Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongIn Chapter 4 last week, the Sanhedrin council has set a legal precedent
They declared that it was no longer acceptable for men to teach in the name of Jesus
Peter and John answered and said they couldn’t agree to those terms
But nevertheless, the ruling council of Israel has made a determination that had the force of law in that society
It will become the basis for further action against believers in the city and Judea
Luke implies that the leaders had a desire to take strong action but simply couldn’t
Firstly, the apostles hadn’t violated any clear rule or prohibition
On the other hand they had healed a man, which was praiseworthy
Secondly, the result of their miracle was a public outcry in praise of God
This was an outcome that the Sanhedrin should have found worthy of commendation, not condemnation
Plus, if they had decided to take action against Peter and John, they risked an uprising among the 5,000+ who were praising God for the work of these men
So, they admonished the men and then let them go
Naturally, Peter and John return to the other Apostles, who have probably been worrying for them
The response of the believers in the city to the apostles’ release is to take their relief to the Lord in praise
They praise Him for His grace in releasing these two important leaders of the early church
And their prayer centers around Psalm 2
Reading the entire Psalm gives us a better sense of how this Psalm became such an important reason why these Christians were so happy at this outcome
The Second Psalm is a description of the resistance that the Messiah will experience in the final days of Tribulation as He returns
And the psalm also makes clear that the Father is behind the scenes directing the whole affair
He will give the Son the nations for an inheritance
By application, these early believers correctly recognized that the Lord was at work in their circumstances fulfilling His word
Though Jewish leaders were dismissing and challenging the claims of Messiah just as they did to Jesus
The Lord will have the last laugh
And this situation was under God’s control
As they hear the apostles’ report, it’s clear that the believers put this together
They come to understand that this trial was a part of God’s plan for the church
Keep in mind that the persecution of Peter and John was a crossroads for the early church
It probably shocked the conscience
The prospect of persecution was almost unthinkable
And the news that the apostles were under inquiry was probably a great worry
Then as the apostles were released, the Spirit connected the dots for the church and brought them to Psalm 2
The persecution that started with the Sanhedrin was a reflection of the hatred that Christ Himself experienced in His first coming
And the Church quotes this Psalm to emphasize that they understand that the world will resist the message of the Gospel
But the Father is in control
In vs.27-28, the church states plainly that the events that led to Christ’s death were predestined by God to occur
Specifically, the church declares that the conspiracy relied on Gentiles (Romans) and the people of Israel
Both Jews and Gentiles were culpable in the death of Christ
But in v.28 they say that God was ultimately the One bringing about these circumstances
And in v.29 they appeal to God to notice that the persecution David spoke of had come home to rest upon them
Specifically, they ask that the Lord “take note” which means to “look upon”
The implication is that the Lord will take revenge
Secondly, they grant boldness to continue speaking God’s word
I find it fascinating that the prayer isn’t for a removal of the persecution
Rather, it’s merely for the courage to keep speaking in the face of opposition
Perhaps John has told them of Jesus’ words concerning persecution
Finally, they ask for wonders and powers to accompany the proclamation of the name of Jesus
They are seeking to see God manifest His power to confirm their testimony
Plus, powerful signs will help overcome the fear that persecution will produce
The result of the prayer was an answer in the affirmative from God
God gave manifestations to the group, filling them with the Holy Spirit
And they spoke in boldness
So through the first four chapters of Acts, Luke has planted the seeds for the rest of the book
He has shown a new institution established among Jews
Accompanied by signs and wonders to propel the Gospel forward in the face of opposition
Led by men of remarkable powers
But rejected by the Jewish leaders
Called to preach God’s word in the face of opposition
Expecting the Lord’s return at any time
At the end of Chapter 4 comes this interesting story of how the early church was combining property
Luke sets the scene here in Chapter 4, but the real impact is recorded in Chapter 5
There are a fair number of things going on here we must examine
First, in Jerusalem there was a congregation of believers
They apparently worshipped together and shared in their property to help support one another
Remember that the church in Jerusalem was relatively poor but numerous
Over 8,000 believers at this point
Within such a large group this kind of sharing would have been very helpful to maintaining a common standard of living among the believers
Historical records tell us that this time was difficult economically for the city
The ranks of the needy were growing
But Luke says there wasn’t a needy person among the church because of their sharing
What prompted the shared love and self-sacrifice?
They were of one heart and one soul
These were the early innocent times
The early blush of faith was still the driving force in the body and the power of the Spirit was holding the body together
Amongst all this unity, the Apostles are giving great witness to the resurrection of Jesus through their own miraculous powers
Here again is proof that the Apostles were the only ones to show these miraculous powers
Luke connects these two points in v.35
The people immediately recognized that the apostles were appointed as leaders by Jesus
And the powers these men held were proof that God had vested them with His authority
They could declare things in the name of Jesus
They held the keys to the kingdom
These men were necessary to the survival and growth of the early church
And they held authority and power to accomplish a difficult task
And they will be expected to serve as examples in everything they do, including in the ways they died
So as someone in the congregation had a need, others would respond by selling property and bringing the proceeds to the Apostles’ feet
In Greek, the phrase suggests that not all the proceeds were necessarily brought to the Apostles, but only what was required to cover the need
And the acts of bringing it to the feet of the Apostles reflects their view that the Apostles were Christ’s representatives on Earth
Another way to see it was these were gifts given to God as represented by the Apostles
The chapter ends with an example of one man who follows this practice
The man identified at the end is Joseph of Cyprus, whom the Apostles called Barnabas
Barnabas becomes an example of one who follows this practice faithfully
We didn’t really need Barnabas’ example since the general practice had already been described
But Luke chooses to highlight Barnabas’ obedience because he will become a central character in the book
Barnabas is the cousin of Mark author of the Gospel
He was one of the 500 who were said to have met with the resurrected Jesus
And as a result he has the gift of Apostleship as well (Acts 14)
He will become a traveling companion to Paul for a time
He is instrumental in establishing the early church with Paul
But he is also one who was carried away by hypocrisy in practicing legalism according Galatians 2
Here we see Barnabas early in Jerusalem leading by example, responding to the needs of the body and submitting to the Lord through the leadership of the apostles
Luke’s account of Ananias and Sapphira represents the first serious sin in the early church
There are two contrasts between Chapters 4 and 5
First there is the contrast between the honest Barnabas and the dishonest Ananias and Sapphira
Secondly, there is a contrast between the external threats to the church from the authorities
And the internal threats to the church from the sin of the congregation
And the Lord will protect His Church from both threats
At first the story proceeds in keeping with Barnabas’
They sell a property
But then a conspiracy ensues
They conspire to hold back some of the proceeds of the sale
They place only some of the money before the Apostles but they claim to have brought it all
The language in v.2 is reminiscent of the story of Achan in Joshua
As the nation of Israel entered the land and began to push back the enemies in the land, Achan held back some of the spoils of Jericho which Joshua declared belonged to the Lord’s temple
Like Achan, Ananias has held back something that should have been designated for the Lord’s use
Joshua was Achan’s “apostle” in his day, and he suffered death for his deceit
When Ananias chose to lie to the Apostle, Peter says he was lying to God
He was professing love for the Body of Christ when in fact he had little regard for anything other than his own reputation and image
So his intent was to say he gave all when he only gave some
The issue was hypocrisy, so that their image before the brethren was enhanced without the need for real sacrifice
Peter instantly discerned the deception, another spiritual component of apostolic power
First, he says Satan has instigated this desire to lie to the Holy Spirit
But Ananias is the one who chose to act in sin
Here we see the enemy’s power to undermine the Church, and his obvious interest in doing so
He seeks weak members of the body and entices them to act against the unity and love of the saints
Satan does not need to do anything to create unbelievers…he just uses them
And he has no power over believers except through external means like temptation, fear, deception, etc.
A believer’s defense to the schemes of the enemy are prayer and firm knowledge of God’s word
Paul says in 2 Corinthians
The sin wasn’t holding back the money, but lying
Still, to hold back the money would have reflected a selfishness
Ananias understands this, but rather than address his selfishness, he looks for a way to cover it up
So as Peter was speaking, Ananias falls dead
Did Peter act to take Ananias’ life?
There is nothing in the text to clearly connect Peter to the death
Perhaps Peter was surprised too
But Peter ends by saying you lied to God
Which sounds like a judge declaring a verdict
And then came the penalty
Based on the next account of Sapphira, it seems that Peter had a hand in the process
If so, then God was allowing Peter this latitude as a part of the authority given to the Apostles
Why was this sin worthy of such an extreme response?
Firstly, all sin is worthy of death (Romans 6:23)
And many times our sins do result in death, whether immediate or delayed
Secondly this was likely the first major issue of sin in the young church
As such, many would naturally watch to see what the effect of such behavior would be
Would the Apostles have authority over such things?
Do they take you to the courts or to the Pharisees?
Unlikely, since they weren’t allies
If this sin were left unchecked in the early church, imagine how long before all respect for authority was gone
The strong response to Ananias’ sin was necessary to make clear the seriousness and legitimacy of the Apostle’s authority