Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongAs our study of Romans winds down, we’re finishing Paul’s next-to-last issue of sanctification today and beginning his final topic
Paul’s issue in Chapter 14 is liberalism
Liberalism is the error of encouraging other believers to participate in certain freedoms contrary to their convictions
Paul uses the term “weak” to describe the faith of believers who feel convicted to restrict their own liberty to please the Lord
From the standpoint of scripture, their self-imposed restrictions are unnecessary
Nevertheless, Paul taught that from the standpoint of righteousness, these weak believers are sinning when they go against their convictions
Moreover, we sin when we encourage liberalism rather than respecting the convictions of other believers
Today we finish Paul’s teaching on liberalism with his exhortation to all believers, especially the “strong” of faith, to not judge another’s liberty
Paul says we must be sure to keep the right goal in our fellowship
Our goal is not obtaining others’ agreement with our convictions or conformity among the body in matters of liberty
Rather our goal should be to do nothing that might harm another believer’s pursuit of obedience to Christ
Let’s look for ways to make it easier for people to receive a good reward at their judgment moment
We can accomplish our goal by working to remove obstacles to another's obedience, not by placing new obstacles in their path
Paul refers to our hindering other believers’ obedience as being a stumbling block
The Bible makes frequent use of the metaphor of stumbling to represent falling into sin
It appears 99 times in the NASB
In literal terms, a stumbling block is an object that a person walking does not see or recognize properly
As a result, the person’s foot catches on the object, leading him to lose his balance and fall
We’ve all done this more than a few times, and it’s a scary moment
It often leads to injury or at least embarrassment
This metaphor powerfully illustrates the nature of the problem
Spiritually speaking, every believer is endeavoring to walk with Christ
To walk with Christ pictures obeying Christ, following His lead as He directs us toward righteousness
When we listen to His instructions and following His guidance, we are walking closely with Him
When we veer away after our flesh or temptations of one kind or another, we cease walking with Him at least for a time
As we walk, the Spirit points out dangers in our path, helping us avoid stumbling
But when we press others to act against their convictions, we interfere with the Spirit, making ourselves a stumbling stone
We break their stride, leading them to fall
We contradict the Spirit’s instructions, keeping the person from following Christ
Just as the person walking didn’t recognize the stone before they tripped, our fellow believers won’t realize we’re leading them astray
They won’t recognize we were truly their adversary, at least in that moment
Our advice may have been well-meaning, but it led them into sin
That’s the chief danger with liberalism…it’s spiritual poison offered delivered by the hands of friends
And that’s why Paul puts the burden on those who would offer the advice
Notice he doesn’t ask the weak to become stronger, to become more discerning in what advice they take
Remember they are the weak ones, like a toddler
We can’t expect them to take responsibility in this situation
Instead Paul places the burden on the stronger in the body, expecting them to protect the interests of the weaker
Which is why Paul directs the church to set a goal of not putting an obstacle in a brother’s path
Meaning we must not advocate for greater liberty than someone feels comfortable assuming
But also not acting in ways that make another believer uncomfortable in light of their convictions
So it’s both being careful in what we advocate by our words and what we endorse by our actions
Here again, Paul’s not advocating for us adopting the weakness of other brothers nor endorsing their theological shortcomings
Notice in v.14 Paul makes clear that there is no need to abstain from any food for the sake of righteousness
We are righteous by faith alone in Jesus Christ, and His work on our behalf has put to rest any need to observe ritual cleanliness
Simply put, the rituals of the Law, including ritual cleanliness, are no longer in effect for the believer
And therefore, food means nothing in the matter of our personal holiness
So all the more, we should not use food to diminish another’s holiness, Paul says in v.15
We are walking without love ourselves if we divide over food
Which means, we can’t press others to eat what they do not feel comfortable eating
Nor should we cause them to separate themselves from us because we continued eating things that offended them
In both cases, we’ve chosen food over loving our brothers
This chapter began discussing weaker brothers eating only vegetables in the fellowship gatherings
This likely happened because Jewish believers avoided eating with Gentiles due to their unclean dietary habits
While the Gentiles hadn’t persuaded the Jews to relax their convictions, they did offend their Jewish brothers by their actions
They persisted in their own eating habits
Remember this letter was written to a mostly Gentile church in Rome that was probably founded by Jews from Pentecost
Therefore, based on Paul’s comments we assume that a division had developed in this church body between the two groups over Jewish convictions
Jews keeping the dietary laws were at odds with Gentiles and maybe some more mature Jews who didn’t
So when food was served, these weaker Jews adopted vegetarianism rather than sharing in the meat of the meal
Sounds like a very awkward, unloving community
Which leads Paul in v.16 to advise that we not take our liberty and weaponize it against our brothers
Liberty is a great thing in the body of Christ
How much happier are we living under liberty than we would have been living under the burdens of the law?
Gentiles take this privilege for granted, since we were never under the law
But imagine what it would mean for us if we had to adopt the Law as part of our pursuit of Christ?
What if Christ hadn’t performed all the Law for us?
What if He had left some of the Law unfulfilled so that we would have to perform it for ourselves
That would have eliminated our liberty and left us burdened with specific rules we could never break or else we would lose our salvation
Instead, Christ won the prize of liberty for us – which is a good thing certainly
So we should protect our liberty
We protect it first by not allowing our liberty to be thought of as as evil, a source of sin
And that’s another way to define liberalism…making liberty a source for sin
The life of the church should use our liberty to advance eternal causes, eternal outcomes
Paul says the kingdom is not eating and drinking
The mission of the Kingdom is not found in the pleasures we have on earth
We aren’t advancing the causes of the Kingdom when we encourage certain dietary habits
Nor are we experiencing the fullness of the Kingdom when we enjoy a particular food or drink here
At best, these things bring comfort to the body, which is a dying thing destined to be shed before the Kingdom comes to us
So regardless of how noble our motives, we cannot make the adopting of a certain lifestyle the aim of our work for Christ
We are ambassadors for Christ, assigned to work for the expansion and the Kingdom
We further that mission by soul work, not by body work
Being absorbed in eating and drinking concerns is body work, not soul work, Paul says
Instead, our mission is to pursue righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit
Pursing righteousness refers to working to advance the Gospel, both in words and in our actions
Obviously, we share the Gospel with others
But we are also to pursue righteousness in our person through a walk of sanctification
Restraining our own liberty will be a necessary part of that process at times
Pursuing peace refers to seeking unity in the body, being at peace with one another and in our own convictions
When we trouble each other with our personal convictions, we rob one another of peace
That’s the opposite of soul work
And even more, we undermine unity in the body by making our differences in personal conviction appear to be “problems” that must be solved
Instead, we should guard each other’s liberty to maintain different convictions and in so doing encourage unity in peace
Finally, pursuing joy in the Holy Spirit means ensuring everyone knows the joy that comes from pleasing Christ by our obedience
There is simply no greater joy to be found in the body of Christ than a quiet confidence we are obeying Christ by our convictions
A believer never knows greater joy than obeying Christ, turning from temptations to sin and maintaining a close walk with Him
And we will never know more trouble than when we are out of step with Christ, ignoring our convictions
Our mission as a body must be to encourage every believer to find that place in their walk with Christ
Knowing His will so they can live in harmony with it, seeking to please Him by obedience
Having peace in the certainty of our convictions and the joy of keeping them before Christ
As Paul says in vs.18-19, those believers who set their mind on serving Christ will be approved both by God and their fellow man
So let’s not seek for others to approve your convictions by joining us in them…that’s not love, that’s ego
Pursue those things that make for peace and for the building up of one another
Give way to others’ convictions without adopting them yourself
Affirm others in their determination to be obedient, without making them feel smaller for having restrained their liberty
A believer who won’t eat a certain food is not someone to be mocked or “fixed”
They are a weaker brother or sister whose conscience must be protected and whose convictions must be respected
Yet once more, for the sake of emphasis, Paul reminds us in v.20 not to adopt the weaker brother’s restrictive lifestyle
We can avoid tearing them down without joining them in their weakness
We want to walk that line between two evils
On the one hand, don’t undermine their convictions
As Paul says in v.21, it is a good thing that we restrict our lifestyle to help weaker members
On the other hand, we don’t want to give reason for believers to agree with the weaker viewpoint
We don’t want to undermine a believer’s confidence in their liberty
We are just giving room for weaker brothers to catch up in their spiritual maturity
Paul summarizes his argument in vs.22-23 with three rules for dealing with liberalism
Rule #1: Hold to the faith you have on matters of liberty as a matter of conviction before God
Each believer is likely to have differences in their liberty according to how the Lord convicts each of us
So follow your convictions as a matter of faith and obedience
Remember, you seek to please God alone, not other believers
And you are accountable to God alone, not other believers
So knowing this, don’t let liberalism compromise your convictions
Rule #2: Don’t condemn yourself by what you approve
Don’t become an advocate for meaningless things like eating or drinking
For in doing so, you run the risk of leading other members of the body into sin, causing them to stumble, and bringing yourself under condemnation
Instead, be an advocate for the Kingdom, for eternal outcomes of righteousness, peace and joy
Happy is the one who doesn’t condemn himself by what he approves
Finally Rule #3: When we are persuaded to go against our convictions, we sin – even in matters that are not themselves sin
Our convictions are a roadmap for sanctification given to us by the Holy Spirit
Our journey will look different than other believers
The Spirit will grant us freedoms He may not grant to other believers, or that others have not traveled far enough yet to experience
Don’t second-guess your conviction merely because others have freedom you don’t
Respect the Spirit’s direction, trusting that He knows better why you need these restrictions when others may not
To act contrary to your convictions is sin
Now Paul is ready to flip this coin over…
In Chapter 14 we just studied the situation of stronger believers who enjoyed more freedom, imposing their liberty on weaker members
In Rome, the situation came in the context of Jewish and Gentile believers contending over food
Stronger Gentile believers wanted to impose their freedom on weaker, Jewish believers
This was liberalism, and it was wrong
Now in the first half of Chapter 15, Paul moves to considering the opposite problem
Now the problem is one of weaker believers seeking to impose their more restrictive lifestyles on more liberal brothers and sisters
Again in Rome, the concern was Jewish believers who wanted Gentile believers to become more like Jews to secure unity
For these Jewish believers, unity in the body required that Gentiles adopt Jewish dietary laws, Sabbath restrictions, or even take circumcision
This is the opposite of liberalism…it’s legalism
So just as liberalism is an abuse of liberty, legalism is an abuse of personal conviction
It’s making your personal convictions law for everyone
That’s we call it legalism…it’s requiring others to live according to a law that doesn’t actually exist
We’re not talking about enforcing actual biblical commands…that’s a necessary discipline of ensuring the body meets God’s standards
Rather legalism is making ourselves another’s judge, convicting them for failing to meet our standards
Paul spends less time on legalism than he did on liberalism for several reasons
First, many of the points in the earlier chapter would apply here
Paul’s already told us to respect each other’s convictions, when they are more liberal or more restrictive than our own
And he said we cannot impose our convictions on another
Nor can we judge others for having different convictions
These truths carry over to the topic of legalism
Secondly, Paul addressed the relationship of the believer to the law in previous chapters of this letter
Therefore, Paul doesn’t spend time covering the error of imposing law on others
He’s already explained we are under grace and therefore, the law holds no power over us
Finally, the problem of weaker believers imposing a legal lifestyle on stronger believers is a far less worrisome prospect than stronger believers corrupting the weak
For all our fear of legalism, the frequency and power of it is relatively muted
While there were certainly Judaizers operating in many places, their influence was doomed to die out
The church was becoming increasingly Gentile even in Paul’s day
So Paul understood that the future course of the church would be among Gentiles, not Jews
And since Gentiles for the most part have little interest in adopting the law of Moses, the threat of legalism from Jews was destined to die down
Therefore, Paul’s focus in Chapter 15 is only tangentially about Jews imposing legalism on Gentiles
Paul does address the issue specifically in vs.8-12
But before that, Paul writes more generally about accepting one another in the body
His teaching on showing acceptance bridges his teachings against liberalism and legalism
Paul’s opening statement in v.1 is a concise summary of the previous chapter
It mirrors his opening verse in v.14
In Chapter 14 Paul said accept the weak, but not for passing judgment
Here he says you strong bear the weaknesses of those without strength, but not to please ourselves
He’s saying something similar, though not exactly the same
In Chapter 14, Paul asks for the strong to accept the weak in unity
Here Paul is asking the strong to bear those weaknesses
So in the first case, Paul expected the weaker to be included in the body without demands they drop their convictions first
And now Paul is reminding the body not to lose patience with the weaker’s convictions after joining
So we bring weaker in and we continue to seek to please them for their edification
This is how the stronger deal with the legalism of weaker brothers
Just as it was wrong to force liberal thinking on them, we must also bear up under their desires to share their legalism with us
Notice again who bears the responsibility for dealing with the problem?
You might have expected Paul to put the burden for dealing with legalism on the perpetrators, the weaker brothers and sisters
Instead, Paul continues to ask the stronger brothers and sisters to take ownership for solving the problem
The stronger bear up under the assault of those weaker who insist we adopt their legalistic restrictions
We don’t try to stop their convictions, nor do we make them feel bad for pressing their legalism against us
We bear all this, seeking to please them within limits, for their edification
And of course the best example of us in this regard is Christ Himself
He bore the reproaches of rejections, beatings, scourging and ultimately the cross
These were things Christ didn’t deserve to experience, and they were placed upon Him by those who didn’t know what they were doing
Nevertheless, Christ in His strength accepted them, bearing them beautifully for the edification of all those who receive His grace
That’s our model…bear the indignities of others’ legalistic convictions when around them for the sake of unity and edification
Making them feel pleased that others are respecting their convictions
Doing so without condemnation or judgment
Remembering Christ did worse for our sake
And then in v.4 Paul says there is a silver lining in this cloud…
Referring to the Old Testament scripture – and specifically of the Law itself – Paul reminds us that these things were written to instruct us
Paul says that many believers over the centuries have found perseverance and encouragement in these scriptures
While we may not be under the letter of the Law, believers can still be instructed from the Old Testament
And in this case, stronger believers can be instructed by the Law as they learn how to bear up under the legalism of weak believers
Remember what we learned last week…in time, through instruction in the word, these weak believers will eventually gain strength
And by their strength, they will move beyond these restrictions by themselves, learning to enjoy liberty
And when they do, they will look back fondly on your respect for their convictions and your willingness to love them in that way
So let’s not diminish the Law in the eyes of those who have an excessive dependence on them
In that way, even the Law may become a cause for edification in weak believers who use it as a crutch
By bearing this weakness, we further unity in the body which is the way we all grow in maturity
We all need the rest of the body to gain strength
Consider how spiritually mature strong believers will be made to grow further?
Will it be in great book study? Self-admiration societies?
Is it going to be by learning to bear up under the inconveniences and weakness of the spiritually immature?
By baring the legalism of weak brothers and sisters, we give opportunity for the Lord to strengthen us and test us
Do we care more about others than ourselves? Are we ready to make more sacrifices for the weakest among us?
Or will we divide the body over meaningless things like food or drink?
In v.5 Paul prays that the Lord might give the stronger in the church the perseverance and encouragement to pursue unity among the weak
To be of the same mind of Christ, Who sought unity with sinners
Talk about a union of unequals…Jesus united with the likes of us
And He did so, at great personal cost, so that He could present us to Himself a spotless Bride, Scripture says
If you are one mind with Christ in that goal, then you’ll stop caring about whether others’ convictions are inconvenient or unnecessary
You’ll only care about what’s best for them
And in exercising that concern, you grow too
And in the end, we will glorify Christ with one voice
So the opening teaching of Chapter 15 establishes two main ideas:
First, even though weaker believers are responsible for promoting legalism, nevertheless the responsibility for solving the problem falls to stronger believers
Just as with liberalism, Paul expects those with seniority in the faith to assume the responsibility for making things better
Unity in the body is all important, and the spiritually strong believers (those with a mature understanding of liberty) will be held accountable for how we handled these situations
Just like a parent is responsible for a misbehaving child, so are the spiritually strong responsible for helping the spiritually immature
Secondly, the solution for legalism is found in bearing the weaknesses rather than pleasing ourselves
Once again, we aren’t endorsing legalism or even adopting these lifestyle choices in general
But we don’t condemn others for having them, we accommodate them
And at times we adopt certain restrictions to please those who hold to them so that unity is maintained
His teaching is summarized in v.7:
Paul says accept one another in the body, echoing his earlier command in Chapter 14
So if we might ask how accepting we should be, here’s our answer
For example, are there some circumstances where we can’t accept a believer’s weaknesses?
Where we must reject them until they overcome their problems?
Then after they shed some of these legalistic tendencies, we can find opportunity for fellowship
Take a look at Paul’s standard for how we are to accept one another
Paul says we must accept one another to the same degree that Christ accepted us
So let’s ask, on what terms did Christ accept us into His body? Grace alone
How burdensome were your sins upon Christ? How unnecessary was His gift of grace? Very
How unlike Christ were we when He accepted us into His body by faith? We were completely unlike Him
But what allowed us to become more like Him? It began with Christ accepting us into the body
So Christ is our standard for how we accept weaker believers in our gathering
We accept them by grace
We accept them no matter how burdensome or unnecessary their convictions
We accept them though they may place demands on the body very unlike our standards or choices so that we may please them
And we do this because only by accepting them into the body first may they mature and grow to something better
Doing these things will be to the glory of the Father
The Father was glorified when Jesus accepted us
And the Father is glorified when we accept one another
Moving on, Paul now touches on the specific issue of Jew and Gentile in the Roman church
This next passage represents the last major teaching section of the letter
Paul reminds the Jews within the church that Christ came as a “servant to the circumcision”, meaning to the Jewish nation
Jesus was fulfilling the promises the Lord made to Israel
Those promises, given to the fathers of Israel, included the promise to Abraham to bless all nations through his seed
Of course, Paul’s point to the Jewish believer was don’t forget that your Messiah came to fulfill all the promises of God
Including the promise to bless (save) Gentiles
Nothing serves to make the point to a Jewish reader better than scripture
So Paul quotes Psalm 18 in v.9 and Deuteronomy 32 in v.10 and Psalm 117 in v.11 and Isaiah 11 in v.12 to make his point
All these passages reaffirm that God intended to bring Gentiles into His assembly alongside Israel
Therefore Gentiles must be accepted into the body too, despite their lifestyle differences with Jews
After all, if the Lord accepted Gentiles then who were Jews to reject them
It was simply a matter of submitting to the will of God
Paul’s teaching ends with a benediction of sorts…
Paul wished for the Lord to fill the church in Rome with all the joy and peace that comes with believing
The fact that Paul expresses this as a wish or request strongly suggests that experiencing joy and peace is optional for a Christian
Make no mistake…every Christian has access to joy and peace
And by God’s grace, we will all know joy and peace in eternity
But Paul was speaking about the experience of his readers in this age, while we serve Christ in this body
During this time, we may know joy and peace or we may not
We have all met miserable Christians
And we’ve all probably been that person at one time or another
So what determines whether we experience joy and peace as believers?
It’s found in the phrase “in believing”
The phrase in Greek describes an action that is on-going
It’s a euphemism for our walking with Christ, for pursuing sanctification, for living out our righteousness
That’s been the topic of Chapter 12 and onward
So Paul is saying that for those who follow the prescription found in these chapters, those who live out their faith obediently, you will know joy and peace
You will likely also know trials, tribulation, persecution, disappointments, etc.
But those things will not define you
They will not rob you of your spiritual joy
And they will not disturb your spiritual peace
Because those things will be based not in circumstances or feelings
Our joy will be a supernatural response to working hand-in-hand with Christ, recognizing His righteousness taking hold in our hearts
And our peace will be unshakable as we grow in our maturity and understanding of what’s coming for us in eternity
These are the fruits of living in the Spirit
Paul says at the end of v.13 that if you obtain these things, you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit in you
This hope is an eternal hope
Not a hope for earthly things but for heavenly things
You will set you mind on things above
And as you do, the things of this world fade in importance
If you aren’t feeling that fruit now or haven’t felt it in a while or have never known it, then check your walk with Christ
Are you hand-in-hand with Him or are you watching Him from a distance?
If He feels distant then run back to Him
Return to listening to Him, to serving Him, to craving the experience of becoming more like Him
And by the power of the Spirit, He will change you from the inside out
Next time, our final lesson will cover the second half of 15 and the personal details of Chapter 16
It’s a teaching of history more than doctrine
Which seems an appropriate way to finish a book so heavy in weighty matters