Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday is Mother’s Day...
Things aren’t always as they appear, especially in Scripture
And especially in the genealogy chapters of Genesis
Many Bible students are tempted to skip the genealogy chapters like the one before us today
In reality, they have much to teach us, though it may take a little more work to uncover the lesson
As Chapter 4 ended last week, we came to the end of the line of Cain
And in that line we noted that the culmination of Cain’s sinful family could be seen in the seventh from Adam; Lamech
Lamech embodied the completed, perfected sin nature, in keeping with his position as seventh in Cain’s line from Adam
His sin displayed how he didn’t need God
Not for protection, not for honor or anything
Yet all the while, Lamech and his fathers gave lip service to God including in the way they named their children godly-sounding names
Now in contrast to the seventh man in the line of Cain, Chapter 4 ended with a return to Adam and a look at the other side of the family tree
Seth, appointed one, is born to replace Abel
And through his son Enosh, men began to engage in public worship of God
Already, there is a clear distinction between the line of Cain and the one of Seth
Chapter 5 continues to reveal that distinction
Chapter 5 finishes the toledat or family record of Adam
In Chapter 6 we begin the toledat of Noah
And this will be the pattern of the book of Genesis
Moses will select one person in the line of the Messiah and focus on his family for a time before moving to the next focus
And the juncture between each person of focus will be a genealogy chapter to stitch the two together
So, Chapter 5 is the stitching between Adam and Noah
Also remember how Moses will zoom in and out in his narrative
Here we see him zoom out again – nearly 1,500 years pass in this chapter
Even before we study the chapter, we might ask the question why does Moses capture these long genealogies in Scripture?
Besides the reason I just gave, genealogies serve at least one other major purpose
God has promised to bring a salvation to the world through a seed, a seed He has chosen
And when that seed arrives, God will have provided a complete genealogy from Adam to the Messiah to ensure we can trace the Messiah’s claim
Those genealogies are then demonstrated in Luke and Matthew
Let’s look at Chapter 5
Moses begins the chapter with a brief reminder of how Adam himself began
And then how children began to be born
We notice that Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old
And then Moses emphasizes that this child was born in the likeness and image of Adam
The words likeness and image are important here
First the word for likeness in Hebrew is demuth, which means in the pattern of
And the word for image is tselem and means in the appearance of
So Adam’s children shared Adam’s nature and appearance
But glance back to v.1 and notice how Adam himself began
He was created in the likeness or pattern of God, though not in God’s image
This is confirmed in Genesis 1, when it only says in the likeness or pattern
So God made Adam in the likeness or nature of God, but here we see Adam making his offspring in the likeness or pattern of himself
This is a difference created by sin
Today, people are not being born in the likeness or God
That similarity was lost once Adam sinned and changed his nature
Adam was no longer like God, since Adam knew evil and God does not
So Moses reminds us here that the generations that came from Adam shared Adam’s nature not God’s nature
It requires the grace of God to grant us a new spirit and a new nature so that we might be restored to the likeness of God
This is why Paul says
Some Bible students have come to assume the numbers are wrong, or at least only symbolic
The reason they conclude they are wrong is simply because our present-day experience tells us that people can’t live hundreds of years
This is a classic example of interpreting scripture through a lens of the world and our experience
Rather than interpreting the world and our experience through the lens of Scripture
If I were to interpret my experience through the lens of Scripture, how would I understand these long ages?
First, I apply the Golden Rule of interpretation
When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense
In this case, there is no indication in the text to suggest that the ages aren’t intended to be literal
So to seek another sense than the literal sense is reaching past the meaning of the text itself
Then I am forced to conclude that men lived very long lives in the beginning
And I also notice that later in Genesis the length of life begins to decline rapidly, especially after the flood
We’ll discuss why when we get to Chapter 9
Secondly, I formulate reasonable theories out of Scripture for how life could be so long and then decline later
First, we know God created Adam and Eve in perfection
They had bodies that had no limits
The body has amazing regeneration and self-sustaining abilities even today
Secondly, we know that death was not a part of God’s original design for the human body
Death was not a necessity for our bodies
Third, we know that the process of physical death was instituted by God’s decree that everything would wear out and return to dust
He didn’t design the death of the body to be an instantaneous process but a gradual process
Yes, some die early and unexpectedly, but the usual process is gradual, steady deterioration until the body gives out
Taking these three facts together, I can allow Scripture to inform my understanding of the world we see today
First, we conclude that physical death is a process that takes hold over time
It is a process of weakening and deterioration in the physical strength of the body
Secondly, we note that the process took hold slowly over generations to wear down the body
Initially, men had very long life spans
But over time the deterioration process accelerates leading to shorter and shorter lives
The best scientific explanation for how this happens biologically is found in DNA
The errors and defects in our genetic code are passed on to the next generation
And as the defects grow in number and seriousness, the body’s systems weaken and death comes quicker to the next generation
We will get more in-depth into this discussion in Chapter 9
The next observation we can make is that this is not a complete list of Adam’s direct descendants (all the names are Hebrew though…)
In v.4 we’re told that Adam has other sons and daughters over his 930 years of life
Adam could have easily had hundreds of children, depending on Eve’s patience and tolerance
And by the time Adam died, he had seen his great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren born
In fact, Adam died only about 125 years before Noah was born
Noah was born only 14 years after Seth died
But notice something else that Moses takes time to emphasis in this account
After each man in the line of Seth is described, the record always ends in the same way
And he died
Though these men live long lives, they always succumb in the end to the curse made necessary by Adam’s sin
Today men live 75-80 years on average, and even now many people live that entire lifetime with little thought given to the inevitable
To the fact that death comes to all and then comes judgment
Like an ostrich, many put their heads in the sand and hope that they can ignore this unpleasant fact forever
So imagine how easily men of this day could have ignored the obvious
After 700-800 years of life, do men perhaps forget that judgment is coming?
And add to that, that until Adam died, perhaps only a handful of men had probably died
But Moses doesn’t want his readers to miss the fact that death is common to every man and it catches up to us eventually
But then we find a curious exception at the seventh in the line of Seth from Adam
First, we notice that Enoch lives 365 years and in v.24 God “took” him
The age is interesting by itself
It’s a year for every day in a year
It suggests a completing of a whole, the adding up of a number until the complete whole has been reached
Secondly, we have Enoch’s place in the line of Seth, the seventh
Remember, Cain’s line ended in a seventh as well
The record of Cain ended with Lamech, the man who completed and perfectly embodied the sin nature
Here we have a genealogy that doesn’t end in the seventh, but the seventh becomes a stopping point for comparison purposes
While Cain’s line was a line of unbelievers living opposed to God
Seth’s line is the seed line with men of faith who trace to the Messiah
And in the seventh position, we see Enoch completing a year’s worth of days
And he walks with God
The Hebrew word for walk is the same for God walking in the Garden with Adam
It means fellowship and close companionship
Finally, we have an intriguing end to Enoch’s life
The English phrase “for he was not, for God took him” is actually only two words in Hebrew
Elohim (God) and laqach, which means received or caught or took away
The meaning is clear: Enoch didn’t experience physical death
The writer of Hebrews affirms this interpretation when he teaches:
This taking away is strange and unique, so it brings us to the important question
Why did God choose to end Enoch’s life so differently from the normal experience?
To get the proper answer we must add in the other clues of Enoch’s age and his position as seventh in the line
And we must also consider what we know comes soon after Enoch’s departure, namely the judgment of the flood on the earth
More specifically, we need to take note of how the New Testament uses the flood story itself as a picture of the coming judgment of the world
This is a comparison we will build more fully in the coming chapters
And finally, we can’t help but make comparisons of Enoch’s experience to the promised taking of believers revealed in the New Testament – namely the Rapture
So let’s put these details together
As the seventh in Seth’s line, Enoch must stand as the opposite example to Lamech, the seventh in Cain’s line
These two men would have been contemporaries
Just as Lamech lived as a testimony to sin
Likewise, Enoch’s life is immediately recognizable as a picture of man living in faith and walking with God
Just as Hebrews 11 confirms
Enoch is taken as he reaches 365 years, or a completed year of years
Then he is taken by God from the Earth
And then a period of time passes for those who remain behind
But then God’s judgment waters come upon the earth
Leaving only a few to be rescued
Do you see God creating a picture for us through Enoch’s experience?
Enoch is the symbol of the believer
And after an appointed period of time and once a completed number is reached, then Enoch is removed from the Earth
Likewise, the NT tells us that once a completed number is reached, the Church will be removed from the Earth
We call that moment when the church is removed the Rapture
Enoch therefore becomes a picture of God’s mercy in removing the believer from the earth in preparation for the pouring out of judgment
In Enoch’s day, the judgment was water
But as 2 Peter 3 says, the future judgment will be fire
But as Enoch was rescued from that coming flood, so will the church be rescued before the final time of judgment comes to the earth
But not before Enoch warned the world of that coming judgment, as Jude explains
God used Enoch’s life to illustrate His love and mercy for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose
But finally today, notice that Enoch’s line doesn’t end
His own son Methuselah outlives not only dad but every other human being at 969 years
His names means “when he dies, it shall be sent”
According to the genealogies in Genesis, the year Methuselah died was the same year that the flood came upon the earth
Enoch declared even in his son’s name, a prophetic message warning of the coming judgment
In fact, notice that not one of the men in the line of Messiah dies in the Flood
All of them either die naturally prior to the flood, are raptured (Enoch) or are rescued (Noah)
This is consistent with Peter’s teaching that God will rescue the righteous from the coming judgment
When we return to Genesis, we’ll finish Chapter 5 as part of an introduction into Noah and the flood story, which begins in Chapter 6