Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs Abraham stands at the top of Mt. Moriah preparing to sacrifice his only son, he must have been warring with his own fears and doubts
Did God really expect him to take such an unthinkable step?
How will it feel to watch his son die?
We remember that the Father in Heaven experienced similar thoughts in some way we can’t understand as He put His own Son to death
But Abraham is operating in faith, not by sight, and so he prepares to complete the command God has given
Abraham has bound his grown son and placed him on top of the wood on top of the altar
And he has stretched out his hand with the knife in order to take his son’s life as God has commanded
We noted last week that it was remarkable to think his grown son, Isaac, hasn’t resisted his father through all of this
Even though sooner or later he must have figured out what dad was planning to do
Certainly he knew something was amiss when he was bound
And though Scripture doesn’t record any conversation in the moment, I suspect something was probably said
So we marvel at Isaac submitting to his father’s authority under these circumstances
Though we typically focus on Abraham’s obedience to the Father in Chapter 22, let’s not lose sight of Isaac’s obedience to his father
But in reality, Isaac’s obedience is yet another reflection on the faith and strength of Abraham
Abraham raised a son who respected his authority so much that he would submit to such a moment
And we understand that Isaac’s obedience of his father was a reflection of Isaac’s understanding that Dad was following the Lord
This is how all strong parental-child relationships are formed
The obedience of the child should be modeled after the parent’s obedience to the Lord
Submission to authority and respect for authority is a learned behavior
It must be taught and modeled and reinforced
And ultimately, it must draw a connection to our relationship to the Lord and our own walk of obedience
One of the reasons Scriptures teaches that elders and pastors should have obedient, believing children is for the way it reflects on their own walk of obedience
There are no guarantees in life, least of all in raising kids
But Scripture tells us to anticipate that obedient, submitted relationships will be contagious
If the father is submitted and obedient to the Lord, then the wife will be more likely to follow in submission and obedience to both the Lord and the husband (in that order)
If the parents are obedient and submitted to the Lord and demonstrate that pattern to the children, then the children will more likely follow in their footsteps
Isaac’s extraordinary obedience and submission to Abraham was not the result of a moment of clarity
It was the result of an upbringing in the family of a man who has taken to heart the words of the Lord back in Chapter 18
The Lord revealed Himself to Abraham so that Abraham could understand God’s expectation for holiness in Abraham’s own life
And so that Abraham would command his children to keep the way of the Lord
Abraham was told to command his children in this respect
To make holiness an imperative, a non-negotiable from the earliest years
Clearly, he has done this very thing, and Isaac is now demonstrating the effect of that upbringing
But there is always an element of God’s grace in the lives of our children
No child is perfect, not even Isaac
Later we’ll see that Isaac makes some of the same mistakes that Dad made
But on our judgment day, our test will not be what our children did with their lives
It will be, what did we do to model obedience and submission to the Lord?
And did we command them to keep the way of the Lord?
So just as Abraham is ready to bring the knife against Isaac’s throat, then the Lord intervenes
The Lord calls Abraham’s name from Heaven, repeating it twice
The repeating of the name marks an emphatic call
And Abraham’s response is equally emphatic…Here I am!
We probably can’t appreciate how relieved Abraham felt in that moment
Faith in God notwithstanding, Abraham must have rejoiced at the prospect of being spared from killing Isaac
This call is said to come from the Angel of the Lord
As we noticed earlier in our study, this is a phrase describing the Second Person of the Godhead; the Son, Jesus Christ
Notice in v.12 the Angel of the Lord says you have not withheld your son from “Me” which equates the angel with God
Clearly, this person is identifying Himself as the Lord who commanded Abraham to make this sacrifice in the first place
So this is the Lord, Christ, speaking to Abraham
The Lord stops Abraham at the moment of truth, and He orders Abraham not to go through with the sacrifice
His reason for stopping the sacrifice is that now the Lord knows that Abraham fears God
Since Abraham has come this far and was prepared to sacrifice Isaac
This answer raises a few questions for us to consider
First, why did the Lord ask for this sacrifice only to have Abraham stop short?
First, we remember that this was called a test form the beginning
God wasn’t seeking a human sacrifice from Abraham
In fact, in all history there has only been one time that God has required a human sacrifice: His own Son
He required the sacrifice of His Son to stand in our place for sin, since only a man can stand in the place of another man
But sacrificing Isaac wouldn’t have accomplished anything for sin
Since Isaac had his own sin, his death wouldn’t have been an acceptable sacrifice for the sin of Abraham or anyone else
He would have been dying only for his own sin
So God stops the unnecessary sacrifice when it had met its purpose as a test
That leads us to the second question: how did Abraham pass the test?
Since he didn’t actually complete the sacrifice, how does the Lord know he would have gone through with it?
The Lord says He knew that Abraham fears God
The Lord is saying He knew Abraham’s heart
And Abraham was acting out of fear of the Lord in bringing Isaac to this point
Fear of the Lord is a special term in scripture
All at once it conveys reverence, obedience and genuine fear
Abraham shows his reverence for God by his willingness to give his worship to the Lord
And he shows his obedience for God’s word in his willingness to come to this place and prepare the sacrifice and draw the knife, just as the Lord instructed
But there is also a place for fear in our relationship with the Lord
Fear should be a natural and appropriate response as we come to know and follow the Lord
Jesus Himself used the word fear in giving us counsel on how we should view the Father
Jesus calls upon believers not to fear the world and those enemies of God who might wish to harm us
They can do nothing more than harm a body that was destined to die anyway
But God is not only the One Who determines the course of our earthly life, but more importantly He holds judgment over our soul
On the day of judgment we fall into His hands and are at His mercy
We will have no power, no appeal, no higher authority
As believers our judgment will not be for the purpose of condemning us
It will be an assessment of our work and an assignment of reward
But in that moment we will understand fear of the Lord
If we marvel at Abraham and wonder if we could have acted with so much faith, perhaps the difference between Abraham and us is that Abraham knew the fear of the Lord while we don’t
Reverence and obedience and fear combined to produce a proper perspective on the holiness of God
And it was that understanding that brought Abraham through this test successfully
At this point, Abraham notices that there was a ram caught in the thicket by his horns
The Lord never directs Abraham to the ram; Abraham just notices it
We understand the ram was a supernatural provision
But neither did God direct Abraham to conduct a sacrifice with the ram
Nevertheless, Abraham had come to this point to worship God in sacrifice
And since the Lord had made the provision available, Abraham gladly used it instead to conduct the sacrifice
Notice Abraham declares that this ram would be sacrificed instead of his own son
Abraham is saying that Isaac was condemned to die
He had walked up that mountain expecting to witness the death of his son
But now his son would not have to die
Because the Lord had provided an alternative
God made another available in Isaac’s place so that Isaac wouldn’t need to die
But it does deeper than that
In his heart, Abraham considered Isaac dead
He had been preparing for this moment during the three-days walk
So that by the time he reached this point, Isaac was as good as dead to Abraham
Then suddenly Isaac was spared and returned to Abraham
And it could be said that Abraham received Isaac back from the dead, as if he had died and was resurrected
Here we see another parallel to Christ, another way in which Isaac pictures Christ
Jesus was dead and the world thought Him gone for a time
But then He returned from the dead
Hebrews makes this point in describing Isaac as a picture of Christ
Abraham received “him”, that is Isaac, back from the dead
And so Abraham names this mount the place where the Lord made a provision
This place is Mt. Moriah
It will later become the mountain upon which Solomon will build the temple of God
It will become the place of Jerusalem
And it will become the mountain upon which the Lord will be crucified
Indeed, it is the place where the Lord made a provision for all mankind
What was a test of personal faith for Abraham became an opportunity for the Lord to create a powerful testimony through Abraham’s obedience
What testimony will God create through our obedience?
Abraham and Isaac gave the world a beautiful example of God at work through Christ to provide a sacrifice in our place
But that testimony was only possible because Abraham feared the Lord and obeyed His voice
Here the Lord appears before Abraham for a ninth time and a second time in this same moment
And again we see the Angel of the Lord declaring Himself to be God
As He swears by Himself, that is by His own name, that He will indeed bless Abraham as the Lord has stated beforehand
Each of the major tenets of the Abrahamic covenant are repeated in this promise
Including that all nations of the Earth will be blessed through Abraham’s seed
The promises aren’t different than Abraham had heard before, but this is the first time the Lord had sworn the oath to Abraham
In ancient times a man might take an oath in the course of entering into a covenant
An oath was a solemn binding statement that invoked the name of a greater authority as witness
More importantly, by invoking the name of the higher authority, the person taking the oath was saying that if they failed to keep this agreement, they would be at the mercy of the greater
The higher authority was usually a king or judge who had the power to condemn the individual to death if they failed to keep their covenant
So as God makes this oath, He swears by His own name, since there is no higher authority
He is saying that God Himself will be bound to put Himself to death to ensure He keep His word to Abraham
The writer of Hebrews explains this passage in this way
Hebrews explains that when God wanted to leave Abraham with absolute assurance that God would keep His word, He swore by Himself
And by this oath God committed to keep His promises to the death
The death, of course, was the death God experienced in the Son Jesus
Literally, God went to death to ensure He would keep the oath He is swearing here
And God made such a commitment to Abraham – and the writer of Hebrews adds that it was also for us – so that we would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us
Abraham had great reason for hope in the promises of God
Those promises had brought him a son and would bring him an even larger family
They have given him prosperity in the land, but they will eventually give him an even greater inheritance in the kingdom
And they have led to the blessing of others around Abraham, but even now they are blessing far more people in the world through the opportunity to believe in God’s promises
These were hopes that God delivered to Abraham by way of His promises
These hopes were set before Abraham
But Abraham had to take hold of them
He had to accept that God was trustworthy and that God would keep His word
And God delivered an oath so that Abraham would have no more doubts
By His obedience to God’s command and his willingness to sacrifice his son, Abraham put an end to any doubts concerning his faith in God’s word
And likewise, God takes an oath to put to end any doubts that He will bring the blessings He has promised
We are like Abraham in this way
We have faith and by that faith we have been saved from the penalty of our sin and with that salvation came hope for resurrection and for blessing in eternity
But we have to take hold of that hope
That’s why the writer says that God used two unchangeable things to give us reason to take refuge
And what should be our expected response?
We who have taken refuge (been saved) must take hold of the hope that is set before us
We take hold of the same hope of reward and blessing knowing God keeps His word
Consider the difference between having taken refuge and taking hold of the hope set before us?
Taking refuge is accomplished by faith alone
The hope (of blessing and reward) is only available to those who have taken refuge
Therefore, taking refuge is independent of the hope that makes it available
We can have a hope sitting in front of us but not take hold of it
We can live without realizing the hope that is available
As a result, it just sits there
But once it’s explained to us and we understand it
And then set our mind upon it like Paul running the race, everything in our lives changes
We run for that prize and not earthly prizes