Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongOur entry into Chapter 15 of this letter gave us a clear-eyed view of the gospel
Paul told the church this was the message he received from the Lord and delivered to them
The story has never changed:
Jesus died for our sins according to God’s word
He remained dead for three days
Then resurrected to prove His power of death
This message was the one they heard and believed, if they didn’t believe in vain
And having believed, this was the message that saved them
There is no other message that offers salvation
Having seen Paul begin his teaching on resurrection in this way, we might ask why was Paul concerned about the church’s understanding of the Gospel?
The answer as we learned last week is that the resurrection of Jesus’ body is central to the gospel itself
If resurrection isn’t true, both for Jesus as well as for us, then the hope of our faith evaporates
Who cares about Jesus if He isn’t a solution to death?
If death is the end of me, then why care about Jesus’ claims or teaching?
If I don’t believe in Jesus’ resurrection, then I haven’t believed in the gospel
This is Paul’s concern
As the church rejects the notion of resurrection, they are revealing they have never truly accepted the gospel itself
That’s why Paul asked if they had believed in vain, which means to have never believed at all
So as Paul moves forward in Chapter 15, he will re-establish for the church the truth of resurrection
Beginning with the fact that Jesus’ own resurrection was affirmed by many eye witnesses, not merely by Paul’s testimony alone
I re-read the verses we covered last week to set the context of Paul’s testimony
Because the resurrection is a key element in the Gospel
Jesus lives again, we’re told
This was the message Paul delivered to the church, that their Savior was alive again
Jesus’ death on the cross was not the end of Christianity
It was the beginning
Because Jesus lives again
Then, Paul reminds the Corinthian church that this reality didn’t depend solely on Paul’s word
In fact, Jesus appeared to Peter first on the day of His resurrection
Luke tells us this in Luke 24:34
Then Jesus appeared to the rest of the 12 on the first night after He resurrected
The twelve refers to the eleven Jesus selected plus Matthias, who was selected to replace Judas by throwing lots
This confirms that Paul did not consider himself one of the twelve
Also, Paul was not called to be an apostle until long after this appearance
All these men can join Paul in testifying that Jesus truly was resurrected in the flesh
Why does Paul mention Cephas specifically?
You should remember at the beginning of this letter how Paul addressed the problem of factions developing in this church
Some were saying they were “of Paul” or “of Apollos”
And some were saying they were “of Cephas” or Peter
So for those in the church who aligned themselves with Peter while rejecting the idea of resurrection, Paul reminds them that their man Peter also testified that Jesus resurrected
Then in v.6, Paul tells the church that at one gathering Jesus appeared to over 500 believers, showing Himself to be risen and alive
We have no other mention of this event in scripture
But Paul mentions this appearance as if the Corinthian church would already know of this event
Since Paul is writing this letter only about 23 years after Jesus’ resurrection, it’s likely that the church was still familiar with the stories of Jesus’ appearances
And it’s also credible that many of those 500 witnesses were still around at this time as Paul says
So that if anyone in the Corinthian church doubted Paul’s testimony, they had many other eye witnesses who could verify the claim of Jesus’ resurrection
Beyond the 500, Jesus appeared to His half brother, James, and to the rest of the apostles
Notice that Paul separates the twelve apostles in v.5 from “all” the apostles in v.7
This reminds us that there were more than 12 men gifted as apostles in the early church, including men like James and Paul
And it reminds us that no one can be considered an apostle unless he has seen the risen Lord in the flesh
Which is why apostles are no longer present in the church
The Lord used these men to establish His church in the earliest days through their testimonies
In fact, the early church was established entirely on the basis of eye witness testimony backed by spiritual power through the apostolic gifting
The apostles and other disciples of Jesus and others who could testify from a firsthand perspective of Who Jesus was and what He did
They preached His teaching
They demonstrated His fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy
And they reported what they experienced when the resurrected Lord appeared before them
We might wonder why did anyone believe their word in the first place?
We might expect that many people would dismiss their testimony as simply the rantings of a crazy sect of religious fanatics
And many, many people did come to that conclusion
But some believed by the power of the Spirit, as Jesus promised
But as you wonder at how the church was founded on merely the testimony of a few men, don’t forget that this is still how the church grows today
Nothing has changed, really
Jesus’ followers take the message of Who Jesus is and what He has done, and we preach it to the world
We too show how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecy
And like the early church, we also have eye witnesses who testify that Jesus truly died and resurrected
Where do we this eye witness testimony? In the New Testament
The New Testament writers are all apostles, for that was the test required before a writing could join the canon of scripture
All New Testament scripture was authored by an apostle who saw the resurrected Lord
And we have their eye witness testimonies still today in the form of the Gospels and the letters
Truly, we’re in the same situation that the early church found itself in, bringing a message to the world that many will reject but some will receive
It’s a message that must be accepted on faith in God’s word
Just as the early church grew on those who had faith in the eye witness testimony of men Christ chose to carry that message
Today the church grows on the basis of faith in the word of God, where these same testimonies have been recorded for our sake
This is why Paul says elsewhere in Romans 10:17
Finally, Paul reminds the church that he also saw the risen Lord
In great humility, Paul describes himself as the the least of the apostles
He says he was the last one to see the risen Lord, which is true
Paul’s experience happened while he was traveling on a road from Jerusalem to Damascus, Syria
This event occurred many years after the earlier appearances
But this was no less an appearance of the resurrected Lord
In fact, it’s fair to say it was an even more dramatic appearance than the others
Even though Paul is confident he was every bit as much an apostle as any of the others, he also acknowledges his apostleship came in a different way
Paul says in v.8 that he was “untimely born”
The phrase in Greek literally means abnormally born
In fact, the phrase was used in Greek to describe a premature birth or even an abortion
By the context, Paul meant his commissioning of an apostle came in a very different way than the first twelve
Paul wasn’t appointed by the Lord in the early days of Christ’s ministry as were the other apostles
Paul didn’t spend three years walking with Christ before His death
And in fact, before he was an apostle, Paul was the chief persecutor of the church
So in these ways, Paul certainly did not have the typical entry into his apostleship
Nevertheless, Paul says by the grace of God, he is what he is as an apostle
By God’s unmerited favor – and nothing else – Paul became the apostle who then founded the Corinthian church
His history of disobedience, ignorance and hatred toward God’s people were overlooked by God
And in mercy the Lord called Paul into faith and commissioned him to accomplish great things
God’s mercy to Paul was also mercy to the rest of us
Because when God converted a man like Paul, the Lord gave the rest of us hope indeed
And the more you reflect on what God could accomplish through a man like Paul, the more reason you have to serve Christ despite your weaknesses
You and I may not be the most talented or well-trained servants of Christ
We may have come to faith late in our lives or simply waited a long time to live up to our faith
We may be saddled with physical limitations, financial limitations, emotional baggage, and self-doubt
We may have a past that includes great sin and shameful behaviors
But I believe Paul’s example exists just so God can remind us that such things are not barriers to God’s grace
Our life before Christ does not dictate our usefulness to God
Our talents or strength are not limitations to God’s power working through us
Our reputations as unbelievers went to the grave with Jesus
So that we can serve Him in a new life
And this is what Paul did, for he says God’s grace given to him wasn’t in vain
Because Paul made the most of the opportunity the Lord gave him
Paul labored more than any other apostle, Paul says
He started late but ran faster
Which is clearly evidenced both by Paul’s journeys and his writings, which form the bulk of the New Testament canon
Remember, there were many apostles, some of whom you have never heard mentioned
We don’t even know their names
And others we may know by name, like Matthias, yet we see no record of their work recorded in scripture
Perhaps some of them are missing from scripture because they didn’t work very hard in their appointed office
Perhaps they were not as diligent or dedicated to the task the Lord appointed
I can’t say what’s true in the case of the apostles, but I can say that we face a similar choice in our walk with the Lord
We can take the grace given to us and make the most of it
Or we can be the one who causes God’s grace to be given in vain
The one who squanders the opportunity the Lord gave us to serve Him
Clearly, we should seek to imitate Paul’s example
So Paul’s opening argument in favor of resurrection is that many eye witnesses testified to the reality of Christ’s raising from the dead
This brings us to Paul’s second argument in support of resurrection, an argument from logic
Paul now begins to demonstrate that the Corinthians’ view on resurrection was self-contradictory with their Christian message
First, Paul asks the question if the heart of the Gospel message itself claims that Jesus resurrected, then how can the Church also preach that there is no such thing as resurrection
If we hold that there is no such thing as a dead body coming back to life, then by necessity we would be saying that Christ’s dead body was never resurrected either
And if Christ was never resurrected as our Gospel message claims, then our preaching is in vain
Once again, the word vain means empty or amounting to nothing
In other words, if Christ didn’t actually rise from the dead, then we are preaching a worthless message to the world
More importantly, if the message the church is preaching to others is worthless, then the church’s faith is also empty and worthless
Our faith in something is only as sound and valuable as the object of our faith
If we place our faith in something that is worthless, then our faith is itself worthless
I think many unbelievers go through life assuming that generic faith will save them
That even if they happen to place their faith in the wrong thing or wrong person, God will nevertheless give them credit for the sincerity of their faith
It’s very fashionable these days for people to describe themselves as “spiritual”
And for people to talk about “faith” in abstract terms, as in “I’m a person of strong faith,” without ever defining the object of their faith
But blind faith is not saving faith, according to scripture
And neither is sincerity
You can be sincerely wrong and die in your sins
That is the point Paul is making here – he points out that they cannot simultaneously claim faith in Christ while at the same time denying the very object of that faith
Christians have faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
Because we find our hope in believing that just as the Son was raised from the dead, so shall we be
To reject the resurrection is to reject Christ
Moreover, Paul says in v.15 that if the testimonies of resurrection are not true, then all the apostles are false witnesses
These men were universally lying about the resurrection, because all say that Jesus died and was resurrected
They all testified that Jesus rose from the dead
But if the entire concept of resurrection is false, then we have no choice but to conclude that all the apostles were frauds and liars
If so, then why do the Corinthians care about anything Paul or another apostle says concerning Christ and Christianity?
Why bother with any of it if you believe that the cornerstone claim is nothing but a lie?
Imagine you were on a jury hearing testimony from a witness in a trial when you learned that a key detail in a witnesses’ testimony turns out to be a lie
Would you trust anything else this witness said?
Likewise, Paul says the church is taking a self-contradictory stance concerning Paul’s testimony
The church is willing to accept Paul’s word that Jesus was Lord
That the Gospel saves them from sin and that they have become children of God by faith
And yet they believe resurrection is impossible, which means Paul was lying when he testifies that Jesus resurrected
C.S. Lewis made a similar observation about those who say Jesus the man was a good teacher or even a prophet of God, yet they don’t believe His claims to being God in the flesh
That is a mutually self-contradictory stance, which C.S. Lewis summed up in his book Mere Christianity with the phrase “liar, lunatic or Lord”
Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic or He was truly Lord
He can’t be merely a good teacher, because He claimed to be one with God
He can’t be a good role model or prophet because He told people that unless they follow Him, they will not see the Father
The only sensible stance we can take is that Jesus was a liar or a lunatic…or He was truly Who He said He was: Lord
This is the dilemma facing the church in Corinth
They cannot reject resurrection as a concept while still embracing the Gospel
They cannot follow Paul and Apollos as leaders in the church while simultaneously thinking they are lying about key facts
They cannot say they believe in the Gospel while rejecting its source of hope
So Paul brings this chain of logic to its inevitable conclusion
If resurrection isn’t possible, then those believers who have already died in Christ have perished
Paul uses a euphemism for death: sleep
To sleep in the context of a discussion of resurrection is a reference to dying
Paul asks what would it mean for those believers who have already died if resurrection never happens
It would mean that these people will never again live
They were allowed to live once, but then they have perished
The Greek word for perish is apollumi, which means to be utterly destroyed
To cease to exist at all
In other words, without the promise of resurrection, we would have to conclude that our present life on earth is the only life we have
And if that were true, then the hope we have been given in Christ is an earthly hope only
The benefits of placing our trust in Jesus cannot extend past the grave, and so what good are they at all?
Adopting the Christian viewpoint means placing yourself in a position of suffering
It means self-denial in an attempt to obey the Lord
It means hardship
And if it goes no further than that, then of what value was it?
Paul says if it were true that we perish when we died, then we are the most pitiful of all men on earth
While the rest of the world at least gets to enjoy their brief life on earth, we would be suffering for the sake of Christ but to no reward
For scripture tells us that the rewards of our service to God come in a future time on earth
But we can only enjoy those future moments if we’re alive again to experience them
Jesus made this same observation during an encounter with the Sadducees, which was a religious sect within Israel that also rejected the notion of resurrection
As Jesus was addressing their challenge to Him concerning resurrection, He answered them this way
Jesus reminded the crowd that God made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
That covenant promised these men they would inherit the land of Canaan one day
But all these men died without having received those promises in their lifetimes
Therefore, the only way God can remain true to His promises is if these men live again one day
And in that future day, the Lord will finally fulfill His promises to them to give them the land
And then they will enjoy the inheritance God promised
So Paul has concluded his correction of the church for their foolish thinking on the matter of resurrection
Next, he begins his teaching on the true understanding of resurrection
Including on the way it happens and why it must happen
And also, the timing for when it will happen to every believer in Jesus Christ