Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongI’m happy to say we land on a more pleasant topic today in our study of the Gospel of Matthew
Our study last week at the beginning of Chapter 19 required we deal with the difficult matter of divorce
But this week the topic changes back to the Kingdom of God
We study two moments in the course of Jesus’ ministry that gave opportunity for a lesson on entering the Kingdom
The first of those comes today, and it centers on understanding the place of children in the Kingdom Program
We return to the moment of Jesus’ conversation with the Pharisees about divorce, and and what follows immediately after
As Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees, someone brings a child before Jesus asking that Jesus would lay hands on the child
We know Jesus is in Perea, and earlier Matthew said He was followed by crowds and was healing people
So it’s likely that mothers of small children who were in need of healing were carrying their children through the crowds to Jesus
And at some point, a woman must have thrust her child into Jesus’ lap while He was speaking on divorce
And as this happens, the disciples rebuked the women for interrupting the proceedings and bothering Jesus with something so trivial
Because in that time of history and in this culture especially, men stood above women and children
Men made all decisions, owned all property, ruled over homes and nations, judged all matters and possessed all authority
While women and children took a backseat in all these affairs
And children occupied an especially low station in the societal pecking order
Parents loved their children no different than we do today, but they saw a child’s place in the home and in society differently
Infant mortality was high and deadly diseases struck often
That reality led to a perspective that children weren’t to be given much consideration until they reached adulthood
So until they reached adulthood, children were treated more like servants in the home than family
Which means children had no prominence or privilege in the home or in gatherings of any kind, and in fact they were typically ignored
A child was never the center of adult attention, and adults never deferred to the needs of children in public life
You remember Mary and Joseph misplaced Jesus on their return from Jerusalem and had to return to find Him in the temple
How could that happen? Because parents didn’t give children the same degree of attention or concern as we do today
Furthermore, in Judaism, children were not seen as candidates for religious conversion or even having need of God’s mercy
First, all Jews were thought to be included in the Kingdom from birth, so of course in Jewish thinking there was no need to convert a child
Secondly, a child had no place in Jewish religious life until he or she reached adulthood – aside from token roles
Not until a boy had his bar mitzvah at age 13 or a girl had her bat mitzvah at 12 did a child participate in Jewish religious life
But what about a child’s sins? Rabbinical teaching held that the sins of the child didn’t rest on the child himself but instead rested on the father
But at the bar mitzvah, the son became accountable to God for his own sin
The boy’s father would say prayers at the bar mitzvah thanking God that his son’s sins no longer rested on his shoulders
After that point, the boy or girl was required to participate in fasting on Yom Kippur and participate in other adult rituals
That was the culture of these men, so children never factored into their expectations for serving the Kingdom Program
So when mothers began interrupting Jesus for the needs of children during this important exchange on divorce, the disciples reacted in a predictable way
The disciples tried to stop this breech of etiquette with a rebuke
A rebuke refers to a strong word against someone, so you should imagine a stern, swift, even rude response on the disciples’ part
As they try to stop the women from coming with their children, Jesus, in turn, rebukes His disciples
He says let the children alone, or in literal Greek permit the children
Before you assume that Jesus was striking a blow against cultural norms concerning women or children, look at the full context
Jesus is taking opportunity in this moment to teach His disciples about important Kingdom Program principles
We know this because Jesus immediately follows His rebuke by saying the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these
Which tells us that Jesus was thinking of spiritual matters in this moment, not earthly or cultural matters
So then the question becomes what spiritual lesson was Jesus trying to teach His disciples through that encounter?
First, let’s remember that the Kingdom of God is Jesus’ term for Heaven or being saved as we say today
More specifically, it refers now to the Kingdom Program, when Christ works through the Church to recruit Kingdom citizens
And the Kingdom Program leads us into the Kingdom proper which will begin on earth at the Second Coming of Jesus
So Jesus is teaching His disciples a principle or truth concerning the Kingdom Program and the Kingdom that follows
And the key to understanding what Jesus is saying is found in His phrase “such as these”
In other words, Jesus was saying the Kingdom Program is about reaching people who are like these children, including children
Jesus wanted to reach people the disciples hadn’t given enough thought to reaching
So in that sense, Jesus uses children as a metaphor for people that society doesn’t value, never sees or hears, and views as unimportant
People like children, who are without advocates, without rights and privilege and yet are not beyond God’s reach
The poor, the outcast, the persecuted – eventually even Gentiles, a group these men never imagined were included in the plan
Serving those groups is not just part of the Kingdom Program…that mission lies at the heart of the Kingdom Program
And James tells us that it is the ultimate expression of our faith to seek out and serve those who are without power or privilege
James says when we direct our religious service toward people who are at the bottom of the scale (widows, orphans), we practice true religion
What makes it truer religion than serving the rich and powerful in the world?
Because we’re serving people who cannot offer us anything in return for our service which means we do it with pure motives
And pure motives is the key to good ministry
You know that the poor won’t make a donation to your ministry in response to your service, yet you serve them anyway
The widow won’t introduce you to her high society friends or invite you to play golf with her at the private club
Nevertheless, if you devote yourself to serving people like that, you’re truly doing the work of your Father, not your own desires
And that was the problem James was facing…a fleshly church doing what they did for the wrong reasons
So as these women and children were being shooed away by the disciples, Jesus corrects them saying these are the type of people you must serve
These are the kind of people Jesus wants to draw to Himself, and when they come to the Church seeking ministry, we are to receive them
The people who come with needs and problems are not getting in the way of ministry…they ARE the ministry
How ironic was it that disciples sent away mothers and children in need because they were too busy discussing biblical marriage!
That is Pharisaic thinking in a nutshell…missing the forest for the trees, straining a gnat and swallowing a camel
Spending endless hours debating minutia of Scripture while simultaneously overlooking its plain and obvious demands
Spending time discussing Scripture isn’t wrong…the issue of divorce is important and deserves to be discussed
The problem was they forgot the purpose in understanding such matters…it is so that we serve the needs of the Kingdom better
We learn the Bible so we can live like Jesus and serve His purposes during the present age
We seek to understand how Jesus thought and acted so we can mimic Him in our daily lives and thereby please Him
Jesus called us to build the Kingdom one person at a time, and we do that by valuing everyone that Jesus valued
Because at the end of the day, Church and the Kingdom aren’t going to be built by winning debates on doctrine
The Kingdom will be built by showing the love of Christ to a lost and hurting world and ministering to them in their needs
And doing so in order to build a bridge for sharing the Gospel
And that’s the key…we are serving them for the sake of the Kingdom of God, Jesus says, which means that our purpose in our service must be saving souls
We will often begin our ministry by serving earthly needs, but if our service never goes beyond the physical, then ultimately it fails
Our fundamental purpose in ministry must always be to gain an opportunity to present the truth of Jesus as Savior
We feed or clothe or heal or comfort or teach or whatever we do for the sole purpose of turning those moments to a presentation of the Gospel
How we make that turn will vary by circumstances, and the timing could be weeks or months or even years after our service begins
But it never stops being the purpose of our ministry
How ironic it would be if we worked hard in doing good things to gain opportunities to present the Gospel…only to never present it in the end
We’ve treated the body in some respect and then left the soul condemned
We’ve solved a temporary problem while neglecting to address the eternal problem
This short-sighted approach to ministry is an ever-present temptation for the Church and we can see evidence of it everywhere
There are many present-day secular organizations that began as Christian ministries of one form or another
Harvard, Yale, Princeton and other universities began as Christian entities intent on promoting the faith
There are adoption agencies, relief organizations, homeless agencies, and others that were formed as Christian missions
Yet today some of these “Christian” organizations prohibit volunteers from evangelizing those they serve
In effect they are disobeying Jesus’ words found here in Matthew 19:14
The Kingdom of Heaven will be built on serving the likes of these
And that service must move to a presentation of the Gospel if it is to fulfill Christ’s intended purpose
Notice in v.15 Jesus called for the children to return to Him, and He proceeded to lay hands on them
Laying hands on a person is a gesture of healing, meaning Jesus took time to heal the children as well as the adults in that crowd
Which tells us that Jesus was speaking in more than metaphor here
As we’ve learned in earlier chapters, Jesus uses the faith of a child as a metaphor to explain how true faith looks and behaves
But had Jesus been speaking of children here solely as a metaphor, He wouldn’t have needed to take this next step
His point would have been made without the need to call the children back and heal them after all
That tells us Jesus was expecting the disciples to hear His words both figuratively and literally
The Kingdom of God is made of such as these children, meaning the Kingdom Program includes the lowly in society
But secondly, the Kingdom Program even includes little children, so literal children are also candidates for receiving the Gospel
And therefore, we must include everyone in our ministry to spread the Gospel lest we pass by someone God intends to save
Remember what Paul told us would be true in the Church…
Notice Paul reaffirms Jesus’ promise that the Kingdom of God will include such as these, meaning the weak and foolish things
Weak and foolish and despised refer to the outcasts of society, but they equally apply to children
Children are not weak by choice nor are they foolish for any fault of their own…they are simply too young to do or know better
Nevertheless, they too are within God’s reach to bring saving faith, and therefore we cannot dismiss them in the course of our work
In fact, Paul says that though the world looks down on the lowly, the Lord specifically favors these groups in His plan of salvation
Paul says the Lord chooses these above others to receive the news of the Gospel and to believe
And that includes children who are often the recipient of God’s grace
Children of a very young age can be brought to faith by the Holy Spirit, even children too young to express that faith to us
And the Bible gives us at least two examples of that happening
First, we have an Old Testament example of David, who by his own testimony was brought to saving faith as an infant
David says that as he exited his mother’s womb, he was cast upon God as if God caught David leaving the birth canal
And moreover, he says God had been David’s God from the moment He formed David in his mother’s womb
And then in v.9 David says plainly that God made David to trust in Him – meaning to receive saving faith – from the time David was nursing
Traditionally, children in that day were weaned at age 5 so David is saying that saving faith came to him before the age of 5
Obviously, the Lord moved early in David’s life to author faith in David’s heart knowing where God would take David later in life
And then we have a New Testament example that is even more dramatic…the case of John the Baptist
In Luke we’re told that John the Baptist was marked out by God for saving faith while still in the womb
While John the Baptist was still in the womb of Elizabeth, the Lord had already given him the Holy Spirit and a mission
Clearly, John had never heard the Gospel at that point, much less possessed the intellect to understand it
And of course, John had no say so in the matter of how God would use him in service to the Gospel as an adult
The Lord sovereignly selected John for his special role and gave John the faith and the Holy Spirit to ensure it was completed
And the Lord did these things while John was still forming in His mother’s womb
The point of these two examples is clear to see…we cannot rule out saving faith for anyone at anytime
If God can bring faith to David while nursing or to John while in the womb, who is unreachable by God?
And the same can be said for adults, of course
If Saul of Tarsus who terrorized and murdered Christians could be converted, then is any adult too hardened to be won over by the Gospel?
Clearly, we are not all David or John or Paul, but my point is that if God can bring those men to faith in the way He did, He can do it for anyone
And since we don’t know God’s intentions beforehand, we must see every person – even children – as candidates for salvation
Because God can move in the heart of a person regardless of age
You can be born again by the Spirit when you’re 99 or when you’re 9
The Lord can bring saving faith to a person when they are 102 or barely 2
Now as I say that, some will ask how can a 2-year old confess Christ, and the answer is of course a 2-year old can’t utter a confession of faith
They will not make that confession until they are considerably older and when prompted by someone’s invitation
But what we’re learning here is that the Spirit can bring a person faith years before they are able to give evidence of it
And the examples of David and John the Baptist testify to that very real possibility
And in fact, doesn’t it always work this way for all of us no matter what age we come to faith in the Gospel?
Aren’t the confessions of our mouths always a delayed expression of the faith in our hearts?
Remember Jesus said in Matthew 15 that what comes out of our mouths is always a reflection of what dwells in our hearts
So we don’t come to faith because we utter a confession…we utter a confession because we have come to faith
For example, when we say “I’m hungry,” aren’t we already feeling the hunger pangs in our stomach?
Or when we say “I have a headache,” does the pain begin after we say those words or did we say the words because we felt pain?
Did you say “I love you” to your spouse, and then you experienced the attraction and emotion?
Or did you say “I love you” because you already had feelings for them?
Likewise, we speak a confession of faith because something has already changed in our hearts
And considerable time may pass between the arrival of faith and the expression of that faith
Even as adults, many of us held to a belief in Jesus for a time before something led us to speak it out loud
And so it can be for a child who confesses Christ at age 6, 7 or even much older…their faith may have arrived much earlier
That’s why the Bible says that saving faith finds its home in our heart, not in our brain, the thinking organ of our bodies
Scripture uses the metaphor of heart and not head to emphasize that salvation doesn’t come from an intellectual assent
Salvation comes from a change in our spirit, our heart, which is done by the Holy Spirit (which the Bible calls being born again)
And changing our spirit is something only God can do, which is why Paul said in 1 Corinthians 1:10 that it is by His doing that you are in Christ Jesus
So parents, take encouragement and comfort knowing that the God who saved you by faith can extend that same grace to your children
God’s grace is not limited by chronological age and salvation is not out of reach simply because a person cannot speak yet
Nor is salvation impossible because someone has grown old and cranky and is openly hostile to the Gospel
No one is out of reach of the Lord
Now does this mean we should evangelize infants? Do we explain propitiation and substitutionary atonement to 2 year olds?
No…we need to remember the context of Jesus’ words to understand the proper application
He said bring me the children because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these
The Greek word belongs is eimi which means exists, so Jesus said the Kingdom of God exists for such as these
The Kingdom Program, the Church’s mission, exists to reach those like these children
So our application is simple…our very mission is to reach those who come to us in need, no matter who they are or what their need may be
Some will come to us as adults with very adult needs
And we minister to them in the expectation that God may work through those relationships to bring a heart to faith
The church can’t supply every need or accommodate every request, and in some cases the best ministry may be to say no to a particular need
But regardless of how we deal with the physical need, we do our best to show kindness and love and regard for the person
And we do this not merely for the sake of the need itself, but so that through that connection we might also minister to their soul with the Gospel
But sometimes those who come will be children brought by their mothers and fathers, and when that happens we see those children as candidates for ministry as well
We don’t wait for children to reach some age that we think means they are ready to understand the Gospel
We don’t waste our opportunities by entertaining children without offering them meaningful ministry
I’ve heard many parents remark to me about how much their young child has retained from my teaching to their surprise
So the application is simple…minister to everyone, meeting them where they are in their need and offering them more than a physical solution
Rule out no one, look past no one, remembering that God is capable of saving anyone
He is the Author of our faith, so He can bring faith to people of any age or station of life
And He has called us to be His representative to the world, and especially to those the world has cast aside