Pentecost adopted a new lifestyle of personal dedication to two activities
Learning the Apostles’ teaching and spending time together
The grammar in the Greek sentence makes clear that the latter two activities – the Lord’s Supper and prayer – were conducted somewhat less frequently
This makes sense on a practical level
The Jewish believers in the early church would have continued observing standard Jewish practice for prayers and meals, which occurred at prescribed intervals
But teaching and fellowship were continual and made a part of everyday
Luke gave us this overview to help us understand the events of Pentecost better
Someone might have heard about the events of Pentecost, but then dismiss it entirely as an emotional response – mass delusion
After the excitement had died down, these people would come to their senses and forget the whole experience
Today, we might see some who make a profession of faith but within a fairly short period of time, they leave it all behind
The reality is that strong emotional responses are not an accurate measure of truth
People often experience strong emotions in response to some message or event
But as sincere as these responses may be, they can be sincerely wrong
So Luke gives us evidence that the huge response on Pentecost wasn’t a flash in the pan
Over 3,000 people came to faith on the first day of the church, and that change was followed by a new personal lifestyle
And a bond of the Spirit that drew this group together in new ways
These people began to live and think differently – fundamentally differently – as a result of the indwelling of the Spirit
It changed their view of Jesus, which brought salvation
And it changed their view of the world and of each other in the Church, which led them to think and act differently toward one another
Ironically, many have taken Acts 2:42 to be a recipe for a how to establish a healthy church environment, when it’s really speaking of individual devotion
First, remember that the book of Acts is not intended as a manual for how to conduct church
We aren’t supposed to mimic the first century experience
We’re supposed to follow the Spirit
Secondly, these activities are good and necessary disciplines of faithful believers, but they don’t create faithful believers by themselves
The believers themselves were continually devoted to these activities (i.e., new vocation or lifestyle)
They were outward signs of a new heart and Spirit…they didn’t produce those things, they followed these things
So it must be the individual decision of a believer to become devoted to these disciplines as a matter of lifestyle
But the activities themselves are important
Teaching, Fellowship, Communion, Prayer
Finally, Luke provides a snapshot of life in the early church
There was a feeling of awe or fear (phobos) as they witnessed the miracles performed by the Apostles
Throughout Acts we’ll hear of miracles happening in the early church, but notice that they are always performed by Apostles or delegates who received the laying on of hands
They are not performed by the congregations as a whole
Nor could they be handed down except by the Apostles themselves
The gift of Apostleship was unique in the early church, and after the last Apostle died, the spiritual gift of miraculous powers ended
This new church in Jerusalem was living close together, sharing all they had and helping the needy among them
This was a unique church for a unique time
And the Jerusalem church was unique even in its own day
We hear nothing of communal living outside of Jerusalem in Acts and it disappears entirely in the narrative after Acts 5
We also know from the epistles that Jerusalem was a poor church and often depended on gifts from wealthier Greek churches
It makes sense then that these early poor believers in Jerusalem would have seen good reason to adopt communal living to help with their individual needs
But here again, the unique experience of these believers in the first church shouldn’t be used as evidence for how other church bodies should operate
For example, these early Christians also spoke Hebrew, wore tunics and sandals, and they bathed once a month
If someone wants to argue that all churches should operate like this church did, how far are they willing to take that comparison?
If we want to make useful comparisons to the first century church, we should focus on making personal applications
Am I continually devoted to receiving God’s word?
Spending time in fellowship with other believers?
Participating in communion and prayer?
As a result of their faithful dedication to the Lord and their open practice of their faith in the Temple grounds and in the city, they gain favor
First, they gain favor with God
They are praising Him and He is adding to their numbers daily
Secondly, they gain favor with the people in Jerusalem
Among the Jewish people of the city the early believers are viewed favorably – probably from piety and sincerity
But obviously, they wouldn’t have found favor with the Pharisees
And in fact, Luke ends Chapter 2 with this statement because he wants to set up a contrast with what comes next in Chapter 3
Over the next two chapters, Luke portrays a single day in the life of the church in which a miraculous healing leads to confrontation with the Jewish authorities
On one day in the life of the early church, the Apostles went to the temple as they usually did
A man crippled from birth is set down in his usual place at the gate to the Temple
Later we learn that his condition lasted for forty years
40 is a number associated with testing or a trial
So this man’s condition seems to have been instituted by God as a test until the day when God would correct it through the Apostles
Similar to the blind man in John 9
The Beautiful Gate was the gate between the Court of the Gentiles and the Court of the Women
Only Jews could pass through this gate
And this man was placed here to beg for alms, financial gifts given from one Jew to another as a demonstration of virtue
This man is begging when he makes a request from Peter and John for money
Rather than give him the money he wanted, they tell him to look at them
The man had probably been looking down asking without making much effort to look at anyone in particular
When Peter calls upon the man, he looks up eagerly, probably in anticipation of receiving money
It’s interesting to note that though Peter and the rest of the church had pooled their possessions, Peter makes no effort to give this man the charity he requested
Meeting physical (or “felt”) needs among unbelievers is not the ultimate aim of Christianity
Nor is it the best expression of the Gospel
James instructs us to be generous with our giving in supporting believers’ physical needs
But Acts teaches us to be generous with the message of the Gospel to the unbelieving world
In Peter’s case, he says I don’t have much money, but I have Apostolic authority to grant you a miracle
And Peter commands the man to walk, but he does so in the name of Jesus
Invoking the name of Jesus means in the authority of Jesus
Peter knew he could produce this result because he was acting in accordance to the will and direction of Jesus
The Apostolic gift included the ability to perform such miracles
But like any spiritual gift, the power resides with Christ working through us
It is not our power to wield as we desire
This distinction is important in the story, because of what Peter says next to the crowd
After the healing, the man just sits there, which makes sense since he has never walked before
So Peter reaches down and lifts him up and immediately he’s walking – a true miracle
The result of the miracle is predictable
People are amazed and praise God
Before we look at what follows on this day, give a moment’s thought to how this same process works in every Spiritual gift
When the Spirit works in the Body of Christ to produce a work, it always follows a similar pattern
First, the work is performed for the benefit of others
Spiritual gifts are given to the body to edify – build up – others
They are not for our own benefit
So they must be used corporately
Secondly, they are made possible by God’s power in us so that our work will result in glory to God
In this case, many people rightly credit God for the miracle
Though some looked to Peter himself
We must never turn our gift into a platform to glorify ourselves
Thirdly, we must look for ways to redirect attention given to us back to God for the praise He deserves
In this case, we see clearly why the apostles were gifted to produce such miracles
In the earliest days of the Church, God determined that such public displays of His power were essential to giving His messengers the credibility they needed to bring His message to the people
This would also explain why these apostolic powers ended as the last Apostle died
By that time the church and the Gospel itself was firmly established, and such displays were no longer needed
In fact, they would begin to distract from the message itself if allowed to continue
Look at how Peter makes use of this display to focus attention on the Gospel
Naturally, Peter and John receive the peoples’ attention and amazement
And they flock to them in the same way that people flocked to Jesus in His ministry
But these men redirect the crowd’s attention from themselves to Jesus, Who was the true source of the power to heal
Let’s look at the structure of Peter’s second sermon
First, he acknowledges what caught their attention
They are excited about seeing a healing, and they are looking to Peter and John to see what they’ll do next
Second, Peter gives the true source of the power
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is at work glorifying His servant Jesus
Using the three patriarch names was a shorthand way of referring to the Abrahamic Covenant
In other words, these events are a part of God’s work to keep His promise made in that covenant
And that promise was fulfilled ultimately in the servant Jesus
Peter uses the term servant to describe Jesus in light of Jesus’ suffering
The Jews knew of Isaiah’s promise that the coming Messiah would be God’s suffering Servant
Calling Jesus servant implied that He was the One Isaiah described
Third, Peter reminds the crowd that they previously responded in the wrong way to demonstrations of God’s power through Christ
The Jews of the city were complicit in Jesus’ death, demanding that Pilate kill Jesus and release a murderer
Remember the people told Pilate that the blood of Jesus should be on them and their children (Matt 27:25)
Peter uses a variety of names for Christ:
Holy One, Righteous One, Prince of Life
All of these terms reinforce Jesus as the Messiah and as deity
Fourth, Peter presents the undeniable fact that Jesus was resurrected from the dead by the Father
Something these people witnessed
This is the second time Peter has made this statement
It seems as though virtually everyone in the city of Jerusalem had witnessed Jesus alive after the cross
These are the essentials of the gospel message
Jesus is God in the flesh
He died though He had no sin
The Father raised Him from the dead
And then fifth, Peter calls upon the crowd to respond in faith
He says the lame man is walking because of faith in Jesus’ name
The Greek in v.16 is difficult to parse, since the verse is a complicated sentence
The sentence actually begins back in v.13
Here’s how it reads most literally in English
The lame man was healed by faith in the name of Jesus
Yet consider that the man himself never received a gospel preaching from Peter
Peter simply commanded him to walk in the name of Jesus
How are we to suppose that this man’s faith entered into the process?
Did he already have faith in Jesus?
This is one likely explanation
Perhaps Jesus gave Peter the awareness to heal the man because the man had already shown faith in Jesus
But look again at Peter’s statement, especially in the NET
Peter says that a faith in the name of Jesus – in the authority of Jesus – made the man strong
And the faith itself, Peter says, is through Jesus
The NIV renders it “the faith that comes through Him”
The faith that saves is a faith that comes to us through Jesus
Through is “dia” in Greek, and it simply means “because of”
Use that phrase instead of “through” and you see the full meaning of the sentence
NIV: “The faith that is [because of] Jesus has given him this complete health in the presence of you all”
And on the basis of faith in that name, he was healed
The emphasis on “through” is very important to understanding what happened in that moment
The gift of faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) was delivered to this man so that he might be healed
Peter acknowledges the Jews of the city were ignorant of what they were doing
They didn’t realize the man they were killing as the Messiah
Unlike many within the leadership of Israel who were not innocent in this way
And the entire episode was according to prophecy, that the Messiah must suffer
But now they were called to repentance
There is something interesting happening here
First notice that the word for repent in v.19 is plural in Greek
In Texas we say “y’all repent”
Peter is calling for the collective group to repent
Secondly, Peter says their repentance would result in the Father sending Jesus Who was appointed for them
But Jesus was already sent, right?
In fact, Peter says in v.21 that Heaven “must” receive Jesus until a period of Restoration of all things which God spoke about
Finally, Peter says that Moses among the prophets told Israel that God would raise up a prophet from among the Jews to Whom all Jews would give heed
And this generation was the first of Israel with the opportunity to see this prophecy fulfilled
Putting this all together, we see Peter is preaching two closely-linked messages simultaneously
First, Peter is making a call for personal salvation, as he did at Pentecost
He tells them clearly they have the opportunity to see their sins washed away
But by addressing the crowd in the plural and by adding the additional promises, Peter raises the appeal to a national level
If the nation as a whole repents, Peter says they will enter a time of refreshing brought about by the presence of the Lord
This period of refreshing is a reference to the Kingdom or 1,000 years of Christ ruling physically on Earth
It will happen because of the presence of the Lord, His return from Heaven
And it will result in the restoration of all things promised by the prophets concerning Israel
And this coming Kingdom is predicated on a national repentance by Israel and their acceptance of the Messiah
Peter offers his generation that opportunity
At the very least each individual has the call for personal salvation
And should the entire nation receive that call, then it will result in a national salvation and restoration
We know from Zechariah 12 that this moment awaits for the last days of Tribulation