Taught by
Stephen ArmstrongTaught by
Stephen ArmstrongThe final three chapters of Daniel are a single encounter, the final episode of Daniel’s prophetic life
We will study them in two parts
The first part takes us through Chapter 10, which sets up the scene
In addition to Daniel, the chapter introduces three characters
These three characters will continue through the three chapters
And in this chapter, Daniel is given vision of both near and distant events concerning Israel and the Age of the Gentiles
Part 1 will continue into Chapter 11, where Daniel will receive an explanation of the near-term prophecy
Then at a point in Chapter 11, Daniel’s vision shifts to an explanation of the far-term prophecy
That prophecy deals with events of the very end days
It looks ahead to the end of the fourth kingdom and to the tumultuous events that conclude the age
Part 2 continues to the end of Chapter 12
And at the end, it reveals a fascinating connection to the Book of Revelation
We’ll cover part 2 next week
For now, let’s start with Chapter 10 and Daniel’s encounter with the first of these three mysterious figures
As he typically does, Daniel dates his vision to the reign of a king
This vision came in the third year of Cyrus’ reign
Cyrus was the Persian king who released Israel to rebuild its temple in Judah
Chapter 9 was set in the first year of this same ruler
So Chapter 10 follows two years later
This is the last vision Daniel received, as recorded in his book
Daniel is probably approaching 90 years old
We know he doesn’t return to Jerusalem with the exiles
So he likely passes away soon after this vision, his work as a prophet having been completed
Daniel says he received a message of great conflict
The Hebrew word for “message” is literally the word for “speech”
So Daniel received a speech, a spoken message
Chapters 10-12 are his description of what he received and how it came to him
It’s a message of conflict, because it describes war between Gentiles and Jews, and between God and Satan
Daniel opens by telling us he had been mourning for three weeks prior to this moment
His period of mourning was similar to fasting, though technically, not a full fast
He avoids any food or drink that represents joy
He avoided tasty food, which sounds like he ate airline food exclusively
But the Hebrew word for “tasty” means “desirable”, “treasured” or “valuable”
So he ate nothing that he liked or desired, like meat or wine
Instead, he ate only plain, simple things to sustain himself
Daniel’s practice was intended to mirror the feeling of his soul in the disposition of his flesh
Daniel’s soul was anguished, he felt loss and suffering
So Daniel sought to bring his soul and body into agreement
Daniel felt loss and suffering for Israel
Then Daniel gives a reason for his mourning, though the reason might be hard to see for a Gentile
Daniel says his three-week fast ended on the twenty-fourth day of the first month on the Jewish calendar
This date is significant for the Jewish people
On the Jewish calendar, the feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread take place from the 14th to the 21st of the first month
Daniels seems to have mourned for about 10 days prior to Passover and he continued until three days after the feast period ended
Since Daniel gives us such a precise date for his mourning period, it suggests it was connected to this feast period
The Passover remembers Israel’s freedom from slavery in Israel
And the Feast of Unleavened Bread remembers the exodus out of the land
For Israel, this holiday served as an Independence Day celebration
For Israel, it represented victory over oppressors
It stood for freedom
Most of all, it remembered Israel’s God defeating the so-called gods of Egypt and the world
So we might imagine that as that feast approached, Daniel entered a period of mourning because he knew Israel had many generations of oppression still to come
He knew Israel’s final exodus victory was a long way off
In the meantime, the nation would endure thousands of years of Gentile oppression
Daniel is mourning the weight of God’s judgment against His own people
And perhaps he was hoping that his mourning might move God to alter the plan
Instead, the Lord takes favor upon Daniel by visiting him in an unique way
And what follows in this scene are both things that connect back to previous chapters of Daniel
And things that look forward to the final book of the Bible, Revelation
Beginning in v.5, with the introduction of a new character
Daniel is standing by the bank of the Tigris river, which ran through Babylon
And he looks up to see a figure, which Daniel calls “a certain man”
Daniel’s description of this man reminds us of the one Daniel saw briefly in Chapter 8, suspended over a river
In that earlier moment, the “Man” between the banks called to the angel Gabriel to give Daniel an explanation of his visions
As we’ll learn in Chapter 12, this Man is also suspended above the river Tigris
Which naturally leads us to conclude that this Man must be the same Man as the One Daniel saw in Chapter 8
This time, Daniel provides a description of the Man, and by Daniel’s description, the Man seems to be glowing almost white hot
First, His clothing is white linen, like the robe worn by a priest
White implies purity and the outfit of a priest implies an intercessor with God
His belt was pure gold, which signifies great importance and majesty and would reflect light, like a mirror
Daniel knew the gold’s origin, a place called Uphaz (which is an unknown place)
Furthermore, His body is like beryl, which is a transparent, yellow stone that glows when light catches it
Then, His face is an intense white light, like lightening
And His eyes look like flaming torches
While the rest of His body is like polished bronze, which also reflects light brilliantly
Finally, His voice sounded like a tumult, which means many different sounds combining together at once
The overall effect is that of intense light and glowing reflections from every place, combined with an intense powerful sound
There is another place in the Bible where such a Person is described in a similar fashion
This is the Apostle John’s description of Christ’s appearance on the island of Patmos
Immediately we see the similarity
In fact, John’s description of Jesus varies from Daniel’s only in terms of the comparisons made
For example, John says “robe”, while Daniel says “linen”
John says a “sash of gold”, while Daniel says “belt of gold”
John says “white like wool”, while Daniel says “like lightening”
John says a “voice of many waters”, while Daniel called it a “tumult”
Apart from these trivial differences, the two prophets are describing the same Person, appearing in the same way
This Man is specifically named to be Christ in Revelation
So based on that description, we must conclude Daniel saw the pre-incarnate Christ in Chapter 10
This is not unprecedented in Daniel, since the Angel of the Lord (Christ) appeared to Daniel’s friends in the furnace
Here, we have the first of several important connections between the books of Daniel and Revelation
Daniel’s book has been called the Revelation of the Old Testament for good reason
The two books are connected in several important ways, and not simply because they address similar end times events
The books are linked in one especially surprising way, which we come to see in these three chapters
Beginning with this common appearance of Jesus
And like John, Daniel is terrified by the appearance of Jesus appearing before Him
Daniel was apparently accompanied by others in this moment, though they did not see what Daniel saw
Daniel’s experience reminds us of Paul’s encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus
Paul saw and heard Jesus, though his companions did not
In both cases, the companions were terrified by something and were removed from the situation
For Daniel, the effect of this vision was dread and incapacitation
He physically became like a dead man
This is the uniform experience of sinful human beings when brought into the presence of God’s holiness
It’s more than a mental response...it’s a physical response
Literally, our flesh reacts instinctively to the presence of God
This is what happened to Adam and Woman in the Garden following their sin
They instinctively reacted to God’s arrival in the Garden by hiding themselves from His presence
The reason humanity responds this way to God is our sin, which places us in mortal jeopardy before a holy and just God
Even a man as good as Daniel experiences dread, because he was still sinful
At this point, Daniel goes face-down to the ground in a coma-like state
Nevertheless, Daniel needs to be revived to receive the revelation of the Lord
So the Lord sends an angel to revive Daniel and continue to conversation
In v.10, a hand touches Daniel and brought Daniel onto his hands and knees
He’s still trembling in fear, and who could blame him?
But he’s no longer incapacitated
Here we see the essential difference between angelic beings and the Lord, and with it, we see the purpose for God creating angels
Angels are God’s servants, created to bridge this gap between fallen men and God
As Hebrew explains
Angels are ministering spirits who provide service to God on our behalf
They are the messengers sent by God to minister to the saints
They can interact with men in ways that God can’t, because of our fallen nature
Angels will still illicit strong responses in men, principally, fear
Fear is the natural response to something supernatural, much like we are scared by loud noises or large animals
But since angels are not our judge, we do not experience a feeling of dread or jeopardy
Men can work with angels without falling down or entering a coma, which is why they are God’s messengers
So the Lord hands off the conversation to His angel, probably Gabriel, again
How do we know that an angel has joined the scene in v.10?
First, this pattern matches exactly the last time Daniel encountered the Man over the water in Chapter 8
The “Man” Jesus sent Gabriel to bring Daniel the interpretation
And he approaches Daniel in the same way, touching Daniel to cause him to revive from a deep sleep and to stand upright
Secondly, if we fast-forward to Chapter 12, we read this:
Chapter 12 is still set in the same moment as Chapters 10 & 11
And in that chapter, Daniel reveals that there is a total of three characters in this moment
In addition to Jesus in linen over the water, there are two other men, one on each bank of the river
That means one of these men is standing on the same bank as Daniel
Once again, we can assume these men are angels in the appearance of men, as we saw in Chapter 8
Thirdly, looking ahead to the next section of Chapter 10, notice that in
v.16, Daniel describes the one speaking to him
Now Daniel says he is one resembling a human being
This must be a different person than Christ, since the description of Christ is nothing like a human being
This indicates a second character entered the scene at v.10
Furthermore, we can also determine the identity of these two characters by looking at Chapters 10 and 12 again
In Chapter 10:13, the one speaking to Daniel mentions an angel, Michael, who assisted him in a battle against an adversary
Then later, in Chapter 12:1, this same character speaks of Michael again, in the third person
So it would appear the angel speaking to Daniel is Gabriel, the same angel that spoke to Daniel in Chapter 9
And the other character on the far side of the bank is Michael, who apparently isn’t much for speaking
So continuing ahead with that conclusion, Gabriel has touched Daniel and Daniel is now on his hands and knees
From this point in v.11, Gabriel tells Daniel that he is a man of high esteem, as Gabriel said in Chapter 9
Daniel is esteemed in the sense that He has received a great measure of God’s grace
And then, by his faithfulness and devotion to obeying God, Daniel has commended himself
With that, the angel directs Daniel to stand upright so he can receive a revelation of God by way of this messenger
And so, Daniel moved to his feet and is now standing
Though he’s still trembling
Which, of course, prompts the customary angelic greeting
Gabriel tells Daniel he need not fear Gabriel, because Gabriel is an answer to his prayer
The angel came in response to Daniel’s words
That prayer was probably one Daniel prayed at the start of his 21-day fast
This is the second time Gabriel has been dispatched in response to Daniel’s prayer
That’s a pretty powerful testimony to Daniel’s prayer life
But in this case, Daniel continued fasting for three weeks because Gabriel was occupied for that time in withstanding an enemy
Based on what Gabriel tells Daniel, we can surmise Daniel was praying for understanding concerning his troubling visions
In earlier chapters, Daniel had received terrifying visions about Israel’s future
They were a burden for Daniel, and so he sought divine intervention
So he entered a period of mourning and fasting, waiting for an answer
It seems he would have had it earlier, but the angelic realm was a little busy
Gabriel’s words confirm that angels are bound by space and time, as is every created thing
A day for an angel is the same as a day for us
And they must travel to and fro...they can’t be in all places at the same time
Secondly, the power of the angelic realm operates within boundaries set by the Lord
In this case, the Lord didn’t permit Gabriel to prevail, nor did he permit Michael to relieve Gabriel until the time was right
So it appears the Lord wanted this delay for Daniel
That’s an encouragement for all us to remember that the Lord may cause us to wait for a time
God answers our prayers on His timetable and according to His plan so He may accomplish greater good
So why was Gabriel busy for those three weeks?
Gabriel says that the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding Gabriel
A prince is the Bible’s term for a spiritual actor, usually an angelic being
We see in that same verse that Michael is called one of the chief princes, meaning one of the archangels
We know Gabriel is another archangel, so he too would be a chief prince
In Chapter 9, the antichrist was called a “prince” because he will be indwelled by Satan, who is a fallen angelic being
So then, who is the prince of the kingdom of Persia?
Well, he is an angelic being
And he opposes Gabriel, so he must be an adversary of God’s heavenly host, which means he is a demon
And he has a special responsibility for Persia
This statement suggests that demons may have responsibilities assigned by Satan for working in various kingdoms or regions on earth
In this case, perhaps the prince of Persia is no less than Satan himself
Persia includes the region of Babylon, which has been Satan’s backyard, since Eden
But that seems unlikely because of something we read in Jude
In Jude, we learn that Satan sought Moses’ body, probably to resurrect it by indwelling it, so He could deceive Israel
The archangel Michael intervened to stop Satan, but because Satan is a superior angelic being, Michael didn’t dare rebuke Satan
Instead, Michael asked the Lord to rebuke Satan
Yet in Daniel 10, we read that Gabriel held off this prince of Persia for 21 days (3 X 7)
It seems unlikely that the angel Gabriel could withstand Satan for 3 weeks if Michael couldn’t even rebuke Satan
The more likely conclusion is that this prince of Persia is a powerful demon, perhaps Satan’s righthand agent
Satan assigned this demon to Persia, since this is Satan’s most precious territory on earth
And Gabriel and Michael battled this demon to stop him in his evil plans for the region
This would also explain why the Middle East and the Arab nations of the world have historically been such dangerous places for Jews and Christians
Many missionaries can testify to the special spiritual darkness and persecution they experience when working in these lands
The demonic control of this region is far more pronounced and pernicious than in other places
And not coincidentally, this region is the source of Islam, one of the most destructive religious systems in the world
Yet Satan’s power is never equal to God’s, and so we see the Lord moving today in powerful ways to bring light into this darkness
Which means that when angels “battle” Satan or his agents, these battles are according to God’s purposes
He allows the battles, as they serve some greater purpose
Think of the evil work of Satan’s forces like water rushing downhill
Both have great destructive power
But if that power is channeled and directed, it can be put to work
God uses His angels to channel and direct Satan’s evil desires to produce good outcomes for God’s people
Finally, what was the nature of the conflict between Gabriel, Michael and the demon of Persia?
Based on a clue inside the text, plus a little history, we can guess at the answer
At the end of v.13, Gabriel says he had been left with the kings of Persia
“Kings” refers to human rulers over the region of Persia
These men seem to be the focus of the angelic conflict
The demon seemed intent on using these men to further some evil purpose
While Gabriel and Michael were intent on resisting the demon to prevent his success
And we know this is happening shortly after the exiles have returned to the land to rebuild the temple
And in Ezra, we read of how the powerful rulers of surrounding nations were opposing Israel’s work in the land
Notice, the people of the land were resisting Israel’s rebuilding
Perhaps these were the ones under the influence of the demon
Or perhaps this battle was over something that we never experienced on earth, because Gabriel and Michael prevented it
The enemy is often seeking to do evil that never materializes on earth and the angelic realm battles to keep us out of harm
If you’ve ever wondered why Satan doesn’t wreack even more havoc on earth, it seems we have the angelic realm to thank
As Paul says
Then the angel gets down to business
In answer to Daniel’s prayer, Gabriel is prepared to give Daniel the answer to his questions concerning the visions he has seen
The mention of these visions sucks the life out of Daniel again
Once again, Daniel heads to the ground
He becomes speechless
Remember, these visions are things the Lord has imprinted on Daniel’s mind
They are like coming attractions of events that will transpire on earth
They are things of the Age of the Gentiles, of times when Israel will be oppressed by Gentiles
They are truly horrible things that God will permit because of the weight of Israel’s offenses under the Old Covenant
And it’s a sign to us of how terrible these things will be, that even a vision of them is enough to cause Daniel to faint and not even have strength enough to speak
Notice, he is literally speechless
He can’t talk, so the angel touches his lips in v.16 to strengthen Daniel’s mouth to speak again
And with that renewed strength, Daniel then starts talking again
Daniel then asks the angel how could he talk with my “lord”
First, the term “lord” is simply a generic title of respect
It’s what someone says to a superior
Secondly, Daniel is asking how he could be expected to continue in this conversation, since the visions have robbed him of his stamina
Notice, he adds that there is no strength in him and he can’t even catch his breath
Daniel is literally exhausted, just from the memory of these visions
Later, we learn that Daniel is having visions of various calamities, including events in Tribulation
If just a vision of Tribulation brings a man to his knees, what will the real thing be like?
And what must Hell itself be like?
In response to Daniel’s question, Gabriel touched Daniel again to give him greater strength
This is another typical function of angels
Angels bring strength to men in the midst of a difficult spiritual battle
We see the same thing happening to Elijah in 1 Kings 19
And even Jesus received this ministry from angels when He fasted for 40 days in the desert
Gabriel tells Daniel to be strong and courageous because there is prophetic work to do
Having been supernaturally revived, Daniel says “let’s go”
Tell me what I need to hear
Before beginning the revelation, the angel asks Daniel if he understands why Gabriel has come to him now?
Earlier, Gabriel said he was fighting a demon of Persia for three weeks
Now, Gabriel has broken away for Daniel’s sake
But he can only afford to be here a short time because he says he has to return to the battle
And I don’t have a large army...I only have Michael standing with me
And we already saw that it takes both of us to withstand this demon
Furthermore, a new demon is about to arise to further the purposes of the next Gentile kingdom within the Age of the Gentiles
So his question to Daniel is, really, do you see how important this revelation is?
It’s so important that it necessitated an archangel leaving an important post, at great risk, to explain it personally
It comes at a crucial time and there are important things about to happen you need to record
So he says in v.21, I’m here to tell you what you must inscribe in Scripture
And what Gabriel gives Daniel forms Chapters 11-12
It’s an explanation of things Daniel has seen in visions
Everything in Daniel’s visions takes place long after Daniel has passed
But some details are fulfilled within a few hundred years of Daniel’s life
While other events have yet to be fulfilled
They fall into a near-term, far-term grouping
So Gabriel’s speech begins in Chapter 11
The chapter opens with a verse that is actually the final verse of Chapter 10
Daniel typically started new sections with the reign of a king
So the men who constructed our canon placed this verse at the start of Chapter 11, in keeping with that pattern
But it’s misleading, because we read v.1 in Gabriel’s voice, not Daniel’s voice
So the angel is telling Daniel that he has been working with the first king of Persia from the start of his reign to support the people of Israel
As a result of his work, the king of Persia had issued the decree to release Israel
And now, two years later, he’s still at work for the needs of Israel
But that work has a timeline and many things must come to pass before the timeline is complete
Gabriel’s explanation includes near-term and far-term events
Both events take place in the Age of the Gentiles and are related to Christ
The near-term events are related to Christ’s First Coming
While the far-term events will be related to Christ’s Second Coming
In that sense, the two sets of events are themselves related
The earlier events serve as a picture of the later ones
Then, Gabriel moves to the first part of his explanation
First, he tells Daniel that there will be four more kings over Persia
History confirms this prophecy
The four kings were Cambyses, Pseudo-Smerdis, Darius I (a different Darius), and Xerxes I
Gabriel says the fourth king will have the greatest wealth and power, and again, history agrees
Xerxes became so powerful that he decided he could conquer a growing adversary in the West, Greece
According to the Greek historian, Herodotus, Xerxes assembled an army of a million men to attack Greece
They conquered virtually all Greece, including burning Athens to the ground
But, Xerxes was defeated in a famous naval battle and was forced to retreat
But, his incursion laid the groundwork for the rise of Alexander the Great
In v.3, Gabriel moves to the third kingdom of Greece, speaking of Alexander the Great as a mighty king who does as he pleases
But as soon as he has ascended, his kingdom is broken into pieces
Again, this is an undeniable reference to Alexander the Great’s premature death and the division of his kingdom into 4 parts
He had no descendants, so his kingdom is given to others
This part of the prophecy just gives us context, as does the next
The next section of the chapter runs until v.20, and it details the conflict that will take place between two of the four pieces of Alexander’s kingdom
Specifically, Gabriel explains how the Ptolemy and Seleucid kingdoms battle each other
The Ptolemaic kingdom occupied Egypt and extended up into southern Judea
The Seleucid Empire occupied present-day Syria into northern Judea and extended east, as far as India
Which meant that the border separating these two power empires ran right through the middle of Israel
So naturally, as these two empires fought back and forth for control, the front line was Israel
Daniel calls the Ptolemaic kingdom the king of the South
And he calls the Seleucid kingdom the king of the North
They are north and south, relative to an observer standing in Jerusalem
This is a clear fulfillment of Jesus’ words that the Age of the Gentiles would be a time of trampling of Jerusalem by Gentiles
What follows is a history of these two powers, which we can address in summary, since it’s merely backdrop for more important matters
First, in v.5, Ptolemy I Soter, the king of the south, who was a general under Alexander, decided to make himself king or pharaoh over Egypt
He had been assigned the territory as a governor
But now, he decided he didn’t need to answer to anyone
He called himself pharaoh to gain acceptance from the Egyptian population
Meanwhile, another ex-Alexandrian general, Seleucus I Nicator, the king of the north, rose to power over Babylon
Seleucus I Nicator was forced to defend Babylon against a third of Alexander’s generals, the appropriately-named Antigonus
With Antigonus threatening to take over Babylon, Seleucus I Nicator sought assistance from Ptolemy I Soter
Because he asked Ptolemy I Soter for help, Seleucus I Nicator became his “prince”, as Gabriel says in v.5
So effectively, Ptolemy I Soter now had power over Babylon as well
Then, as Gabriel mentions, some years pass and then new events take place
Eventually, these two men die and their thrones are inherited by their sons and then later by their grandsons
Eventually, we have Ptolemy II ruling in the south and Antiochus II ruling in the north
These two were bitter enemies, but in 250 BC, they decided to bury the hatchet through marriage
Ptolemy II’s daughter would marry Antiochus II, who had divorced his wife, Laodicea, in order to take Ptolemy’s daughter
When Ptolemy II died, Antiochus decided to take back his first wife
Once Laodicea was back in favor, she had the new wife, Berenice, killed, along with her infant son
And just for good measure, she poisoned her husband and tried to rule in his place (Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned)
Eventually, her son, Seleucus II, succeeded his father in the North
These are the events described in v.6
Later Berenice’s brother, Ptolemy III, came to power in the south and determined to avenge her death in the north
He launched an attack against Seleucus II
The battle took place in Syria at Antioch
He succeeded in killing Laodicea
And he gained control of much of the northern kingdom’s territory and held it until his death
These are the events of v.7
After his conquest of the north, Ptolemy III returned to Egypt, bringing spoil from the way
Among the things he brought were religious artifacts from Syria
These are the things mentioned in v.8
Apparently, Seleucus II later counter-attacked by trying to invade Egypt, but the attack was unsuccessful
This campaign is not recorded in history, apart from the Bible
We know of it only from v.9
Continuing forward
Eventually, Seleucus II dies and he is succeeded by his son, Seleucus III, who dies quickly, and is succeeded by his brother, Antiochus III the Great
These sons of Seleucus II sought to restore the glory of Syria lost to the Ptolemaic kings
So each attacked Egypt during his reign
Eventually, the Seleucids succeeded in driving the Ptolemaic Egyptians back into the Sinai
These battles are described in vs.10
As a result, Ptolemy IV Philopator attacks Antiochus III at the new border in Southern Israel
His attack was devastating, and he destroyed Antiochus III’s army
But, Antiochus regrouped and stopped the advance
In the end, Ptolemy IV Philopator recaptured just Palestine
This campaign is described in vs.11-12
Antiochus will direct his military efforts in other directions for a while, rebuilding his forces against lesser adversaries
But eventually, he returns to battle the Ptolemaic kingdom
He succeeds in retaking Palestine in 203 BC
This attack is described in v.13
To this point, you should have noticed that the back and forth battle has centered on Israel
The Jewish people have been tossed to and fro with each new campaign
In this case, as Antiochus III entered the land again, the people of Israel sided with him
They opposed the Egyptians of the Ptolemaic kingdom and helped Antiochus repel them
This uprising of the “many” of Israel against the king of the South is recorded in v.14
And so the campaigns continue
In this battle, Antiochus III besieged the coastal city of Sidon in northern Palestine
When he defeated that city, he captured a key general, General Scopas, and his elite troops
This event is recorded in v.15
This was the final stronghold of the Egyptians in Palestine, so as it fell, it meant that the Seleucids had regained complete control over Palestine
Antiochus III now had the Beautiful Land of Israel to himself
These are the events of v.16
But meanwhile, a threat from a new enemy was rising in the west
Rome was gaining power and threatening to take over the world
So, Antiochus III initiated peace with Egypt
He offered his daughter, Cleopatra I Syra, as a wife to Ptolemy V
He hoped his daughter would secretly remain loyal to the Seleucid Empire in the north
Instead, she became loyal to hew new Egyptian husband
These events are recorded in v.17
Meanwhile, Antiochus III struck Rome in Asia Minor, hoping to forestall their advance
A roman commander succeeded in defending the coast from Antiochus III
That commander is the one mentioned in v.18
Antiochus III returns to his home and dies soon thereafter, having foreseen the rise of Rome and the eventual loss of his kingdom
These events are given in v.19
Antiochus’ Son, Seleucus IV, succeeds his father and has to submit to Roman authority
Rome requires taxes from the Northern Kingdom, so Seleucus IV taxes his people, including the Jews, greatly
He assigns a Jewish man named Heliodorus to collect tax in Judea
Heliodorus goes throughout the land, commanding taxes be paid, and obviously, he makes no friends
Eventually, Heliodorus decides he must act against the king or else be killed by his own people
During a return visit to Syria, Heliodorus poisons Seleucus IV and kills him
His situation is addressed in v.20
This murder of the king by a Jew sets the stage for intense Jewish persecution
And that persecution leads us into the next part of this chapter, which is the main thrust of the near-term prophecy
In fact, all the history we’ve covered to his point was provided as background to what comes next
From vs.21-35, a particularly despicable man takes center stage
His exploits against Israel become legendary
And he himself becomes a picture of another infamous historical figure
We will cover this figure and the one he pictures next week, as we conclude this chapter
And we will also cover Chapter 12