Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongToday our study of James draws to a close
What a powerful letter it’s been, and it’s certainly worth a moment of review
Chapter 1 – Consider it joy when you face trials, because they are tests sent by the Father to allow us to demonstrate our spiritual maturity
Such a life-changing perspective…it caused us to reconsider the way we face trials, turning them to good
Chapter 2 – Don’t show favoritism when faced with men of different social status
View our brothers and sisters as God does
And when we show favoritism, we violate the Royal Law
And when we pass these tests, we declare our faith – or prove it – by our works
Chapter 3 – Guarding our speech is a key to avoiding a life of disobedience
And we yield to the Spirit to control our tongue, counseled by God’s word, and endeavoring to put into action what we learn
Chapter 4 – If instead we seek for the world’s wisdom and riches, it leads to discord and rivalries in the church
We lie against the Gospel by acting like the world
And our prayers go unanswered because we are praying in selfish motives
James gives a warning to the self-sufficient, prideful Christian who won’t respect God’s sovereignty
Chapter 5 – James opened with a warning against the rich and unbelieving Jews who persecuted the church
And now he finishes with a series of exhortations on how to live until the Lord returns
As I said, those chapters were one convicting message after another
And the conviction was so powerful because James drives headlong into many of the core issues of the Christian walk
We all struggle with a faithful walk, with improper speech, with a selfish prayer life, with favoritism, with seeking worldly goals, with an unwillingness to live out our faith in righteous works
So as we finish James today, let’s give careful consideration to the way James wraps up his message
Because James must have known that his letter would leave his readers reeling from so many blows to their ego and pride
And though the hits were necessary and appropriate, James doesn’t want to leave us without a word of encouragement as well
Last week, James encouraged us to practice patience by keeping our mind focused on the return of the Lord
Don’t be angry and don’t take matters into our own hands
Remember I asked, if I told you the Lord was returning tomorrow, could you set aside your anger and desire for vengeance for just one day?
Patience is all about knowing that what we want is coming without our need to get involved
From patience, James moved to reminding us of the prophets and the need for endurance
Let me say it another way…we are to prepare for whatever life brings knowing that it’s all temporary
And by our endurance, we please the Lord who will reward our patience in faith
Now James finishes the letter with specific examples of how a patient Christian will live so as to demonstrate patience
James says above all, a Christian should not swear an oath
Before we can understand James’ concern here, we need to understand the specific action James is describing
He says we should not swear an oath either by heaven or by earth
He’s speaking about making a promise or commitment and then giving an oath to assure a witness that we will keep our vow or word
James is not talking about the kinds of vows that are required by law, as in a courtroom
He’s talking about voluntary vows we take upon ourselves to assure someone that they can trust us
Within the Jewish culture, any oath that mentioned God’s name was considered to be binding and breaking the vow was punishable by law
But oaths sworn by other things, including other things in heaven or things on earth were not considered binding
Pharisees would take advantage of this self-made loophole to avoid obligations when it suited them
And it meant that their word couldn’t be trusted because they might swear upon things that sounded binding but later were deemed to be otherwise
James says don’t swear oaths at all, not by anything in heaven or earth
Don’t bind your trustworthiness to someone or something else
The first problem with vows is they should be unnecessary for a Christian
Consider what a vow means
It invokes the name of another entity as a judge or witness to your statement
It implies that a judge will be necessary to ensure we keep our word
Instead, James says if we want people to trust our word, just let our yes be yes and our no be no
Speak truth and keep your word, and you won’t need vows or judges
Believers should be honorable in our promises and trustworthy in our speech
Making vows unnecessary
Secondly, vows about the future are a form of impatience in waiting on God’s plan
When we obligate ourselves to some future action by a binding vow, we are presuming to know God’s plans for the future
And in our impatience to produce the future we prefer, some Christians may be tempted to make vows invoking God’s name
This was particularly true in James’ day
But James says. don’t do this because you risk bringing judgment upon yourself
Because if you swear by God that you will do something in the future
But then God’s plans for your life prevent you from keeping your vow
You are still obligated by your vow, and God will bring condemnation upon you for failing to keep the vow
Remember, if you choose to make a vow by invoking God’s name, Scripture says that God will bring penalty upon you for failing to keep that vow
Because these vows are binding in God’s view, Jesus gives the same warning as James in the Gospels
Both Jesus and James are saying the same thing
If you vow by God’s name, you are gambling that the future will turn out as you expect
And in your impatience to know and predict the future, you risk being wrong
And if you’re wrong, God will hold you accountable for your rash vow
That’s why James warns in v.12 that we risk falling under judgment when we vow
And now for those “Type A” Christians (like me) who prefer action over patient waiting, James now gives the proper Biblical way to act in a godly patient way
James asks, is there anyone among you who is suffering?
The Greek word for suffering means enduring hardship
James is asking is anyone enduring a difficult situation?
Who wouldn’t answer that question “yes”?
James expects the reader to answer yes, and so here is his advice for how to respond to difficulties in a patient, godly way
We pray, which is the purest form of patience and waiting on the Lord
Because it is an appeal on God’s strength and will and ability
And the act of praying necessarily requires we stop acting first
Can any of us honestly say that our first response to circumstances that make us angry or sad or scared or frustrated is to stop and pray?
But now can you see how patience and faithfully waiting on God requires prayer rather than taking matters into our own hands?
On the other end of the spectrum, James asks if anyone is cheerful?
Here is the opposite side of impatience, and in our society it’s at least as common as the first problem
When life is good and we’re pleased with our circumstances, do we stop and consider the source of our joy?
Do we praise the Lord in our joy? Or do we congratulate ourselves and then make plans to increase our joy?
We have as much obligation to send up prayers of praise as we do prayers of petition
In both cases of joy and sorrow, our patience and dependence on God is best displayed in a patient prayer life that turns to God first and consistently, rather than last and sporadically
Like the little girl who turned to God a little too late in her prayers…
James moves to perhaps the most common situation facing everyone sooner or later
He asks in v.14 if anyone is sick?
How does someone respond in godly patience to a sickness?
James says call the elders and have them pray over the sick and anoint the person asking for healing
And the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick
And the Lord will raise up the sick person and forgive him for the sins he’s committed
This promise of Scripture is one many Christians have puzzled over, and many teachers have confused by their teaching
This is a specific kind of suffering that James is describing
And he’s giving the proper way for a Christian to deal with this particular kind of suffering
First, let’s examine the text carefully
We have the case of a sick person who needs healing
The sickness is an incapacitating sickness
The Greek word is astheneo, from which we get a similar word anesthesia
It literally means weakness
This person is weak and unable to get up
Secondly, the elders are summoned to pray
The one who is sick must be the one to call the elders
Third, the elders are to pray over this person
And anoint the person with oil
It’s important to note that the elders are the ones to pray
We’re not talking about the sick person praying
And the elders are to pray “in faith”
This phrase is similar to the instruction found elsewhere in Scripture to ask “in the name of the Lord”
The point is that the prayer is directed by the Spirit and is in accordance with God’s will
The elders aren’t praying with a belief in their ability to heal the person
They’re praying with faith that it is already God’s intention to provide the healing
If they don’t share that faith, then they wouldn’t participate in the prayer
Fourth, the result of the prayer of faith will be the Lord raising up the person
The word for raise up is egeiro, which means to waken or bring to his senses
We’re not talking about raising up in the sense of salvation or resurrection
We’re talking about raising up in the sense of a physical cure strengthening the body
Fifth, the sins of this sick person will be forgiven
Now why does James mention sins at all in this context?
What do sins have to do with the sickness or healing?
The answer comes from several clues
First, notice that the one who is sick must be the one to call for the prayer support
It must be initiated by the sick person taking a step to appeal for help
Then notice that the ones to be called are the elders, not men with gifts for healing or prayer
James wants men of authority in the church to attend to this issue
Then notice in v.16 James summarizes his instruction by saying that confessing sins to one another and praying over one another is the condition for healing and forgiveness
James links all these clues because he’s talking about a healing taking place in a certain situation
The situation is when a Christian is under God’s discipline for an unconfessed sin
The discipline has taken the form of physical sickness or weakness
And the sick person is suffering under judgment and discipline
But if they take the step of patiently relying on the Lord for His mercy and forgiveness, they can be healed physically
The elders are involved to provide the opportunity for confession and prayer
And the prayers of these righteous men can accomplish much good
And James wants those in the church who have been sinning and receiving God’s penalty in their bodies to repent and be healed in this manner
This is similar to the situation that Paul described in the Corinthian church
How often have these verses been misconstrued to suggest that if the sick person has enough faith, they will be healed from their illnesses?
Besides the obvious mistakes in interpretation in that viewpoint, it also defies common sense and logic
No one can be healed forever
If these verses were intended by James to mean that we can expect a guarantee of healing provided we have enough faith, then take it to its logical end
Can I live forever if I maintain a perfectly faithful prayer life?
Or if I die of disease, would that mean my faith ran out?
All of these conclusions are absurd, and therefore they reveal the ridiculousness of the entire suggestion
As we see in the text, James wasn’t promising that faithful prayer will always heal our bodies from illness
He was promising that faithful confession of sins in the midst of praying elders will result in God’s mercy and healing
And when we find ourselves in this situation, the keys to healing are repentance and confession
Until we are willing to confess our secret sins, we have no hope to receive God’s mercy
And we’re not talking about salvation prayers here…we’re talking about sanctification issues
Secondly, we must be willing to confess to others our faults
Private sin requires private confession and public sin requires public confession
James then offers a classic example of how this process works
James uses Elijah as an example
And to make sure we are prepared to see the prophet as someone we can relate to, James reminds us that he was a man with our nature
He wasn’t superman or super pious
He was like us
And following God’s instructions, Elijah prayed and stopped rain in Israel for three and a half years
And when God was ready, Elijah prayed again and restored the rain
What do we learn from this example?
Firstly, what or who stopped and then started the rain?
God, of course
Not Elijah, it was God
Secondly, how were God’s actions connected to Elijah?
God made clear to Elijah what He was prepared to do
And in both cases, Elijah sought for God’s will to be done through his prayers
So in this way, Elijah’s prayers given in faith were able to accomplish miraculous things
Because they were in accordance with God’s will
Our prayers can be equally effective in ending sorrow and weakness when we are appealing to God’s will and for restoration of those in sin
What a wonderful promise and privilege we have here
Finally the end the letter, James writes
Since James had just been dealing with the situation of the brother suffering as a result of his sins, he finishes with a general call to restore our sinning brothers and sisters
If anyone strays from the truth, James begins
This is a verse worth thinking about for longer than we have time today
How do we get into situations where we’re suffering under God’s discipline?
Why do we become spiritually weak and in need of healing prayer?
Because we depart from the truth
Departing from the truth means walking away from what we know in Scripture
It means walking away from what we’ve learned from the Bible
Or just walking away from the Bible altogether
As we look around and see so many churches and believers departing from the truth, is it any mystery why so many are facing numerous sorrows and weaknesses?
Could we be witnessing the mass discipline of the Lord against many of His children in an age of disobedience?
Paul said it would happen
He called it a great apostasy and said it was one of the sings of the end times
But James offers us a hope here as well
He says that when a brother or sister turns one of these disobedient Christians back to the truth, to the word of God
We save this person from death
In verse 20, the word for “soul” is psuche, which is commonly translated life
In Greek it means the sum of our earthly life
In this context, it doesn’t mean preserving salvation but rather the preserving of his physical life
The reality of Scripture is that continual sinning has the potential to bring an early physical death as God’s judgment upon disobedient believers
Turning these brothers and sisters back to the truth should be our goal in fellowship
To encourage each other to remain in the truth and dedicated to knowing and following it
And to the extent we’re able to accomplish this task, we are covering a multitude of sins
This is the calling and purpose of this ministry