Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongHaving studied the reasons for the flood last week, now we’re ready to move into the Flood story
And the story begins with a man, Noah
We remember that the earth has filled with sinful men, each left to his own conscience to choose right from wrong
And our conscience fails us every time, for the world is filled with violence
Even the demon realm has crossed a line
And God is regretful that His work of creation has come to this
So as He contemplates the world’s condition and how to respond, we’re told that one man gains God’s approval
Noah finds favor in the eyes of the Lord
The word for favor is chen which is simply grace in Hebrew
Noah receives God’s grace
Noah is also from the line of Seth, and so he is the seed line continuing from Adam
The seed line is the line through which God will fulfill His promise, and this line will be men who know and follow the Lord
Knowing and following the Lord is something that only God can make possible through His grace
Here we see God taking that step again
He has intervened in the normal course of a man’s life and brought faith into the man’s heart so that he might receive God’s grace
Once God’s grace has rested on Noah, we see what follows in the next verse
Noah is called a righteous man in v.9
And Noah is said to be blameless in his time
The Hebrew word for blameless means without blemish, with integrity and upright
We’re not talking about a perfect person, but a godly person
And he walks with God
A man who knows and follows the living God
Make sure you notice the order of those descriptions
First Noah finds favor, grace
Secondly, Noah is declared righteous
Third, Noah leads a godly life and follows the Lord
This is the pattern for all men who follow the Lord
Hebrews says this:
Noah, like all men, gained God’s approval by faith not by his performance
It’s been the same for OT and NT, for there is no other way
Why is Noah in this position?
By God’s gracious choice and so that God may be faithful to His promise to bring a seed through men
Noah was to be the one through whom the seed promise would be fulfilled
You might remember that Noah was the tenth in the line from Adam
And in the numerology of the Bible, the number 10 is a number of testimony
While nine is the number of judgment
So the generations before Noah are wiped out by the Flood
But Noah’s family, the tenth generation, will live on as a testimony to God’s grace
Moses takes a moment to list Noah’s sons because these sons had been born before the Flood
Moses is singling out the family of Noah to make a point here
You have Noah and his three sons
And in the culture of the times, listing the men implied their wives too
So you have four men, and four women…a total of 8
Eight people are listed in the genealogy of Noah
And by contrast, the rest of humanity are corrupt
Notice the language in vv.11-12
It’s complete without exception
All flesh is corrupt, filled with violence
The sense is that there is nothing worth redeeming other than the 8 in Noah’s family who received God’s grace
Having introduced Noah and his family and explained why Noah escapes the judgment, we now hear the commission God gave Noah
Noah receives his famous call to build an ark
First, God gives Noah the reason for the call…the end of all flesh has come
This announcement begins the 120 years that God decreed earlier
In this period of time God is going to give Noah time to prepare the Ark, collect food and animals, and enter it
Now we see that the point of the delay is so that a time of preparation can take place in the meantime
As we saw last week, the story of Noah is a shadow for a later time of judgment
Many of the details of this account are intended to foreshadow the coming judgment at the Lord’s Second Coming
Here we see another of those shadows
The shadow is explained clearly by Peter
Peter says that those who ignore the signs of the coming judgment are forgetting the lesson of Noah’s flood
God isn’t slow in keeping His promise to return and judge the world
He is patiently waiting so that none of His children will perish
Just like He patiently waited for Noah to build the Ark to save his family, God is waiting now
When the last appointed believer has entered the family of God by faith, then the end can come
Because all the righteous will be safe
In Noah’s day, the righteous were saved by entering an Ark
In our day, we are saved from judgment by entering Christ
In that way, we begin to see that the Ark itself is a picture of Christ, something we will develop more as we go through the story
God says all flesh must come to an end
Flesh refers to all living creatures with the breath of life
Land animals and man
And God says He will destroy both them and the earth itself
We might ask why the animals are caught up in this judgment?
Well, all the earth was placed under the same curse when men sinned
And both the land animals and men came from the dust of the ground
So both are suffering the effects of sin
Here we also see clear evidence that the animal kingdom is part of the earth created for man
And if man is to be destroyed, animals have no reason to exist apart from serving man
The only animals that will survive are those that accompany the family of Noah
So Noah is told to construct an Ark
The word for ark in Hebrew is literally chest or box
The same word is also used to described the basket that Moses floated in as a baby
But other than that, it’s never used for anything else
Only after Noah heard the dimensions would he have realized this would be no ordinary box
Why does God call it an ark and not a boat?
The simple answer is that a boat didn’t exist in Noah’s day
There is no evidence that man had ventured off the land
Remember all land is still connected so there is no need to get in a boat
There was no where you couldn’t travel by land
Traveling by boat led you back to the same land
And fishing was pointless as well, since people ate plants
So there was no word for boat, nor would Noah have understood what it meant
We can also assume that the exact manner of construction was something Noah received from God as Noah progressed through the project
He may have had great skill in wood work
But we can assume he still would have needed some outside expertise to construct something on this scale for the first time
The ark itself is an impressive ship
It was 450 feet long (1½ football fields), 75 feet wide and 45 feet high (a four story building)
With three decks, it had 100,000 square feet and a million cubic space
Equal to 800 railroad box cars
In appearance, it was a floating box, very stable and almost impossible to capsize, especially when loaded
We don’t know what gopher wood was, so the type of wood is a mystery
It was to be covered inside and outside with pitch, or kopher
The ark was covered with pitch or tar to make it waterproof and to seal the wood so it wouldn’t become water logged or leak
This was an essential step
If the boat wasn’t watertight, then even after it began to float, it would eventually sink in the judgment waters
Interestingly, the word kopher is the same word for atonement in Hebrew
So the Ark provided salvation for Noah and his family from God’s judgment on the world’s sin
And the key component that made Noah’s salvation possible was the covering (kopher) or atonement that ensured they would remain safe when judgment came
Again, the Ark is becoming a greater picture of Christ
For Christ is our atonement for sin
Were it not for Christ’s atonement, we wouldn’t stand a chance when God’s judgment fell
But if we are in Christ (like Noah was in the Ark), we are protected by Christ’s atonement
Now at about this point, Noah is probably wondering why he needed to build such a large ship
God’s explanation is that His judgment will take the form of a flood of water on the earth
It must be water, because God is intent on taking away the breath of life
Obviously, breathing will end when the flood comes
This is not to say that there is no collateral damage to sea creatures, but they are not extinguished in the same way as land animals were
As God describes this event, He uses a unique Hebrew word for flood –used only of the Noahic event
The Greek word used in the NT for Noah’s flood is also unique = cataclysmos
In both cases, these words are not the normal words used for local floods
They are specific to a worldwide event, something unparalleled
One question to consider at this point is why does God use a flood to take everyone’s life?
Since the Bible says that God must actively uphold life or it would end instantly
Col 1:17 says that all things are being held together by Christ’s creative power
If God wants to destroy life, couldn’t He just make it happen instantly without using a Flood?
People and animals would just drop dead, except for Noah’s family
Yes, of course He could
But there are at least three reasons why God does it with a flood instead
First, the flood gives opportunity for God to create the pictures and shadows He wants so He can teach concerning the final judgment
Secondly, the flood waters become an effective mechanism to bury the carcasses of so many dead men and animals
The mass burial of all these living creatures becomes the fossils we see today in the geological record
Thirdly, the forces required to create the flood will tear apart the world
Continents will be reshaped, climate will change, and natural features like mountains and oceans will become barriers
These changes along with others that come after the flood will support God’s purpose in making it harder for man’s sin to escalate out of control again
Since this news must have been disturbing to Noah, God also gives Noah some assurance that all is not lost
God will preserve Noah and his family because of a covenant
When Noah leaves the Ark, God will enter into a covenant with Noah in Chapter 9
This is the first use of the word covenant in the Bible
Though that doesn’t mean this is the first covenant in force
We’ve already seen God make promises, which are the basic elements of covenant
Finally, God gets to the most memorable and incredible part of the commission
Noah will bring along a menagerie of land creatures
God will ensure that a male and female of each will be included
Notice how God says they will find their way to the Ark
In v.20, God says these animals will come to Noah
If you’ve ever wondered how Noah could collect so many animals, here’s your answer
God directed animals to Noah once the Ark was ready
Also, remember that all land is in one place, so all animals live on the same continent
Some might discredit the story of Noah on the question of how did he fit so many animals in the ark
People have grossly overestimated how many species/kinds of animals there are
Kind is a broader word than species and reflects the way God made animals originally
One kind would eventually diversify into many subkinds or species
So Noah only needs to preserves one pair of a given kind, to ensure many subkinds will eventually exist after the flood
Excluding sea creatures and plants, there are only about 200,000 hundred thousand species of animals and insects in the world
And if we assume that only two species per “kind”, we could easily put 100,000 animals in the Ark and have 30% of the boat left over for the people and food supplies
But why don’t the lions eat the zebras?
Because they all eat plants
Remember, the animals do not have a predator-prey relationship yet at this point
That won’t be established until Chapter 9
Finally, we see Noah’s reaction to God’s instructions
Noah is perhaps the most remarkable man in the Bible, save Christ Himself
In the three chapters that cover the flood account from front to back, God speaks to Noah seven times
And in all that time, the Bible records Noah speaking back to God exactly zero times
Noah is never recorded to say a word to God in response to His instructions
No other patriarch receives so many revelations from God and says nothing in return