Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe return to Chapter 5 only briefly to see an introduction to Noah and the flood story
Methuselah was the father of Lamech, and he lives longer than his own father, Enoch and longer than his son, Lamech
Lamech is introduced here just long enough to connect the dots between Mathuselah and Lamech’s famous son
We can see that Moses believes that Lamech’s son is worth our focused attention
Because Moses goes out of his way to tell us about the naming of this particular boy
When Lamech named his son, he called him Noah, saying he will give us rest from our work and from the toil of the curse on the Earth
The boy’s name literally means comfort, in the sense of rest
But look at Lamech’s statement
Is Noah going to accomplish these things?
Will Noah put an end to our work and to the curse on the Earth?
But we can make sense of Lamech’s statement in two ways
First, he is likely making the same mistake that Eve made a few generations earlier
He must have received a indication from God that Noah would play a special role in God’s plan for redemption
But then Lamech went too far and assumed Noah was to be the promised seed, the Messiah
So Lamech names Noah and claims he will put an end to the curse and bring our work to an end
Clearly, he was wrong
But by his statement, Lamech does create through his son a picture of the coming Messiah
For the coming Messiah does give us rest from our work, the work of trying to earn our own salvation
And eventually, the Messiah’s reign on Earth will bring the curse to an end
So now having inadvertently established his son as a picture of the Messiah’s saving work, we begin the story of the flood
Moses now begins the story of Noah and the Flood
More specifically, Moses moves from talking about Adam’s sons to the daughters of men
And the daughters of men become the backstory for why the Flood was necessary
Moses sets the scene with an intriguing passage describing intermarriage between daughters of men and the sons of God
There is some debate concerning what Moses is describing here, but I believe the answer is fairly straightforward
First, notice that whatever Moses is describing in vv.1-2, the obvious point is that this event is notable and unusual
Otherwise, why would Moses take effort to describe marriage in the normal sense?
Furthermore, the terms Moses uses tell us that this isn’t a typical marriage
He says daughters of men, which is easy enough to understand
Then Moses says these daughters were attracting the attention of the sons of God (ben elohim)
The Bible never refers to natural men as the sons of God
The only other references to “ben elohim” are found in Job and all refer to angels
Even the Septuagint translated “sons of God” as angels of God
If these were angels, then we must also conclude that these angels were of the demonic kind – disobedient, fallen angels
Jude gives us a confirmation of this event
Jude says that angels did not keep their own domain but went after strange flesh
These demons are now undergoing punishment of eternal fire as examples
As we look at the text in Genesis 6, we can find an interesting parallel to Genesis 3
In Genesis 3 we’re told that the woman saw the fruit was good and took it
In Genesis 6:2, the demon realm does exactly the same thing to woman
They look, see that woman is beautiful and take her
It was an act of rebellion and sin
The question then becomes why would the demonic realm want to mate with women?
The answer brings us back to the theme of the book of Genesis: the seed that will fulfill God’s promise to redeem men from sin
The demons and their master Satan understand that God has promised to crush them with a Messiah, a Seed who comes in keeping with God’s promise in the Garden
But that Seed will come through woman specifically
The promise of the coming Messiah was given to Eve and was a privilege that women would share
In fact, the desire of every Jewish girl’s heart was that she might have the blessing of birthing the Messiah
Therefore, the demons began to mate with women to corrupt the human race and the seed line to the Messiah
If the lines of men were sufficiently corrupted, then there would be no seed line available for God to carry through on His promise
How could such an unholy union be possible?
We remember from other passages of Scripture that angels (demons) have the ability to appear to men in human form
And they can convey a convincing illusion
In a later account of Abraham, we will see him eat with angels and not know who they are (at least at first)
In the story of Lot, he is visited by two angels that appear to be men and take Lot by the hand to lead him out of the city
So we can accept that demons have the ability to imitate and counterfeit human flesh including the seed of men
So the prospect of demons mating with women isn’t impossible to accept under these circumstances, but what of the offspring
The passage gives us a description of the offspring in v.4
The Bible calls them Nephilim, which means fallen ones in Hebrew
But the Septuagint chose to translate the Hebrew word into gigentes in Greek, rather than leaving it as a proper noun
Gigentes means giant in English, but the original Hebrew was not trying to suggest that the offspring of angels and women were giants
In fact, it would have been an even greater danger if the offspring were indistinguishable from normal men
They would have mixed in more easily and without being easily detectable
In the text of v.4 there is a potentially confusing statement I want to clarify
Moses says that the Nephilim were on earth in those days and also afterward
Some think Moses is implying that this intermarriage continued after the flood
They even cite Numbers and the story of the ten spies who reported seeing Nephilim in the promised land
The report of the ten spies was not accurate, as the story in Numbers bears out
They were lying to persuade the people of Israel not to enter, since they were afraid of the Canaanites
Furthermore, it is the syntax of the Hebrew in Genesis 6 that is the cause for our confusion
If we read it in the Hebrew, we find that the phrase “and afterward” is connected to the second half of the sentence, not the first half
Listen to the Septuagint:
So, the “afterward” is simply a connecting word in Hebrew to introduce what happened after the demons mated with women
The offspring are called Nephilim, fallen ones, but they pose a new and significant threat to God’s plan for mankind
The introduction of fallen angels into the genealogy of mankind would interfere with God’s plan to bring Messiah into the world as a man
Messiah must share in the nature of man in order to redeem man
If man’s nature has been corrupted into one that shares the demon nature, God’s plan to bring Messiah would be thwarted
So in v.3, God says His Spirit shall not strive with men forever
The Hebrew word for strive is unique, making it difficult to define since it only occurs here in the entire Bible
It probably means to remain with man, as in to keep his physical body alive
Remember that God breathed His spirit into man to bring Adam to life
But that joining of spirit and flesh was no longer permanent
Flesh was now destined to perish because of the curse
So God is saying that all flesh is destined to die sooner or later
And now the flesh of men was being systematically corrupted by angels
So God declares that if an end to flesh is inevitable anyway, He now sets a limit to how long flesh will remain on the earth
So after 120 years, God will put an end to all corrupted flesh on Earth
This becomes the countdown timer until the flood strikes the Earth
And it explains the need for such a drastic response on God’s part
If man’s sin alone was reason enough to destroy the world, we should have expected to see it happen many times over
To ensure we have a proper understanding for why the flood occurs, Moses describes a second reason for God’s actions
While the demonic realm was working to undermine God’s plan, the sin of men was also growing to unsustainable levels on the earth
The wickedness of men was great, we’re told
Men have always been sinful
But in the world that existed after the Garden, there was little to restrain the power of sin in society
The only means God provided for the restraint of sin after the Fall was the conscience of man
God has not instituted government nor the death penalty
God has not yet delivered His Law
So man’s sin is only governed by his own conscience
Moses explains that man’s internal thoughts and imagination were evil continually
The word imagination is yatzar
It’s the same word used in Gen. 2:7 to describe how God created (yatsar) man out of the dust of the ground
God used His creative powers to produce something good
But corrupted man now uses his creative powers to construct evil continually
The point of Moses' description is that man’s conscience has been shown unable to restrain man’s sin
Apart from the chosen seed line through Seth, men became entirely evil, because the sin nature cannot be restrained by our conscience
And now the sheer number of people, combined with their unrestrained sinfulness, has reached a level God no longer can accept
Then Moses said that God was sad and He regretted making man
Some English versions may even say God repented of making man
Whenever we see this description of God, we must understand it in light of all Scripture
For example, Scripture teaches clearly that God does not change His mind in the sense of a man
We change our mind when we learn new information that alters our understanding and leads us to different conclusions
This never happens with God
So we must understand v.6 in light of this Biblical truth
In this case Moses says God was sorry He made man, but the sense of it – in light of all Scripture – is that God was regretful for how His creation had deteriorated
This statement does not imply surprise over circumstances, much less a changed attitude toward creation
The fact that God planned for this moment doesn’t mean that it doesn’t pain Him when it finally arrives
Rather, God always displays regret or sorrow in the face of sin
And so He displays sorrow when He witnesses how man’s sin progresses to extreme levels
In fact, notice in v.7 that God’s “sorrow” extends beyond man to include land animals and birds
Clearly, sorrow doesn’t mean that God feels He made a mistake or changed His mind
His sorrow is dissatisfaction in the way sin is overtaking creation
And that disappointment was so great that God was grieved and forced to act in response
God’s response is a worldwide judgment that will blot out all these creatures
God’s response will result in the elimination of all creatures that have chay nephesh, or the life blood
Notice that fish are excluded, further confirming they are not considered to be creatures with chay nephesh
So this will be a worldwide judgment from which there is no escape
As we progress through the story of Noah, we’re also going to take time along the way to examine prophetic clues God has left behind in his story
By clues, I’m referring to symbols, pictures, shadows, and other markers taken from the account of Noah that point prophetically to a future moment
So as we begin the story of Noah, I want to set the stage for this comparison by highlighting the first clue or marker today
Moses has opened the story of Noah by describing the times and circumstances of that day
And these times share an interesting parallel with something Jesus describes in the Gospels
Jesus tells us that His second coming will occur at a time and under circumstances similar to the days of Noah
In what way are they similar?
There are three ways in which they are comparable, one of which Jesus gives us in vv. 38-39
First, the days of Noah are marked by hyperactivity among the demonic realm
In Noah’s day, demons were mating with women
In the days immediately before Jesus’ return, the Bible in Revelation describes a world in which the Antichrist has been revealed
And this man will die in the middle of the seven year tribulation, and after three days his body will come back to life
The source of his new life is actually the indwelling of Satan
The Antichrist’s soul remains in hell, but the body is used by Satan to construct a counterfeit resurrection
This is the kind of extreme demonic mixing with humans that mirrors the activity of Noah’s day
Secondly, the depravity of men will reach extreme levels
Paul describes the seriousness of this future in 2 Timothy
Remember, Paul isn’t saying that these kinds of sin are unique to the end times
He’s saying that the last days are marked because all men become this way
The world as a whole acts this way, rather than just the worst of society
It seems clear to me that we’re moving steadily in this direction
Finally, Jesus gives us a third way in which the circumstances of Noah’s day mirror the times of His return
The world is oblivious, and even hostile, to the notion of His return
In v.39, Jesus says they didn’t understand until the Flood came
They didn’t understand that Noah’s warnings were true
They didn’t understand that God would bring judgment for sin
They didn’t understand that they would be included in the judgment
Today it’s easy to see the same kind of attitude in the world
The recent predictions of a Rapture by false teachers, and their misguided and deceived followers, gives us memorable proof
So as we dive into the story of Noah next week, we will continue to look for these parallels