Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe Bible calls Abraham the father of faith
Abraham is the man Paul uses as his example when he taught the way to salvation was always by faith in God’s promises
Abraham has seen God appear before him seven times and make amazing promises
And Abraham has taken some bold steps in following God, but he’s also made some mistakes
In fact, his life has been a mixed bag of good and bad
And yet God wants Abraham to stand as the example to all who follow
So now that Abraham has sent Ishmael away, God decides it’s time to bring Abraham’s life to a test of faith
The testing will expose Abraham’s true heart
The events of Chapter 22 are set after the events of Chapter 21
In fact, this chapter is probably 20 or more years later and maybe as much as 30 years later
In Chapter 21 Isaac had just been weaned
In this scene, we’ll see him as a full-grown adult capable of carrying a heavy load of wood up a mountain side
One thing is we know for sure…Isaac can’t be a teenager
If he were a teenager, then killing him wouldn’t have been a sacrifice
At this later point in Abraham’s life, God appears an eighth time to Abraham to test him
A test from God is always an opportunity to demonstrate faith
Tests are not temptations; they are not designed to cause us to fail
Tests are intended to let us succeed
They are designed to show us approved
They give us opportunity to show what we have learned
If we fail a test, it’s not the the fault of the teacher
As God appears to Abraham, He announces the test
Abraham must offer his son as a burnt offering on a mountain God will show him
Has any man been given a more difficult test of faith?
As if to increase the degree of difficulty in this test, God announces the test with special emphasis on Isaac’s importance
God describes Isaac as Abraham’s only son, the one Abraham loves
God is demanding Abraham make a human sacrifice to please him
The very notion seems out of keeping with God’s character
Remember that other pagan religions in Abraham’s day routinely practiced human sacrifice in their rituals
So God was asking nothing more of Abraham than unbelievers were willing to do in keeping with their faiths
Of course, human sacrifice is wrong, and God has no intention to actually bring Abraham to the point of murdering Isaac
Remember, Moses begins the chapter telling us this is a test
What can we imagine went through Abraham’s mind in the moment he heard these words?
First, he must have felt shock and confusion over why God would expect him to do such a thing
God was right…Abraham loved Isaac
So killing him would be an unimaginable horror
But Abraham loved God also
He has trusted God’s promises for something like 60 years at this point
God has been faithful time and time again
Abraham knows that God has promised to bring an uncountable number of descendants from Isaac
So Abraham determines to do two things
Obey God’s instructions
While trusting in God’s promises
Everything about Abraham’s response demonstrates a heart of obedience
He rises early in the morning, he prepares his donkey and chops the wood for the sacrifice
Then he leaves for the place God has told him
Apparently, the Lord has revealed the location for Abraham to travel
And this place is some distance away, three days travel in fact
Abraham decides to bring two young servants with him for this trip
Three days is a long time when you’re on a mission to kill your son
Many things must have gone through Abraham’s mind on that trip
What kind of conversation took place between the father and the son?
Abraham hasn’t revealed the purpose of the trip to his adult son, except that the Lord has instructed them to make a sacrifice on a distant mountain
I wonder if he ever had a moment of doubt or second thoughts?
Reading a story like this we can’t help but ask ourselves if we would do something like this?
Perhaps the better question is, under what circumstances would we be willing to obey a command like this?
We know that Isaac is the son God has deemed to be the one through whom the world would see blessing
We can’t understand how God could keep that promise while still asking us to kill the son
The only way we could go forward in obedience is to assume that death isn’t the end of God’s plan
That God’s promises aren’t stopped by physical death
We would have to believe that we go on living even after this physical body dies – resurrection into a new body will follow
This is exactly what Hebrews says Abraham did believe
The writer of Hebrews reminds us Abraham had heard that Isaac was the one who would lead to many descendants
Yet God directed Abraham to kill him
So Abraham considered or concluded that God was able to raise people from the dead
Abraham already knew that God had a plan that transcended his physical lifetime
That’s why Abraham has been living in the desert as a wanderer rather than living in cities in comfort
It was a lifestyle God directed because it reflected a willingness to wait on God to provide the eternal inheritance
So if Abraham was willing to wait for the promises of land to be fulfilled after death, then he reasoned the promise for descendants would also be fulfilled after Isaac’s death
This is the heart of Abraham’s test
Where did Abraham place his trust? In God’s word or in what he can see?
Was there anything in his life so dear to him that he couldn’t give it up to God?
How ironic it would have been had Abraham denied God the sacrifice God required?
After all, the child Isaac was given to Abraham in a miraculous way as a result of Abraham’s trust in God’s promise
So now that God is asking Abraham to offer that son back to God, is Abraham going to withhold the very one that God gave Him in the first place?
God has also given you a miracle birth
As we sat in our sin and ignorance, the Lord gave each of us a new birth in faith
And with that new birth came promises of great eternal blessing
Now the question is whether we will give this life back to God as a sacrifice to Him
Paul says this is exactly what God requires of each of us
God asks each of us to turn our life back over to Him
And the specific sacrifice He requires is that we do not conform our lives to this world
Rather, we transform into people that prove or demonstrate the perfect and acceptable will of God
We become walking billboards for what we learn in God’s word as we renew our minds in accordance with His truth
And then we live it out, demonstrating that truth outwardly
It will be a sacrifice to live this way, because it will run counter to the world in so many ways
We will live in opposition to the world but in accordance to God’s will
And as we mature in our walk with the Lord, He will continue to turn the dial up on our spiritual sacrifice
Our life in Christ is a never-ending push toward holiness, and the Lord will forever demand we live what we learn
He wants our billboard to grow brighter and brighter
Abraham has been given his opportunity to shine by obeying a difficult command
Will Abraham withhold Isaac? If Abraham trusts God’s word concerning Isaac, then he will obey God’s instructions
And by his obedience, Abraham will display God’s perfect plan
What is the plan or story God wants to tell through Abraham’s obedience?
It’s a story connected to God’s promises to Abraham concerning the blessing
That through Abraham’s seed would come a blessing for the world
Hebrews 11:9 alluded to this story when it described Isaac as a type
Because of Abraham’s obedience in this test, Isaac becomes a type or a picture of something greater
Specifically, Isaac becomes a picture of Christ
And if Isaac is a picture of Christ, then we can say that Abraham is a picture of the father in a way
For he is the one offering to sacrifice his son, his only son, just as the Father was willing to sacrifice His only Son
To see that picture more clearly, let’s move forward in the story
After three days of walking, they see the mountain in the distance
The young men are told to stay with the donkey and the father and son walk the rest of the way alone
This explains the need for the men to accompany Abraham and Isaac
They stay behind to watch the donkey
Abraham says he and his son will go to the mountain to worship
This entire episode is worship for Abraham
This is the same way Paul described our life of sacrifice
Our spiritual service of worship
How do we worship God? By obeying Him
By making sacrifices in our lives to demonstrate our trust in Him and His word
By conforming ourselves to His word and not to the world
That’s worship
Abraham is going to worship God by obeying Him
It’s also important to note that Abraham says he and Isaac will return
It’s a simple statement, but it says a lot
It says that Abraham didn’t expect to be without a son
It says he knew God would yet still fulfill His promises to bring a nation by Isaac
It says Abraham trusted in God’s word and God’s faithfulness and God’s goodness MORE than he trusted in his own understanding
Abraham’s obedience isn’t remarkable because Abraham was willing to lose Isaac
Abraham’s obedience is remarkable because he was so confident death wouldn’t be enough to take Isaac from him
And then the two depart, with Isaac carrying the wood for his own sacrifice
Isaac is picturing Christ again here
He traveled to the sacrifice on a donkey
And like Christ, Isaac is carrying the wood on which he will be sacrificed
And as they walk with wood, knife and fire, Isaac calls to his father with the obvious question
Where is the lamb for the sacrifice?
Interestingly, Isaac uses the term “Abba” for father
The same way Jesus refers to His Father in Heaven
Isaac is a full grown man, a man capable of disagreeing with his father, of running away or overpowering Abraham
It’s beginning to dawn on Isaac that something’s not right
Yet he’s still following his father obediently
Abraham answers that the Lord will provide for himself a lamb
But the sentence construction in Hebrew can be translated another way
The same Hebrew words can mean “the Lord will provide Himself as a sacrifice”
Probably without knowing it, Abraham was preaching the Gospel
The answer satisfied Isaac, but soon enough they reached the top of the mountain
This region of this mountain is Moriah, the mountainous area upon which David built his altar and later Solomon later builds the Temple
This becomes home to the Temple mount
And on these same hills, Jesus is sacrificed on a cross
Yet another way in which this story pictures Christ’s sacrifice
As they reach the place, Abraham built an altar from uncut stones, as was God’s direction
And then he arranged the wood on the altar to burn the body
And then he bound his son
Up to this point, Isaac has been absolutely obedient to the father
And at this point, the truth of what will happen is clear to everyone
Since we know Isaac could escape, the fact that he remains is proof of his faith as well
He is remaining fully obedient to a father who has made clear his intentions to kill his son
Abraham binds his son we’re told, but even this detail adds to Isaac’s obedience
Isaac obviously submitted to the binding
Abraham probably bound him to ensure he would not try to stop him at the last minute or struggle in death
This is a perfect picture of Christ as well
Christ went willingly to the cross; no one forced Him to go
He was obeying the Father’s direction despite the pain and suffering He knew He would experience
Yet Christ was also bound by nails to the wood of the cross
So that even the binding of Isaac was a parallel to Christ
Finally, in v.10 we reach the climactic moment
Abraham stretched out his hand with the knife
He’s ready to draw the knife across his son’s neck as he might a lamb’s
In this moment Abraham’s faith has been fully demonstrated
No one witnessing this moment could doubt Abraham’s trust in God
His behavior makes clear his faith
More than that, Abraham’s obedience has perfected or completed his faith
His faith has produced the work God intended, it has served its purpose for God’s glory
James makes this point in using Abraham as an example
Abraham’s faith was perfected or completed
Abraham was declared righteous in Chapter 15 of Genesis
But if we look back at his life since that moment, it’s been a series of ups and downs
No one’s perfect, of course, but Abraham’s life could cause some to question exactly what he believed
Abimelech is certainly wondering
But now there is no doubt
One of the reasons the test in Chapter 22 of Genesis exists is to demonstrate the strength of Abraham’s faith in God’s promises
Without this chapter, Abraham’s testimony would have been a lot murkier
But not so now…James says he was perfected or completed in this moment
In other words, his life’s purpose in faith has been met
God has a purpose in saving each of us
He didn’t choose us on the basis of our merit or our worth
His plan was in place before the foundation of the earth
But we do matter to Him, of course
So we should be always seeking to understand how our life of faith will be perfected in obedience to God’s test
Will it be a call to mission work?
Will it be a call to leadership, or to devotion in prayer or giving to the needs of the saints?
Will it be a service of teaching or hospitality or music?
Will it be in devotion to a spouse or to raising godly children?
Will it be some combination of these or something altogether unique?
Our role in all this is just like Abraham
To hear the Lord when He calls, to answer “here I am”
And then to obey sacrificially
To hold nothing back
To determine to obey completely while trusting in God