Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongSo far in our study we’ve moved through the first two sections of the book of Revelation, according to how John divided it for us
First we studied the things John saw, which were recorded in Chapter 1
In that chapter John saw a vision of the resurrected Jesus and he received his commission to write what he sees
From that chapter we learned that the contents of this revelation are trustworthy
Then we studied the the things that “are,” which were the seven letters to the churches found in Chapters 2-3
These letters included a prophetic side that foretell the seven phases that the Church passes through during its time on earth
As we studied those seven periods, we learned that we are currently living in the seventh and final period: Laodicea
We are part of the apostate church, where false teaching and unbelief are rampant
So the times that “are” describe the period of history while His church exists and it serves as a link between Parts 1 and 3
The church bridges the period from the first century when John received this Revelation
Until the events that take place after these things, meaning the events that follow the Church age
Those times have yet to begin and that’s where we’re going next…to Part 3
But before we moved forward in time, we began a journey backward in time to understand ages and last days
Because to understand how God brings our age to an end, we must first understand how – and why – He began the age
And as we learned, the background on our present age is found in the book of Daniel, particularly in Chapters 2 & 7
We studied Chapter 2 in our last class, and tonight we open with a study of Chapter 7
Both chapters describe the Age of the Gentiles, a period of history God established to judge His people Israel
The name reflects the purpose of the age: it’s a period of history when Israel will be under judgment
Understanding this period of history is essential to understanding the events in the book of Revelation
Because the events of Revelation are the culmination and fulfillment of this age
And time and time again in this study, we will refer back to what we learn in these chapters
Jesus told us in Luke 21 that our current age is called the Age of the Gentiles and it would be marked by three circumstances for Israel
The Age of the Gentiles stops with the reversal of the three factors that began it
First, Israel would be subjugated to Gentile powers
Secondly, the Jewish people would be scattered outside their land exiled in other nations
Thirdly, the city of Jerusalem would be conquered and occupied (to varying degrees) by Gentiles
For as long as these three things remain true, the Age of the Gentiles continues
Daniel 2 was the overview of the age told by a statue that represented a timeline of the four kingdoms that would dominate in the age
The first was Babylon, the second was the Medo-Persian Empire, the third was the Greek Empire
And the fourth kingdom began when Rome conquered the Greek Empire
The last image in the dream is a rock fallen from heaven, uncut by human hands, that destroys the statue
It falls at the feet of the statue, representing an end of the timeline and an end to the age of Gentiles (and Gentile domination over Israel)
And establishes a new kingdom that fills the whole earth
This pictures Jesus coming to Earth to finish the Age of the Gentiles and establish a Jewish Kingdom
Main thing to realize from Daniel 2, is that as long as we are waiting for Christ, we are in a period of Gentile domination over Israel
What fixes that is not political peace in the middle east, but rather Jesus’ return
In the Kingdom Age, Israel will be the chief nation on the earth, all Jews will live in their land
And Jerusalem will be holy and protected from Gentile defilement – now the home of Jesus
Tonight we move a step closer to understanding why what we’ve just studied is important
We know that the fourth kingdom is the one that really matters because it brings us to Jesus
Plus, it is the one we are in today so it does and should have our attention
And as it turns out, that’s the purpose of Daniel 7, to give us additional detail on the Fourth Kingdom and how it ends
Because of Daniel 2, we can summarize Daniel’s vision in this chapter
Like Daniel 2, this vision is a depiction of the Age of the Gentiles and the details confirm it clearly
But instead of a statue showing a timeline of the age, we now have animals which represent the nature of each period
And the animals line up neatly with the earlier chapter
First, we start with a lion, which like the head of gold in our statue represents the nation of Babylon
The national symbol of ancient Babylon was a lion with wings
And in the ruins of ancient Babylon, archeologists have unearthed a lion statue with wings (missing)
The lion stands like a man and has a mind of a man, which symbolizes the man at the start of this age: Nebuchadnezzar
We will return to this detail later
Secondly, there is a bear with three ribs, which represent the Medo-Persians
The kingdom was the result of a uniting of Medes and Persians
But the Persians were by far the dominant force in the union represented by the bear standing lopsided
The kingdom reached its zenith by conquering Lydia, Babylonia and Egypt - the three ribs devoured by the bear
The third animal represents the third kingdom, the Greek Empire
The Greek empire moved swiftly, like a leopard, completing its expansion in barely four years
Therefore, a leopard with wings represents the absurd speed of the Greek conquest
And the four heads and four wings represent the kingdom split into four parts upon the death of Alexander the Great
Finally, we get to Daniel’s description of the fourth kingdom
And like in Daniel 2, the fourth kingdom breaks the pattern
We remember from Daniel 2 that the fourth kingdom began with Rome but becomes an alliance of Gentile powers over time
Collectively, these bits and pieces of what was once a single kingdom conspire to achieve the purposes of the age
They subjugate Israel, scattering the people outside the land and maintain control over Jerusalem
While in the case of the first three animals Daniel referred to real animals, in this case he was at a loss for a comparison
This animal was simply dreadful and terrifying
And like the statues, this fourth beast crushes and breaks apart the previous three kingdoms
But now we get additional information about this kingdom beginning with the ten horns on this beast
And in addition to the ten, we now find there will be an eleventh, who emerges from out of the ten
And notice this eleventh horn is personified
He has eyes and a mouth of a man
This reminds us of Daniel’s description of the lion, standing like a man with a mind of a man
Also remember that Nebuchadnezzar was the only man granted power over the whole earth
We’re seeing a pattern that the ones who comes at the end is like the one who comes at the beginning
When this eleventh horn appears, he will uproot three of the original ten and then take his place as the leader of the group
Before we look at this extra horn, let’s finish the vision
The end of the age happens with the Ancient of Days seated on His throne in ruling and judgment
We remember that the statue ended in the same way, with the rock (Christ) Who comes from Heaven to set up the Kingdom
So now Daniel finds his attention drawn to that fourth beast, so that’s where the rest of the chapter goes as we expected
The ten horns reminds us of another “ten” in the statue, that of ten toes
Because the statue gave us a timeline, we know the toes represent the end of the Age of the Gentiles
So we bring that knowledge forward here to understand that these ten horns also represent the end
Daniel wants to know about the ten horns, but even more so about this eleventh horn
Once again, we are told that the fourth kingdom crushes and breaks into pieces the prior kingdoms
So this fourth period of the age is a period of fracturing and dividing the world into pieces
But these pieces will expand to devour the whole earth, uniting into a single kingdom
And eventually, it will be led by this eleventh ruler for a times, time and half a time
This obscure reference to a period of time is one of several places we see a clear connection to Revelation
This term appears only here and in Revelation, and if it were not for Revelation, we wouldn’t be able to interpret its meaning
But in Revelation we learn that this term means 3.5 years (come back to this later)
So this world ruler will gain complete control over the earth for that period of time
But after the 3.5 years, the leader’s authority and dominion will be taken away by the saints of the Highest One at His appearing
And this new kingdom will be everlasting
So to summarize, we have confirmation of what we learned in Daniel 2, that the Age of Gentiles will consist of four kingdoms
The fourth kingdom is by far the most important because it brings us to the end of the age and the arrival of Christ
At the end of the age, the world is ruled by ten rulers that eventually become 1 man ruling the world with seven others
There are some important details we’ve just learned that we need to remember:
We have 10 kingdoms before the eleventh ruler can appear
This enables us to debunk theories others have as to the identity of this eleventh ruler – as we don’t have the 10 yet
The Second Coming of Christ awaits these things
So Daniel 7 helped to confirm the kingdoms laid out in Daniel 2
Emphasized importance of the fourth kingdom
Reveals how the fourth kingdom ends: 10 leaders minus 3 = 7 + 1
So let’s superimpose all we’ve learned in Daniel thus far onto a single chart
The Age of Gentiles is a long period of history that begins with Nebuchadnezzar and runs until Christ’s Second Coming
There are four stages and the final stage is the key piece in the puzzle since it ushers in the eternal age and the Kingdom
The end of this age is marked by an upheaval in rule such that the entire planet will be under the authority of ten kings
And during the final 3.5 years, the ten are overtaken by a single man who disposes three and persecutes believers
He rules until Christ’s return
The first three kingdoms have come and gone, so we now have historical dates we can add to our overview
And these dates tell us that the church age exists entirely within the fourth kingdom
And that fact leads us to a fundamental question: how long will the church exist within this period?
Will it exist until the end of the age or will it end prior to the end?
We learned in Part 2 of John’s outline of Revelation that the church will experience seven periods in its existence and we are in the seventh now
So we know we’re approaching the end of the church age
But that doesn’t tell us what the relationship is between the end of the church and the end of the age of the Gentiles
We’re lacking details about the timing of the events that end the age
Thankfully, Daniel 9 gives us the timing of those events and let’s us put the church in the proper perspective
We’ll study that timing in four sections beginning with Daniel’s mistake
Daniel is in the first year of Darius of Median descent, which tells us that the Babylonian empire has fallen to the Medo-Persians
This happened about 69 years after the nation of Israel had been taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar
Daniel is now an old man having spent most of his life in Babylon
And on this day he’s reading “the books” meaning the books of Scripture, and among those books he’s reading Jeremiah
It’s interesting to see the prophet Daniel reading the prophet Jeremiah, and it reminds us that everyone benefits from reading Scripture
Even a prophet needs to read other prophets
And in fact, Jeremiah was a contemporary of Daniel, so it shows how quickly Scripture was understood to be inspired
Daniel is acknowledging Jeremiah’s writing to be Scripture just a few decades later
But as Daniel reads Jeremiah he makes a mistake in interpretation
Another moment of encouragement: If Daniel can misinterpret Scripture, so can we…but we must be open to receiving correction from God
Daniel reads that the number of years appointed for the completion of Jerusalem’s desolation was 70 years
Remember, when Nebuchadnezzar finished invading the land, the city was literally desolate
The walls were down, the temple was razed and every Jew was set outside the land…none remained according to Ezekiel
Jeremiah says the desolation of Jerusalem was to last seventy years, and that must have triggered Daniel to remember another Scripture
Notice Daniel says he was reading in the books (plural), so he was consulting other Scriptures too
He was probably reading Leviticus 26
In that chapter, the Lord promised to set Israel outside the land if they disobeyed the land sabbath requirement
In the law, the nation of Israel was required to allow the land to go unplanted every seventh year
This allowed the land to rest, which improved future harvest
To ensure the people had enough food in that seventh year, the Lord provided a double harvest in the sixth year
But in time the people forgot the law and farmed all seven years
This disobedience went on for a time…a long time…for 490 years until Israel owed the land 70 sabbath years of rest
And the Lord promised in Leviticus 26 that He would put Israel outside the land for 70 years as penalty and to let the land rest
After the land had “enjoyed” its seventy years of rest, then the people of Israel would be permitted to return to the land
So Daniel put 2 and 2 together and concluded that Israel’s 70 years in Babylon was the appointed time for that penalty
And since the 70 years was about to end, then his people were about to be set free and allowed to return to Israel
And Daniel was correct in that assumption
In a couple of years, Darius would be replaced by Cyrus, and Cyrus would issue a decree allowing Israel to return to the land
Jeremiah did specify that the period for the land rest was 70 years, but Daniel assumed too much about that period
Specifically, Daniel assumed that the 70 years was the entire time for the Age of the Gentiles represented by the statue
Daniel assumed that once Israel had paid its penalty in Babylon and returned to the land, the Kingdom would arrive as well
And we know this because of what Daniel does next….
Daniel launches into a long confessional prayer at this point, praying not only for himself but for the entire nation
He’s expecting the Age of the Gentiles to end and the Kingdom to begin
And to help move that process along, Daniel enters into confessional prayer
Why did he feel the need to pray in that way?
Because of something Daniel remembered from elsewhere in Leviticus 26
In Leviticus 26 the Lord calls Israel to confess their sins against Him for violating the Old Covenant, including ignoring the land sabbath
They must confess their sin and the sin of their forefathers’ disobedience in acting in hostility against God
Hostility refers to Israel’s rejection of Jesus in His first coming
If a future generation of Israel makes these confessions, then the Lord will remember His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
In other words, when Israel repents of violating the Old Covenant, they will receive the promised Kingdom
The Kingdom promise is found in the Abrahamic Covenant
And here the Lord sets the timing for Israel to receive that covenant
The Abrahamic covenant is unconditional…Leviticus 26 simply defines the timing of its fulfillment
So as Daniel read these words, he correctly recognized that the 70 years of Israel’s captivity in Babylon was penalty for their ignoring the land sabbath
But he also mistakenly assumed that those 70 years marked the end of the Age of the Gentiles and the coming of the Kingdom
So Daniel begins to engage in the national confessional prayer hoping to usher in the Kingdom
Daniel has the right idea but the wrong timing
The end of the age of the Gentiles will, in fact, end with the nation of Israel turning to God and confessing their sin as Leviticus requires
But that moment didn’t happen in Daniel’s day, obviously…it still hasn’t happened
So Daniel’s mistake prompts the Lord to correct Daniel’s mistake by sending the angel Gabriel to give Daniel the correct view
And in the process, we gain answers to our questions about the timing of the end of the age and its relationship to the church
As Daniel was praying, the Lord dispatches Gabriel to give Daniel insight with understanding
Here’s the correct understanding of God’s plan for the Age of the Gentiles
Gabriel tells Daniel that seventy weeks has been appointed for Daniels’ people, not merely 70 years
But seventy weeks can’t be right…it’s less than 70 years
And that confusion is the result of an unfortunate translation choice in my English Bible
The literal word in Hebrew is shavat, which is literally translated “sevens”
So Gabriel said that the time for Daniel’s people and for the city of Jerusalem would be 70 sevens = 490
But 490 of what?
Days, weeks, months or years?
Really the only conclusion is years
Gabriel bursts Daniel’s bubble saying that the Age of Gentiles would last 490 years
But how can that be true? We’ve already passed 490 years and yet the age is still ongoing?
We haven’t seen the ten kings, we haven’t seen a single world leader running the entire world
And we certainly haven’t seen the Lord return to set up His Kingdom
It turns out the 490 years is counted in a unique manner, and Gabriel gives us the way to count those years in the next passage
It’s important to consult the slides that accompany this course to understand how to interpret this passage but what follows is a summary:
Daniel’s 70 sevens are counted in three blocks
The first block runs from the issuing a decree to rebuild the city until the rebuilding is complete
That first section lasts 7 sevens or 49 years
The second block runs contiguously from the rebuilding of the city until Messiah
That second block is 62 weeks or 434 years and ends with the Messiah being “cut off”
We now understand that being cut off refers to Jesus’ death on the cross
The total years from the decree until the Messiah’s death will be 69 sevens or 483 years
At that point we still lack a seven-year period to bring the Age of the Gentiles to an end
In v.27 we see that final seven year period beginning with a covenant
But interestingly, that event is not connected to the prior block of time
There is no connecting word suggesting that the beginning of that final block is contiguous with the prior 69 sevens
So that means the final seven begins at some unknown moment
Which implies there is a break or pause in the timeline
This makes sense since we know that many more years have passed
In v.27 we’re told that the pause or break ends with the signing of a covenant between the one and many for one seven year period
Once that covenant is signed, the pause ends and the final seven years begins
At the end of that seven year period, the “one” meets a complete destruction and the age ends
So who is the “one” and the many in this covenant?
The “many” must be Israel, because the effect of the covenant is to allow grain offering and sacrifices
Only the Jewish people engage in those practices
So it’s logical to assume that Israel is the many entering into an agreement to that effect
And there is a “one” who will broker that deal with Israel
Since the “one” was not specified in the text, it must refer to someone already known to Daniel
And since this is happening at the end of the age, it leads us to conclude that the “one” will be the little horn
That one comes upon the scene and eventually takes over the world 3.5 years before the end of the age
When that eleventh horn strikes a covenant with Israel, the clock starts and the age enters its final 7 years
Now where does the church fit into this plan?
Paul tells us in Romans 11 that the pause in that timeline is made necessary by the church
At Christ’s first coming, the nation was hardened by the Lord apart from a remnant of believers
But this God-intended stumble for Israel was not intended to bring them to ruin
Instead, they were hardened (prevented from receiving Christ) so that salvation could come to the Gentiles
And God was just in hardening His people in this way because of the Old Covenant terms
That covenant agreement (which Israel voluntarily entered) required penalties from the nation if they failed to keep the Law
Those penalties manifest as the Age of the Gentiles, culminating in a final seven year period under the authority of a single Gentile
This age is specifically for Israel’s sake because of the terms of the Old Covenant
The Lord is using that agreement to hold Israel under judgment for a time while the Gospel goes to Gentiles, the Church Age
So the Age of the Gentiles is extended for an unknown period of time during this pause while the Lord makes room for the church
And only after the fullness (or complete number) of those in the Church comes does the Lord return to finish His word with Israel
Also, we learn that the 490 years counts the time after the land sabbaths
Remember, Jeremiah said Israel would be outside the land long enough for the land to enjoy a complete sabbath for 70 years
So while they were in Babylon no one farmed Israel’s land
That seventy year period represents 10 sevens
Then the decree was issued to let Israel return and rebuild the city, and this began the countdown on the seventy sevens
So the seventy sevens were appointed for entirely different reasons, and those reasons were given to us by Gabriel as well
Those six reasons become a topic for a future discussion, but for now it’s enough to know that the 490 counts a different set of goals
Altogether the two combined equal the length of time for the Age of the Gentiles: 80 sevens
Ten is the number of testimony, and for 10 sevens the nation was outside the land
That was a testimony that God would give the land its sabbath
And seven is the number of completion
So 70 sevens will be used to complete the end of Israel’s sin under the Old Covenant
And altogether, the total is 80, and the number 8 is the number for new beginnings
So let’s review what we’ve learnt from Daniel
The Age of the Gentiles is a period of time judging Israel for their disobedience under the Old Covenant
Began with Babylon
Concludes with a single world leader
Lasts for 490 years, but includes a pause period
When the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, then the final “seven” may begin
Next week we start to look at the “things that take place after these things”
But first we will take one last look at the break between the Church Age and what follows, so we can understand how the Church Age comes to a conclusion (and why)
And we will look at the start of the final seven of Daniel’s 70 sevens