Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongSometimes our life problems are complicated and difficult to understand
But sometimes our problems aren’t as complicated as we assume
James gives us an equally shocking answer to the question why do quarrels exist in the church
He says it’s simple, really
The source of quarrels is lustful flesh that desires to have what the world wants
And when we don’t get what we want, we fight with each other rather than ask God
And we’re disappointed when we do ask but still don’t get what we want because we ask with worldly motives
But James says we can’t seek to be friends with the world, to be like them and to want what they want
Because God won’t share us with the world, so He won’t let us have satisfaction in those pursuits
Our Father knows what’s best for us and won’t give in when we ask 50 times
So when our requests go ignored and our fellowship in the Body of Christ is unsatisfying, we need to examine our lives to see if this pattern is responsible
Now James turns to exhorting us to a better path, the path that grace makes possible
In v.5, which we read last week, James says that God demands perfect allegiance and devotion from His people
How do we meet such a demanding standard?
Are we ever perfectly devoted to anyone or anything?
Fortunately, James makes clear that our opportunity to remain devoted to God is a problem God Himself is ready to solve on our behalf
James says God gives a “greater grace”
God’s grace is greater than our failures to remain devoted to Him
When the world begins to pull us away and entice us with one thing or another
God’s grace to strengthen us in the face of these trials is sufficient to bring us through
James explains how this works in v.6-10
God follows a simple but powerful principle
He frustrates the proud but gives His greater grace to the humble
If we resist His will, He will bring our resistance to futility
But when we recognize we are weak and powerless, God steps in to strengthen us and direct us to better choices in His grace
We either push against him or we lean on Him
Like Philippians 2:
We are to follow Christ’s example…lowering ourselves in our own eyes
And accepting that God’s way is better than our own
And James says the first step is to submit to God
Submission is the starting point
Submission is a heart attitude that leads to obedience, an action
Failing to submit is the same as seeking after the world
We aren’t agreeing with God’s priorities and standards and desires
We aren’t submitting to His decrees
But when we set aside what the world gives us as priorities, we take the first step toward submission to God
We set aside personal ambitions
And we make God’s ambitions our ambitions
In my own life it seems the issue is mostly one of time
I make myself God’s enemy when I set His will aside and pursue my own agenda
But I demonstrate submission when I give my time to those things God wants me to pursue…when I follow His will
Where do we find God’s will?
First and foremost, we find it in His word
When we read His word and heed it, we take the first step to submission
I think finding God’s will in His word is the context for the rest of v.7
Think about how the enemy works to undermine the lives of Christians
He distorts and twists God’s word to cause us to doubt or disregard God’s word
He brings us to a point where we are willing to set aside God’s decrees and pursue the world’s decrees instead
Just as in the Garden when he brought Woman to a point of doubting God’s word
So the key is our focus on God’s word, which is the manifestation of His will for His children
James says resist the devil and he will flee
Resist is anthistemi which means take a stand against
Take a stand against the devil’s schemes by taking a stand against the worldly sources of wisdom
Take a stand by remaining in God’s word and seeking truth there
Take a stand against the enemy by knowing and following God’s decrees and resisting any temptation to follow the world
Taking this stand against the enemy is a step of preparation, not a strategy for battle
Armies don’t prepare and train for combat while they are engaged with the enemy
They train before the battle, working against one another in friendly combat
They study and practice their drills and review their orders so they will be ready for the day of combat
Christians don’t prepare for battles with the enemy by waiting until they are in a moment of combat
We study our Bible, we practice righteousness, and we encourage each other for the day of combat
Then when we face the enemy well-prepared to resist him, James says he will flee such preparation
Paul says the same thing in Ephesians 6:
So James says quarrels in the body will end when we seek God’s grace to overcome our wandering hearts
First we humble ourselves
Then we submit to God’s will
Third, we take a stand against the enemy and his efforts to pull us back from following God’s will and into the world’s desires
Fourth, we draw near to God
The term “draw near to God” is a Jewish phrase which means enter into worship
It comes from Leviticus where the nation of Israel is called to worship the Living God
We need to engage in regular, continual worship of God, drawing near to Him in corporate and personal worship
James isn’t talking about a place or an event necessarily
He isn’t saying, “Make sure you go to church on Sunday,” though that wouldn’t be a wrong way to implement this command
Worship is drawing near to God in our daily lives
We certainly want to join together periodically to allow for an outward expression of worship
But never confuse this 90 minute event with worshipping God
Our weekly event is actually a training event that prepares us for the battles of our daily life, where we truly worship God
The worship that takes place outside the building is much more significant than the event inside
When James says draw nearer to God, he’s talking about establishing a daily pattern of worship similar to Romans 12:1-2
Draw near to God means patterning your life in a worshipful way, so that everything you do is an outward sign of worship
Paul said this style of living will be the opposite of conforming to this world – just like James
And he said it happens when we renew our minds so that we demonstrate the will of God
So Paul gives the same pattern that James is giving
Conform to God’s will, which we come to know as we learn His word, and this enables us to enter into a life of worship
James gives examples of this lifestyle in v.8-10
People who draw near to God cleanse their hands, purify their hearts
This is another Levitical phrase that means put aside both outward sinful acts and inward sinful thoughts
Don’t be double-minded, hypocritical
Don’t accept in yourselves the pattern of saying one thing and doing something else
Rather, be sad and mournful over sins
“Miserable” in Greek means in distress
Don’t be happy or ambivalent over sin…mourn over it, be distressed over it
And let the laughter or gaiety associated with worldly sinful living turn into repentant sorrow
Don’t think that James is saying that sinners have fun and Christians are miserable
He is talking about a heart attitude that takes pleasure in the world, taking joy in sin
Which is enmity with God
Instead of mourning over sin the way God does
It’s a complete reversal of our fleshly priorities and perspective
Do these things, James says, and we will humble ourselves before God and He will exalt us
You may not have noticed, but James has been teaching how to fulfill the first commandment of the Royal Law
Remember James is teaching how to live out our faith in actions rather than merely in words alone
And in Chapter 2 James says we are to speak and act as those who will be judged by the Royal Law
That’s the Law that Jesus gave for the New Testament believer
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
Love your neighbor as you love yourself
And in Chapter 4, James says to these churches that they live in quarrels and disputes because there weren’t living according to the law of their faith
They weren’t loving God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength
And up to this point in the chapter, James has been describing how to live according to that first command
Now he turns to the second half of the law, the command to love our neighbors differently than the world does
As before, the secret begins in speech
In this case, it’s how we speak about our brothers and sisters in the faith
James is probably referencing back to the quarrels that started when members of the church competed for positions of authority or other privileges
James says don’t speak against your brother
In Greek the phrase literally means “to speak down against”
The same Greek word is translated as “slander” in 1 Peter 2:12
Don’t put someone down in your speech, say bad things about a fellow Christian
James isn’t prohibiting legitimate criticism, as when applying church discipline or holding a brother accountable
The Bible gives us clear guidance for how to address misbehavior in the body and deal with it privately and publicly
We’re talking about speaking negatively about a brother simply because we don’t like something about them
Because we’re disputing with them over something
When we speak in an unflattering way against a fellow Christian we do three sinful things:
First, we judge our brother or sister
A hateful or negative statement about others in the faith are forms of judgment against another
Secondly, our speech itself is a violation of the Royal Law
It goes “against the law,” which means that our harmful speech violates the law
The Law requires that we treat others with the love we show ourselves
Literally, we break the very law we are accusing another brother or sister of violating
We don’t accuse ourselves of violating the Law, so neither should we speak badly about others in the faith
Finally, we place ourselves above the law, as a judge
We pretend the rules don’t apply to us
This is the sin of hypocrisy
Of course, James sets the record straight in v.12
There is only One God, and we’re not Him
And we please Him when we keep His Law rather than making ourselves a law of our own
Finally, James ends his letter by giving two warnings to his Jewish readers
The rest of Chapter 4 is his warning to the Jewish believer, the Jewish Christian
The opening of Chapter 5 gives a different warning to the Jewish unbeliever
First, notice that both warnings begin with the phrase “Come now…”
To the believer, James speaks about living ignorant of God’s will
But notice that the beginning of this sin is again a form of speech
We “tell” ourselves something in the sense that we decide what we will do without consulting God’s will
The problem here isn’t that we make plans
Planning isn’t the problem
God is a God of order and planning is a necessary discipline to lead an orderly and productive life
In Genesis God gave Joseph a detailed plan covering 14 years, in his dream about the lean and fat cows
The issue is where we go for our plans
The man in v.13 is saying what he wants to do
And he presumptuously decides what that plan will be without considering God’s will first
When we live this way, we aren’t living by faith in God’s word and will
We have set those things aside and we’re living in our flesh
We are making assumptions about what tomorrow holds and we aren’t leaning on God
We’re back to acting proudly rather than humbling ourselves
In fact in v.16 James describes this lifestyle as arrogance and boasting
It’s a kind of proud living
We’ve stupidly forgotten just how short life is, and how quickly it can end
Like a vapor, which means the fog of our breath in cold air
In other words, when we begin to plan a life without God’s input, we are pretending we can direct our own future
But God has numbered our days already, according to Job 14:5
James gives us a different plan
He says we should say “If the Lord wills…”
Now let’s be clear what James expects
First, notice that the process begins agains with speech
Our sin is often tied to speech and so is our obedience
But sin doesn’t end with speech
Our tongue is the rudder that then directs the entire shop into the rocks
Likewise, godly speech is the means to a godly outcome, it’s not the end in itself
So James isn’t expecting us to go around saying “if God wills” but then failing to actually live that way
I meet many Christians who use this phrase but I wonder how often they actually live their lives according to the principle
Do we consult God’s will before we make plans
Or do we announce our own plans, and then casually add “if God wills”?
Consider the wisdom of James
Seek God’s will
Don’t follow worldly wisdom or desires
Prepare for the distractions and schemes of the enemy by studying God’s word
Chart a course in life based upon the will He reveals to you
Humble yourself
Pursue a life that worships God everyday
Don’t sin against your brother
Sound advice