Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongWe’ve reached the final lesson of our study of Revelation, and as we do we finish with probably the most mysterious content in the book and the Bible
John has been asked to describe the New Heavens and New Earth (NH&E), and you can certainly sympathize with his challenge
He doesn’t tell us much about this world, and what he does give us is focused on the capital city of the new world: New Jerusalem
Last week John was given an introduction to the new world as a place without crying, pain, tears and death
In other words, the complete fulfillment of all God has promised to us comes in that place
This world was never revealed to the Old Testament saints…the prophets prior to Christ were only told of the Kingdom period
But now the Lord begins to open the curtain of that coming period of history even as we still wait for the Kingdom to come
In a sense, we can say what will be true for Israel in the Kingdom will finally be made true for all humanity in the NH&E
John’s vision of this world is fleeting, and yet there’s enough detail to appreciate that it will differ in significant ways from our present world
As I said last week, we are going to note the differences between the present world and the NH&E to understand God’s purposes
That understanding will build tonight until we see it come together in the end
Our tour begins with John seeing the city from a distance and preparing to measure the dimensions of the city and describe its appointments
The angel escorting John on this tour describes the city of New Jerusalem as the Bride of Christ
In the rest of the New Testament, the term “Bride of Christ” is a title reserved for the Church saints
But when we arrive in the NH&E, that title will transfer to the city itself
This makes sense when we remember that the term “Bride of Christ” refers to the dwelling place of Christ’s Spirit
Just as a man and wife become one flesh in marriage, so did Jesus and the Church become one body by the indwelling of His Spirit
In the Church Age, the Bride of Christ is the body of Christ, His Temple
But in the eternal age, Christ dwells with the Father in the Temple of the City, so the city has become the Bride of Christ
And we dwell in the city as well, so we too are dwelling with Christ
John’s first view of the city is remarkable, to say the least, beginning with its shape: it’s a perfect cube
The length and width of the city is equal to the height of its buildings
John doesn’t describe the nature of the New Earth itself which the city rests upon, but John watches from a high mountain
So apparently there is land outside the city, some of which John will describe later
John says the city gleams with the glory of God like a diamond, meaning it will be brighter than our sun is today
Curiously, the city is surrounded by a high wall with three gates on each side for a total of twelve gates
Normally, walls are for defense, which makes us wonder why this city needs defenses?
But later in v.25 we will learn that the gates never close, so clearly no one is worried about an attack
These walls and gates are not defensive fortifications, they are memorials remembering God’s work in the prior Creation
John says in vs.12-13 that each gate had an angel stationed at it and each gate was named for one of the twelve tribes of Israel
We know that Israel eventually had thirteen tribes, so we’re left to wonder which twelve names are used for the gates
Manasseh and Ephraim are probably represented by Joseph
Gates are an entry point, so naming the gates after the twelve tribes reminds us Israel is literally the gateway to redemption and to a knowledge of God
God worked through Israel to fulfill His promises of redemption as Paul explained
So it’s appropriate that the gates into the city would memorialize the twelve tribes, because without Israel there is no entry
Without Israel, there are no covenants, no prophets, no Law, no temple, no Christ…so truly everyone enters through Israel
But notice the gates are arranged in threes for a total of 12 entry points, and these numbers are also significant
The number three is the number for the Godhead, which reminds us that the architect behind everything is God
All the work was God’s alone and yet he accomplished it through the nation of Israel
And the number 12 represents God ruling though people, specifically though the sons of Jacob
So the gates will forever reminds us that the Lord brought us into this city by working through a family called Israel
Similarly, John says the foundation will memorialize the role of the Apostles
The foundation of the walls will contain twelve different layers of precious stones representing the twelve men who Jesus called
The Apostles were the men God used to establish the Church and the opportunity for Gentiles to enter into the city as well
And it’s appropriate that the apostles would be foundation layers for the walls
The memorialization of the two groups together reinforces that Israel and the Church are distinct and yet work together in God’s plan
Paul explain this relationship in Ephesians 2
Paul describes Gentiles in the Church as fellow heirs with Israel in the household of God
The two groups were once separated by a law that God gave to Israel but not to Gentiles
But now that Christ has done away with the Law of Moses, He has broken down the dividing wall allowing both groups to join
This new combined family is built on a foundation of the apostles and prophets, Paul says, meaning their roles in bringing God’s revelation
So in the NH&E we will live in a city constructed to remind us of Israel’s role in allowing all people to enter God’s grace
And of the apostles’ role in bringing the Good News to all Gentiles
And the two work together to give God glory, for He used both to His purposes reflected in the number 12
Now we tour the city beginning with John taking measurements of the city and noting the materials used in its construction
As we saw at the temple in Ezekiel’s book, measurements are taken by prophets to give the reader perspective and to validate the reality of the prophecy
But more than anything, the measurements simply amaze us
John says in v.16 that the city is designed as a perfect square 1,500 miles in each direction
Obviously, the city is beyond anything we have ever seen on earth today
A city that is 1,500 long and 1,500 miles wide would span most of the continental U.S.
And then even more amazing, the city is a cube, extending upward into the sky by an equal distance of 1,500 miles
On today’s planet, the outer reaches of Earth’s atmosphere only extend about 50 miles or so
Satellites orbit at between 100 miles and 26,000 miles
So this city will reach up into the range of orbiting satellites today
Obviously, this means the world supporting this city must be vastly different than today’s world
Our atmosphere must be very different or else we don’t need an atmosphere any longer
Having the penthouse apartment in this world means having a stunning view
The measurements in vs.15-17 also serve to reinforce a certain meaning
My english bible translates the measurements as 1,500 miles in every direction with a wall 72 yards high
But the original Greek measurements are in cubits and stadion
So the text actually says the city is 12,000 stadion and the wall is 144 cubits
These original measurements are important because the city is built on 12s and multiples of 12
Again, the number twelve is the number of God’s perfect rule through men
So this city is a memorial to God’s perfect plan which He accomplished in Christ through Israel and the Church
Finally, the city is a testimony to the beauty of God’s creation in all its extravagance
Twelve precious jewels everywhere, the gates are made of a solid carved pearl (i.e., the pearly gates) and pavement is gold
The thing we value so much today and work so hard to obtain will be the paving under our feet in that day
And once again, the materials come in twelves speaking of God’s power to work through the history of mankind
Moving on in our tour, John begins to describe the city’s inhabitants, beginning with its more honored residents
John says there will be no temple in the city because the Godhead is the temple of the city
Before, the Lord dwelled among men in a building or inside a human body but in the NH&E there will no longer be need for a physical home
Temples existed in the past to separate man from God because sinful man could not be in the presence of a holy God
With all sin erased and all enemies gone, the Godhead in fullness will dwell with us in His Person and thus He IS the temple
Moreover, notice both the Father and the Son reside together in this age, since finally the Father is able to fellowship with man again
Not since Adam walked in the Garden has this been possible
And Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15 that the Spirit will dwell there as well
Paul tells us that after the Kingdom, the Son returns all authority to the Father so God may be all in all
That phrase is a bit mysterious but it suggests the Godhead being fully present as we see here in the New Jerusalem
And because the Godhead is fully present, the light of this world comes entirely from God
John says the Godhead is the source of the light and there is no sun or moon to cast light on the new earth
The glory of God is itself light to the world
In v.24 John adds that the nations in this world walk by the light of the Lamb
Apparently, there will be nations on the earth outside the city of Jerusalem
And we hear that kings of the earth bring their glory into the light but we know Paul said that all authority is abolished
So the phrase “the kings bring their glory into the light” must mean the kings of the earth hand back their authority
So that all glory is now for and from God
Finally, in v.25 John says that there is never a period of night in the new world, which raises some interesting questions for us
First, it causes us to wonder about the construction of the new world
If God is the only light and He is resident in the city, then it suggests that the world is flat
If the world was a sphere, then the light of God couldn’t reach the back side of the planet, causing darkness there
Or perhaps the entire universe is equally lit or the laws of physics have been changed…the answer is unclear
Secondly, we have more things being subtracted from our experience of the world
Earlier we heard there is no sea on this new world, and now we hear no sun, no moon and no dark
Once again, this raises the question of why the Lord is changing the design?
Why did He design a world with these features the first time if the “better” world doesn’t need them?
Let’s review the Creation account…beginning with the fact that the world was made out of water, as Peter tell us
Peter says that God’s use of water as the beginning of physical creation was a reflection of His longterm plan for earth
He knew a day was coming when He would destroy the planet with water, so water was present from the beginning
Furthermore, the Creation started with light and darkness in the beginning even before the planet existed and before the sun existed
So the Lord intended for alternating periods of light and dark and constructed a Creation to fit that plan
This alternating of light and dark produced the ability to measure the passing of time, so time was created on Day 1
And the addition of the sun and moon on Days 4 was for seasons and years
In the design of the original earth, day and night made it mark the passage of time, and the presence of the sun and moon gave periodicity to that cycle
They were not created to provide light, strictly speaking, though they did that too
Light existed on Day 1 and so it can exist again without a sun to create it or a moon to reflect it
Their principle purpose was to be used as signs, to count time and control earth’s seasons
But in the NH&E there will not be a need to count time in the same way (nor will there be seasons or signs needed)
We think of time as something endless that we count upward to remember how far we’ve come
But from God’s point of view, time has a limit, and so our calendar is not a count up, but a count down
It’s a countdown to the end of this earth and to the end of time itself
And so when the need to count time ends, so will the objects that were created merely for that purpose
Without night there are no “days” to count and without a sun there are no “years” to count
So time is endless in the NH&E, although as we will see soon we still count months
Now we move into the final chapter and John’s final few details about this new and strange world to come
Now John moves to describing a few tantalizing details of the geography and other features of the city
From the throne of God come a crystal clear river of water called the water of life which flows through the city
The river runs down the middle of a broad street and on either side of the river is the tree of life
So the tree straddles the river it appears, and gains its life from the water
Then the tree in turn produces fruit in a unique pattern of monthly with a different fruit each month
And the leaves will have a healing power for the nations of people living in the NH&E
The tree is a special, singular tree called the Tree of Life, and the last time we saw this tree was in the Garden before the fall
Interestingly, Adam and Woman ate of this tree before their corruption and they were barred from it after they sinned
God said they couldn’t eat of it any longer because they would live forever
So while Adam and Woman had no sin, they ate of a tree that provided for eternal life, and after they ate they were barred from the tree
In effect, barring Adam and Woman from the tree of life produced physical death in keeping with God’s curse
They came from dust, and now without access to the tree of life they would return to dust
We remember something similar from the description of the temple to be found in the Kingdom as told by Ezekiel and Zechariah
They described a river that comes from the temple and exits the building to split and flow east and west
In Ezekiel’s description, that river causes life everywhere it goes including fruit trees that have the power to heal in their leaves
So in some sense, access to the tree of life is the means of eternal life both in the Kingdom and in the NH&E
This explains why the tree is also a part of the landscape in the Kingdom
Physical immortality is made possible by the tree, it appears, both in the Kingdom and the NH&E
But why did God institute this mechanism in the first place?
Notice, the tree itself is sustained by the water coming from the throne, which clearly communicates that all life comes from God
So each time we eat of the tree or use the leaves, we are reminded that life is flowing from God to us through the tree
In that way the tree is merely a mechanism to remind us where our life comes from
When death is ever present and health is fragile, we are constantly reminded of our mortality and our dependance on God
But when those worries are gone, what will cause us to remember God’s goodness and His life sustaining power?
Without a mechanism like the tree, we could easily take immortality for granted and forget the source of all life is God
Finally, notice that the tree produces fruit on a monthly schedule, and this will be the time mechanism for the NH&E
Time continues to pass and be measured, but it’s only measured in months, not years
So we always know what month it is but no one is keeping track of the years because it doesn’t matter
We aren’t counting down to anything and time itself is endless for us
But we are keeping track of months in a cycle of 12, probably to observe certain celebrations and memorials of Christ
The point will be to honor God though the pattern of observance
Moving forward in the passage, in v.3 John confirms that the curse God pronounced on the earth after the sin of Adam is gone
In Genesis 3 God cursed the ground because of Adam, leading to physical death and the eventual destruction of the Earth
That curse has now been carried out, and so the curse itself has been removed
Without a curse on the earth, the world is idyllic and without flaw
More importantly, we are not under any condemnation nor are we dealing with the effects of sin in the earth itself
No weeds, no hard work, and especially no sin or death
The work we will do will be in service to Christ, and we can’t say what that will look like, but we know it will be something worthwhile and enjoyable
Our perfect nature means we will work in His very presence and see His face
And He will mark us as His with His name on us, a seal that assures us that we will never face death or sin again
Lastly in v.5 John repeats that there is no night, and no need of lamps or the sun because God’s light will be everywhere
You won’t find darkness anywhere, not even shadows
There will be no such thing as a dark room or dark closet…light will simply exist in all places
We might also assume that we will not sleep either
Before we finish the chapter, let’s conduct that review of all the differences between the first creation and this new creation
When we put the differences between the two creations side by side, we notice a pattern
The first Creation would soon be corrupted by sin in the Garden leading to the curse on the world and judgment
Therefore, in the original Creation the Lord incorporated certain features in the design of the earth in anticipation of sin’s arrival
These features would become useful to God in illustrating to man important spiritual truths concerning sin and redemption
For example, the Lord created a world with light and dark so that He could use the terms to illustrate righteousness and sin
And the Lord created the sea knowing He would use it to destroy the world when sin became rampant in Noah’s day
More than that, the Lord uses the covering of deep water as a picture in the Bible of Sheol, the place of the dead
The Hebrew word for deep is tehom, the same word translated “deep oceans” other times
So the Lord created a world with night and seas to allow Him to illustrate sin and death and eternal punishment
And the Lord included objects like the sun and moon to institute the counting down of time and the giving of signs of the end
Counting time was needed to allow men to mark the fulfillment of prophecy concerning the end of the age
And the sun and moon are used by God as signs of the approaching end of the age and the coming judgment against sin
Most of all, notice that the Lord made these design choices for the first earth long before man existed or the fall of Adam took place
In other words, God’s plan for the first Creation fully anticipated the arrival of sin and His design made accommodations for it
The Lord planned to speak about the meaning of these things and explain a plan to correct for them in His Son Jesus
But now that there is nothing unclean in the Universe and no one is sinning and there is no death, these elements have been removed
The NH&E itself has been designed without these illustrations because the things themselves no longer exists
Now that sin has gone and will never return, God designs a different world, one suited for a new purpose
While the first world was to be a home for a fallen man, the new world is a home designed for glorified sinless man
God’s very plan for creation necessitated an arrival of sin so that eventually Christ could enter that Creation and die for it
Without being the author of sin, God expected and accommodated the arrival of sin
Because the Creation must know sin and the judgment that sin requires to fully appreciate the love of God
We must understand that God is a God of wrath and judgment if we are to praise Him for grace and mercy
And now in the NH&E we will forever remember and praise God for His plan of redemption for our sake
With that we move into the closing comments of Christ to John and to us
Christ finishes the vision of this book in a personal way for John, first saying these words are faithful and true
We can trust the record of this book and receive it in complete confidence that this is the future, and that future is not long away
The same Spirit who gave the prophets their words is the One Who gave John these words
Read Isaiah and notice all the things written long ago about Jesus that came true
Read Daniel and notice all the world events that transpired exactly as Daniel said
Did those men get lucky? Impossible! They knew the future because God revealed it to them
And John is exactly the same…he saw things that represent your future, and these things are no less certain than the word of the prophets
Jesus says He is showing us, His bondservants, the things that soon must take place
Yet we know these words were written 2,000 years ago…how is that soon?
Because once they begin to unfold, they will move quickly, and in the light of eternity it will be very brief
So what are we to do with all this in the meantime? Jesus answers that in v. 7 saying, note that He is coming quickly, which is a reference to the Rapture
In light of what will transpire, Jesus says we must be thinking about the end at all times
We must live with eyes for eternity, prepared for the Lord’s return
And heeding the words of the book means allowing the reality of these coming events to bear on the decisions you make in life
It’s one thing to acknowledge intellectually that these things will one day take place
But it’s another thing to allow that knowledge to influence your life
Almost to emphasize the importance of our response, John then relates a moment in v.8 when he fell to worship the angel escorting him
But John is rebuked by the angel and reminded that we do not worship fellow servants of God
Let that be a reminder not to elevate any servant of God, whether man or spirit, to a point beyond what’s appropriate
Next in v.10 John is told that unlike John’s predecessor, Daniel, John isn’t to seal up the prophecy…he’s told to leave it unsealed
Remember, Daniel was told to seal his vision because it wouldn’t be revealed until John’s day, which we studied in Chapter 11
The prophecy Daniel was given was so far in advance that it couldn’t be useful in that earlier day
But now the time is short, so the world needs to hear and know the meaning of Revelation
This is not a book to be feared or avoided…on the contrary, the book itself pronounces a blessing on those who study it
And now the angel tells John that the time is near and we need to understand the meaning of this book
In fact, the meaning of this book will be increasingly clear to us as we approach the end
That’s one reason why I believe we are so close, because the meaning of the book has become so clear to us
On the other hand, in v.11 John is reminded that the fact this book may be understood in our time doesn’t mean that unbelievers will profit from it
On the contrary, the angel says unbelievers will continue to go about their sinful ways
Only when and if the Spirit interrupts that course by bringing them saving faith will it change
Meanwhile, those who have the truth will remain in Christ’s hand until the end
Then in vs.12-15 Jesus Himself gives a final call to the believer and to the unbeliever
Consider this the ultimate altar call of the Bible, a final chance for the reader to reflect on all the Bible testifies
For the believer, Jesus says He is coming quickly, meaning without warning and He brings a reward with Him
He will repay us for our deeds done in service to Him
And in v.14 Jesus speaks to unbelievers calling them to desire for the good things described in this book
To be washed clean of sin by the blood of Jesus, to eat of the tree of life rather than to perish in the lake of fire, to enter into the gates of the city
Jesus reminds those who refuse His call in v.15 are those who practice and love the unrighteous acts of sin
Remember, Jesus isn’t saying that those who do these things are automatically unsaved
He’s saying that these behaviors typify the lifestyle and attitude of unbelievers
And if those who practice such things do not repent and believe, they will be left “outside” the city
We know that unbelievers exist eternally in the Lake of Fire and now we get a hint of where that place may be
Since the original Heavens and Earth have gone, the lake of fire must have been allotted a place in the new Heavens and Earth
And that new place is somewhere outside the city
This leaves open the possibility that the location could be visible from the city or least somewhere on earth
Finally, our book ends with a benediction…
Jesus testifies one last time that we should trust and believe what He has given to us and trust in Him as Messiah, the descendant of David
You get a sense from the ending that Jesus knew this book would be doubted, misinterpreted and even dismissed
But there is no other book of Scripture in which Jesus speaks to the reader in the first person as the incarnate Christ
And there is no other book of Scripture where Jesus emphasizes so strongly that the word should be trusted and heeded
And then Jesus offers one final altar call, the final call to believe in the entire Bible
In v. 17 the Spirit and the Church say to the world “Come” meaning come to faith in Jesus
Since the first century, the Spirit of God and the Church of believers has been calling the world to know Jesus
And anyone who comes thirsty for righteousness and for peace will take of the water of life without cost
But in stark contrast to that invitation, the book ends with a warning that should make anyone think twice about adulterating Scripture
Jesus says that anyone who makes changes to this book, they will not enter the city of God
They will experience all the plagues of this book, culminating with the Lake of Fire
They may not live through the Tribulation, but the point is they will experience one or more of the torments of this book
At the very least, they will know the Lake of Fire
Jesus is saying that the desire to undermine the word of God is a trait characteristic of unbelief
Altering God’s word is a sure sign that the person has no relationship with the Spirit Who authored the work
That’s why He says they will not be found in the book of life
The language of v.19 may sound as if Jesus is saying someone could lose salvation
But that is merely a consequence of Jesus using parallel language…He’s saying “You remove my words, I remove you”
And since the Spirit is the author of the entire Bible as a single work, then by logical extension this warning is true for all books of the Bible
The entire work of Scripture was inspired, including the specific number of books included in the canon of scripture
So God knew these words would be the final words of the Bible
Which makes it clear He was warning against changing anything in the word of God, not just in the book of Revelation
Lastly, Jesus assures us He is coming quickly, to which John adds, Amen, come Lord Jesus
To which I add, amen as well
The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with all of us…until He comes
Please learn these things, and share them with others