Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongJames 2B
After a two week break, it can be difficult to find our way back into the writer’s line of thought
But with a few minutes of review, I’m confident we can pick back up again
In the first half of James’ second chapter, he was discussing the final test of our faith
The test was how we respond to Christians according to their social distinctions
When confronted by a brother or sister with a high social status, will we follow our flesh and show favoritism hoping to gain their favor?
Or will we remain indifferent to social status treating all Christians the same, and thus gain favor with the Lord?
James said if we show favoritism within the Body of Christ we are making judgments based on evil motives
More importantly, when we show favoritism, we are not operating according to the Royal Law, the Law of Christ which rules over the New Testament believer
We will have broken the Law of Christ, James says
We will not have treated our neighbor as we hoped to be treated
Now in the remaining part of his second chapter and into the third chapter, James begins to explore the consequences of failing these tests
And last time, James told us that failing these tests was a violation of God’s law
But more specifically, the Law we violate is the Law of Christ
Or the Royal Law as James calls it
In v.12, he also calls it the Law of Liberty
And having mentioned this Law and our risk of transgressing it, James now moves into a sidebar discussion concerning our responsibilities to that law
To repeat, James teaches that showing partiality makes us transgressors of law
Earlier in v.8 he had specified that the law in view here is not the Law of Moses
It was a different law, the royal law
And that law was the two-part commandment that Jesus Himself said summed up the entirety of God’s Law
Love your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
Love your neighbor as yourself
Partiality violated the second part of that commandment
Then James adds that whoever keeps the whole law but fails in keeping just one point has become guilty of all
The phrase “whoever keeps the Law” here describes the thinking of an individual, not their actual behavior
Someone who believes he is keeping the whole Law
But then that person makes a single mistake
James offers an example from the Ten Commandments
Someone who keeps one of them, but then fails to keep another
That person is just as assuredly a transgressor of the Law as someone who had broken both of them
James is not teaching that all offenses are equally bad or will result in an equal consequence
God’s Law has always had varying degrees of punishment for differing offenses
Said another way, while it is worse to violate two laws than to violate just one law, it is not better that we violate one law instead of two
Because even just one violation offends the Law Giver
Edmond Hiebert said:
So when we show partiality, James says we not only fail to love our neighbor as we love ourself
But we also fail to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength
In that sense, our faith and love for God is closely interconnected with our behavior (or our works)
When we fail in our behaviors, we are working against or in opposition to our confession of faith
We weaken our confession and limit its usefulness to us and God
Then James gives us the consequence of failing to live out our faith in keeping with God’s expectations
We will be judged by the Law of Liberty
The Law of Liberty is the standard of conduct for every believer
This Law replaces the Law of Moses, which condemned us prior to faith
Paul describes the transition in several places in the New Testament, but to summarize the point we can look at two short passages
Before faith, we were “wedded” to the Law of Moses, which only served to condemn us
And like marriage, we weren’t eligible to wed Christ until there was a death in our first marriage to the Law
But when we came to faith, our spouse (the Law) didn’t die…we did
We were seen as dying, in the sense that we died in Christ on the cross
Then we were born again into a new marriage with a new groom…Christ
And that new relationship brought a new standard of behavior
A standard Paul calls the ministry of the Spirit, rather than a ministry of the letter of the Law of Moses
We now follow the Spirit of Christ rather than the letter of law
Paul says it another way in 2 Corinthians:
Paul was a servant of a new covenant that didn’t originate in the letter of the old Law
But it comes from the Spirit to give eternal life
And today the Law is still read in the synagogue by Jews, but it has no effect in converting them to Christ because the truth is hidden from them
But when they turn to Christ, the veil is removed, and they receive His Spirit
And having received the Spirit, they now have liberty
Liberty doesn’t mean freedom to sin
Liberty means freedom to follow God’s Spirit in obedience to His will knowing that our righteousness has already been obtained
And as such, it becomes a test of our love for our Lord
The situation could be compared to a son working for his father's business, trying to earn enough money for retirement
The son worked hard to do everything his job required because he was striving to reach his retirement goal
But then unexpectedly, the son receives a gift of money from the father that’s large enough to take care of him for the rest of his life
Before the gift arrived, the son’s relationship to his father had been defined by the rules of the job
Because that was what was required to earn what the son needed
He was restricted to working according to the rules of his job
He wasn’t free to do otherwise, since he was in jeopardy without his retirement secured
And his hard work only served to remind him of how far he was from reaching his goal
It was just a yoke and burden
But now that the gift has arrived, the son has been freed from the burdens and restrictions of his job
He can begin a new phase of his relationship with the father now that his retirement goal had already been reached
The son can now serve his father in new ways that were never possible before while he was trying to earn his security
Previously, his father’s test of obedience would have been how well the son performed his job according to the rules of that job
But now that he no longer needed to work, the test becomes whether the son will obey and follow his father’s desires apart from the rules of the job
And the test becomes a test of love
A measure of his love for his father
Our Father in Heaven will make a similar assessment of us at our moment of judgment
We have already been given our place in the kingdom, and our eternal salvation is assured based on a gift of faith
That gift has freed us from following the letter of the Law of Moses…of earning salvation
Through Christ’s perfect life, we are already credited with having lived the Law perfectly
So we no longer need to attempt to live it as a means of pleasing God
But then the question becomes how we will serve the Lord now that we have been freed from the need to work for salvation?
James teaches that we are expected to obey according to the Spirit
Which means following God’s direction in our life by listening to the Spirit’s call and direction on our life
And the Spirit’s intent will always be to draw us toward living out the royal law or the law of liberty
But when we fail to live according to that law, we should know we are grieving the Spirit
We are no longer walking in the Spirit, we are walking in our flesh
And that decision will bring consequences, just as violating the Law of Moses brings consequences
James says in v.13 that judgment awaits the one who fails to show mercy
James mentions mercy here because he’s speaking about the consequences of showing favoritism
When we show favoritism to one believer over another, we are the one who has failed to show mercy
Because we have made a judgment against the poor brother and in favor of a rich brother
We fail to show mercy to that poor brother
And therefore we shouldn’t expect the Lord to show us mercy either
The Lord will be merciless to us as well, which means He will show favor to other believers over us
Just as we were showing favor to one believer over another
And of course, this same distinction will be made when we fail any test of faith, be it mercy or love or obedience in any form
There are consequences in how the Lord will judge us
Remembering that judgment is for the purpose of reward, not a judgment concerning salvation
But that judgment is a strict one, and our behavior in following the Spirit is not one to be taken lightly
The judgment fire the writer describes here aren’t the fires of hell but the judgment fire that tests the quality of our work
And if there were severe punishments allotted to those who violated the Old Covenant, how great will the consequences be for those who disobey the Law of a new better covenant
The writer says it will be a terrifying thing
Paul also uses fire to describe that judgment moment for believers:
Now keeping in mind that this is the judgment moment that James has in view, he begins to discuss the relationship with faith and works for a believer
James asks what use is it to have faith but no works
The word for use is ophelos, which means profit or advantage
So James is asking how can faith without works profit a believer?
Said another way, how do we expect to profit from a faith that is absent works?
Remember, there is no credit awarded at the judgment for simply having faith
Paul says that:
So we can’t expect to receive our Lord’s congratulations and thanks merely for believing
That was a work He did in the first place
And it will be nothing to boast about
So our faith must yield works if we expect to profit or receive eternal praise and reward
So James then asks if a believer has faith but no works, can that faith save him?
This question has led countless Christians to two conclusions, both of which miss James’ point
First, some have thought that James is teaching that works are a necessary component for salvation
That we must have faith and works to obtain the righteousness necessary for salvation
But as Paul explained concerning himself
The second misinterpretation is that James is describing a non-Christian or a person who has made a false confession
That when someone confesses Christ, they will always have works
And if they lack works, it must mean they lack true faith
Therefore, can that “faith” save him?
But this second view is equally wrong, based on the context of James
James hasn’t been discussing true faith vs. false faith
James has been discussing the failure of believers to live according to the royal law
And in the immediately preceding verses, James introduced the subject of the judgment fire that will test each believer’s work
So in that context James is asking if a faith that has no works will save a believer
He’s not discussing unbelievers facing the judgment fires of hell…that’s the wrong context
James is talking about a believer facing the judgment fire of the Bema Seat, the Judgment Seat of Christ (e.g., 1 Corinthians 3)
So when James asks can that faith “save him,” he’s asking if a faith lived without works will save the believer when he stands at the fiery Judgment Seat of Christ
This is the judgment fire that tests our work and reveals our reward, as Paul described
And of course a believer who enters that moment without works should not expect to be “saved” from that judgment
On the contrary, for that Christian the judgment seat of Christ will be a terrifying experience as the writer of Hebrews says
Such a believer has lived a life of stubborn disobedience to the Spirit’s call
He has transgressed the Royal Law, the Law of Liberty
And he will not be saved from the consequences of those choices
He will face a merciless judgment, as James says
Then James offers a particularly convicting example to consider
He asks if a Christian expresses concern for a fellow believer who is poor and in need, but then does nothing material to help address the believer’s needs
Of what use is that response?
The word “use” is again the Greek word for profit or advantage
So James asks how can that unhelpful response profit anyone?
It certainly doesn’t profit the needy believer, who is still without the food and clothing they need
And it doesn’t profit the believer himself, who failed to perform a work of mercy and will not receive Christ’s approval at the judgment moment
Remember, meeting fellow believers’ needs is an act of mercy in itself
So our failure to act is a failure to show mercy in these circumstances
And it will result in the Lord refraining from showing us mercy at the judgment
And our failures will not profit us
Finally, James makes his most provocative statement
Faith without works is dead, being by itself
By “dead,” James means it is lifeless, without benefit to men or God or even to the believer himself
It is dead in the same way that a campfire can appear dead
It’s not actually gone, since there may still be hot embers deep in the ashes
But with the flame having gone out, it appears lifeless and it offers little value to anyone unless and until the coals are stoked aflame again
We have plenty to think about in these verses
We should examine ourselves in light of these scriptures
First, are we thinking about our actions and priorities with an eye toward our judgment moment?
Do we consider how we are impacting that moment when we make decisions about where to spend our time or money or talents?
Do we remember the royal law as we consider our actions at work and in the home or in the Body of Christ?
Are we ready to meet the Lord right now? Or do we have some work to do to show the Lord that our faith is not a dead faith, one that profits no one?
Let’s recommit to living our faith outwardly, intending to show the love of Christ and thereby have much to profit from