Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’ve been in our study of Abraham and Lot and Sodom for some time now
In fact it’s been so long, we may have lost sight of what God is actually at work doing through these two chapters
First, we know that God set about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah to set an example for future generations of how God will judge sin
Secondly, we know God invited Abraham in on this plan to instruct Abraham concerning God’s character and nature, so that Abraham might instruct future generations of Israel
Third, we know Abraham responded as God intended, praying for God to spare the righteous, and God agreed to Abraham’s request
Then we watched as God did everything He promised, yet He still worked His plan exactly as He intended while maintaining perfect justice
The city was destroyed, the guilty received punishment, the righteous were rescued, and God kept His word with Abraham
Meanwhile, we also learned a great deal about the man Lot
We came to see him as a man of faith worn down by his association with the sinful world
As a man living a life of compromise and suffering great loss as a result, both in this world and in the next
And we witnessed God dealing with Lot as a Father deals with His children
He brought discipline and allowed the consequences of Lot’s sin to rest upon him and his family
But nevertheless, God showed mercy to Lot in keeping with His character and His promise to Abraham
Through these events we also come to see a simple picture of how God will deal with Jewish and Gentile people in His plan for salvation
Just as God befriended the man Abraham, God has entered into a covenant with the descendants of Abraham, the Jewish people
God will remain true to His promises to that people
And just as Lot, the Gentile relative of Abraham, was blessed by his association with Abraham, so will Gentile people be blessed by their trusting in the promises God delivered to Israel
And just as God brought judgment against the sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Lord promises to bring judgment upon the world upon His return
And just as God rescued the few righteous in Lot’s family from the cities prior to their destruction, likewise God promises to rescue the few righteous Gentiles prior to the coming world judgment
And just as the rescue of Lot’s family was accomplished by the ministry of angels, so will be the rescue of the righteous in the future day, as Paul describes:
We call this coming rescue of the Gentile church the Rapture or the Resurrection
Having seen the Lord’s faithfulness in delivering disobedient Lot from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, we gain all the more assurance that the Lord will keep His word for our sakes
We ended with Lot’s wife having looked back and having turned to salt
Her true heart was exposed, and she suffered destruction like the rest of Sodom
And thus Lot’s family has been reduced to just Lot and his two daughters, a worldly family alone in the world with nothing
But what of Abraham?
Our story began with the Lord’s meeting with Abraham and Abraham’s compelling prayer
So now that the city has been destroyed, what has Abraham learned?
Just the previous day Abraham had prayed to the Lord to spare the city if ten righteous were found
Obviously, Abraham’s intent was to save Lot and his family
But Abraham’s prayer requested that the entire city be spared
Saving the city was simply Abraham’s way of accomplishing the goal of saving Lot
Here we are on the following morning, and Abraham awakens early to see what has become of the cities
He walks to the edge of his encampment, to the same place he had prayed with the Lord
And as Abraham looks down into the distant valley, he sees thick, black smoke ascending like the smoke of a furnace
This isn’t a small thin wisp of smoke on the horizon
This is a huge billowing cloud of smoke rising from an impossibly hot furnace
Even from this distance of over 20 miles, Abraham can see it clearly
Well, if God wanted to teach Abraham a lesson about how God responds to sin, we can say “mission accomplished”
Abraham will have an indelible memory of the kind of response that unchecked depravity provokes from God
And undoubtedly he taught this lesson to all his children
But what else was going through Abraham’s mind as he stared into that cloud of black smoke?
What happened to Lot?
It’s likely that Abraham didn’t know Lot’s disposition, at least not at first and maybe never
So as Abraham stares at the smoke, he would have concluded that God didn’t find the ten righteous, and so the cities were destroyed
And this is absolutely true
God didn’t find ten righteous for there were not ten to be found
And as God promised, He destroyed the cities
But what Abraham doesn’t know is that God still gave Abraham the desires of his heart concerning Lot
Ironically, Abraham has received what he desired but he doesn’t know it
Yet He does know that God has done exactly as He promised
And because of Abraham’s prayer, the world knows that there was not even ten righteous in these cities
So by His prayer Abraham contributed to God’s purposes in helping communicate the absolute depravity of these cities
I wonder if Abraham was resentful or angry at God?
The text doesn’t tell us, but I believe v.29 is included in the narrative to make sure we leave the story with the right perspective
Moses says God remembered Abraham, meaning God understood Abraham’s heart and acted to show favor (or grace) to Abraham
God rescued Lot, which is all that Abraham wanted
But God wanted Abraham (and us) to remember not the rescue of a few righteous but rather the powerful judgment for the overwhelming number of sinful
This was the intended lesson of Sodom
And this is the memory Abraham carries away from this moment
Perhaps one day Abraham eventually learned that Lot was saved by God’s goodness
But what if Abraham never learned of Lot’s rescue? Would that lead you to think less of God’s goodness?
Have you ever considered that at times God may have answered your prayers in ways you never knew?
Perhaps you received exactly what you wanted, even if it wasn’t exactly what you requested
And perhaps God did that work in secret, to His glory and without informing you
Perhaps He was preventing us from taking pride in our participation or perhaps He simply wanted us to learn a different lesson
Be careful about assuming that we will always be the audience for God’s handiwork in response to our prayers
Even if we don’t see the final result, we can trust God is at work for His glory and the good of His name
Our prayers don’t change God, but they always have impact, whether on ourselves or others
And we must be prepared to offer them without expectation of a direct, visible answer
In fact, sometimes it may appear that our requests were denied, as was the case for Abraham in this moment, when in fact they were granted
Even if we hear nothing back from God, it doesn’t mean that God failed us, since His timeline is usually much longer than our patience
There is a story of a youth pastor who had an encounter with one of his ex-students, and he wrote this:
We just don’t have a big enough picture; we can’t see everything God sees and we can’t understand everything God knows
We have no understanding for how a certain event will impact the future of all things God is accomplishing
Like the apostle Peter who rebuked Jesus at the suggestion that Jesus must be betrayed and die
Peter thought that was a terrible idea, but he had no idea how good an idea that truly was
We don’t understand these things, but God knows all things
And so we are told to trust Him knowing He is good
Finally, the story of Lot includes a final, sad footnote
Lot goes to Zoar, the small city he requested as his sanctuary
But in one verse, we’re told he promptly leaves for the mountains after all
We can easily imagine why Lot grew afraid while trying to start again in Zoar
Zoar was the only city in the valley to escape judgment
So when the one surviving family from the other cities wanders into Zoar, how do you think the city population responded to them?
Undoubtedly, they reacted quite negatively to their presence
They probably assumed they were cursed and feared the same judgment might follow them to Zoar
The angels had told Lot he should escape to the mountains, but Lot wasn’t practiced at listening to the voice of the Lord
And so he found his way to the mountains the hard way
There is a certain irony to Lot’s situation
He rejected the nomadic life of his uncle Abraham because he preferred the lush, easy life of a city
But now that his sinful choices have caught up with him, he is living in caves, an even worse existence than when he enjoyed the wealth of a nomad
The pursuit of the world may achieve short-term benefits, but it inevitably leads to longterm losses
When we remain in the course God sets for us, it may appear to be a sacrifice – and in a sense it is
But in the longterm it grants us far greater reward and in the meantime, peace
So Lot and his daughters retreat to the mountains
Can you imagine how pitiful they must have appeared?
No possessions, no future, destitute and rejected by the very people they sought to live among
For Lot’s daughters, the calamity is even greater
Young women in that day hoped for one thing above all else: to be married
To be without a husband and sons was a fate worse than death, because it led to a life of poverty and shame
But here they are in a cave, rejected by the only city and the only people they knew…or so they thought
So the daughters make other plans
The firstborn hatches the idea
She states that there is not another man on earth to unite with them in marriage
We know she didn’t mean this literally, since she just left Zoar and knows there are men there
What she means then is there are no men left in their world who would want them
The men of the other four cities in the valley are gone
And the one remaining city will have nothing to do with them
So for these women, it appears that there are no men left in the world
But what she’s really saying is there are no men left in the world we know and love
The world of the valley
Because there are men in Abraham’s household, back in the heights
These daughters are now suffering in the shadow their father created for them
He raised them in Sodom, and so that is all they know
As the saying goes, you can take the girl out of Sodom, but you can’t take the Sodom out of the girl
As Christians, we should recognize the principle at work here in Lot’s family
Our sin will have consequences beyond our own situation
We bring consequences upon others as well, and those consequences can extend into later generations
Their plan was simple enough
Get Dad drunk, and when he has lost his senses, they enticed him into an incestuous encounter
First the older and then the younger on successive nights
The text makes a point of emphasizing that Lot knew nothing of the events
The shame rests squarely on the daughters, since Lot did not knowingly participate, but Lot doesn’t escape without some culpability
Obviously, he raised these daughters and chose to live in an environment where they could develop into such morally corrupt women
And he agreed to become drunk…twice
Lot will have plenty to answer for, and as the story comes to an end in Scripture, he has become the Bible’s poster child for the worldly and disobedient saint
Did you notice how similar Lot’s account is to the account of Noah?
Noah was a righteous man by faith rescued from a disaster brought upon the world for its extreme sin
After the event, Noah becomes drunk and is taken advantage of by his children
The outcomes of these two accounts are also similar
Each story brought us to the conclusion that God’s judgment didn’t solve the problem of Adam’s sin
Both Noah and Lot retained their sin nature even after the judgment had passed
The problem of sin still awaits a solution, one found only in the coming Seed Messiah
Secondly, each episode ended in offspring who bear the brunt of God’s anger
In the case of Noah, the cursed offspring were the Canaanites, who later caused Israel to play the harlot
In the case of Lot, the daughters give birth to two boys who founded two of Israel’s greatest enemies in Scripture, the Moabites and the Ammonites
In both the story of Noah and of Lot, man’s sin gave rise to a future consequence for God’s people, which God ultimately turned to good in chastising and disciplining His people