Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs we ended Chapter 4 last week, I read the final verse but I didn’t take time to teach from it
James ended his fourth chapter by saying:
James counseled that we shouldn’t arrogantly declare our plans without consulting God first
If we aren’t in the habit of asking God for His counsel before we make our plans, we’re flying blind
We’re forgetting that we have a very short time on Earth, and that time will come to an end as God determines
And when the plans of our life are made independently of God’s will, we are acting in an arrogant and boastful way
Remember, the issue for James in this chapter was the problem with living in an independent prideful way
Seeking worldly gain, setting our priorities according to worldly values
And then quarreling with others when our worldly pursuits are frustrated by God
So James says we should acknowledge God’s sovereign will and set our plans according to that will
Seeking to conform our lives to Him in humble obedience
This leads us to v.17
Clearly, it’s a sin to live our lives without consulting God’s will
But in v.17 James now says it’s also a sin when we consult God’s will but fail to follow it
To the one who knows the right thing to do
The right thing is the thing that God is directing
When we learn God’s will as we see it revealed in His word or in our prayer life, but then we dismiss it in favor of our own desires, we sin
It’s a sin of omission
We fail to do what God expects
Even if we do nothing, we’re sinning because we didn’t do the right thing
I think of the young rich ruler who asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life
After some discussion, Jesus ends the discussion by testing the man’s heart with a command to sell everything and follow Him
The ruler responds by doing nothing…he just walks away
For this man, to know the right thing but not do it was sin
Now into Chapter 5, we see the second of two warnings
Last week we saw the first warning addressed to the believers in these Jewish churches
Both warnings begin with the phrase “come now…”
And both deal with the pride of life, the arrogance of living apart from God’s will
In the first warning, the believer was at risk of offending God through a life of sin that either avoided God’s will or ignored it
But now James’ warning becomes even more serious
I said at the outset that this is warning spoken to the unbelieving Jew in these early Christian churches
Are you surprised that James would include a warning to unbelievers in a letter addressed to the Jewish churches in the Diaspora?
Why did James feel the need to address unbelievers? And why did he expect that they might hear this message?
Remember these letters were delivered to a city of people and were often copied many times as they circulated among the various destinations
That’s why we call many of the New Testament letters “encyclical” letters
And along the way, they were read aloud in various forums and to collections of interested crowds
Many times these readings prompted the interest of local religious leaders, including Jewish leaders from the local synagogue
James anticipated that his letter might reach the ears of some of these unbelieving leaders, so he took the opportunity to speak to them here
So James writes to the churches knowing that he actually has two audiences listening
James addresses these unbelieving leaders as “you rich”
Rich here means rich in every sense of the word
Financially wealthy, but also wealthy in power, knowledge and status
The Jewish leadership of that day were often a corrupt, self-serving elite group of men who used their position of power to take advantage of those under their charge
And they were hostile to the Jews who had come to know Jesus as their Messiah
James tells this group that their corrupt, evil behavior hasn’t escaped God’s notice
And James says these men should be howling and weeping because of the misery that is coming for them
James’ perspective in all of Chapter 5 is on the day we meet the Lord
For these unbelievers, that day brings a terrible outcome
He says they will find their riches rotted and garments moth-eaten
The precious metals they delight in will have rusted and be a witness against them
And that witness will condemn them, like a witness at a trial who points to the defendant and gives a damning testimony
James says it will result in their flesh consumed by fire
And the stupidity of it all…they spent their life storing up treasure on an Earth that was in its last days
Then James gives examples of how these corrupt leaders obtained their wealth
First, they cheated day laborers who worked for them
Mowing fields refers to men who harvest the stalks of grain
These men would typically work for one day at a time, and they expected to receive their wages for each day at the end of the day
They would use these daily wages to buy the food and other goods they needed to get through the next day
But at the end of the day, these men would use some technicality to deny them their wages
James says these men cried out against this injustice, and these cries have reached the Lord of Saboath
The term Saboath means of the Host, emphasizing God’s might as Commander of the Host of Heaven and therefore His power to bring justice and retribution against these injustices
These men will receive their penalty one day
This life of luxury has only served to fatten them for the slaughter
And then to top it off, they condemned and put to death the righteous man who did not resist their injustice
This is probably a double reference
It refers to the men they cheated in their pursuit of wealth
But it ultimately refers to the way the Jewish leadership treated Jesus Himself
And the two pictures unite in the way believers went to their death in the same manner as their Lord
James’ warning offered no hope for these men
He doesn’t propose any solution or redemption for these leaders
That’s in keeping with Jesus’ own declaration against the generation of Israel who rejected the Messiah
Remember from our Luke study that Jesus declared that because Israel’s leadership rejected Jesus and declared Him to be the Devil, they blasphemed the Holy Spirit
And if you remember, we learned that the blaspheming of the Holy Spirit was a unique sin possible only in Jesus’ days on Earth
It was the unforgivable sin that resulted in that generation of Israel who rejected the Messiah being condemned by Christ
Apart from a remnant whom God spared, Israel suffered the penalty of Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 AD and the judgment fires of God’s wrath at their death
And this condemnation came as a result of a corrupt leadership who preferred their riches and their power over the truth of the Gospel
Today, we are still confronted by unbelieving men who assume leadership roles in society or even in the church and use those positions to take advantage of others
And when we see these injustices taking place, it’s only natural to react against these people
Either to speak in critical ways against them or even to rise up against them in some way
Sometimes we look for ways to take revenge, either for our own sake or for the sake of someone else who has been harmed
I’m not talking about self-defense but rather retribution
And when we find ourselves in these situations, we need to consider our response carefully
James says that those who were persecuted by these evil leaders did not resist, even to the point of their own death
And in that response, they earned praise in Scripture
Elsewhere, we hear Paul saying something similar:
Paul affirms James’ teaching
Our Christian testimony requires we work to remain at peace with all men so far as it depends on us
And that doesn’t mean so long as they are treating us right
We are to leave revenge to God
And we can trust that He will bring about that revenge
But we need to understand that true revenge and justice isn’t achieved in this world, but it will happen in eternity
And we actually interfere with God’s plan of retribution when we try to take matters into our own hands
Even if God’s plan for retribution doesn’t kick in until after evil men have put us to death, it’s still a better plan than the one we can enact on our own in the moment
We may win the fight in the moment, but what are we risking losing in the eternal because we resisted authority or didn't leave room for the wrath of God
Instead, we heap coals upon their heads by responding to their injustice with kindness
This is a Biblical principle…when we refuse to take matters into our hands, we acknowledge a firm faith and trust in God’s sovereignty over our situation
And we leave room for the wrath of God, Who can do far more in revenging injustice then we could ever do on our own behalf
And our kindness in the face of injustice against us brings further condemnation to those who are intent on harming us
It’s an act of faith to withhold retribution
James addressed the sins of the rich and corrupt leaders who persecuted the faithful, but what should the faithful themselves do in response to these men?
The Christian response to injustice is patience
The word for patience in Greek is makrothumeo, which means long tempered or delaying taking action
And have an attitude that looks forward to the return of the Lord at the Rapture
Like a farmer that waits patiently for the harvest to come in, knowing that rains come both early and late in the year
In farming, the principle is not to get impatient and assume in July and August that the rain has stopped for good
Wait until the rain starts again late in the season, and then harvest when the time is right
Likewise, we don’t want to rush the harvest
Don’t think that justice won’t happen, so we need to rush it along in our own power
Be patient
James says believers respond to injustice by strengthening their hearts and reminding themselves that the coming of the Lord is not far off
Remember, the Bible’s teaching that Christ is at the door is a teaching that recognizes that the Rapture is always imminent
There is no prerequisite to the Rapture…it could happen at any time
And don’t let our troubles and frustration lead to speaking negatively against others, especially against those in the faith
When we speak badly of others, we judge them and that’s not something we want to be doing when the True Judge arrives
And who is to say that God might choose to use our patience and long-suffering as an opportunity to bring someone to faith
We can be sure that God is far more likely to use our patience than to use our impatience should we strike back
James offers an example for us to follow in living out this difficult command of patience
Think about the suffering and patience exhibited by the prophets
The New Testament gives us a wonderful summary of what the prophets faced in Chapter 11 of Hebrews
James says, use these men who suffered as our example
This is a far cry from the triumphalism that has come to dominate parts of the Church, particularly the American church
We are not destined to conquer and dominate our world
We are not called to overcome the world with might and power and the Constitution
The United States is not God’s country, it’s just another Gentile nation of lost and dying sinners
I’m as much a patriot as the next guy
But as Christians, when we consider how we are to respond to injustice and persecution, the Bible calls us to remember not the Founding Fathers, but the prophets of Israel
And we use them as our example, so that we never presume to encroach upon God’s role as judge
James then gives his own example using Job, who endured more sorrow and injustice than any of us will likely face in our own lives
And still he faced his situation with patience and endurance, and he refrained from condemning the Lord
In fact, he endured his circumstances while still praising the Lord
And James says we should take note of God’s compassion and mercy which He showed Job in the end
Remembering how Job became an example to us of how righteous men should respond to injustice and suffering