Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs last week ended, we came to the end of God’s instructions to Noah
What a remarkable testimony to the faith of Noah
In the entire story of Noah, there is never a moment when Noah is recorded speaking to God
Noah is a man who listens and obeys
He doesn’t question, he doesn’t argue, he doesn’t make excuses
Noah had probably the most difficult assignment in all the Bible
And he said not a word to question the instructions
And he obeyed doing all that the Lord commanded him
The only thing the Bible ever says about Noah’s response is what we see in v.22 (repeated today in 7:5)
Noah did all that the Lord commanded him
In fact, the Hebrew in this verse is repetitive to emphasize Noah’s utter obedience
Noah is arguably the most obedient man in the Old Testament
Other men received much easier instructions
Like Jonah, or Gideon
And those men questioned God or even rebelled entirely
I think Noah amazes me so much because the combination of how great a thing he is given, and how perfectly he obeys
Even when facing the most extreme and difficult instructions, remember Noah was called to build a giant boat
In a world that hadn’t seen rain
And Noah obeyed without hesitation
And now add to that fact…there is no evidence that God spoke to Noah again during the intervening 120 years
Can you take God’s instructions and obey them without questioning for decades if not millennia?
There is an example of faith!
Often when people ask how they know when it’s time to leave, or time to move on…I tell them to look to Noah
Do the last thing you heard God tell you, until you hear something else
We could do worse than to model our own obedience after this man
Especially since obedience isn’t valued today the way the Bible values it
So obedience just isn’t as appreciated much, but Noah models it perfectly
The time has come to enter the Ark
In Chapter 6 God said He would only strive with man for 120 years
Since the flood is now about to begin, we know it’s been 120 years since God made that declaration
Now that the Ark is ready, God gives Noah new instructions for entering
Earlier, God had instructed Noah to bring in two of every land animal
Here God adds new instructions to Noah that he should bring additional numbers (7) of clean animals
While the Mosaic Law had yet to be established, God has obviously revealed to Noah what were clean animals
So God’s Law, while not yet fully revealed, still existed and Noah was aware of it to some extent
Why does God ask Noah to bring these additional clean animals?
We can jump ahead in the story of Noah to see the answer
After Noah leaves the Ark, we read
The moment God speaks to Noah in 7:1, we have reached a point on earth where there is none righteous but Noah and his family
The line of Seth, the seed of the Messiah, has been reduced to only Noah
Methuselah must have died at the moment of v.1 so now the flood can come without jeopardizing the righteous
Only Noah is left
Consider the patience of God and the wisdom of His work through men
969 years ago, God directed a father to name his son Methuselah, which means when he dies, it will come
God was at work planning a flood
Then 600 years earlier, God brought Noah into the word with the name rest
And 120 year earlier, he directs Noah to begin building
20 years after Noah begins building, he receives his three sons
God has set in motion all these events so that on a day He appointed, they would culminate in the flood and the destruction of ungodly men
What is God doing in your life even now in preparation for something years from now?
The Lord may not do what we want when we want Him to, but His timing is always perfect
He is always at work in our lives, and He invites us to participate and join Him in that work
He calls us into a relationship with Him and then He brings us an awareness of His work around us and calls us to join Him
Obedience is defined as working God’s plan instead of our own
But as Jesus said, we must be willing to set down our own work first, before we can pick up His cross and follow Him
Speaking of timing, in v.7 God announces that Noah and his family of seven must enter the Ark because He will bring rain in seven days
This is the first time rain will have ever fallen on the Earth
Until now, the earth has been watered with a mist, as was described in Genesis 2
But God is about to change that pattern in a dramatic way, which we’ll examine more in a minute
But first notice that Noah and his family are entering the Ark well before the rain begins
Seven days beforehand
They haven’t seen anything change yet, nothing that would indicate that the disaster God predicted will actually come about
Can we imagine how difficult it might have been for them to enter this giant boat filled with animals while the sun was still shining?
What compels someone to enter under those conditions?
The world is filled with people, but God has declared only 8 are righteous
And we know that righteousness is not earned
It can only be given to us by God on the basis of our faith in the One Who earned it on our behalf, Jesus
So Noah and his family are righteous because they believed – had faith in – God’s word
So what did they believe in? Did they believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
No, they believed in the word they had been given by God
They believed in the reality of a coming judgment by flood waters
Rain had not yet been seen on the earth, yet Noah and his family entered seven days early
Why did God call them in so early?
So that there might be a visible proof of their faith
If you didn’t believe in the promise of God, you wouldn’t enter that Ark
You might consent to help build it
But if each member of the family hadn’t personally accepted the truth of God’s word, they would have never entered that boat under clear skies
Faith brings a response to God’s word, and the response by Noah and his family was to enter this Ark
It was a harder step than I think we can imagine, and it no doubt brought great ridicule by those in that day
And each of those who saw them enter heard Noah’s testimony that the end was near, but there was no longer any hope for them
Here we find another parallel and picture for the future judgment
In a future day, perhaps a day very soon, those God has declared righteous will be removed from the world for a short time
Seven years to be exact
And those seven years will be a time of waiting for the world before judgment falls at Christ’s return
The entering of Noah and his family into the Ark – the world’s entire righteous population – pictures the rapture of the Church
All the world’s righteous are removed in an instant, gathered together with Christ – Who is pictured by the Ark itself
And we are hidden from the world for a period of seven years
And we are taken early as testimony to the world and so that we can escape the coming judgment
True to His word, God brings the flood
We will study this event from a couple of perspectives
First, let’s examine the facts as they relate to the pictures and shadows that God is presenting through the story
Next week, we’ll look at the nature of the physical events themselves and how God accomplishes this remarkable moment
In v.11, the monumental significance of this event is emphasized with Moses’ careful accounting of the day on the Jewish calendar
It was the second month, the seventeenth day of the month
Moses seems to be imposing the Jewish civil calendar onto the events of Noah’s day, based on divine inspiration
By that same calendar, Jesus resurrected from the grave on the seventeenth day of the second month
Again, Jesus is the Ark, the one who saves us from the coming judgment
And that saving work was done for us when Jesus was raised from the dead, proving His power over death
And Noah and his family were saved the day they entered into the Ark
Though the flood water didn’t come for another seven days, Noah and his family were saved on the day they entered
It mattered not what day the flood actually arrived, it only mattered that they be in the Ark
Having entered, they were immediately saved from any future judgment, whenever it came
And notice that everyone entered on the same day, a particular day
There is a specific day appointed for them to enter
It’s not enough to stand near the Ark, or lean against it
We can’t come up short…you can’t be half in and half out
The call of the Gospel is an invitation to enter, but the invitation is all or nothing
And it comes with the same assurance that Noah’s family received
Having entered our Ark, Christ, we have been saved from the coming judgment
This is why Paul can so confidently declare:
But there is only one way to enter this protection, through its one and only door
We can’t make our own entrance or devise our own plan
We can’t hang on the side of the ark or climb aboard later
The door is the only way in, and once that door is closed there is no second chance
Jesus made the connection between the one door and Himself in John 9-10
There is only one way to access salvation – through Christ
There was only one way onto the Ark, to save yourself from the flood – through the door
Those who claim there is another way are like thieves and robbers, hoping to jump over the wall
These men won’t be recognized by the sheep, who only follow the shepherd
Notice that the door of the Ark was closed by God
There is no going back now
The family isn’t leaving the Ark
Nothing can remove them, even their own doubts or second thoughts
Our salvation in Christ is equally assured
For we are in Him and God has sealed us with His Spirit