
Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongLet’s jump back into the events at the Temple as Peter heals a lame man and preaches to the Jewish crowd gathered around
Looking at the very end of Chapter 3, we remember Peter’s call to the Jewish crowd
He is calling the Jewish people to repent and receive their Messiah
But his call emphasizes the opportunity for the Jewish nation to enter a time of refreshing and enjoying the presence of the Lord
Peter assumes that if he could compel the entire nation to receive this call, then the Messiah’s return would have taken place
Remember the Old Testament prophets never anticipated or understood an institution like the Church…it was a mystery
A mystery in the Bible is a component of God’s plan that was previously unknown but has now been revealed
Paul himself declared that the Apostles were the ones given the mission to reveal the mystery of the Church
Despite Peter’s best efforts, this generation of Israel was not to receive the Lord’s return
They were under judgment for rejecting the Messiah
And this generation was not to receive a second opportunity
Though an individual Jew could still receive the Messiah
And he could enjoy the promises in a future day in the Kingdom
We’re going to watch Peter grow as the gospel itself expands
First it grows among Jews, but soon thereafter it moves on to Samaritans and later Gentiles
And Peter will grow throughout this time, learning to accept that the Messiah came for other people besides the Jewish nation
Finally, notice that Peter’s sermon this time doesn’t declare that baptism was required for this salvation
Only their belief in Jesus was required for the nation to receive their Messiah
After preaching this sermon to the people, Peter naturally caught the attention of the leaders within the temple
And many of these leaders were exactly the same men who persecuted and conspired against Jesus
So when they see the commotion in the temple grounds and notice Jesus' disciples at the center of the crowd, they became concerned
And they quickly reacted to what they saw
Peter (and John) were still in mid-sentence when they’re interrupted by the temple officials
Three groups of priests are mentioned, but in reality they were all probably from the same group of temple leaders
In the Temple you would find priests performing different jobs
Some priests acted as guards or temple police and one priest was the captain of that guard
He was second only to the High Priest
And the Sadducees were the ruling council of 24 chief priests who controlled the Temple ground
So altogether these men represented the authority responsible for the temple
The Greek phrase in v.1 should read “confronted them”
It indicates they were hostile from the start
And they were immediately bothered when they determined that they were teaching the people in the compound
In Israel, teaching on spiritual matters was not permitted unless the person had been carefully trained and approved by the Jewish leaders
And teaching in the Temple was the highest honor for teachers
Remember in the days before He was crucified, Jesus encountered opposition when He taught in the Temple
The leaders challenged Jesus repeatedly to substantiate where He received His authority to teach in the Temple
Secondly, the Sadducees were bothered to hear Peter and John teaching that Jesus had been resurrected from the dead
You may remember that the Sadducees had determined for themselves that resurrection was a myth and not true
So to hear someone teaching resurrection especially angered them
It was even worse that Peter declared that Jesus had resurrected
Consider the dangerous trap that existed in Peter’s day
On the one hand, teaching on spiritual matters was only allowed by teachers who had been approved by existing leaders and teachers
Secondly, those new teachers could only teach what was approved by men, even if that teaching was in conflict with the Scriptures
This is why Jesus condemned the leaders in His day when He said:
And since they also controlled who could teach, they ensure that the truth was suppressed
Do I even need to make the parallel to our day?
Men today are often required to complete certain sanctioning or ordination requirements before they may teach God’s word
And those sanctioning bodies insist that their graduates adhere to certain prescribed views on doctrine
This pattern explains why we have denominations and church bodies separated by a common religion
We act like Sadducees seeking people who will teach what we already believe
And if they teach differently, it’s proof they are unqualified to teach
Obviously, some people are unqualified to teach, but the standard for whether someone should or shouldn’t teach are provided in Scripture
And those qualifications don’t include seminary, ordination or other man-made certifications
They do include tests of character and maturity
And ultimately a person’s teaching is to be evaluated against the light of Scripture, not against denominational creeds
Moving back to the test, these temple guards take Peter and John into custody
The text says they were “kept,” probably in a room in the Temple
And since it was illegal under Jewish law to hold a trial at night, they held them overnight and planned to conduct an inquiry in the morning
Luke ends v.4 with a stunning contrast
Even as Peter and John are arrested, five thousand men who hear Peter’s sermon come to believe in Jesus
It’s hard to imagine how Peter could have stood and spoken in an open courtyard and expected to speak loudly enough to allow 5,000 people to hear
Much less that so many would agree with the message
Clearly a remarkable work of the Spirit to draw men to hear and believe
Luke’s coupling of persecution with growth is a well-known relationship in church history
Those times when the church has endured its greatest persecution is also the time when the church has grown the fastest
And growth under persecution is particularly good growth, as it filters false confessors
It produces a particularly strong and mature believer
Whenever the enemy decides to strike out at the church through persecution, the Spirit inevitably uses that occasion to bring growth through pruning
The early church saw this pattern under Jewish persecution, Roman persecution, Roman Catholic persecution during the Reformation
Today it continues in many oppressed nations
A remarkable group of authorities were assembled to interrogate these two men
We have the entire Sanhedrin, the ruling council of Israel
Sadducees, Pharisees and the High Priest and the family of the High Priest
Remember there were two high priests at this time since the Romans had removed the true high priest and placed his son in law in the position
Both are present here
This is an unusually powerful gathering for two insignificant men
They focus their inquiry on their central concern – the healing
They weren’t as much interested in the fact that these men were teaching or proclaiming Jesus as Messiah
Those claims by themselves posed no threat
They were disturbed by the powerful miracle that accompanied the teaching
And by this fact we can understand why the Lord chose to award these powers to the Apostles
The ability to perform these miracles was a key component to gaining the attention of both the crowds and the leaders of Israel
It’s relatively easy to dismiss the unsubstantiated claims of “crazy” men
It’s another thing altogether to dismiss a healing that cannot be denied
Notice the question they ask the apostles
They want to know where their power came from to perform the healing
This is so similar to the questions asked of the blind man in John 9 after Jesus healed him
They ask the blind man the origin of Jesus’ power
And the blind sarcastically mocks the leaders because the answer was obvious to him and everyone else
Yet the leaders acted as if the answer was a mystery because they couldn’t bring themselves to admit that Jesus came from God
Their personal and political interests forced them to pretend they were ignorant and to deny the obvious
Here as well, the men ask about the name or power behind their healing, though the answer would have been obvious
Rather than mocking them as the blind man did, Peter gives them a straightforward answer
This is Peter’s third sermon in as many chapters
It’s clear at this point that Peter has become God’s instrument during the early days of the church to speak on behalf of the Lord to Israel
And like prior sermons, Peter speaks under the influence of the Holy Spirit
I assume that Luke makes the point that Peter’s speech is under control of the Holy Spirit to remind Theophilus of something Luke wrote in the Gospel
And Peter not-so-diplomatically reminds the leaders that they were the ones who crucified this Lord
This is remarkable boldness, brought on by the Spirit
Peter had good reason to fear for his life, but the Spirit didn’t allow Peter to focus on his own safety
This is exactly how all Christians are called to live, without regard for personal needs – we serve a Master
And in a comment that must have particularly angered the Sadducees, Peter repeats his claim of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead
It was the name of Jesus who healed the man standing before you lame, Peter says
Obviously, they had taken the lame man into custody too, probably because they wondered if the whole thing had been a hoax
Imagine the poor lame man, finally able to walk but now locked up and unable to go anywhere
Peter quotes from Psalm 118:22 that Jesus would be the most important stone in the building God is building in Israel
We see this verse today as a reference to the stone that starts a building, meaning the Church
But its full meaning in the context of the Psalm is of a stone that serves as foundation for an obedient, glorified Israel
In fact, the verses in Psalm 118 that follow v.22 speak of the regeneration of Israel in the coming Kingdom
So Peter is again declaring that the Name of Jesus is the One rejected by Israel’s “builders”
The builders were the leaders of Israel, the very men Peter is addressing
They rejected and stumbled over the stone that must form the foundation for the future Israel these leaders say they wanted
Finally, Peter ends his short answer with a succinct presentation of the Gospel…the need to believe in this Name
In response to Peter’s defense, the council makes its own observations
First, the council made observations of Peter and John themselves
They were untrained, uneducated men
Blue collar working class and no threat
And they recognized them to have been Jesus’ disciples, which wasn’t a compliment
In their attempts to explain the unexplainable, the leadership first considered that these men might have a power of their own
They had spoken eloquently and with authority and knowledge of Scripture
And yet they were uneducated and untrained by men
They were the acquaintances of a convicted criminal
And yet they were trained by the Holy Spirit, and so they displayed power and knowledge out of keeping with their station in life
This is precisely the way Christ wants us to be seen among the world
Secondly, the council inspected the man who claimed the healing
If they couldn’t explain the healing by finding power in Peter and John, perhaps they could discredit the healing itself
But they had nothing they could say
The text says he was “standing” before them
The fact that a lame man was standing was proof all by itself
He was clearly walking
And since he was present at the Temple everyday for many years, there was no denying he had previously been lame
Now we see God’s purpose in leaving this man in a handicapped state for so many years
It becomes further proof and validation of the Lord’s miracle through Peter
Had the man only appeared a short time earlier in the Temple, the leadership could have claimed he was faking his inability to walk
But after forty years, there was no way to deny the miracle
God may choose to leave us in a debilitated state for His own glory, which is His right as God
After dismissing Peter and John, the men confer and discuss what to tell the people
The people of Israel took their spiritual direction from these men, and whatever these men told the people was accepted largely without debate
Notice they aren’t looking for the truth
They are looking for a way to explain away the truth
In v.16 they say “we cannot deny it”
They want to deny it because its existence is a threat to their power
So they resort to simply intimidating Peter and John and forbidding them from speaking to anyone else about what happened
Specifically, they didn’t want Peter and John to speak “in this name”
Not only do they not speak Jesus’ name themselves
They don’t want anyone else to speak about Him
Here’s an insight to the way the enemy tries to stop the message of the Gospel from spreading
Though he tries to distort and incriminate the message and the messengers, those tactics ultimately fail
The message is the word of God
And the messengers go out with the power of God
Occasionally, the enemy will succeed in distorting the Gospel and producing false versions
And occasionally he will discredit messengers who fall to temptation
But usually the enemy is reduced to persecuting and intimidating the Church hoping to halt the spread of the message
The leaders communicated their decision to Peter and John
But the apostles respond with a rhetorical question
Is it right to obey God or men?
Peter knew these leaders would understand the answer to that question was always to obey God
So Peter boldly tells the leaders he wouldn’t obey their command
The reason is that they couldn’t stop speaking about what they’ve seen and heard
Why couldn’t they stop?
Because Peter couldn’t control himself? No.
Because believers are called to be witnesses of the Gospel
The recent controversy over LeBron James’ departure from Cleveland reveals that misunderstanding
In Cleveland, they used to declare they were all witnesses to LeBron’s rise to stardom
They used the term to mean they were all observers
But that’s not the proper use of the term
A witness is someone who testifies about something
It’s a role of speaking after having observed
Peter and John say they cannot stop speaking because they were made witnesses, speakers of things they saw
And all of us are commanded by Jesus to be witnesses too
Which means we are commanded to be vocal and to share what we know and understand about Jesus
And if we obey men who call us to be silent, we are disobeying the God Who has instructed us to be witnesses