Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWith the Kingdom parables behind us, we’re ready to move into new things
And as we do, we’re moving into a new section of Matthew’s Gospel
The section we just finished covered Jesus’ rejection and the transition of the Kingdom proposal into the Kingdom Program
And it ended with a series of eight parables that explained various aspects of that program
Including why it was necessary and important for the disciples to understand the program and teach it to others
Now the section we move into tonight runs from the end of Chapter 13 until the beginning of Chapter 19
It bridges us into the final two sections of Matthew that cover Jesus’ last days of earthly ministry and His crucifixion and resurrection
And therefore, this is an important section of Matthew’s book because it explains how Jesus went from hero to zero among the people
And it’s easy to understand that transition when you remember how Jesus’ ministry changed following His rejection
He went from teaching openly to teaching circumspectly
Rather than healing everyone, He only healed those few who professed faith in Him
He no longer declared the Kingdom was at hand but instead spoke of coming persecution, judgment, and His own death
Given those changes, it didn’t take long for the crowds to turn against Jesus, and of course, the leaders were always against Him
So let’s start that journey with the first of those negative receptions involving Jesus’ earthly family and friends in Nazareth
We learned in earlier chapters that when Jesus began His three-year earthly ministry, He moved His family from His hometown of Nazareth to Capernaum
Capernaum was located on the Sea of Galilee and along several major roads, which made it ideal for conducting an itinerant ministry
The Scriptures say Jesus prompted His family’s move
Since Jesus was the first born son of the family, that detail suggests Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph, had died by that time
Therefore, Jesus decided the family should relocate
But prior to that point, Jesus spent nearly three decades living in Nazareth, which was a very small town in the hills
Nazareth was small even by ancient standards, so it was the kind of town where everyone new everyone
People knew each other’s families, and the children grew up knowing every other child in the town
So Jesus and His family would have been very well known among everyone who lived there
Now a year or two after Jesus had taken His family away, Matthew tells us that Jesus goes home for a visit
And on the Sabbath He enters the local synagogue for service
Matthew says in v.54 that Jesus was teaching that day
The custom in Jewish synagogues of the day was to invite visiting men to teach during the service
Every Jewish man was expected to know the Scriptures and to be able to teach when called upon
And certainly a favored son, like Jesus, would have been invited to speak upon the occasion of his return
Moreover, the citizens of Nazareth have certainly been following with great interest all Jesus had been doing in the Galilee
So Jesus accepts the invitation to teach, but this will be the last time Jesus agrees to do so in any synagogue
This is the final time in Matthew’s Gospel that we see Jesus teaching openly to a crowd
And it’s the final time Matthew reports Jesus entering a synagogue
This is in keeping with the change in ministry that followed Jesus’ rejection
From now on Jesus will teach only His disciples, and as a result He increasingly shuns the normal circles of orthodox Jewish life
So Jesus takes His seat in the service, and teaches, but Matthew doesn’t record what Jesus taught on this day
Probably because it really didn’t matter…because whatever Jesus taught, it was rejected out of hand
And the reason the crowd dismissed Jesus’ teaching might surprise you
Notice in v.54 the crowd was astonished at Jesus’ teaching
The meaning of that Greek word is amazement and even panic…the room was in pandemonium as Jesus spoke
Jesus was teaching new and even revolutionary ways of understanding Scripture
He was turning conventional thinking on its head, because conventional wisdom was wrong
The Pharisees had long distorted the Scriptures for their own gain
So when Jesus taught them properly, it was shocking to Jewish society
Then when Jesus performed miracles in their midst it only served to amplify their amazement
So the crowd asks, where did Jesus get such wisdom and power?
That expression may sound complimentary when we read it, but that’s not how you should hear it
Read it as an expression of doubt, because they were saying it was inconceivable Jesus could be so wise
And His power to heal only served to make them more suspicious, as if His power was from an evil source
Why did they doubt what they heard? Notice in v.57 Matthew says the people in Nazareth took offense at Him
In Greek that phrase should be literally translated “they stumbled at Him” or “they sinned because of Him”
It wasn’t the message they rejected…it was Him, the messenger…they stumbled over Jesus
In v.55, the people look at one another and ask, isn’t this the carpenter’s son?
Isn’t this the son of Joseph who worked among us?
Wasn’t His mother Mary, who we saw collecting water at the well every day?
Isn’t this Jesus the brother of James, Joseph, Simon and Judas, who were just ordinary lads in our town?
Mark records that they also asked “Are not His sisters with us?”, meaning Jesus’ sisters had married and remained in the town
And as an aside here, it’s remarkable to consider that Jesus had no less than four brothers and at least two married sisters by the time He entered ministry
Which by the way denies the Catholic false teaching
Catholics maintain that Mary remained a virgin her whole life…a completely unbiblical and altogether unnecessary invention
But in noting these things, the people are saying, “Isn’t Jesus just like us?”
That is, Jesus is just an average guy, way too normal to be viewed as an authority figure in their lives
Nazareth had known Jesus His whole life and what they knew about Jesus couldn’t be reconciled with what He was saying and doing now
They couldn’t reconcile the familiar with the extraordinary, so they judged the two to be incompatible
In other words, the Jesus they knew back then invalidated the Jesus they saw before them now
Jesus responds to their unbelief in an interesting way, by explaining that their response is the result of a natural bias present in the heart of every unbeliever
Jesus says that a prophet receives no honor in his own hometown and in his own household
By prophet Jesus means generally anyone empowered by the Lord to speak or do remarkable spiritual things
And by hometown or household Jesus means generally those people who know us best, those who might see themselves in us
E.g. Your unsaved family & friends, that next-door neighbor, your elementary teacher, your high school coach
Those unsaved hearts that know you so well that they look upon you with suspicion should you come to them one day preaching spiritual truth
Some of you may have experienced this bias in your own life
Like when you try to explain to your mother how to go to Heaven
But she reminds you that she helped you find your shoes before school
When you share with your childhood friends about the Jesus Who has given you a new view of eternity
But they can only remember the silly things you did and said when you ran together in junior high school
Like Jesus in Nazareth, unbelievers who know us well judge the message by the messenger and that leads to a bias against us
And the driving force behind this bias is the oldest sin in the world: pride
A prophet is not received among those in his or her own hometown because pride gets in their way
The better we know a person, the more closely we will identify with that person
And when we identify with someone – seeing them as someone like us – then we will be offended if they try to assume a position of authority over us
A prophet or teacher who comes speaking spiritual truth naturally assumes a position of authority over someone
And that will challenge the unbelieving heart when it comes from someone they believe to be no different from themselves
Accepting spiritual truth from another person always requires humility, even if the messenger is a complete stranger
So how much harder is it to demonstrate humility in response to a message brought by someone we know well?
They ask themselves, “Who does he think he is?”
That was the case for Jesus…the citizens of Nazareth all knew His story well
Jesus was the child who played in the dirt streets
He was the young man who studied Torah and learned carpentry under His father
He was the modest and unremarkable young man who lived a quite life at home
Moreover, they knew Jesus didn’t come from a family of great spiritual learning and privilege
He didn’t attend a rabbinical school nor was He trained by prominent rabbis
Jesus wasn’t even especially bold or outgoing in His personality
He was by every definition…ordinary!
Which, by the way, reminds us that living sinlessly doesn’t turn a person into a freak or living robot, or even draw attention to Himself
We know Jesus was sinless as a child and as a teenager and as a young man…He was always sinless
Yet somehow during all that time, no one noticed
No one realized that Jesus never sins, which would have certainly been big news to Jews
And it also tells us that Jesus never tried to draw attention to Himself either
Jesus was accepted as an ordinary kid so much so that when He began teaching with power and authority, it was unexpected
This bias is present in all unbelievers, so the Lord works to mitigate against this bias in the way He brings the Gospel
Since people are prone to rejecting spiritual truth brought by a familiar messenger, He often sends strangers instead
We see this pattern throughout the Bible
In the Old Testament, the Lord often called prophets to go to unfamiliar people and places
He would send a prophet from one region of Israel to another
Prophets from the north went to the south and prophets from the south went to the north
Or He sends the recipient to the prophet from a long distance like He sent the Queen of Sheba to Solomon
Or He sends the prophet to the recipient over a long distance, as when He sent Jonah to Nineveh
And even when the prophet comes to his own people, the Lord will find creative ways to create a sense of unfamiliarity
The Lord took Moses away from the Jewish people for 40 years before sending him back to free them from Pharaoh
And He put John the Baptist in the wilderness for many years before bringing him back to the people of Judea
And the Lord separated Saul for several years from the church before bringing him back as Paul to minister in a fresh way
These are merely examples, but they demonstrate the love and grace of God in overcoming our biases against Him
And He will do the same with our witness too…bringing us to strangers where we will have opportunity to share the truth
In fact, this principle explains why we usually send missionaries to other places
And it should heighten our readiness and willingness to preach to strangers knowing that this is an approved method of God
And at the same we shouldn’t be surprised when our unsaved family and friends reject us out of hand
And one more thought…we need to be careful not to allow this bias to creep back into our thinking as believers
Because pride never goes away
And even though we have Christ and the Spirit, we can still harden our hearts to truth when it comes by someone we know well
So we need to guard against that bias and not let familiarity with the messenger give us reason to ignore the message
Nor should we require the messenger be sinless before we’re willing to consider the truth of their message
As we finish this moment, notice at the end of v.58 Matthew says that as a result of the crowd’s rejection, Jesus did not do many miracles there
This is the first time we’ve seen this statement in Matthew’s Gospel, and it’s a reminder of Jesus’ shift into the Kingdom Program
As a result of being rejected, Jesus now performs miracles only for the benefit of those who believe
And since there were few in Nazareth who received Him there, He performed only a few miracles there
Matthew records this moment in His Gospel to show us how those who knew Jesus best, rejected Him too
Which tells us that if Nazareth wouldn’t receive Jesus, it’s no surprise that the nation as a whole didn’t either
We’re learning that Jesus’ opposition occupied every strata of Jewish society, including His family
And to emphasize this point further, Matthew now jumps to the other end of the spectrum
Herod the Tetrarch refers to one of the sons of Herod the Great
Remember, Herod the Great was the one who tried to have Jesus killed by slaughtering all the young children around Bethlehem
He died in 4 BC and his sons received pieces of his kingdom
His son, Herod Antipas, received the northern region of the Galilee, and that’s the Herod in view here
Herod Antipas lived primarily in Tiberias along the western shore of the Galilee
So naturally Herod heard the news of what Jesus was doing in the region, and he too reacts in the wrong way
While those who knew Jesus best in Nazareth underestimated Jesus’ spiritual credentials, Herod made the opposite mistake in a way
Herod, who didn’t know Jesus at all, exaggerated Jesus’ spiritual identity
Herod believed Jesus to be a resurrected John the Baptist
And that detail is Matthew’s subtle way of introducing the news that John had been killed by this point in Jesus’ ministry
Matthew then explains how John died
The exploits of Herod’s family was a soap opera so sordid it could cause HBO to blush
In v.3 Matthew mentions Herod Antipas and Herod’s wife, Herodias
Herod Antipas, like his father Herod the Great, was a nominal Jew (in name only)
His father had multiple wives and therefore he had children by different mothers
So in addition to Antipas, Herod the Great also had a son named Philip and another son named Aristobulus
Aristobulus had a daughter called Herodius, which is the women mentioned by Matthew
So Herod the Great’s son, Antipas, married Herod the Great’s granddaughter by another wife, Herodius (his great niece)
But before marrying Herod Antipas, Herodius had married Antipas’ brother, Philip
And in between those marriages, she had been a mistress to a step-uncle
So she was guilty of multiple adulteries and incestuous relationships
Our world today is accustomed to the misadventures of the rich and powerful, so we might shrug our shoulders at such behavior
But in Jesus’ day, these things were truly scandalous, and John the Baptist fearlessly said so
In v.4 Matthew says John was condemning the tetrarch for having taken this woman as a wife
Since John had gained a reputation as a prophet, his word mattered among the people
And so it threatened an insecure king who was worried about holding on to power
So Herod arrested John intending to kill him, but fearing the crowds might revolt, he simply held John for a time
And in the meantime, Herod came to like hearing John as Mark tells us
Herod made a sport of listening to John the Baptist
What do you supposed John was telling Herod each time they met?
I can only imagine that John told Herod much the same thing he told those who gathered at the riverside
He probably told Herod his sins would condemn him apart from repentance and faith in the Messiah
But Herod wasn’t moved by what he heard
But there was another enemy of John who was determined to see him killed, and that enemy was working behind the scenes to bring it about
I’m talking about THE enemy…Satan
Satan was at work to bring John the Baptist to death, and since Herod wouldn’t act, he begins to move among the women
Matthew says that on a fateful evening Herod had a feast at his palace with guests in attendance
And on the occasion of Herod’s birthday, Herodias’ daughter danced for the king, probably in a lewd fashion
Since this young girl is not Herod’s daughter, he probably lusts for her
And to impress her, the king promises her anything
Mark says he promised her up to half his kingdom, which makes me think Herod was either very drunk or demonically influenced or both
You might think that she would have asked for half the kingdom, but she doesn’t
Under the influence of Satan, Herodias instructs her daughter to ask for the head of John the Baptist
Since Herod gave his word, he must agree since to say no would mean breaking his oath in public, which was a great humiliation
So despite his fear of the people, he agrees to kill John and this is the end of John’s ministry
Then John’s disciples came and informed Jesus
Why is this story in Matthew? Because it shows the other end of the spectrum from the events in Nazareth
Jesus’ family was against Him, and the Roman authorities were against Him or any who stood with Jesus like John
And it foreshadows how Satan will ultimately bring Jesus down too
He will use the evil hearts of those in the Roman and Jewish governments to conspire and act against Jesus
So Matthew includes this story immediately after Jesus’ rejection to make clear where this story is going
In other words, what happens to John will happen to Jesus
Now what do we take from this account? It reminds us that the Kingdom Program itself will have two sources of opposition
On the one hand we have our friends, and on the other hand, we have our enemy and both will oppose us at times
Our unbelieving friends and family may oppose us because they can’t accept that God is working through us
They may question your calling, doubt your sincerity and ultimately reject your spiritual insight
They know you too well, so they judge you according to our old nature
And therefore, they underestimate how much spiritual change has taken place in your life
How do we respond to that challenge? With grace…remembering we were once in their shoes
Follow Jesus’ example…Jesus just moved on and waited for another time
And in that next opportunity, Jesus won some converts
How do I know that? Well, this was not the first time Jesus returned to Nazareth to teach in the city
Luke tells us of at least one earlier occasion, at the very start of Jesus’ earthly ministry, when He visited Nazareth
In that earlier account, Jesus taught and was rejected also
And in fact the people got so angry they tried to kill Him by throwing Him off a cliff
There is no record that even a single person followed Him in faith in that earlier visit
So Jesus just left them without a fight or argument
But now we see Jesus has returned…He gave them another opportunity despite the fact that they tried to kill Him before
And again He taught them just as He did before
But look what happened in His second visit? This time some believed and were saved
How do I know that? Because Matthew said that Jesus did not do many miracles (which means Jesus at least did some)
And we know Jesus was only doing miracles for those who believed at this point
Which means at least some believed and were blessed with healing in that second visit
That’s your encouragement in the face of friendly opposition to try again
Your message may not be received today, but it may be received tomorrow
Don’t engage in argument or conflict, just graciously step aside and wait for the next opportunity
And what about our enemies who act against us under Satan’s control…what should we do about them?
Do what John the Baptist did…when his enemy took him captive, he used that opportunity to preach the Gospel to him every day
That became his ministry until such time as the Lord allowed John to go free or to lose his earthly life for Christ
Sometimes the answer will be one and sometimes the other
But hey, we’re all going to die one day, and better to die in service to Christ if you ask me
As Paul said…
The same opponents Jesus encountered when He taught the Kingdom Program will oppose us as we continue that program
That program isn’t just a work of winning hearts…it’s also program of enduring opposition and even persecution
Serving Christ is a sacrifice…but a small one compared to the one He made for us