Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOur study in Chapter 7 of Genesis began last week, as we noted the spiritual parallels
Between the account of this worldwide judgement and the future judgment to happen at Christ’s Second Coming
We also noted the pictures of Christ seen in the day the flood began
And in the way the family of Noah entered the Ark through one door
And the way the door was closed by the hand of God ensuring they remained in the safety of the Ark
Last week I also mentioned that we needed to examine the events of this chapter a second time considering the physical description of the flood
So we could better understand what God is doing here and how He accomplishes it
Let’s reread part of last week’s text from the point when the water arrives
And then move forward to finish the chapter
We’re going to examine the events portrayed here, in four steps
First, let’s review the details of the text so we can be sure we have a full understanding what Scripture tells us concerning the flood
Secondly, let’s consult other Scripture to learn the source for the water God used to destroy the earth
Third, let’s understand the effects of the Flood on the earth
Fourth, we’ll learn where the water went after the flood had ended
Beginning in v.11 we hear that the flood began with the fountains of the deep bursting open and the floodgates of the sky being opened
The Hebrew words for fountains and floodgates gives us a clear picture of the event
Fountains means a spring of water coming from the ground
Floodgates is the word arrubbah, which means chimney or window
Imagine a hole in the clouds and water literally pouring through the hole or opening
So water fills the world from two directions, up and down
The water from above falls for forty 24-hour periods
And it falls across the entire globe for that time
There are no present-day meteorological conditions that could produce such an event
Today, rain clouds drop water that was collected through evaporation elsewhere on the planet
If the entire planet were experiencing rain simultaneously, it would quickly come to an end
Because there would be no new source for the water, since the evaporation of water could not happen while the entire Earth was experiencing rain
Clearly, there must have been a source for the water above, which is different than what we experience in the world today
Then in v.14, we hear that the animals God has delivered to Noah voluntarily enter the Ark in pairs
There is no indication that Noah led, chased, prodded, dragged or coaxed the animals into the Ark
The text indicates they went in on their own, on the appointed day
God clearly delivered them and brought them into the Ark
Every animal we have today was represented on the Ark, for the Bible says that every land animal after its kind entered the Ark
You might take time to note how similar the language in v.14 is to the language used in the creation account in Chapter 1
Just as God created all land animals, now He is working to preserve them all
We also note that the animals were selected by “kind”
This special Hebrew word describes an animal type that was designed to diversify into many subtypes over time
For example, from one animal kind we may have received all canines
By bringing kinds to Noah, God ensured all sub-kinds would be preserved as well – without the need for as many animals to enter the Ark
Some of those subkinds exist today while others that left the Ark later went extinct
Finally, we also understand that the animals that were left on the earth perished in the flood
And their bodies were buried by the mud and sediment deposited by the flood waters
Thousands of years later, these skeletal remains were discovered by archeologists, deposited in layers piled atop one another
Next in vv.17-20, Moses describes the Ark being lifted up by the water and floating on the water
The water kept rising until even the tops of mountains were covered
In fact they were covered to a depth of 22 ft
Moses tells us the depth of the water so we can be sure that the Ark cleared every mountain as it floated on the water
Based on the Ark’s dimensions, even if half of the ark were submerged, it would still have cleared the mountains
Later in Chapter 8 we will discover that the mountains before the flood were much lower than the ones we see today
Archeologists have been puzzled by the way wooly mammoths, preserved frozen in ice, are often found clustered together on the tops of mountains or hills
The logical answer is they fled from the water to the highest point and then drowned when the water finally engulfed the peaks
Finally, God confirms that the flood met its intended purpose
Every land animal and every person who remained on earth perished under the flood waters
Even birds died when they lost a landing place and could not remain aloft any longer
To ensure that every creature died, and to allow time for the decomposing remains to settle under the mud, the waters remain on the earth a long time
Specifically, the earth remained as a ball of water for 150 days
Before we move to our second point, take note of how the world looks at this point
It’s all water
If viewed from space, the earth would be nothing but blue
And remember how the book of Genesis began
The earth was formless and consisted of a formless deep
And the Spirit of God floated or fluttered over the surface of that deep
Now we see God restarting creation in a sense
The world is again covered in water and now the Ark (which is a picture of Christ) floats above the surface of the deep
The imagery is similar to draw a point for us
This is a restart of the world, made necessary by the sin of man
Having examined the text, let’s turn to answer the question where did the water come from?
First, we need to remember that all the work of Creation was completed on the Sixth Day
Therefore, no new water was created on the day of the Flood
All the water used in this event already existed somewhere in Creation
Secondly, we remember that the world has never experienced rain before this moment
So the source of water must be something unique and not like what we experience today, as we’ve already noted
The normal water cycle of evaporation, clouds and rain isn’t happening yet
Looking to Scripture, we find the source
First, there is a clue in the creation story itself
Clearly, as the world was being created, God placed water above the expanse of the air in the world
When we studied this chapter, I referred to this suspended water as the atmosphere, which is true
But it is also clear that God stored more water above the Earth than we see suspended today
The atmosphere must have been especially rich in moisture
Or there was a supernatural suspension of large quantities of liquid water stored above for this very moment
Scripture seems to support the latter conclusion
The Psalms alludes to such a storage:
We also have Peter’s testimony concerning the waters of creation
Peter notes that the world was created “out of water”
This is in keeping with Genesis 1
But then Peter adds something interesting – “and by water”
In v.6 he’s talking about God’s judgment of the Flood
Peter is teaching that some of the water of creation was set aside in the heavens and reserved for this day of judgment
God knew it was coming and make plans for it by storing water above the heavens
And then He released that water on the appointed day
So the source of the flood was water stored water in the heavens
But remember we’ve already seen that there was a second source
The great springs of the earth were opened up
In v.11 the word for opened is baqa, which means to cleave open
To split open, like splitting a log of wood
This description suggests that God tore open the face of the Earth
Looking at the world after the Flood, we can see the result of that ripping open
The continents were formed by the splitting of the Earth
And buried under the earth were springs of water set loose by the movement of the land masses
Imagine the destruction created by this sudden, violent movement of the continents?
It would dwarf any earthquake we’ve ever seen
It was likely accompanied by great volcanic eruptions
Since we’re already talking about the remaking of the Earth’s features, let’s move to point three: the effects of the Flood on the Earth
We’ve already noted the movement of the continents
And the deposits of fossilized animals around the world under layers of mud
Also, the movement of so much water across the Earth – both during its arrival and later when it receded – would have resulted in massive erosion
Especially when the continents drained (in Chapter 8), the weight of all that water would have cut huge channels and canyons in the surface of the earth
Similar large-scale erosion was witnessed in the days following the Mt. Saint Helens eruption and the melting of snow from the mountain
This explains the formation of places like the Grand Canyon and the creation of river valleys and cliffs
Next, we mentioned how the atmosphere before the Flood would have been very different due to the huge storage of water above the heavens
Now that all that water has dropped, the atmosphere must be very different
Drier and with fewer clouds
Furthermore, the storehouses of water below the ground have been released
So the mist that rose up to water the ground will no longer be available
Instead, rain will now be a regular feature on the Earth
Furthermore, the movement of some continents to farther reaches north and south will lead to a wider variety of climates
Some with harsher weather than before
Before, all the land was located in the same place and experienced a consistent and likely similar weather pattern
Now the continents have split, water scattering animals and plants everywhere, and the new land experiencing new climates
This explains why scientists find fossils of tropical plants in the middle of deserts
Or fossils of fish on the tops of mountains
Or wooly mammoths flash frozen in ice
Finally, let’s answer the question of where did the water go?
At first glance, it’s a tough question because it seems an impossible problem to solve
How do you eliminate enough water to expose the seven continents, leaving a third of the world’s surface exposed?
In Chapter 8 Moses will tell us that the water recedes over a period of months
And then in Psalm 104, we get a concise description of where it went
In v.5 the psalmist credits God with creating the earth
Then in vv.6-9 he describes the flood upon the earth
First, the psalmist says God covered the earth with the deep (teholm) meaning the waters of the flood
It was like throwing a garment over the Earth
The waters were covering the mountains, as Genesis 7 tells us
He says the waters fled the land at God’s rebuke
They hurried away, which communicates a clear image of the water receding quickly in a violent rush creating those canyons
Now notice the key part: the mountains rose and the valleys sank
This happens as the waters recede
God takes parts of the land and makes them taller
And other parts of the land and makes them lower
No new material is being created – land is simply being displaced
The mountains on Earth now are much taller than those in the time before the flood
And the valleys God deepened are the trenches in the sea
The deepest valleys on Earth are in the sea, including the deepest of all, the Marianas Trench
It extends 7 miles down
If Mt Everest were placed in the trench, its peak would still be a mile and a half under water
As God created these trenches in the basin of the oceans, the water did what water naturally does
It seeks the lowest point
It ran off the high slopes of the mountains and into the valleys in the oceans
Today’s lesson gave us the chance to focus on the “how” of God’s work in the Flood
We didn’t take time to make many applications or ask questions about how God wants us to put this knowledge to work
But let this lesson draw your mind to the awesome power and wisdom of the God we serve
If God has the power to work these wonders on a worldwide scale, is there anything He can’t do in response to our needs or circumstances?
And knowing His wisdom, can we ever doubt that whatever may happen in our daily lives, it must be according to His wise and masterful plan?
Glory be to God!